Chapter 113: Vol.2 – Chapter 59 – The old man and his rundown stable

Vol.2 – Chapter 59 - The old man and his rundown stable




Johan was in a new world of itself since the tragic accident he suffered after a car accident, he was now being reborn on this restaurant stage playing to his ears delight and audience's delight. From Schubert to Sarasate, then going for Vivaldi's Seasons, then after he played for about 35 minutes, he took a final stare at his audience, saying with a calm voice.

"This will be my last song for this evening. It is called La Campanella."

Doing some adjusting to his violin, he followed suit by playing the song that was familiar to Mathias in the audience.

The young man wearing a Chaperone Hat while drinking wine, and watching the spectacle in front of his eyes had a leisurely smile, admiring the talent of the young violinist, and after he finished his performance, he was among the first to applaud Johan.

His gesture woke the audience who also began applauding in an excited manner, while the system notification was showering Johan with all sort of messages from EXP, to Reputation with Saharan Empire being raised up, and so on. It was a sight to behold for the young man who only wanted to play his violin and never focused on the game aspect of 'Satisfy'.

Then, afterwards he saw the man wearing a medieval-styled hat he saw in medieval setting movies, accompanied by a gorgeous lady walking out of the restaurant, it was exactly the one who applauded first.

'Could it be, he is a player?'

[Player 'Mathias' has sent you a friend request.]

'Hah, what's this? Right, the friend list thing, let me accept.'

[You have accepted the request.]

@Mathias: Splendid performance, you really touched me with how you played Sarasate and the last part of the song. If you ever need help inside Satisfy, money, a good word to the NPC's, require help in leveling up and unlocking new content, I would want to use this chance to extend an invitation to my Guild.

@Johan: Thank you, are you the person who just left the restaurant?

@Mathias: Sharp. I will leave you alone now since you made a ruckus with those rich guys. Just be yourself and treat those people as normal guys, similar to outside.

@Johan: Wait, what is the name of your guild?

@Mathias: Leviathan

@Johan: I see, I don't know much about the game and the player landscape since I only focused on building my violin and practicing, but sure. It would be nicer having others to talk around and make friends.

@Mathias: Gladly.

Johan saw another notification appear in front of his eyes.

[Player 'Mathias' has invited you to join the Guild, Leviathan.]

[You have accepted the invitation.]

Many other notifications appeared in front of his eyes, from the guild interface which appeared fresh, and the guild chat, where Mathias sent a welcoming message to him, followed by rapidly the others who were online.

'Wait, wasn't there something like the ranking ledger in this place? One of those names seems familiar from when I took a look when I arrived here, Red, Lane, and Evan. Those guys were in the top 20 or something in that sort of order.'



[Guild Members: 1. Mathias - Lv. 32 (Guild Master)

2. Red - Lv. 46 (Officer)

3. Malakai: -Lv. 40 (Officer)

4. Maple Mist: - Lv 37 (Officer)

5. Leona – Lv 35 (Officer)

6. Evan: Lv.43

7. Lane: Lv.43

8. Orpheus Lv.39

9. Ape Mist: Lv.39

10: Astromania Lv-38

11: PageUp: Lv-39

12. Johan: Lv. 5



@Red: Welcome to the guild, friend. If you need any guide tutorials, I'll be online to help you.

@Johan: Thank you guys for the welcome, but I am not that invested in the game aspect, instead I just want to explore things at my own pace.

@Mathias: Either way is good. No one will shame you for not killing some monsters, so don't worry and play the game however you want. I invited you to the guild to give you the chance to spread your talent, at least if you want that.

Left without words by this person he only met from a distance, and who by now exited the restaurant, Johan looked around at the public who requested him of all sorts of things, with the notification system going wild with quest alerts. It was a chaotic mess, but it gave him a jolt of excitement having such a chance of performing for more and also gaining something.



Mathias, who left the restaurant, took out two scarves, wrapping one for Fayrene and another one for himself. The couple continued on their search while the temperature dropped down a bit, nevertheless, it was welcoming enough for a walk.

Minutes passed, and they moved from location to location, until they stopped rather closely to the Hippodrome, and with a notebook in hand Mathias and Fayrene were discussing which option was the best for them.

"I don't know Mat, all those locations seem so expensive even to rent, only the places with a bad location are decent, price-wise. Should we still check more, maybe others will place new notices for sale."

Turning his gaze down on the notebook, he couldn't agree more with Fayrene, and before taking off he told her in a joking way.

"I'll be fine with even some ruined place, just so I have the right location."

"Let's go walk for a bit more, we haven't checked the neighborhood of the Hippodrome. It is always busy and noisy, so we might have some success."

"Fay, the prices around here are too high, it would gobble up the entire budget." mentioned Mathias withdrawing his notebook, and taking Fayrene's hand to check a possible available location for sale or rent where they could arrange a workshop.

Taking off again, after entering some neighborhoods, Mathias arrived in a location he felt familiar, and his gait slowed down a bit glancing at the houses and later on the end of this street there was a rundown building, akin to a stable.

"Is this building abandoned in this location?" asked Fayrene while stopping to check the rundown stable from outside, while Mathias too, stepped deeper toward the stable, and with his Red Energy making something akin to a lamp, he searched for a notice.

Nevertheless, right in that moment, the barking of dogs took the couple by surprise, especially Fayrene who grabbed Mathias, and later on as the dogs barked, appearing in front of him the voice of a man was heard, angry at the dogs barking.

"Can you for the love of God stay quiet! There's no way someone would even bother with this place so go back into your pens."

The dogs didn't back off even after the voice of the man was heard, and Mathias who stepped forward after seeing the dogs didn't intend of attacking, instead trying to alert the person in this building, he stepped forward, and even used his Red Energy to pacify the one closest to him, making him stop from barking and approach him curiously.

"It is fine little friend, I am not here to cause trouble."


Patting the dog's head, he looked past the moldy wooden gate of this building, where past it a dirty old man walked toward him without any source of light to check him out. However, the Red Energy used by Mathias to see around was like candlelight for the old man who could see the young man staring back, without any malicious intent.

[Pliny – LV. 105]

It was the name of the old man, who had dirty white hair, and a messy white beard where dirt accumulated, making his overall appearance an instant throw-off, but not for Mathias who responded calmly when the old man asked about their visit.

"What two little ducklings want from this old man? Aren't you afraid my dogs will end you?"

"They aren't rabid dogs, so I'll rather believe they will soon turn into puppies. However, sir, If I may, before I respond to your question, can you respond one simple question for me?"

"Ohh, you know how to talk, unlike those around me. Ahem, sure, go ahead." responded the old man who appeared before the wooden gate, supporting himself with a cane and also holding on the gate, which started shaking a bit, a sign it was giving off under the stress.

The old man, called Pliny, observed these strange visitors, a young man wearing a hat akin to the rich people, and a young lady that too didn't lack in clothes, nonetheless they were simple compared to the rich people.

"Sir, are you the owner of this place?"

You are reading story Saharan Successor at

"Yes, why ask, don't tell me you are one of those ingrates who wants to force me out? This place is my son inheritance, I will not give it away in any shape and form! Over my dead body!"

Fayrene who heard, the old man response walked to grab into Mathias right hand, suggesting him on a private message to not disturb the old man too much, and not follow up with his questions. Yet, Mathias wasn't on the same page on this one, and choose to follow his guts and inquire more about the old man situation.

"Sir, I fully understand your concern, but from what I can see your conditions and living situation is precarious. Your son, where he is?"

"It doesn't concern you. The more you ask me about those circumstances, the more I tend to believe you are one of those sharks who want my property."

Hearing the old man say that, Mathias maintained his calm, and glancing around using two Red Energy sparrows to observe the building that looked more akin to a stable with an extension where a rundown house was situated, which made Mathias feel slightly bad for the old man who was living under such conditions, and clearly strained by his age by now.

"Sigh, gramps, I really could give two shits about this dump of yours so calm down first. You seem quite weak, maybe slightly sick. Since when did you have a decent meal?"

"Hmph, are you trying some schemes to have me lower my guard? Kids nowadays are quite shrewd l tell you." remarked the old man, still suspicious of why Mathias even bothered to talk with him.

"Sir, I will be honest, your property apart from being the way it is, offers a relatively good location for what me and my partner want to build, but since you cut all the strings to having such a conversation, I abandoned that thought. Right now, I am simply curious about you, since you look rather weak, signs of not eating properly or being sick. Do you want to eat something?"

"So you aren't after my house? What do you want for food? I will not give you my dogs since they are like my little grandsons."

"I want nothing from you old man, it just sickens me seeing you like that. Come, let me pass so I can give you some food."

Saying that, Mathias took Fayrene in his arms, and jumped over the wooden gate, landing next to Pliny, who was taken by surprise by how agile this young man was, making him say.

"Just like Harkal when he was younger."

"Did you say something, old man?" asked Mathias hearing the old man mumble something but not fully audible, and with this approach, he could see the old man better, he was frail and skinny, signs of malnourishment.

His eyes turned softer, especially when remembering all the teachings of his grandfather who explained to him, that whenever he would see an old person struggling, an old beggar, besides the first preconceptions that it was some drunk, a lost cause in life, to view it differently.

"Old man, let me help you to your house."

"No need, I can walk by myself just fine." rejected the old man with some stubbornness in himself, and even some pride, which started pissing off Mathias, later on wrapping his hand around the senior's shoulder, turning like a beam supporting the old.

The old man gave an angry comment, but he couldn't budge Mathias at all, even if he had a higher level than Mathias, because of his old age, and weakened state, he couldn't outpower Mathias who was brimming with Red Energy. On another hand Mathias who steadily without rushing arrived with the old man, Fayrene and the 3 dogs at the old house he scanned using his sparrows.

The old man turned rather silent, contemplating on this new changes going on with him.

Stepping inside the house, Fayrene used her Arcane Energy to light the dark house, surprising the old man, and what meet Fayrene and Mathias was a giant mess. It was unknown since when the house was cleaned, but this didn't affect the couple who just sighed.

In the time he was guiding the old man back home, Mathias told Fayrene about why he couldn't turn his back on this old man, and it was rather eye-opening for the young lady.

@Mathias: Think about it Fay, what if this old person was your grandfather, living in such conditions. Sure, you might think he isn't a relative and has nothing to do with you, but I was taught to not give my back to the elderly in such cases.

@Mathias: I might not be able to help everyone, since I am just one person limited by many things, but for those that I can help, I will extend my hand, especially to those deserving. I have a feeling that the old man has been abandoned by his family or they went separated by death, with his family leaving him alone.

@Fayrene: Please, don't talk about those dark things. You know I can't handle it. Do you want me to cook something?

@Mathias: Please do so. Do you have the utensils and food?

@Fayrene: Since I learned to use this system thingy, I have placed a lot of things there in the poach.

Fayrene took an oil lamp from her inventory bag placing it on a dusty table, and later on using her magic she did some cleaning enough that she made space to arrange for a cooking station, making the old man feel strange with those two youngsters who without even being blood-related extended their hand to help him in his dire hour.

On another hand while the gorgeous lady was cleaning around his mess, the young man beside him extended his right hand that shone with a gentle Red Aura that he touched his dirty forehead. Following that gesture moments later he felt a warm sensation in his chest, turning his body hot before he felt certain pains he was fighting against diminishing ever so slightly.

"Boy, what witchery have you done to me? My back pain and neck pain got easier on me."

"Nothing much, just some treatment for a senior. Will you talk to me now without rejecting my honestly? My partner will prepare the food immediately, and until then we can talk. Talking with someone is the easiest way of clearing one's concerns."

"Hah, what weird children. You clearly aren't from Titan, correct?"

"Well, you are right on that. How do you know?"

"Why even ask? Those so-called neighbors couldn't wait to get their hands on my property after I die, and would rather see me die, early. But I try hanging on, waiting for my son to return, and pass everything to him."

"I see, since when was the last time you've seen or talked with your son? Letter or whatever form."

"Sigh, lad, my son is a Red Knight. I am sure he has been unable to return to Titan because of the wars he has to fight against the enemy races. But to give you a concrete answer the last time I talked with him was two years ago."

"What a surprise. Wait, you really mean it, two years ago?"

"Yea, you looked rather conflicted, boy. What is wrong? Could it be that my feeling was right, that something unthinkable happened to Harkal?"

"Two years ago was the persecution of Duke Welf, the Leader of the Red Knights. I don't know if you are aware, but every knight that aligned with Duke Welf has been deemed traitor to the Crown and since then have been marked as high criminals deserving capital punishment."

Saying that he swiftly regretted being this direct and touching the back of the old man, he could feel him tremble, and to save his sorry ass from talking too much, he remarked.

"Nevertheless sir, it is still unknown if your son is one of them, if he is dead or alive. Yet it is always good to think positively until proven wrong."

"That's right, lad. How could my son be dead after I raised him into a powerful knight."

"Indeed, sir. However, they are still in danger because the Emperor didn't recall his stupid act of deeming those people into criminals. So you have to stay strong and healthy if you want to pass this inheritance of yours to him."

"How? I am an old man. My body can no longer work from day to night as it used to be. I can no longer raise horses, guide people into riding. The portions I have are over since last 3 days, lucky that those three puppies have brought me some trash to eat, otherwise I would be dead by now."

Fayrene who arrived with a steaming soup after Mathias kept on talking with old Pliny, until he received a quest from the system which was rather soothing for his soul.



[Help Pliny survive until meeting his son.]

Difficulty: Secret

Pliny, the father of a Red Knight who has been deemed a traitor, is awaiting his son's return to pass his inheritance, but to no avail. The son never returned or gave signs of life that would soothe the mind of the aged elder.

Nevertheless, the elder remains headstrong in his desire and convictions and refuses to pass without having a last meeting with his son.

Quest Clear Conditions: Assist Pliny in meeting his son Harkal

Quest Rewards: Unknown

Quest Failure: Nonexistent



It was a Secret Graded quest that appeared to Mathias and Fayrene alike who was cooking the vegetable soup, and for the first time being placed in the foot of a player who had to clear quests. It filled her with all sorts of thoughts and emotions, that she learned to manage.

In due time, when she arrived with the food, the old man with the first spoon was brought to tears, eating without commenting, only at times glancing at the couple that gave him a warm look.

"Youngsters, are you still interested in building your Workshop here? I am willing to lend you the stable, but not sell it, just rent. Little Mathias, you remarked you are no longer interested in my hogsty, but what would you say now?"

"Haha, it seems you are food motivated. Just that bowl of soup was enough to make you progress so much? Darling, fill him another bowl, maybe we can have him sell the place."

"Don't you dare! I told you, this property is my son's inheritance."

Both Fayrene and Mathias began chuckling at the reaction the old man had, and with the young man's pats, dismissing such claims, Pliny felt better knowing it was just a joke.

"What's the change of mind, old Pliny? Weren't you against even thinking of letting others touch this place?"

Scratching his old dirty hair and beard slightly embarrassed, Pliny mentioned to Mathias.

"I was thinking while you opened about the reason you approached my place, that workshop of yours. You could make my estate look better, and it would look better when Harkal returns and sees that his old man didn't die starving."

"Ohh, quite the old fox. Before striking this deal, one question."


"We will have to renovate that stable, which means most of the insides will be removed entirely. Being aware of that, would you still accept it?"

"Arghh, I guess no one wants an old run-down stable. Fine, but with the condition, you don't touch the outside too much."
