Reiki was walking past some trees as he deeply inhaled, he thought. She has to be doing that on purpose. He exhaled as Ender’s voice rang in his head. [I won the little bet.] Reiki glanced at the tall wooden building as he made his way toward the nearest tree and leaned on it with his back, he thought. You mean the one about Fayeth. A small breeze hit him as Reiki’s clothes slightly fluttered in the wind, closing his eyes to help with the hint of vertigo he was experiencing and thought. If it’s about that, I’m still sure she’ll be willing to be my bed warmer if it meant an easy life.
He heard Ender’s voice in his head. [You said she would’ve been the first elf who welcomed you with open arms. All you got was an arrow to the face.] Reiki felt the light scratch on his cheek that was starting to fade, he shrugged his shoulders and thought. Then how about you answer my question half true and half-filled with bullshit. Ender said. [How many seconds did it take you to notice her?] Reiki glanced at his right and thought. Twelve seconds. He heard Ender’s voice in his head. [She was there for a solid forty-five seconds.]
Reiki let out a sigh and said. “Fayeth, you're starting to creep me out from how long you’ve been hiding.” Fayeth revealed herself by tilting sideways as she was hiding behind a tree ten feet away from him. She gave him a big bright smile as she made her way over to him while rummaging through her pocket, Fayeth said. “Reiki, what a coincidence meeting you here.” Reiki stared at her as Fayeth took out three large brown paper bags and tried to hand them to him. He said. “Judging by your attitude you caught wind of Saria’s promotion.”
Reiki took the brown paper bags off her hands as he felt they felt piping hot while Fayeth acted shocked and said. “Saria got a promotion? What’s it about?” Reiki shook his head sideways as he placed his left hand on his waist, he said. “Three out of ten you’d convince others more if you kept a straight face while faking an interested tone.” Fayeth waved her hand at him and said. “I never had a knack for acting anyway.” The two of them stared at each other without saying a word.
Reiki gently shook the paper bags he held in his hand, he said. “Thanks for the food, I’ll be sure to give some to her majesty and lady Melanor.” He was about to do a half-turn when Fayeth had a hint of panic in her eyes, she said. “You’re just going to leave me empty-handed?” He stared at her for a few seconds as Fayeth let out a sigh of relief. Reiki said. “I don't have any money to give you a tip.” The corner of Fayeth's eye twitched as he pointed at the wooden building and continued. “I could ask Nora for some-.”
Fayeth grit her teeth as she tried her best to maintain her smile, she said. “I don’t need money.” Reiki shrugged his shoulders, he said. “In that case.” He pointed behind him and continued. “Then I’ll be on my way.” Fayeth rigidly waved at him, she said. “S-Sure, tell young majesty and lady Moranor that I said. Hi.” She watched Reiki walk away and combed her hand through her long sunflower yellow hair as she let out a sigh as she shook her head sideways, Fayeth thought. This is going to be a pain.
『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』
Reiki suddenly appeared right in front of her but didn’t notice because her arm blocked the view. He said. “Can you do one small thing for me?” Fayeth let out a scream as she took a couple of steps back as she placed a hand on her chest and felt her fast heartbeat, she took quick breaths to calm herself and stared at him. Fayeth said. “W-What is it?” Reiki took out a folded piece of white paper and passed it to her, he said. “Can you pass this to Saria for me?”
Fayeth took the piece of paper from his hands as she let out a long breath and said. “Am I allowed to read it?” Reiki nodded which surprised her as she unfurled the piece of paper and saw elvish writing, written on it. Meet you in the library. Fayeth brows furrowed as she stared at the note in confusion, she said. “Reiki what-.” When she moved her eyes away from the note Reiki was already gone, Fayeth thought. What’s he planning… A hint of dissatisfaction appeared in her eyes as she continued her train of thought. His handwriting is even better than mine…
Fayeth’s frown slowly turned into a cold smirk, she thought. I can use this to sell him out to young majesty.
Large Living Room
Melanor, Moranor, Elora, and Enora were sitting on the couch with Cherry standing in the middle of the coffee table watching the mothers of both elves talk. Melanor was holding her daughter’s right hand, she said. “Right now, I’m teaching her how to cook. Next would be cleaning followed by laundry.” Elora nodded in understanding, she said. “So you're just planning on easing her into it.”
Melanor had a proud smile on her face as she gently squeezed Moranor’s hand. Melanor said. “I’m just glad she found her reason to learn them.” Moranor blushed as she kept her head down and stayed quiet. Elora tapped on her daughter’s thigh which was covered by the skirt she wore, she said. “Nora, which one do you want to learn first?” She turned her head to look at Enora who had a dissatisfied look on her face. Enora said. “Mom, do I have to learn them? Reiki can already cook and we have maids to clean the house.”
Elora stared at her daughter for a few seconds and said. “Then what if you decide to live with him? You can’t expect him to do everything.” Enora spread her arms making her large chest slightly jiggle, she said. “Why can’t he just move here? We have dozens of empty rooms.” Melanor tapped on the back of her Moranor’s hand using the thumb that was holding her hand. Melanor said. “Are you excited to make Reiki a home-cooked meal?” Elora gave her daughter an odd look and said. “Don’t tell me you expect his house to be small?”
Moranor squeezed her mother’s hand for comfort as she looked up to Melanor and said. “I’m just worried he’ll think it’s bad.” Enora placed both her hands in front of her, she said. “I just thought there might not be enough room since Reiki lives with his family.” Melanor playfully poked her daughter’s nose as she spoke in a reassuring tone and said. “Dear, Reiki will never think your cooking is bad.” Elora gave her daughter a weird look, she said. “Honey, that’s the same thing.” Moranor’s eyes sparkled as they were filled with hope, she said. “Mom, what makes you so confident?”
Enora placed her hands down as she put one of her arms on the armrest of the couch, she said. "I'm just thinking about his situation.” Moranor waited for her mother to answer as Melanor smiled at her and said. “I mean, Reiki once ate that horrible raw vegetable stew when he first visited. Why are you even worried?” Elora deeply inhaled as she pointed at her daughter and said. “Young lady, we’ll have this conversation with him and you will learn how to do chores.” Enora meekly looked down as she played with her hands, she spoke in a respectful tone and said. “Yes, mom.”
Moranor’s entire body stiffened as she let out a stressed sigh and placed a hand on her forehead, she said. “I completely forgot about that.” She leaned on the backrest of the couch as she glanced at her mother from the corner of her eye and continued. “Mom, why did you have to remind me of that?”
『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』
Reiki appeared by the window holding onto three large brown paper bags as Cherry, who was silently sitting in the middle of the coffee table turned into a streak of white and appeared on his right shoulder. He said. “Remind you of what?” As he closed the window behind him.
Cherry let out a caw and flapped her wings while Reiki glanced at her and said. “I’ll make sure to get you some cherries, Cherry.” Elora nodded at him and said. “Welcome back Reiki.” Moranor’s eyes widened as she hastily said. “My childhood! Mom won’t stop talking about it.” Melanor's lips curled into a small smirk, she said. “I was talking about-. Ouch!” Moranor pinched her mother’s stomach as Melanor gave her daughter a cold side glance and continued. “The inedible, terrible, and revolting vegetable stew she made on your first visit.”
Moranor softly slapped her mother’s forearm while Reiki kept his gaze on the blushing elf as he pats Cherry’s head. He said. “Oh.” Moranor pointed at him as she spoke in an angry tone, she said. “What do you mean, oh?” Reiki placed the paper bags on the coffee table while scratching the back of his head and said. “I mean, it’s true. What else can I say?” Melanor sneakily moved her hand as she pinched the side of her daughter’s belly which made Moranor jolt. Enora exaggerated a fake cough which got his attention as she pointed at the brown bags on the coffee table.
Enora said. “What’s in the bag?” Cherry turned into a streak of white as she appeared on Elora’s left shoulder. Reiki did some stretches as he made his way toward Moranor sitting on the couch, he said. “Food, I haven’t looked inside of it yet.” He sat on her lap which made her blush up until her pointy ears as Reiki made himself comfortable. Elora had a pondering expression on her face, she said. “There shouldn’t be any stalls open at this time.” Reiki leaned back onto Moranor’s front as she shyly wrapped her arms around him while Enora stared at him.
You are reading story Re:World at
Melanor smiled at her daughter as Moranor refused to meet her mother’s gaze as she kept her head down. Reiki let out a yawn as he covered his mouth using his hand, he said. “Fayeth gave it to me when she caught wind of Saria’s promotion.” Melanor crossed her arms as she nodded in understanding, she said. “She has some amount of reach.” Elora caressed Cherry’s back while Enora pretended to feel the albino bird's feathers while glancing at Reiki from time to time.
Elora spoke in a whisper, she said. “Fayeth… Fayeth…” She turned her head to look at Melanor and continued. “Is she the one who’s friends with a few maids in my house?” Moranor spoke under her breath along with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, she said. “One of them threw a knife at Reiki.” Melanor gave her daughter a few pats on her shoulder with her left hand, she said. “Don’t worry, the rest of the maids know so she won’t get any information.” Reiki looked up to Moranor, who buried his head between her average chest, he said. “Mora, you knew about that?”
Enora slammed her fist on the chair's armrest, which got all of their attention as a few seconds of awkward silence went by. Elora calmly said. “I was testing the durability of the couch.” Elora stared at her daughter and said. “... Dear, it’s made out of wood…” Reiki raised his hand with his index finger extended, he said. “Your majesty, I would like to invite Saria to a meal in Japan.” Enora’s gaze turned dangerous while a string of lightning traveled around Moranor’s arm making a soft crackling noise.
Melanor's eyes narrowed as she glared a hole through him Elora gave him a piercing gaze as she tried to see through him. Elora said. “The reason?” Reiki felt four gazes on him and said. “It’s so I can build my potion empire.” Melanor, Moranor, and Enora’s expressions turned odd while Elora's managed to keep a straight face. The corner of Elora’s lips curled into a small smile, she said. “I see… So that’s why you wanted her to be the representative.” Melanor’s was slowly lit with understanding as she snapped her fingers and said. “You're planning to show off your connections with us.”
Moranor and Enora’s expressions were slowly becoming confused. Moranor poked her mother’s arm and said. “Mom, what are you three talking about?” Melanor poked Reiki’s cheek as she added some force to it as her nails neatly trimmed into his cheek.
[System: User has received 9 Damage.]
Melanor said. “Your soon-to-be fiance made a deal with El-. I mean with her majesty.” Enora had a look of surprise on her face and said. “That rumor is true?!” Elora was about to stroke Cherry’s feathers as she turned into a streak of white and appeared on the coffee table near the brown paper bags, she sad. “Rumors do love flying in the air.”
Cherry walked close to the brown paper bags as she felt the heat they radiated as she used her beak to move one of them to the side. Reiki started to playfully squeeze both of Moranor’s arms as he turned his head sideways to look at Elora. He said. “Your majesty?” Cherry sat between brown paper bags on each side with one side having two as she enjoyed the temperature. Elora thought for a moment and said. “Where are you going to take her?”
Reiki was about to play with one of Moranor’s hands but stopped when he felt Enora’s hostile glare she didn’t even bother to hide, he said. “It’ll be in a private room along with two other guests.” Melanor stared at her daughter who couldn't stop blushing as she moved her gaze onto Reiki and said. “Who’s the other two?” Reiki slightly hesitated as he didn’t answer as he saw strings of lightning traveling around Moranor’s arms while producing soft crackling noise. Enora’s pupils faintly glowed an icy blue as she spoke in a cold tone and said. “Reiki.”
Reiki tried to stand up from Moranor’s lap as more strings of lightning traveled around her hands, he said. “They’re the CEO and secretary.” Melanor gave him a disapproving look while Elora’s brows furrowed. Elora said. “Couldn’t you hire men instead?” Reiki let out a sigh dripping with frustration which surprised all four of them, he said. “If I hired men the moment the company succeeds they think with their…” Elora had a moment of realization as she spoke in a bizarre tone, she said. “... Oh…” Melanor pursed her lips into a straight line as she scratched her cheek.
Enora had clueless look on her face as she pulled on her mother’s sleeve and said. “Mom?” Moranor had an ignorant expression on her face as she stared at her mother and said. "You already used the. You're too young to know, excuse." Melanor maintained her gaze on her daughter for a few seconds before she raised her left hand in an attempt to flick Reiki's head. Moranor grabbed her mother's hand as she gave her a slightly angry look and said. "Mom." Elora was pretending to think as Enora burned a hold right through her from a stare.
Elora and Melanor glanced at each other from the corner of their eye. Melanor deeply inhaled through her nose while Elora let out a sigh. Elora stared deep into her daughter's eyes and said. "Do you really want to know?" Melanor stole the hand Reiki was playing with and grabbed Moranor's hand. Melanor said. "Sweetheart, this is your last chance to back out." Moranor let out a confident chuckle as she firmly grabbed onto her mother's hand, she said. "Mom, I'm old to join the scout unit. I can handle a small analogy." Reiki glanced at Cherry who was enjoying the warmth of the paper bags on each side.
He thought. Maybe I should consider escaping? Enora gave her mother a smug look and said. "Do I have to introduce myself or?" She let out a laugh while Elora rolled her eyes at her daughter and said. "Fine, don't tell me I didn't warn you." Elora whispered something into her daughter's ears while Melanor hesitated for a moment before doing the same. The two young elves immediately turned red as a tomato as they visibly reeled back while trying to hide the shyness in their faces. Moranor picked him up by his shirt as she turned him around to face him while grabbing Reiki's collar.
Moranor violently shook him and said. "REIKI!" Cherry's eyes opened revealing their blood-red color as she looked around and saw Reiki being grabbed by the collar and went back to sleep. A small grin formed on Reiki's face, he said. "Hey, your mother warned you. Ms. I can join the scout unit." Melanor watched her daughter while shaking her head sideways as she quickly hid a smile on her lips. Reiki glanced at Melanor from the corner of his eye and thought. I saw that. Enora was completely dazed as her red face looked like it could bleed at any moment.
Elora placed a hand on her daughter's cheek, she let out a sigh and said. "Dear, are you okay?" Enora nodded while staring into the air as her blush reached down to her neck and onto her pointy ears. Reiki ignored the blushing Moranor in front of him as he turned his head to face Melanor and said. "What did you tell her?" Elora had a smile of victory on her lips as she crossed her arms while Melanor smirked at him and pinched his cheek.
[System: User has received 23 Damage.]
Melanor said. "One word, pregnant." Reiki thought. That's it? How pure are these two? He glanced at Enora who was dazed while staring at the air with a completely red face. Moranor shook him by the collar again which got his attention, she said. "D-Don't you have a better plan?!" Reiki let out a sigh and thought. I hope Shiro and Onee-chan are having a better day than me. He grabbed one of Moranor's hands that was gripping his collar as he stared at her blushing face giving her an alluring look. Moranor blushed even harder from his reaction and was completely speechless.
Elora stood up from her seat and glanced at Enora who didn't even react as she poked her cheek a couple of times, she said. "Nora?" Melanor followed suit as she watched her daughter argue with Reiki. Moranor said. "E-Explain yourself!" Melanor made her way to Elora who was playing with her daughter's face as she pinched and pulled on her cheeks. Reiki quickly nodded as he tried to make Moranor let go of his collar, he said. "I will, so please stop shaking me. I might vomit all over the floor at this rate."
Melanor waved her hand as one of the brown paper bags flew into her left hand while she wrapped her right hand around Enora's waist. Melanor said. "Shall we?" Enora swatted Melanor's hand that was around her waist and said. "We. Have a pile of work to do today." The two elves disappeared from the room as Moranor let go of Reiki's collar, he said. "Alright, where do you want me to start?" Moranor took a deep breath to make her flushed face slightly less red, she said. "Why do they have to be women?"
Reiki let out a sharp breath and pointed at Enora who was staring into nothing and said. "Let's get her back to reality so I don't have to repeat myself." Moranor turned her head and saw Enora as she glanced at her hand as a few strings of lightning traveled around her arm. Moranor let out a sigh and slightly pushed Reiki toward her, she said. "Make it quick." Reiki smiled at her and said. "Not taking this opportunity to shock her?" Moranor shook her head sideways, she said. "She's the one in control of my paycheck."
He made his way toward Enora and said. "Congrats on the promotion." Moranor rolled her eyes at him as she moved her gaze to Cherry who was sleeping between two brown paper bags feeling the warmth. Reiki poked Enora's cheek a couple of times and didn't get a reaction, he said. "Nora, wake up. It's time for me to go back to Japan." Enora quickly snapped back to reality as the blush on her face slightly subsided, she said. "H-How about you stay for the night?" She looked around the room and noticed both their mothers were missing and saw Cherry resting between two paper bags. Reiki tapped the middle of the couch and said. "Now, if you two will sit in the center of the couch. I'll explain what my plan is."