Reiki was drying the last plate using a clean white cloth, Asami appeared behind him out of thin air. Without turning his head, Reiki said. "Did you need something? Asami-san." Asami reached into the pocket and took out a large brown suitcase by the handle along with a dark blue ocean pouch. Reiki placed the last plate on the dish stand and wrung the cloth dry in the sink, he turned his head sideways and said. "Is that?" Asami placed the suitcase on the floor with the pouch on top of it, she said. "¥13,000,000 in ten thousand yen bills, as per your preference."
Reiki placed the cloth by the kitchen sink and took out his tattered pouch from his pocket as he lifted the large suitcase with ease using a single hand. While the pouch stretched itself as it looked like it was swallowing the suitcase whole Asami raised a brow and said. "Not going to count?" The ocean blue pouch fell to the ground as Reiki squatted and picked it up, he pocketed it and said. "Can't even bother." Asami flashed him a faint smile as she ruffled his unkempt and scraggly hair, she said. "Whatever you say, thanks for the meal." Reiki's eyes widened as he heard a couple of footsteps coming from the front door, he thought. Onee-chan!
Before he could say anything Asami already vanished as he made a beeline toward the front door. Reiki placed his hand on the doorknob and opened the door, he said. "Welcome back. Onee-chan, Shiro." Shiro ran toward him as she wrapped her hands around his waist, she looked up to him and gave him a bright smile. Shiro said. "We're back, Onii-chan." Ketsueki was massaging the temple of her head as she let out one long sigh, she said. "We're back, Reiki…" She smiled at her little brother before her eyes had a hint of coldness in them, she said. "I thought I told you to not be here when we got back?" The smile on Reiki's face slightly stiffened, he said. "O-Onee-chan…" Ketsueki let out a chuckle, she said. "Just count yourself lucky Shiro and I are alone." Reiki forced out a laugh as he slid open the shoe compartment and took out a couple of white indoor slippers while Shiro quickly took off her sports shoes and placed them inside.
Shiro put on a pair of white indoor slippers as she made her way toward the couch and turned the tv on using the remote while Ketsueki undid her shoelaces. She placed her sports shoes into the shoe compartment and put on a pair of indoor slippers. Reiki pulled on the collar of his shirt, he said. "Onee-chan… I ate all the rice we have…" Ketsueki turned her head to face him while Reiki subconsciously took half a step back, she raised her hand and ruffled the top of his head. Ketsueki said. "Don't worry, I'll have some groceries delivered tomorrow." Ketsueki walked into the house leaving Reiki with a stunned look on his face, she walked toward the couch and thought. I haven't been this stressed since mom let me hold Reiki for the first time when he was a baby… She sat on her little sister's right, who was watching a documentary about newly hatched chickens.
Reiki walked beside them with a plate in his hands that had a couple of slices of pizza, he said. "Onee-chan, why do I feel like you're stressed?" Ketsueki took a slice and passed it to Shiro who happily took it off her hands as she watched the documentary in earnest. Ketsueki took the other slice for herself while Reiki placed the empty plate on the coffee table and quickly made his way behind the couch as he placed his older sister's shoulders. Ketsueki took a bite out of the pizza in her hands while her little brother started giving her a shoulder rub which made her let out a long sigh. Shiro turned her head and saw what her older brother was doing which made her raise her left hand as she moved closer to Ketsueki. Shiro said. "Onii-chan! Me too!" Reiki gave her a nod and said. "Yes yes." He moved his left hand onto her shoulder as he gave both of them a massage simultaneously. Shiro glanced at her older sister from the corner of her eye and gave Ketsueki a meaningful look.
Ketsueki looked at the slice in her hands for a moment before turning her head to face her little sister. Ketsueki said. "We don't have to do it, Shiro… We can just kick him out of the house for the day…" Shiro moved her gaze back onto the tv as if her older sister didn't say anything. Ketsueki moved her gaze onto the slice as she let out another sigh mixed with stress and relaxation. Ketsueki said. "... Reiki… How would you feel about meeting a couple of my... Friends?..." Reiki had a hint of surprise in his eyes as he was about to say something Ketsueki continued. "No? Well, that's too bad there's always next time. This conversation never happened." Shiro was about to take another bite of her slice of pizza but suddenly pouted as she softly slapped her older sister's thigh, she said. "Onee-chan!" Ketsueki gave her little sister an innocent look and said. "What is it, Shiro?"
Shiro let out a soft hmph as she moved her gaze back to the tv. Ketsueki took another bite out of her pizza while Reiki continued to massage both of them while Shiro let out a small yawn. Reiki thought. Onee-chan friends… I've never met them before… Reiki said. "Sure, Onee-chan. I don't mind you bringing your friends over. I'll even prepare everyone something special." Shiro let out another yawn as she placed the pizza crust she was holding onto the plate that was on the coffee table. Ketsueki turned her head sideways, she said. "Are you sure? You don't need to meet them, I can always tell them you're shy and-." Her eyes suddenly widened as she quickly turned her head and glared at him with a very faint blush on her cheeks. Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "Onee-chan, it'll be fine." He moved his hand away from his little sister's back and rummaged through his pocket and took out a deep ocean blue pouch.
Ketsueki's gaze narrowed but she didn't say anything while he moved the pouch in front of his little sister. Reiki said. "Here you go, Shiro." Shiro's half-opened eyes suddenly widened as she grabbed her older brother's hand with both her hands, with a big smile on her mouth she said. "Really? Onii-chan?!" Reiki placed the pouch in her hands as he pinched her cheek, he said. "I did say I would get you one." Shiro's eyes had stars in them while she stared at the pouch, she suddenly let out another yawn when Reiki placed his hand on her back. With a narrowed gaze and a hint of coldness in Ketsueki's eyes, she said. "Let me guess… You got it from that old man again. You didn't sell anything to him?" Reiki shook his head and said. "Nope, he was just generous." With an indifferent tone in her voice, Ketsueki continued. "It would seem so." Shiro let out another yawn as she felt her eyelids getting heavy, she slowly placed her hand on the couch as Reiki moved his hand on her shoulder.
With a pondering expression Ketsueki moved her gaze back onto the slice, she said. "And those girls around you don't want anything in return for that?" Reiki slowly moved his hand that was on his little sister onto Ketsueki's left shoulder, he said. "They wanted a small favor." Ketsueki took a bite as she slowly chewed as she thought for a moment, she swallowed and said. "With something like that, how small is that favor?" Reiki moved his gaze onto the tv as he watched the newly hatched chick being fed by the mother bird, he said. "I made sure to tell them it was a very small favor, what they decided to give her is up to them." Ketsueki turned her head sideways to look at him from the corner of her eye, she said. "It's as if they're trying to please you." She gave her little brother a piercing gaze as Reiki shrugged his shoulders, he said. "I don't know what made you come to that conclusion but, I think they just have too much money on their hands."
Ketsueki stared at him for a few more seconds before turning her head back to the TV as she took a bite of the pizza in her hands. Ketsueki thought. Am I imagining things now?... Dinner with the commander put me on edge… She let out another sigh with pleasure as she took another bite of pizza when Reiki suddenly stopped. Ketsueki subconsciously frowned as she turned her head sideways and saw Reiki walking around the couch as he carefully tried to pick up Shiro who was sleeping. He said. "I'll just carry Shiro in her room, I'll continue the massage once I'm back." Reiki put his little sister in a princess carry as he leaned her head onto his shoulder as he made his way up to the second floor. Ketsueki watched the documentary with a pondering expression, when the sound of footsteps was far enough she muttered. "... I fucking hate your guts Ahma…"
Ketsueki placed what's left of the pizza on the plate beside the pizza crust her little sister left. She massaged the temples of her head when suddenly a voice behind her said. "Who's Ahma?" Ketsueki's eyes instantly widened as she turned her upper body sideways and saw Reiki behind her, he continued. "Is she one of your friends who are going to visit, Onee-chan?" Ketsueki sat back straight on the couch, she hid her hand in front of her and clenched it into a fist. Ketsueki said. "... No… She's my boss." Reiki placed his hands back onto her older sister's shoulders, he thought. And you hate her guts?... If I had to guess… She's the type to steal credit. Ketsueki let out another sigh of pleasure as she raised her hand, Reiki said. "Onee-chan, don't worry. If you hate your job you can always move to another department." Ketsueki froze for a split second as she turned her head sideways and said. "I didn't say I hated my boss!"
The two of them stared at each other for a moment, Reiki said. "I said if you hated your job, Onee-chan. I never said anything about your boss…" Reiki's brows furrowed as he continued. "Why do you-." Ketsueki coldly said. "Finish that sentence and you're grounded for a week." Reiki faked a cough and said. "I was going to ask if you wanted to take a bath before sleeping. So that I could prepare it for you." Ketsueki turned her head to look at the tv and opened her palm as the two-thirds slice of pizza flew into her palm, she thought. That dinner with them pushed me a bit more over the edge than I thought… She nodded and said. "Yeah, I would like a bath before sleeping. Thanks." Reiki gave his older sister a nod and moved his hands away from her shoulders, as he made his way to the second floor he said. "I'll get right to it." He looked at the palm of his hand and thought. Onee-chan felt a bit warm…
Ketsueki finished the remaining pizza and took off her pair of white indoor slippers she was wearing as she laid down on the couch and stared at the ceiling, she thought. Now… How can I prevent them from coming here… She glanced at the tv from the corner of her eye and took the remote she was lying down on with her back. Ketsueki slightly moved her stomach upwards making her large chest jiggle as she moved the remote she was lying on and turned the tv off. Ketsueki said. "... There's never anything good on…" She heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs as she sat up straight and made her way toward the stairs. Reiki walked down as his older sister placed a hand on the top of his head before he could say anything, Ketsueki said. "Thanks for the bath." As she made her way up the stairs.
Reiki turned around, he said. "Onee-chan, I'll be heading to bed myself." Ketsueki didn't even reply to him as she lazily waved her hand. He let out a yawn and walked up the stairs as he made his way to his room, Reiki thought. Two hundred platinum from Arashi, Igai, and Yuko with Arashi giving me a hundred and fifty each from the other two… The fifty elven platinum coins from the Haemir's bribe and a hundred platinum coins from Elora… The ¥13,000,000 from what Cherry stole and the three (¥1,620,000) platinum coins I gave the elf using Elora's… ¥164,380,000… It's a bit on the low side but I'll manage. Reiki placed his hand on the doorknob and walked into his room as he closed the door behind him. He sat on the bed, took off the pair of shite indoor slippers as he laid down on the bed, and fell asleep into a dreamless slumber.
~Six Hours Later~
Reiki slowly opened his left eye and forced himself to sit up straight on the bed. He put on the pair of white indoor slippers, stood up, and did some light stretches. Reiki thought. Training, shower, then making breakfast and both of their bentos.
~Four Hours Later~
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Reiki was in the kitchen drying a large pan with a couple of bentos to his left that was already. He heard the sound of footsteps as he placed the pan down on the stove and lowered the heat, with the pink oven mitt still on he looked at the living room and said. "Good morning, Onee-." His eyes had a hint of surprise in them for a split second before they disappeared. Shiro with messy hair and was gently rubbing her left eye as she slowly trotted her way toward the dining table that was already set up. Reiki made his way toward her and said. "Good morning, Shiro." Shiro let out a big yawn and said. "... Good morning… Onii-chan…" With her half-opened eyes, she looked around and continued. "... Onee-chan?..." Reiki walked toward the dining table and pulled a chair, he said. "I'll go check on her, I'll place some of the food on the table so feel free to start without us."
He moved a few stray strands of hair in front of her little sister's face to the side and made his way to the second floor. Shiro looked at the food in front of her and saw tamagoyaki, a bowl of steaming hot rice, a slice of pan-seared salmon, egg drop soup, a side of pickled vegetables, and a soft boiled egg. Shiro moved in slow motion as she reached for her chopsticks, she said. "... Itadakimasu…"
Reiki knocked on a door, he said. "Onee-chan, breakfast is ready…" He opened the door and saw his older sister still lying down on the bed with her eyes closed. Reiki walked inside the room near her older sister's bed and placed a hand on her neck, he thought. She's running a fever. Ketsueki slowly opened her eyes, she said. "... Reiki?..." Just when she tried to get up Reiki placed a hand on the top of her forehead which made her stop, he said. "Onee-chan, no moving. I'll make some light porridge for you after I walk Shiro partway to her school and also call your work to tell them you're sick." Ketsueki reached for his hand and grabbed it, she said. "I'll call-." Reiki grabbed his older sister's hand with a gentle yet firm grip, with a calming voice he said. "It's fine, Onee-chan. The moment when you wake up you'll see me by your side again." Ketsueki's eyes slowly closed as she went back to sleep while Reiki carefully escaped from her hand.
He showed himself out of the room and walked down the stairs and saw his little sister slowly eating with her eyes half-closed. Shiro turned her head toward her older brother, she said. "... Onii-chan?..." Reiki walked near the chair she was sitting on and placed a hand on her head, he said. "Onee-chan caught a fever." Shiro's eyes suddenly burst open as she was about to eat a piece of pickled vegetable, she said. "Is Onee-chan okay?!" Reiki gave her a few head pats and said. "She'll be fine, I just need to walk you partway to school and make porridge for her to eat and place a slightly damped cold towel on her forehead." Shiro was in a slight daze for a moment as he continued. "Shiro I-." Shiro suddenly started devouring all the food on her plate the same way Reiki always does which stunned him.
With both her cheeks full as she chewed while Shiro reached for her glass of water while she swallowed. Shiro downed half the glass in one go to help the food down, she said. "I'll take a quick shower so you can take care of Onee-chan, Onii-chan." She stood up from her seat and bolted up the stairs which made him smile, Reiki thought. Such a smart and considerate girl.
~Ten Minutes Later~
Shiro was looking at both sides of the road as she made her way across the street, she turned around and said. "Onii-chan you better take good care of Onee-chan, you hear me?" Reiki waved at her and said. "Yes, Shiro. I understand." Shiro gave him a nod followed by a wave with a deep blue pouch in her hand. Reiki watched her until he couldn't see her as he sprinted back to his home in little to no time. His hair was pulled back from the wind, Reiki thought. Chinese porridge is perfect… He made his way inside the house and took out his tattered pouch from his pocket and rummaged inside and grabbed the phone Arashi gave him. With a couple of taps, he checked the contact list and added a new number. While he walked toward the second floor he called the number as it quickly connected, from the other line a female voice said. "Missed me so soon, Lil bro?"
Reiki said. "I need some chicken wings." Arashi let out a chuckle and said. "I'll take that as a-." Reiki cut her off and said. "If they're not here within five minutes, then find someone else to cook your breakfast." He hung up, pocketed the phone along with the pouch, and opened the door leading inside his older sister's room. Reiki saw Ketsueki still sleeping on the bed as he made his way near the nightstand and opened the drawer in the middle revealing neatly folded black panties with various designs. He placed his hand on the bottom of the drawer on the outside, looked around it using his palm, and took out a small black mini notebook. Reiki thought. Even when she's right here... The suicide note she gave me is still stuck in my head…. He opened it from the back and saw three phone numbers written on it. Reiki placed it on top of the nightstand and closed the middle drawer with his knee. He opened the top and saw black bras with various designs standing up in the drawer.
Reiki placed his index finger on top of them and counted. "Three… Six… Nine… Twelve." He placed his hand between two bras and took out a simple flip phone and opened it, Reiki thought. It would be more convincing if I used her number to call her colleagues. He dialed one of the numbers and grabbed Ketsueki's right hand.
In A Traditional Japanese Room
Namida was wearing her usual black frame glasses with simple navy blue jeans with a simple white blouse with the long-sleeved folded up to her forearms. She was sitting down on the tatami floor with her legs crossed while browsing through the internet with her smartphone beside her. The phone started vibrating as Namida glanced at it from the corner of her eye, when she saw the number her eyes immediately turned cold. She quickly picked it up and inhaled through her nose and accepted the call as it connected. With a pleasant voice, Namida said. "Ketsueki, what's the occasion?" From the other side of the line, Reiki said. "Akihito Ketsueki is currently sick today, I don't have a number for her work and called this one. Can you pass the message to her boss?"
Namida immediately closed all the tabs on her laptop and started a program that opened a map of Japan as she started tracing the signal. With genuine concern in her voice, Namida said. "That's terrible, I'll make sure to tell our boss okay? So rest assured." From the other line, Reiki said. "Thank you very much." Namida continued. "Can I ask who's calling?" Namida tracked the signal as her eyes widened where it was before turning cruel. Reiki said. "Her little brother." Namida faked a smile and said. "Alright, make sure to take care of her. Goodbye." Namida hung up and immediately dialed another number, she said. "Sachi… We have a problem."
Ketsueki's Room
Reiki was looking at the flip phone he was holding, he thought. Is Onee-chan going to be fine?..