Reiki closed the see-through plastic container as he took out his tattered pouch and placed it inside of it. He was surrounded by all the girls as all their eyes were on his every move, Reiki thought. Talk about pressure. Hopefully, Elora didn’t decide to go all out on the souvenirs… He felt around the insides of the pouch and took out a pair of light leather combat boots, Reiki said. “Size four leather boots.” He was about to pass it to her as Namida’s hands blurred as they vanished from his grasp. The corner of Namida’s lips curled into a small grin, he said. “Thanks for the small gesture.”
She moved away from the circle that was trapping him as Namida sat on the couch and took off the white indoor slippers she was wearing as she tried them on. Ketuseki glared at her friend and said. “Not inside the house.” Namida tied the shoelaces and rolled her eyes at her, she said. “They haven’t even been used outside.” Reiki took out a pair of fingerless leather gloves that were a bit big, he said. “You’ll grow into these, Yuki.” He passed the gloves to her as Yuki quickly tried them on.
The gloves were enveloped in a faint layer of mana as the size adjusted making the gloves a perfect fit for her. Yuki stared at her gloves in awe as she spoke with a hint of excitement, she said. “They’re enchanted.” Shiro stared at her friend in envy while Reiki was in the middle of taking something green from the pouch as Sachi had an expression of complete focus on her face as she stole the dress. Sachi snapped her fingers as the dress vanished as she spoke with a flat tone, she said. “I’ll see if the dress fits.”
She vanished from the room while Ketsueki let out a laugh along with a small smirk on her lips. Reiki used his thumb to point at the spot Sachi stood on and said. “Onee-chan?” Ketsueki gave him a smile, she said. “Don’t worry about it.” Yuki was in an open area as she did some experienced shadow boxing as she bobbed and weaved sideways while throwing a mix of hooks, jabs, and a couple of uppercuts making the air around her fist tremble. Namida was admiring her new boots as she walked around in a circle a couple of times.
Shiro grabbed her older brother’s arm in impatience as she spoke in a spoiled tone, she said. “Onii-chan!” Reiki gave her little sister a smile and said. “Yes yes, I didn’t forget about you.” He took out an ocean blue feather that was dark blue at the tip and was slowly turning light blue as it reached the quill. Shiro’s eyes widened as she saw the beautiful feather as she took it off her older brother’s hands and excitedly said. “Thank you, Onii-chan!” She made her way to the couch as she sat down and admired the quill.
Reiki turned his head to look at Mio as he placed his hand inside the pouch and took out two decently thick books that were dark green in color. He passed it to her and said. “Two elven books that introduce you to mana manipulation and inscriptions.” Mio slowly moved her arms onto the books as she grabbed them with both her hands, she said. “This is mine?” Reiki let go as Mio was holding onto the books as she stared at the craftsmanship of it, she thought. These were preserved with a spell…
Mio looked up at him and said. “Are you sure?” Reiki gave her a smile as he placed a hand on top of her head, he said. “I mean, you did ask for two books.” He slightly messed up her hair as Mio held a book in each hand and stared at the elven writing on the cover. Yuki did a few jabs in quick succession as she glanced at her friend while her mouth curled into a smile. Shiro was touching the tip of the quill with her index finger as she gave her friend a smile and said. “Good for you, Mio.”
Reiki took out another two books that were similar in design and thickness, he said. “And here is the English-translated version.” Mio had surprise all over her face as she stared at the books Reiki was holding with one hand, she carefully placed the books she was holding on top of each other as she took out a pouch. Namida made her way to Ketsueki's side as she placed an arm around her friend and said. “Mio, it looks like today’s your lucky day.” Mio took out a pouch from her pocket as she placed the books she was holding inside.
Mio quickly took the English version of the books from Reiki’s hands as she stared at them, she looked up to him and said. “Thank you…” A hint of confusion appeared on her expression as she gave him a light bow and made her way to the couch and sat next to Shiro. Ketsueki moved her friend's arm away from her shoulder as she gave Namida a side-eye glare and said. “Take those boots off before I burn them while you're wearing them.” Mio gently opened one of the books and started reading while Shiro read from her side.
Reiki placed his hand inside the pouch, he said. “Last but not the least is-.” Sachi interrupted him and said. “The main attraction has arrived.” She was standing by the doorway leading to the staircase, the green dress that had an elegant design and slightly showed off her curves. She slightly adjusted the long sleeves, Sachi continued. “What do you think?” Yuki threw a couple of jabs with her left and said. “You look pretty in it, Sachi Aneki.” Shiro was peeking above the backrest of the couch as she stood up from her seat and made her way to her, she said. “Sachi-nee, you look beautiful.”
Sachi moved some of her long black hair behind her ear as a smile formed on her lips, she said. “Thank you for speaking facts.” Shiro felt the fabric of the dress as she pinched the skirt part of it. Namida gestured at Mio, who was too busy reading the book as she didn’t even bother glancing at Sachi. Namida said. “One of them thinks otherwise.” Mio flipped to the second page as she managed to pry her eyes away from her book, peaked behind the backrest of the couch and said. “Yeah, Sachi nee-san looks gorgeous.”
She moved her gaze back into the book and went back to reading. Yuki threw one last fast right jab as the air trembled at her fist, she stared at her gloves in satisfaction and nodded to herself. Sachi let out a laugh as she moved her gaze onto Ketsueki and said. “What did you get?” Ketsueki placed a hand on top of her little brother’s head, she said. “Reiki was about to hand it to me.” He felt all the eyes on him while Mio was glancing from time to time.
Reiki rummaged deeper into the pouch and thought. I never sneaked a peek at the dagger. He took out an elegant two-edged silver dagger that was twelve inches in length including the handle. It had a simple design as the light that hit the dagger made it seem to faintly glow. Reiki stared at it and continued his train of thought. This is a family heirloom. He tried to hand the dagger to her older sister while the blade was pointed at him. Ketsueki stared at the dagger he was holding with suspicion in her eyes, she said, “Reiki, where did you get that?”
Reiki shrugged his shoulders and said. “All I asked for them was a dagger, it’s my first time seeing this too.” Ketsueki’s eyes narrowed as she gave him a piercing gaze. Namida’s hand blurred as she stole the dagger from him as she skillfully spun it around her fingertips as Shiro and Yuki watched in awe. Namida held the dagger by the handle as she pointed the dagger at the ceiling, she said. “I have a few ideas about what this is.” She used it to point at Reiki and continued. “For now, Reiki. How about you make us lunch?”
He pretended to not notice the glare his older sister was giving him, Reiki said. “Sure, what do you want?” Sachi placed a hand on top of Shiro’s head who was still admiring the dress up close. Sachi said. “Millionaire shortbread.” Namida stared at the reflection of herself using the silver dagger and said. “I want a couple of beefy burgers.” Yuki vaulted over the couch as she landed beside Mio who didn’t even berate her friend for making the couch slightly bounce. Yuki didn’t even sweat after her shadow boxing session as she raised her arm and said. “I want burgers too!”
Mio flipped to the next page while her eyes were glued to the book, she said. “Eclairs.” Shiro stopped playing with the skirt of Sachi’s dress as she made her way to her older brother as she hugged him and said. “Onii-chan! Onee-chan and I want tempura!” Reiki playfully pinched his little sister's cheek, he said. “Sure, I’ll be done in an hour or so.” He thought. With this, the groceries I got from them are all gone. Ketsueki was still glaring at him as Reiki awkwardly pointed at the kitchen and continued. “I’ll be in the kitchen.”
Namida casually threw the dagger toward the ceiling as it spun around mid-air as she caught it by the handle. Shiro and Yuki were mesmerized by Namida who was casually spinning the dagger with her hand as Sachi faked a cough and said. “Shiro, how about you bring Mio and Yuki to your room?” Shiro gave her a confused look, she said. “Why?’ Sachi pointed at Ketsueki who was glaring in the direction of the kitchen and said. “Namida and I have to calm down your grumpy sister.’ Shiro glanced at her older sister as she turned her head sideways and said. “Yuki, Mio. Let’s head to my room until Onii-chan finishes cooking.”
Yuki shrugged her shoulders and said. “As long as you don’t mind me doing some push ups.” Shiro shook her head sideways, she said. “Just don’t hit the floor too hard so you won’t make any noise.” Yuki and Shiro moved their gaze onto Mio who was sitting on the couch reading. Namida held the dagger by the blade while using her thumb and index finger, she pointed the handle at Ketsueki and said. “If you’re going to throw this away, can I keep it?”
You are reading story Re:World at
Sachi made her way to her friends as she stared at the dagger Namida was holding. Shiro and Yuki made their way to the couch and stared at Mio who was absorbed in the book. Shiro kept her eyes on her friend who was too busy reading and said. “We can skip option one so you can just pick her up.” Yuki shook her hands a few times, she said. “Sure, it’s not the first time I did this.” She took a step toward her friend as Mio suddenly stood up from the couch and gently closed the book while she placed her left hand in front of her as she was protecting the book.
Mio raised a brow at her friend and said. “What are you doing?” Yuki pointed at the ceiling and said. “We’re going to Shiro’s room and we decided I would carry you like last time.” Shiro nodded while Mio gave her friends an odd look and said. “And risk the possibility of scratching this translated book?” She felt the odd stares her friends were giving her, Mio continued. “You two could’ve told me and I would have walked on my own.” Shiro glanced at the book and said. “Let’s go?”
The three girls made their way to the staircase while Mio was reading while walking. Shiro glanced at her friend from the corner of her eye and said. “Is that book that interesting?” Yuki had a look of horror on her face as she spoke in a slightly panicked tone, she said. “Shiro! If you ask her about books she won’t stop!” They reached the bottom of the staircase and started walking up the stairs. Mio slowly closed the book and said. “Compared to our books, the explanation is more in-depth if I were to describe it.”
The sound of their footsteps was slowly getting farther as Sachi glanced at them while Namida was admiring the dagger. The dagger vanished from Namida’s hand as Ketsueki was observing it with a straight expression, she spoke with a bland tone, she said. “What do you two think these souvenirs are for?” Namida’s lips curved into a smile as she moved her gaze onto Sachi and said. “I was the one who explained it to her last time.” Sachi patted her friend's shoulder, she said. “It’s an exchange.” Ketsueki pointed the dagger at her and said. “Exchange for what?”
Sachi placed her index finger on the back of Ketsueki’s hand as she pointed the dagger away from her. Sachi said. “Don’t point that flimsy thing at me.” Namida took a step back with caution in her eyes, she said. “I don’t think infuriating a jealous woman holding an epic is a good idea.” Sachi rolled her eyes at her friend and said. “She’s never that violent.” Namida crossed her arms as a skeptical look formed on her face, she said. “You never know, I swing my katana at you guys when I’m angry enough.” She glanced at Ketsueki’s hand that was holding onto the dagger and continued. “Are you sure you’re willing to take the risk?”
Sachi glanced at the dagger as the light that hit it seemed to make it look slightly sinister, she moved her gaze onto Ketsueki who was stealing glances in the direction of the kitchen. Sachi let out a nervous laugh and said. “Ketsueki would never stoop to your level.” Ketsueki ran her thumb against the handle of the dagger, she said. “You two never answered my question.” Namida smiled at her and said. “In denial, huh?” She pointed at the kitchen and continued. “The item they want is over there.”
Ketsueki moved the dagger toward Namida’s hand that was pointing at the kitchen as she pulled it back to the side as a hint of fear appeared on her face. Ketsueki spoke in a cold tone and said. “Don’t even joke about that.” Namida let out a fake laugh and said. “Sure, just stop pointing that dagger at me.” Ketsueki’s grip on the dagger slightly tightened as she pointed the daggers at the floor. Namida let out a sigh of relief, she said. “I don’t know about you but this sounds like a perfect way to exploit a few things.”
Sachi’s brows furrowed as she gave her friend an odd look and said. “That sounds like a good way to break a law or two.” Ketsueki stomped on the floor once making her large chest bounce, with a hint of annoyance in her voice she said. “This is serious!” She showed them the dagger and continued. “What am I supposed to do with this?” The fright on Namida’s face instantly vanished as she spoke in a serious tone, she said. “If you’re going to throw it away, you might as well give it to me.”
Ketsueki pointed the dagger at her and said. “Namida, I’m not playing a joke.” Namida’s eyes wandered onto the beautiful silver dagger, she said. “So am I, at least when I have it. You won’t have to worry about it being pointed at you.” She moved her gaze onto Ketsueki and continued. “So are you giving it to me or not?” Sachi let out a soft chuckle, she said. “This is coming from the one who was scared a few seconds ago from being stabbed.” Ketsueki only got more infuriated by her two friends' reactions. Namida moved her gaze onto Sachi and said. “Can you blame me? Epics don’t just fall into someone's lap.”
Sachi pointed at the dagger Ketsueki was holding. Namida rolled her eyes at her and said. “That didn’t just fall into her lap. Reiki got it by trading his-” She saw the tip of the dagger a few millimeters from touching her eye. Ketsueki’s pupils were brightly glowing as they looked like mini suns, she coldly said. “I dare you to finish that.” Namida pointed at the dagger that was almost touching her eye and said. “I told you she’d do it.”
Sachi let out a laugh as she glanced at her furious friends glowing eyes and said. “I recommend finishing what you started unless you want to leave this place with one eye.” Namdia wasn’t even phased as she let out a chuckle, she said. “I was going to say he traded his future for that dagger.” She gave Ketsueki a mocking smile and continued. “What could you think I was going to say?” Namida slightly leaned forward as Ketsueki pulled back the dagger making the smile on her face grow even bigger.
Sachi moved her gaze onto Ketsueki and said. “If you do stab her eye, we both know her parents won’t have the courage to put the responsibility on you.” Ketsueki’s pupils were brightly glowing as she stared at Namida’s mocking smile. She put the knife away from her eye as the glow in her eyes slowly faded, Ketsueki said. “I know, but they just added a new rule of leaders not being allowed to harm their members under special circumstances.” A hint of surprise appeared in Sachi’s eyes, she said. “They added a new rule?”
Namida elbowed Sachi’s arm and said. “Told you she didn’t have the guts.” Ketsueki continued. “The penalty for breaking it is doing a level thirteen solo mission.” Namida’s eyes widened in disbelief, she said. “Level thirteen?!” Sachi had an odd look on her face and said. “That’s supposed to be a penalty? It sounds more like a suicide mission.” Ketsueki shook her head sideways, she said. “Turns out the rumor about one of the boards having a child in one of the teams was true.” Her two friends huddled closer to her and spoke a bit softer.
Sachi had anticipation all over her eyes, she said. “Which team was it?” Ketsueki ran her fingertips on the handle of the dagger and said. “ It was Saito’s team and the victim was Ami.” Namida clicked her tongue, she said. “I always knew there was something weird about that girls’ sudden spike in strength.” Sachi gace Namida a wide eye look and said. “That’s what you're focusing on? Not the fact it was cowardly Saito?” Namida waved her hand dismissively at her friend, she said. “Is he really important? All men put on a fake personality in front of other people.”
Ketsueki stared at the dagger as she admired its simple design as the light that touched it seemingly bent. Sachi raised her hand that only had her index finger extended, she said. “We’ll have this conversation afterward when there isn’t a chance of kids hearing it.” She moved her gaze onto Ketsueki and continued. “For now we’ll talk about-.” Sachi stopped mid-sentence when she saw her friend staring at the dagger. Ketsueki noticed the stares her friends were giving her as she hid the dagger behind her back, she said. “I wasn’t staring at it.” Namida let out an exaggerated sigh while a smirk formed on Sachi’s lips.
Namida snapped her fingers and said. “There goes my chances of getting an elven dagger.” Sachi glanced at her friend from the corner of her eye, she said. “As if she even thought of giving it to you in the first place.” Ketsueki glared at her friends as she was on the verge of shouting, she said. “I said, I wasn’t going to keep it!” Namida nodded along and said. “Whatever you say.” Sachi had a pondering look on her face, she said. “You never told us what happened to Ami.” Namida let out a laugh and said. “Knowing Saito he probably stole her virginity since he doesn’t have a chance with women.”
Ketsueki gave a nod in confirmation and said. “Yeah, that’s pretty much what happened.” Sachi’s brows furrowed as Namida’s eyes widened in surprise. Namida said. “I was joking about the virginity thing.” Ketsueki shook her head sideways and said. “Well, I’m not.” She raised a brow while trying to remember some details, Ketsueki continued. “If I remember correctly, Saito was planning on returning to the company but bailed when an unknown number called him.” Sachi’s eyes slightly narrowed in doubt, she said. “Where did you hear this?” Ketsueki let out a laugh and said. “You think I could get this information with my paygrade? Ahma couldn’t stop talking about it. Right now Saito should be attempting to flee Japan.”