Chapter 70: Vol. 2 – Chapter 16 – Clearing the Elder’s Quests

Vol. 2 - Chapter 16 - Clearing the Elder's Quests

Mathias's way to Cidarian Village was smooth, the monsters he killed still didn't respawn, and as he went closer to the village he could see the starting players fight some wild beasts, where his eyes flew past them for a split moment, before continuing on.

Once he arrived inside the village periphery, the first thing he did was to change his black suit into something more casual. This equipment change made the two brothers once again question why he was doing that, but they could only think for themselves of his reasons.

Following that, his first set of actions was to move toward Cidarian Village Elder, Erle Aridai, house, to receive the rewards for the quests he was tasked to complete.

Getting to his mansion, he and the two brothers went in line waiting for their turn to arrive to have an audience with the Elder, however, once some guards tasked to keep in check all the newcomers who wanted to get quests from the Elder spotted Mathias, they immediately made way for him to get to the Elder along with his party.

"Hey, what the fuck? Why do you allow that guy to get to the village without waiting in line? This is unfair!" whined some players who where close to where Mathias was waiting in line, feeling cheated by such treatment.

"Keep your mouth shut, outlander. This young adventurer has returned from an expedition that the likes of you will never accomplish. He is even that respectful that he waits for his turn to meet the Elder to arrive."

"Sir Guard, now, now. No need to get angry. I will probably disrupt their quests if I go meet the Elder. Allow them to receive their audience, and when my turn comes, I will meet the Elder." replied Mathias not budging from where he was waiting even though the guard wanted to bring him to the Elder.

"Are you sure, adventurer?"

"Pretty certain. Thanks anyway for the gesture."

"Well it is obvious, you were the only one to be genuine with the Elder and us people of Cidarian. There's already rumors in the village about, little Fayrene husband who came to visit his in-laws. It is sad that Fayrene didn't come too." mentioned the middle-aged guard, afterwards patting Mathias shoulder in a kind manner, and walking back to the gates.

The brothers who saw how Mathias was acting with the NPC's where baffled, talking with each other in private of what they saw.

@Orpheus: Could it be we are wrong about the NPC's?

@Ape Wine: I don't know big brother, to me they are still some NPC's controlled by Morpheus.

@Orpheus: What if it's not this case? Have you noticed how real the exchange between Mathias and that guard was?

@Ape Wine: He is just a weirdo, why bother with what he is doing?

@Orpheus: Tsk, are you really born from the same mother?


Unknown to what the two brothers discussed, their turn was also about to arrive, getting in front of the gate where they could notice Mathias talk casually with the guards, about their families, job, if they were also farmers, their adventures.

"Haha, compared to your adventurer, our adventures are still limited. I only saw Grenhaler with my two eyes and could only be ashamed when gazing at the Duke's Knight Order."

"Don't stress yourself, sir. Everyone has their path in life. Even if you are the guard of this village, don't look down on yourself. Your job is noble, the safety of the villagers are in your hands." replied Mathias, making the guards of the village feel better about themselves, with some of the guards with green name even having their nameplate flicker with a silver color.

"Now that you put it that way you are right. We are the true guardians of the village along with Elder Aridai. Those mountain bandits are still a lurking danger even now, planning their schemes to take revenge on us for killing some of their bastards."

Mathias smiled at them, only telling them in a quiet manner.

"You are bound to hear good news from the Elder soon. Don't get shocked, okay?"

"What do you mean, adventurer?" asked the one who seemed to be the leader of the guards, with a silver nameplate.

"I will not spoil you now." chuckled Mathias, and not long after that comment, his turn also arrived, only entering inside with Orpheus and Ape Wine, with the guards not allowing other two people.


Walking the same pathway to Elder Aridai office guided by the youngster, who also remained inside the office.

"Grandfather, sir Mathias has returned back to Cidarian."

"Okay, Huios, I can see it for myself. I greet you again young man, has the goddess of light shined upon your adventure?" asked the old man, placing down his monocle on the table, and getting up to size up Mathias, ignoring the two brothers.

"Elder, you are indeed correct, The Lady of Light has kept me safe and showered me with a bountiful hunt. First let me tell you about the task you gave me to keep in check the wild beasts. I hope this much will suffice."

Saying that, Mathias took from his inventory all the trophies he gained from the quest, from normal monster trophies, to elite ones and later going as far to the boss monster trophies.

Elder Aridai, who watched carefully each of the trophies Mathias was taking on the ground, could see for himself the heads of the beasts slayin. When the number passed his mark of 60 trophies, his eyes grew bigger with more trophies being brought out.

Once the elite ones had him in awe, but once he took out Hillsbars Gragger Boar Boss, head that was so large it covered the rest of the boars trophies, he took some steps back, tripping on the ground.

"Grandfather, are you alright?" asked the young man who went to the old man back to help him up.

"Hah, I am fine. Just a bit shocked." mentioned the Elder who walked closely to gaze at the spider enforcer heads, and the Hillsbars trophy, with curious yet fearful eyes.

"Young man, you've done more than what have I asked of you, and even managed to hunt that menace who kept reproducing, overflowing the forest with those beasts." mentioned the elder, turning his eyes at Mathias who had his hands crossed.

"That reward for the request I gave you, is simply too small for what you have done. This will be the reward that you deserve."


[You have cleared the quest, <Keep the Wild Beasts in Check> exceeding the marks of the quest by higher margin, gaining the following rewards: 25.000 EXP & Affinity with Elder Erle increased by 30 & 10x Intermediate Health Potions]


[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]


"Elder Aridai, that really wasn't needed." replied Mathias who saw the old man bring from a safe in his office, a bag with potions that had a delicate artisanal glasswork.

"No, no, how can I not reward the brave adventurer who most likely stopped the growth of the beasts in the surrounding forests. My men can finally breathe at ease when it comes to the beasts descending the forest and arriving at the village periphery. Still, there are those criminals lurking in Gravelmark Mountain. It is worrying me, young man. Did you find anything on them from the last time we spoke?"

Hearing the Elder mention the bandits, he looked with a serious face at the old man, telling him to brace himself and not get scared for what he was about to show him.

"You make it sound scary, young lad. I am ready, Huios, stay next to me." added the old man, who grabbed hold of his grandson just in case he went limp.

Mathias was serious, while the two brothers were rubbing their hands in anticipation of the large reward they would get for completing the quest linked by Mathias. Thus, he took out the half-demon head belonging to Evander and showed it to the Elder, who took steps back in fear in the face of this monstrosity in Mathias's hands.

"That thing I have a feeling I've encountered somewhere." remarked old Aridai, looking at Mathias for an explanation.

"This monster's head in my hands belongs to Evander, the leader of the bandits in the mountain. Why he turned like this, is because he consumed a wicked substance which turned him into a demon."

"A demon! By the Goddess, are you sure."

"Old Aridai, what are you seeing is a demon, a half-demon at that since I killed it before it could evolve and spread its evil to the innocent."

"The rest of the bandits?"

"I have killed them too with those two friends of mine."  replied Mathias, to the old man, who started trembling with emotions spewing out, the tears in his eyes also flowed down, making Mathias withdraw the head of the demon, and walk toward the old man, and give his support.

"What is wrong, Elder? Are you supposed to be happy in those moments? Those criminals will no longer be a nail in your soles."

"I am not sad, lad, I am relieved knowing my good men will not have to fight those criminals once they descend again to raid the village."

Slowly recovering from his emotions, he grabbed hold of Mathias's shoulders and told him with a confident voice.

"Young man, you must have suffered a lot from having to fight that monster, since I burdened you with such a hurdle, fully knowing you might have failed, I take this chance to apologize and offer you the rightful rewards for your task."



[You have cleared the quest <Deal with the Mountain Bandits> and by sharing the story of the Half-Demon Evander, the quest rewards will be changed to fit the difficulty of the quest, the quest being rescored to S grade. The rewards are the following:]

☆[55.000 EXP] [100 Gold Coins] [Reputation with the Saharan Empire increased by 1000] [Affinity with residents of Cidarian Village risen by 40]


[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]


"Mathias, brave adventurer, I know this bag of gold might not seem a lot, but this is all the money I can give you for now for your effort. I still have to leave something out for the Taxes to His Grace Grenhal. Also, I will prepare a celebration for you, where I will announce to the people your success and also the end of the bandits."

Seeing the old man hand him the bag of gold with slight embarrassment, he later turned bright when he told Mathias about the celebration he was planning to make for Mathias's success, along with his two friends, Orpheus and Ape Wine.

You are reading story Saharan Successor at

"Elder Aridai, please, no need for such troubles."

"No, no, there has to be a celebration where every villagers must see the brave adventurers who put an end to the mountain bandits." told the old man insisting on his idea, which made Mathias give in but telling him to do it two days after since he had to work in the morning and the time wouldn't correlate right, thus allowing, in the end, the old man to do that, and as such, Elder Aridai sent his grandson to inform the chief guard to start the preparations.

"Sure, young adventurer, we will do it when you are available. This will give the villagers enough time to prepare themselves. I will send Huios to notify you when all the preparations will be done. Bring along your family, I am sure they will be proud of your achievement."

"Sigh, Elder, aren't you placing me in a tough spot? I don't really like attention."

"Hahaha, such a brave lad like you to be afraid of such easy things? You have to get accustomed because I foresee your future will be bright. I am sure of that!"


Discussing some things, where the Elder asked Mathias, Orpheus, and Ape Wine about how their fight with the mountain bandits went on, this person moment for the two players was a unique one where they were up close with one NPC, where they spotted some small details, and as the talk went on until they had to leave because of the rest of players requiring an audience with the Elder.

"Good that you reminded me, Mathias, I almost forgot about the rest of your people who wish to get stronger. Don't forget about the celebration."


Once they exited the house, the players waiting for one could say thirty, forty minutes started cursing Mathias and the other two, something that the brothers got pissed wanting to retort back, but Mathias stopped them, choosing to go to another place, where the brothers followed along.

"Why are you following me? Haven't we cleared the quests, now is time to separate our ways. I told you I am more of a solitary person rather than a party people."

"Ahem, we didn't intend to do that, However, we wanted to ask you something. Can we join your guild?"

"You want to join my guild?"

"Yea. Can we, or do we need to fulfill some marks?" inquired Orpheus, who was the spokesman between the two brothers.

"Not really. Sure, I can invite you to the guild, but our path, for now, ends here. Ahh, also don't forget to be ready for the celebrations the Elder intends to throw for us. There might be some benefits for that."


Orpheus, saw immediately after Mathias mentioned that, a notification from the system.

[Player 'Mathias' has invited you to the guild 'Leviathan']


[You have accepted the guild invitation.]

Similar to his situation was his younger brother, who was invited by Mathias, where they could see the state of the guild, the rules, and the members, who immediately reacted at their join. However, what confirmed to them was who Mathias actually was.

[Guild Members: 1.  Mathias - Lv. 23 (GM)

2. Red - Lv. 21 (Officer)

3. Malakai -Lv. 17 (Officer)

4. Maple Mist - Lv 16 (Officer)

5. Leona - Lv 12 (Officer)


6. Evan - Lv.19

7. Lane - Lv.19

8. Orpheus -  Lv.19

9. Ape Mist - Lv.19



@Red: Ohh, new people joined the guild, and also they are high level. Welcome guys. Hey, Mathias, are those the ones you mentioned you teamed up to fight those monsters? Also, what cheat have you done to get 10 levels in one day?

@Mathias: I fought bosses, elite monsters, and cleared quests.

@Maple Mist: Welcome to the newcomers. Big brother, now that I look at the Level Ranking Ledger, you are above that Kraugel guy if you would release your level.

@Mathias: I don't want to be bothered by people giving me private messages, curses, and also be annoying when I move around places.

@Maple Mist: I know about that big brother.


Seeing this atmosphere in the guild where everyone was online, the two brothers thanked the ones who welcomed them, in general all of them except Malakai who chose to keep quiet all this time. Unknown what he was doing, but something was for certain, he was leveling up faster than the usual player.


Inside Cidarian, Mathias separated from Orpheus and Ape Wine who walked to the only Tavern in the village where they bought a room to recover their stamina, inside Orpheus was the first to open about something.

"Bandar, I think I know why Mathias was angry at that time when we mentioned about the quest failure. Are you curious to hear what I picked up?"

"Sure, but I doubt it will change anything for me."

"Tsk, you idiot. Listen, have you noticed how real the reactions of that old man were? How his emotions were actually genuine, not forced at all by some short of algorytm?"

"Hmm, you want to suggest that those NPC have actual feelings? Drop those jokes big brother, there's been scientists debunking this idea. It is all on Morpheus."

"Fine, you seem not to be interested. I'll keep this to myself."

'Stupid dumb wit, I wonder if he is from the same father and mother like me. As for the NPC's I will need to test my thoughts with them, maybe in the celebration tomorrow I will hit up some talk with the girls. Saw one cute girl in the tavern, I hope she attends the celebrations tomorrow so I can approach her.'



On another hand, Mathias who returned back to Arundell family was welcomed back with warm food, and full of curiosity from the twins who couldn't give him a break from their talks.

He started telling the twins about his adventure inside the forest, and how he hunted the beasts which troubled the villagers, along with the bandits, omitting the details about Evander turning into a demon. About that details, only to Charles and Jasmine, he opened up, telling them about Evander who drank the flask similar to 'Vial of Darkness' and how he turned into a demon.

"Dear, you did too much for us, villagers of Cidarian." said Jasmine as he gave Mathias an embrace.

Even Charles was impressed by Mathias's courage of fighting against a demon and not giving up on the fight even if he was outpowered. His self was washed by a sense of pride, but he kept it to himself, not exteriorizing outside like Jasmine.

Mathias, after slowly changing the subject, arrived at the recent visit to the Elder, and notifying them there would be a celebration for him and his two party members, something the couple reacted in goodwill, agreeing to accompany him.


The following hours before exiting the game were spent with him writing on his novel, checking the content of the newly acquired skill, and also working on his window status points, distributing them with a careful sense for the future.


[Status Window]

Name : Mathias  /  Class :Beginner

Level : 23 (3900/30150)  / Title : Farmer's Son / Item Creator / Dominance over Hillbars /  Repeller of Evil

Health : 2201/2201  / Mana: 874/874


Strength : 160  / Stamina : 112

Agility : 101 / Intelligence: 187  / Dexterity: 246



"Almost balanced. Ahh, I have to have STR and INT equal so they are perfectly balanced, then I might be able to call that meme."