Ketsueki glanced in the direction of the kitchen as she snapped her fingers as a white double-edge elegant dagger appeared floating mid-air. Namida was chewing as she had some melted cheese on the corner of her lips as she reached for her pocket and took out a handkerchief. She wiped her lips and said. “Still going to pretend to be angry at him?” Ketsueki waved her hand as the dagger disappeared, she said. “Yep.” Sachi placed the slider she was holding back onto the plate and said. “And how long are you going to keep this act until you forgive him?”
Ketsueki lazily leaned on the backrest of the couch and said. “Until I-.” She suddenly stopped as the sound of footsteps made its way toward them. Reiki made his way to the side of the couch where Sachi was sitting as he passed her a small plate and said. “One small plate.” Sachi gave him a smile as she moved his straight hair to the side which was slightly messy, she said. “Thank you.” Reiki gave her a nod as he quickly made his way back to the kitchen. Ketsueki reached her hand out and grabbed a slider as she continued. “Until I feel like it.”
She took a bite out of the slider as the melted cheese stretched. Namida placed the handkerchief on her lap as she pointed at Ketsueki and said. “It’s times like this I know I’ll be a better girlfriend material than you.” Sachi was in the middle of picking up a slider as she almost dropped it on the floor. Ketsueki nearly spat out the food in her mouth as the corner of her lips curled into a smile while she turned her head to the side to hide it.
Sachi was trying her best to not laugh as she somehow managed to palace the slider she picked up onto the small plate Reiki gave her, she said. “You? Girlfriend material?” Ketsueki who was hiding her expression from her two friends let out a laugh as she quickly used the back of her hand to cover her mouth. Namida had an offended look on her face as she stared at her friends and said. “What? Someday we’ll all have boyfriends.” Ketsueki burst into uncontrolled laughter as she tried to make sure the slider she was holding with her left hand didn’t fall onto the couch while slapping the closest cushion with her right hand.
The corner of Sachi’s lips curled into a big grin, she said. “Sure…” Namida clenched her hands into fists as something long and black was emitting from her palms as it slowly raised to the ceiling, she said. “Looks like I forgot one of our inside jokes, can either of you remind me what’s so funny?” Ketsueki’s laughter slowly died down as some of the cheese on the slider was slowly dripping onto the couch as she caught it by tilting the small burger upwards, she said. “I can see you having a boyfriend who looks like a girl.”
Sachi snapped her fingers as she pointed at Ketsueki who ate the rest of the slider and chewed with her mouth closed. Sachi said. “I get it!’ Namida’s brows furrowed as she opened her hands as the black steam pouring out her palms stopped, she said. “What?” Sachi had a pondering expression on her face, she said. “I think I saw a couple of them on one of those shows… What do they call them again?” Ketsueki poured herself a glass, she took a small sip and said. “Traps.”
Sachi’s eyes brightened up like stars, she said. “That’s it!” She placed her small plate beside the tall mountain of sliders as she took out her phone from her pocket. Namida’s eyes narrowed as she looked at her friends in disgust and spoke with a hint of repulse in her tone, she said. “Anime? I always knew you two were weird when we’re alone.” Sachi tapped on the screen of her smartphone a couple of times and typed something, she said. “Anime traps.” Ketsueki sat closer to Sachi as she had an interested look on her face.
Namida shook her head sideways and said. “If your parents saw you two they would be disappointed.” Sachi kept her eyes on her phone, she said. “My parents are the disappointments.” Ketsueki kept looking at the screen and said. “I hated my father the moment he refused to keep Reiki when he was a baby and I’m pretty sure mother just used the excuse of getting money to flee from the debt.” Namdia was about to say something but stopped, she thought. Right, even if we are the same age these two are fully functioning adults.
Sachi tapped on her phone a couple of times, she said. “And images.” She showed her friend the screen as Namida rolled her eyes and said. “Let me guess, they have long eyelashes and clear skin to look-.” She stopped mid-sentence as her eyes widened from what she saw on her friend's phone. Sachi turned her phone to face her again while Ketsueki nodded in approval and said. “They look cute.” Sachi small lewd smile on her face as she stared at the images on her phone, she said. “Do you think Reiki would look good crossdressing?” Ketsueki placed a hand on her chin as a serious expression formed on her face.
She said. “There’s a high chance… He does have the face, pasty white skin, and a thin body to pull it off.” Ketsueki’s smile slowly turned lewd as a hint of drool dripped from the corner of her lips. Namida couldn’t move her eyes away from Sachi’s phone as she quickly stood up from the armchair and suddenly appeared behind the backrest of the couch. Sachi had a hint of doubt on her face, she said. “He can pull it off, but his face is too plain looking.” She felt the cold gaze Ketsueki was giving her and continued. “But with a bit of makeup, he’ll turn heads of men.”
Namida pointed at the screen, she said. “You’re telling me that this… Person.” Ketsueki and Sachi simultaneously said. “Trap.” The two of them glanced at each other and high-fived. Namida let out a scoff and continued. “This trap, with the silver hair that’s wearing a headband with a black ribbon, a teal uniform with a miniskirt, and white thigh socks. Is a- Is a-?” Sachi nodded as she used her thumb to point at the same image and said. “Yeah, that’s a guy.” Namida moved her finger to a different image, she said. “What about this pink-haired with the ribbons on the side and braided-.”
Ketsueki interrupted her and said. “Guy.” Namida had a faint blush on her face as she moved her index finger to another one, she said. “What about this one?! She looks cute, with the exposed shoulders and the short blue hair with the pig twin tails-.” Sachi and Ketsueki nodded in approval as they spoke simultaneously and said. “Guy.” Namida moved her finger onto a different image as she was about to say something when Ketsueki spoke first and said. “Namida, I’ll make things easy for you.”
Ketsueki gestured at the entire phone screen, she continued. “Every image here is a guy.” The faint blush on Namida’s face slowly spread to her ears. Sachi smiled at her friend as she tapped on the button on the side as the smartphone's screen turned dark, she said. “Namida, face it.” She placed her phone back in her pocket while the blush on Namida’s face instantly vanished. Namida tried her best to have a straight face and said. “F-Face what?” She saw the smile on Ketsueki’s face which made her slightly uncomfortable as she subconsciously took a step back.
Ketsueki let out a chuckle and said. “One of us.” A similar smile slowly formed on Sachi’s lips as she joined the chant, she said. “One of us.” Namida pointed at them with a hint of panic on her face and said. “I-I’m nothing like you two!” Ketsueki raised a brow at her friend as she had a tempting smile on her lips, she said. “So if a guy of similar build confessed to you, what would your answer be?” Namida was about to say something but stopped as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks again.
She said. “I… I wouldn’t outright reject him…” Sachi suddenly stood up from the couch with both her arms in the air, she let out a soft squeal of joy as she wrapped her arms around her friend and said. “I knew there was a reason why we’re all in the same team!” Namida easily broke free from Sachi’s hug as she placed her thumb on her flat chest and said. “T-That’s because I’m qualified!” Ketsueki placed both her feet on the coffee table as she picked up another slider, she said. “Do you two wanna speak about qualifications with me around?”
Sachi let out a scoff and said. “I don’t need to hear that from someone who just imagined her little brother cross-dressing a minute ago while drooling.” Ketsueki let out a sharp exhale as she glanced in the direction of the kitchen, she spoke in a serious tone and said. “He would look good in it.” She took a bite out of the slider she was holding while Namida made her way to the armchair and sat back down. Sachi picked up the small plate with a half-eaten slider and sat back down on the couch, she said. “Yeah, your boy would look good in anything.”
Ketsueki nodded while chewing as Namida picked up another slider and said. “What were we talking about before traps?” She took a bite of the slider in her hands while Ketsueki raised the small burger that had a bite taken out of it, she said. “We were betting to see if Saito would be dead within the hour.” Sachi gave her friend a smile which made Namida uncomfortable as she let out a sigh and rubbed her forehead with her free hand. Namida said. “I get it, we three have one overlapping taste too many.”
She gave Sachi who still had the proud smile on her face a glare and continued. “Can we move on to something else, please?” Namida took a big bite of the slider as she placed her left hand inside her pocket and took out a laptop and placed it on the coffee table. Sachi picked up the half-eaten slider on her small plate, she said. “I’m sorry, I was just excited that we have another member to add to the club.” Namida already flipped the laptop open as she pressed the power button as a surprised look formed on her face, she said. “There’s a club?”
Sachi moved her gaze onto Ketsueki and said. “What’s Saito’s plan to flee Japan?” Namida ate the rest of the slider as she took out a handkerchief to wipe her hands clean. Ketsueki was holding onto what was left of a slider as she waved it around, she said. “Knowing Ahma, her information is always correct. So he would be escaping via plane.” Namida used the touchpad and started typing, she kept her eyes on the screen and said. “Which airport is the dead man headed?”
Ketsueki was about to eat the last bit of slider but stopped, she said. “Narita.” Sachi was in the middle of chewing as she reached for her glass of water and took a sip, she said. “That idiot decided to go to the largest airport?” With furrowed brows, she placed her glass back down on the coffee table. Namida was quickly typing on the laptop while Ketsueki ate the last of the slider she was holding and gave Sachi a nod. Namida placed her index finger on the touchpad as she slid her finger across it and tapped a few times, she said. “Found him.”
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Sachi wiped her lips clean using a silk handkerchief as she pocketed it and said. “What’s he doing?” Namida reached for another slider as glanced at the screen, she said. “He’s currently at a line getting a ticket.” Ketsueki rubbed the palms of her hands together and said. “Alright, place your bets. How long does he have left?” She placed her right hand into her pocket and placed five gold coins on the coffee table, Ketsueki continued. “I say, the moment Reiki serves late lunch.” Namida placed her left hand into her pocket and said. “Late lunch… I mean he did steal a girl's virginity so…”
She had a pondering expression on her face as Namida continued. “I give him thirty minutes .” She placed five gold coins on the coffee table while Sachi was moving gold coins to the middle of the coffee table. Sachi said. “I mean, Saito’s smart enough to think they wouldn't bomb the biggest airport… An hour at best.” Ketsueki moved the gold coins she placed on the coffee table to the center making totaling the pile to ten coins, she said. “You think after this incident Ami’s father is still going to be a candidate?”
Sachi placed a slider on her small plate as she watched the melted cheese slowly drip onto the plate, she said. “That depends on how deep his pockets are after.” Namida waved a half-eaten slider she was holding and said. “I mean, doesn’t he sorta have to? Especially if he wants to keep a lid on his daughter's situation.” She ate the slider she was holding in one go and reached for another one. Ketsueki shook her head sideways, she said. “I think that’s enough talking about this… Topic, let's talk about something else.”
Shiro’s Room
Yuki was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed as she had already removed the fingerless gloves, she was holding a slider in each hand with one of them having a big bite taken out while her two friends were sitting on the bed. Shiro was holding onto a slider with both her hands while chewing as she watched her friend who had a big appetite. Mio was using a tissue to hold the slider as she watched Yuki take another big bite of the slider, she said. “Yuki, no one is going to steal your portion.” Shiro was eating her slider like a hamster as she gave her friend a nod.
Yuki finished one of the sliders as she picked up her glass of water on the tray and downed half of it in one go, she let out a satisfied smile and said. “I know, the mini burgers are just so good.” She took another bite of the slider she was holding and placed it back on the tray beside the rest of the glass. Shiro finished the slider in her hands, she said. “Are these really called mini burgers?” Mio used the tissue corner of the tissue that was holding the slider to wipe her mouth, she said. “No, these are called sliders.”
Shiro moved her gaze onto the mountain of sliders on the floor beside Yuki and spoke in a soft tone. Shiro said. “Sliders…” She moved her gaze onto her friend and continued. “Yuki, can you lift the tray?” Yuki easily lifted the tray with everything on it with one hand, she said. “Why isn’t the tray between you two?” Shiro reached her hand as she picked up another slider while Mio gave her friend a smile and said. “That’s because we don’t want to spill any water on Shiro’s bed.”
She finished off the last bite of the slider and picked up another one using the tissue in her hands. Yuki placed the tray back on the floor beside her, she said. “Are you two excited about lunch?” Shiro slightly peeked underneath the top bun of the slider as a gush of steam came from the patty and gently blew on it. Mio held the slider using the tissue and said. “I mean, it is somewhat late but Reiki’s cooking is first rate.” A hint of drool dripped from the corner of Yuki’s mouth as she imagined the burger in her head.
She said. “I hope Reiki puts a lot of cheese on my burger.” Shiro stopped blowing on her slider and said. “You could always tell Onii-chan.” She took a small bite of the small burger while Yuki had a pondering expression on her face. Mio took a bite of the slider while Yuki slightly shook her head sideways, she said. “I would ask for more cheese but since it’s Reiki, it’ll be good no matter what he makes.” Shiro’s eyes lit up like stars as she nodded in agreement. Mio gulped down a mouthful of food and said. “When do we tell Reiki about your master plan?”
Yuki opened her mouth as she was in the middle of taking a bite of the slider in her hands as she froze. Shiro was eating her slider like a hamster as she watched her friend who had a hint of panic in her eyes. Yuki faked a cough and said. “It’s simple.” Shiro had an attentive expression while Mio took another bite of her slider. Yuki was about to place the slider that had a bite taken out of it onto the rest of the pile on the plate.
Mio gave her friend a glare as she spoke with a slightly cold tone and said. “Don’t place the food you put in your mouth along with the rest.” Yuki let out a laugh, she said. “I was messing with you two.” She placed her free hand onto the floor and stood up, she continued. “I’ll go down and drag Reiki here so that he can say yes.” Shiro gave her friend an odd look and said. “How can you be so confident that Onii-chan would agree?” Yuki gave her a thumbs up, she said. “He has to, he already ate the bribe.”
She quickly made her way to the door and opened it as Yuki dashed to the first floor forgetting to close the door behind her. Mio turned her head sideways to look at Shiro who was enjoying her slider and said. “Just in case Mio fails, be prepared to act spoiled.” Shiro was in the middle of taking a bite of the slider but stopped as a mix of shock and surprise formed on her face. Shiro said. “What?”
Living Room
Namida sat on the armchair as she finished what was left of the slider she held with her right hand while watching tv. On the coffee table, the laptop was flipped down hiding the screen while Ketsueki sat on pretended to look for the remote and said. “Don’t tell me the remote fell in between the couch again.” Sachi sat on the right as she slightly turned her head sideways and saw Yuki dragging Reiki to the staircase. Yuki said. “Pardon the intrusion.” Reiki used his thumb to point in the direction of the kitchen and said. “Yuki, I was in the middle of cooking.”
Sachi moved her gaze onto the laptop, she said. “Coast is clear.” Namida flipped the laptop open as she slid her index finger on the touchpad as the camera focused on a man who was nervously looking around his surroundings. Namida rubbed her hands together and said. “Saito is almost on the plane.” Namida adjusted the position of the laptop to show the screen to her two friends sitting on the couch. Ketsueki waved her hand as a slider flew toward her palm as a slightly cold smile formed on her lips, she said. “Let’s see which division was sent.”
Shiro’s Room
Yuki pushed the door that she left slightly open and said. “I’m back!” Reiki gave Mio and Shiro a wave as they sat on the bed. Yuki made her way to the tray that was on the floor and sat beside it as she picked up another slider and took a bite out of it. Reiki closed the door behind him as he made his way toward the three girls, he said. “Alright, unless you three want to eat charcoal burgers you have four minutes.” Shiro let out a giggle from what her older brother said.
Mio gave Yuki a meaningful as she pretended to not have noticed it. Mio let out a soft sigh and thought. She got cold feet. She gently elbowed the side of Shiro’s stomach as she turned her head toward her friend with confusion all over her face. Reiki watched them and thought. What are they doing? Mio elbowed Shiro’s stomach a couple more times as she slightly squished the slider she was holding and moved her gaze onto her older brother. Shiro couldn’t look at him as her gaze wandered around the room, she said. “Onii-chan… Can you come with us to the festival at school?”
Reiki gave her a nod and said. “Sure.”