Chapter 164: Chapter 164: Dropping By

Reiki placed the last plate onto the rack as he wiped his hand on his shirt, he thought. Ender, can you teach me a couple of things? He made his way into the living room and saw his two sisters sitting beside each other on the couch while watching tv as he walked toward the couch and sat on Ketsueki's right. He made himself comfortable on the couch and crossed his arms as Ender said. [... What do you want this time?] Ketsueki placed her arm around his shoulder and moved her little brother closer to him. Reiki's left cheek was squished against his older sister's large chest, he thought. What do you want for them in exchange?

Shiro puffed her cheeks as she stood up from the couch and moved to the side her older brother was sitting on and sat on his lap. He heard Ender say. [This is what I like about people with a brain, you know there's no such thing as free.] Shiro grabbed Reiki's arms as she wrapped herself with them. Ketsueki kept her arm around her little brother's shoulder as she placed her hand on top of his head playing with his hair. Reiki thought. And that is? The three of them had their eyes on tv as they watched a bird feeding her newly hatched hens. 

Ender said. [Nothing much, just need you to prevent a few species from going extinct and end a couple of them here and there when you're going through the realms.] Reiki rested his head on his sister's chest, he thought. The whole vague and mysterious bullshit isn't in anymore. I hope you still remember our bet about Fayeth kissing my ass when I drop by. Ender said. [I didn't, the loser answers one question truthfully. Let's start.] Reiki thought. Wait, last time this happened you-. 

[System: User has been forcefully knocked unconscious.]

His eyelids felt heavy as his vision slowly turned dark. Ketsueki glanced at her little brother and was surprised he was sleeping while Shiro enjoyed being wrapped in Reiki's arms while watching.


~Twelve Minutes Later~

Reiki slowly opened his eyes while for a split second his pupils were faintly glowing a grey color. He blinked once as the color went back to an inky black, his vision slowly returned as he looked around and stood up straight. He saw his older sister watching a man taking a bite of a door handle that was made out of chocolate. Reiki said. "What happened? And where's Shiro?" Ketsueki's arm was still around her little brother's shoulder while she caressed the top of his head, she said. "In her room tidying it up so her friends have a place to sleep after dinner."

She made him lean in her direction making his face pressed against her breast and continued. "Just be sure to make the cookies and the cake special." Reiki thought. I forgot Shiro's friends drop by today. Arashi and Asami should also be waiting for me. He gently wiped his eyes and tried to stand up but was pulled back down on the couch by Ketsueki. Reiki plopped down onto the sofa as Ketsueki wrapped her arms around him and she dragged him closer to her, placing him on her lap. Ketsueki said. "Where are you headed?" He placed his head between his older sister's large chest and made himself comfortable, Reiki said. "... My room…"

Ketsueki's gaze narrowed as she glared at him and blandly said. "Is that so?" Reiki looked up to her while keeping his head in between her breasts, he flashed her a smile and said. "Yes." The two of them maintained eye contact, Ketsueki said. "What are you planning on doing there?" Reiki pretended to think for a moment, he said. "Hang out for a few minutes." Ketsueki's eyes were filled with suspicion, she indifferently said. "And the real reason?" He moved his gaze back onto the tv and let out a sigh, Reiki said. "Food." The suspicion in her eyes vanished as her brows furrowed, Ketsueki thought. He's still hungry even eating all that, huh… 

She placed a hand on top of her little brother's head and played with his hair while Reiki watched a tiger grooming their cub. Ketsueki continued her train of thought. If I were to take a guess… While she twirled her index finger in her little brother's hair, she said. "Do you feel full after having a meal there?" He crossed his arms and said. "No, but it fills me up more than eating the amount of food I make here." Ketsueki slightly nodded to herself, she thought. That blonde harlot is eating monster meat and mana-rich vegetables. She gently caressed the top of Reiki's head as a pondering expression formed on her face, Ketsueki said. "Sure, you can go and make sure to eat your fill."

Her lips formed into a straight line, she thought. I guess that blonde bimbo isn't so bad since she's willing to feed him. Ketsueki unwrapped her arms away from her little brother while Reiki looked up to his older sister, she said. "Don't overstay your welcome there." He slowly stood up and enjoyed the sensation of his head sandwiched between Ketsueki's large chest, he said. "I won't." He made his way to the second floor leaving his older sister sitting on the couch with her arms crossed while she burned a hole into the tv. Ketsueki thought. I don't even know what Reiki sees in her… She doesn't even love him… 

She shook her head sideways as Shiro walked down from the stairs and made her way to the couch. Ketsueki's lips curved into a smile, she whispered to herself. "When he realizes that fact it'll be my chance to make him mine-." She didn't notice her little sister standing on her right, Shiro said. "Onee-chan, why are you whispering to yourself?" Ketsueki suddenly turned her head at her, the two of them stared at each other for a few seconds in silence. Ketsueki faked a cough as she moved her gaze on the tv and said. "I was… Have you finished your homework, Shiro?" She glanced at her little sister from the corner of her eye while Shiro gave Ketsueki a suspicious stare.

Shiro's eyes half-narrowed as she glanced around the room from the corner of her eye, she said. "Where's Onii-chan?" Ketsueki ignored her little sister's suspicious eyes and said. "He's in his room thinking what kind of cookies and cake to make for us." Shiro didn't believe her older sister as her mouth formed into a straight line. She let out a chuckle and glanced at Shiro from the corner of her eye, Ketsueki said. "Shiro, keep that up then you and your friends are only getting ice cream for dessert." Shiro immediately dashed toward her older sister and hugged her, she said. "Wait! Onee-chan! I was just making sure that Onii-chan wasn't going to go back on his promise!"


Arashi's Apartment

Reiki was sitting on the couch on Asami's right as she sat in the middle. The two of them watched a man try to quickly run an obstacle course and fell into mud face first. Asami kept her eyes on the tv and said. "If I told you that Arashi has no feelings for you? How would you handle it?" She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and tried to find any kind of reaction on his face. As if he didn't even care about it, Reiki said. "Oh, I know. She sees me more as a project and a future trophy husband than a lover." Asami's eyes had a hint of confusion, she said. "And you're just fine with that?" 

Reiki kept his eyes on the tv and calmly said. "I mean, Arashi makes it pretty obvious. Treating me like a child, using me for her gain, and she even stole money from me." Asami looked at him oddly and said. "... You're taking this remarkably well…" He looked up to her and said. "That crystal she took from me, how much was it worth?" Asami stared at him for a.moment and thought. I can't read him… She pondered for a moment and said. "... Ten billion dollars and you can only buy it via auctions…" Reiki moved his gaze back on the tv and thought. Fair, if it were me I would have stolen it in a heartbeat.

Asami stared at him for a moment, she said. "... Do you have a plan?..." Reiki placed his right arm on the armrest of the couch and rested his head on his palm, he said. "I only need to do two things, make her rely on me and see me as an equal." She stared at him for a moment and said. "Is that all?" Reiki nodded and made himself comfortable on the couch, he said. "Well, those are the two things I have to do. During that, I have to bring her attitude down a few notches and straighten her out."

The leading into the bedroom suddenly opened as Arashi was wearing a simple t-shirt along with loose-fitting pants. She moved her gaze onto the couch and saw Asami with Reiki sitting on her right. Arashi stared at them as she tip-toed her way behind the couch as her lips formed into a wicked smile, she raised her right arm as it was faintly covered in a thin layer of mana. Asami glanced at her from the corner of her eye, she thought. Here comes her antics again. Asami moved her gaze onto Reiki who looked oblivious.

Reiki thought. If she wanted to sneak up to me she would need at least to be taught by an assassin. The cruel smile on Arashi's lips grew bigger as she swung her arm intending to hit him. Reiki suddenly stood up from the couch which made Arashi miss as she spun around and fell onto the floor. Asami's lips formed into a slight smirk while Arashi stared at him in disbelief. Arashi thought. Did he… Did he notice me?... Reiki did some light stretches as he kept his eyes on the tv, he said. "She's taking forever to get into a change of clothes."

Arashi quickly stood up from the floor and wiped some dust off her clothes. Reiki turned his head to look at Asami and said. "Want anything specific?" Asami pretended to think as she placed a hand on her chin, she said. "Not going to wait for her?" He let out a chuckle and said. "I can already hear her answer, meat." The two of them started laughing while Arashi glared at them as she faked a cough which got both of their attention. Arashi placed her hand on her hips, she blandly said. "What's so funny?"

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Asami glanced at Arashi from the corner of her eye before moving her gaze back on the tv while Reiki turned around to face her. He said. "Are you hungry?" The corner of Asami's lips formed into a smirk which hadn't gone unnoticed by Arashi, she slightly gritted her teeth and spoke in a slightly menacing tone. Arashi said. "Cook. Now." Asami watched the two of them from the corner of her eye while Reiki stared at Arashi. He sat back down on the couch and watched tv, Reiki said. "In a minute, we're at the good part."

Arashi glared at him as she reached her hand out and was about to grab his left shoulder. Arashi froze as she felt a chill travel down her spine as she stiffly turned her head and saw Asami glaring at her. Asami moved her gaze back on the tv as Arashi slowly moved her hand away from his shoulder, Arashi thought. W-What's with them?... Reiki and Asami watched a woman get hit by an oversized ball as she fell flat on her back onto some cushions. He let out a chuckle as he stood up and said. "I'm making lamb curry, want some?"

Asami thought for a moment and said. "I haven't had lamb in a while… Sure, why not." Reiki gave her a nod as he made his way to the back where the kitchen was. Arashi made her way around the couch and sat on Asami's left. Arashi crossed her arms making her large breasts press up against each other, she glared at Asami from the corner of her eye and said. "What was that supposed to be?!" Asami glared at Arashi from the corner of her eye which made her skin color a couple of shades paler.

Asami casually spoke as her voice had a hint of ethereal as her eyes faintly glowed a bright red, she said. "Tora, from how I've treated you these past few days it seems you've gotten too comfortable around my presence." Arashi suddenly vanished from the couch as she appeared leaning on a wall with her back as she stared at Asami with fear all over her face. Arashi felt her heart beating out of her chest, she said. "Madam, I-I can explain-." Asami moved her gaze back onto the tv which made Arashi immediately shut up.

Asami said. "As long as you remember." She made herself comfortable on the couch while Arashi was cowering by the wall trying to calm herself as she felt cold sweat travel down her neck onto her back.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Asam and Reiki were sitting on the couch while Arashi was still standing by the wall. The room was filled with the aroma coming from the three large bowls of lamb curry in the middle of the coffee table. Asami and Reiki were holding onto a bowl of rice along with a silver spoon. Reiki used the spoon he was holding to place some lamb and chunks of potatoes and carrots into his bowl of roc while Asami did the same. He turned his head to look at Arashi who was still afraid to sit down, Reiki said. "Not going to sit?"

Arashi looked at Asami with a hint of fear in her eyes. Arashi said. "I'll uh… Eat later, I still feel a bit of fatigue from my training." Reiki nodded at her as he quickly devoured his food which surprised the two of them as he stood up from the couch. He wiped his mouth using his thumb, Reiki said. "Sorry for the dine and dash but, I need to bake a few things." Asami used her spoon to scrape some lamb meat off the bone as it easily fell apart, she said. "What's the occasion?" Reiki let out a yawn and didn't even bother to cover his mouth, he said. "My little sister has a couple of friends coming over for a sleepover."

Asami ate some of the lamb followed by a spoonful of rice while Arashi's gaze was glued to the bowl of curry on the coffee table. Reiki started making his way toward the window in the direction of his home, he said. "I'll make extra for you two." He stood by the window and casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』

Reiki appeared in his room near the window as he looked around and thought. I should ask Shiro what she wants for dessert. He moved his gaze onto the door and said. "It's open." The doorknob turned as the door slowly opened revealing his little sister that had a surprised expression on her face. Shiro said. "... Onii-chan… H-How did you know?..." Reiki thought. I heard your footsteps. He made his way toward her and said. "I knew you would ask me what you want for dessert."

Shiro flashed her brother a big smile, she said. "Onii-chan knows me the best." He placed his left hand on top of her head and gently caressed it, Reiki said. "Lay it on me." Shiro's eyes sparkled as she excitedly said. "I want two cakes, some cookies, and…" She stopped to think for a moment while a small smile formed on her older brother's face, Reiki said. "How about we add some brownies and ice cream? I'll even take out a couple of boxes of elven chocolate."

Shiro's eyes brightened up like stars as she hugged his right arm, she said. "Onii-chan is the best in the entire world!" He let out a chuckle and said. "You always say that when you get your way." His little sister gave him a cute laugh while he rolled his eyes at her, Reiki said. "Alright, now that you got what you wanted. I need to start making preparations." He glanced at the side of the staircase and continued. "Onee-chan, eavesdropping is a bad habit to have." Shiro turned her head to look at the staircase as the two of them stared at it for a few seconds in silence.

Shiro looked up to her older brother with a slight pout, she said. "Onii-chan-." Reiki raised his hand which made her stop, he kept his gaze on the staircase and thought. Two can play at this game. He said. "Fine… No dessert-." Before he could even finish his sentence, Ketsueki suddenly appeared next to them with a smile on her face. Ketsueki said. "To clear up the misunderstanding, I was not spying on you two. I was waiting for a moment so I could join in on the conversation."

Shiro let go of her older brother's arm and placed her hands on her hips as she gave her older sister a suspicious gaze as she looked at her from top to bottom. Ketsueki waved her hand in dismissal at her younger siblings, she said. "No need to be on edge." Reiki messed up his little sister's hair which made her puff her cheeks as she glared at him, he made his way toward the stairs and said. "I need to get started, I want to make sure the food is ready when they're here."

He walked down the stairs leaving his two sisters. Shiro was staring at her older sister with suspicion in her eyes while Ketsueki closed the door leading to Reiki's room. When the footsteps were far enough Ketsueki had a serious expression on her face as she squatted down and said. "Shiro, did you ask for what we wanted?" The suspicion in Shiro's eyes immediately vanished as she gave her older sister a big smile showing her pearly white teeth. Shiro crossed her arms and confidently said. "Yes, Onee-chan. Onii-chan's going to make two whole cakes and he'll even take out a couple of boxes of elven chocolate."

Ketsueki patted her younger sister on her back, she said. "Nice work, Shiro." Shiro looked up to her older sister and said. "Onee-chan, couldn't we just ask Onii-chan for the chocolate instead of doing something like this?" Ketsueki let out a soft scoff as her eyes slightly squinted, she said. "Shiro, listen to me. When it comes to things like this you don't ask, he has to give it of his own will." Shiro cutely tilted her head sideways in confusion as her older sister raised her hand with her index finger extended. Ketsueki said. "It's times like this we see if my bo-. I mean Reiki, is willing to give us what we want without asking."

Shiro looked at her elder sister with confusion all over her face while the two of them stared at each other for a moment. Ketsueki let out a short sigh, she said. "You'll understand when you're older." Shiro scratched the side of her head while Ketsueki gestured at her and said. "Let's continue this in the living room. Reiki might get suspicious of us if we take too long." Shiro nodded at her and said. "Yes, Onee-chan." The two girls made their way downstairs while walking side by side.

~Two Hours Later~

Ketsueki and Shiro were sitting on the couch watching tv when the sound of knocking came from the front door. The two girls didn't even move as they heard Reiki's voice from the kitchen, he said. "I'll get it." He made his way toward the door as the scent of vanilla and chocolate lingered around him. Ketsueki took a small whiff and thought. They're finally here. If they took any longer I would've eaten everything. Reiki opened the front door and saw Yuki wearing a plain white shirt with half of it tucked out, sports shoes, and cargo shorts with both her hands in her pocket. She wore a backward blue baseball cap on her head hiding her slightly unkempt hair while carrying a grey backpack using a single strap.

Mio was wearing long black pants that reached to her ankles paired with a checkered shirt that was unbuttoned revealing a white t-shirt underneath. She wore simple flat-heeled shoes and carried a simple light beige side bag. Yuki raised her right hand and flashed him a smile, she said. "Yo, Reiki. I'll be in your care." Mio gave him a slight bow paired with a polite smile, she said. "We'll try to not bother you as much as possible."