Vol. 2 – Chapter 72 - The Spirit of Christmas
Inside the underground of Titan, after having to climb down to the basement of the Fugger's Bank, the banker guided the group to the storage rooms built underground. Along the way, Ulrich explained to Mathias some of this place's history, about being one of the oldest manors inside Titan and having an extensive cellar that his family rebuilt to fit their new requirements.
"Behind this door is the first gate which leads to the storage area. There are inbuilt safety locks so no person can step inside without our supervision."
Explaining to the players, Ulrich took out a set of keys, using it on different locks on the first gate, before releasing it, and opening the door, guiding them forward turning silent, and after another checkpoint, Mathias and the other three arrived in front of a large underground area, as if it was a crypt, where different openings like storage rooms were built in the ground.
"Follow me, sir Arundell. This is your storage room space."
Entering inside, Ulrich lighted a torch that relieved the empty space that was enough to work as a spacious garage, and the boys, without wasting their precious time, acted out with Mathias, who began trading the stuff he wanted to place inside the storage room with Red, Evan, and Lane to empty their inventory, but also to not break his persona.
"Mister Red, Lane, Evan, if you may. Can you start placing down the goods I told you to take from my shop?"
He explained to them to act along, because they got nothing to lose, and with their understanding of the situation, nodded with a professional expression, even showing some arrogance to Mathias and Urlich, doing extra to be convincing, began floating the storage room with the garbage belonging to Lady Ann.
'Amaizing, this is a unique way of using the outlanders to act as carriers. But it is rather risky. You need something to have them at your thumbs otherwise they will simply run with your goods. I'll have to inform little brother about this possibility.' thought Ulrich, who saw the three players work arranging the items according to Mathias instructions, to use all the space of this storage.
Once they were done, there was still plenty of space available for another round, but the group was done, solving Ann's problem, with Mathias saving plenty of space for other items he might want to throw here instead of selling at a cheap price with shady merchants.
Following that, shockingly quick transfer of items for Ulrich, the banker took them to the deposit for storage boxes, where he presented Mathias the one he contracted, a medieval-styled storage box filled with ornaments and an intricate locking mechanism that Ulrich explained only to Mathias, having the group of three players behind Mathias to remain outside.
"Sir Arundell, if you encounter any malfunctions, which I assure you will not, please contact us again, and we will do our utmost to repair the damage caused to the box. Here is a unique key for the box. Ahh, we can allow the outlanders now in the room since I told you the way to open the storage since they have the magical power of holding different items to their body without suffering from their heaviness."
'Ohh Ulrich, you are so wrong about that. Yet the way you see things are just the bright side, wait until you get crushed by that weight.'
"Guys, you can step inside."
Red and the other two stepped inside the room and glanced at the large amount of storage boxes and later at where Mathias and Ulrich were positioned closer to an fancy storage, and with Red taking the lead, he brought the expensive storage in his inventory, acting as the player bodyguard to a rich NPC.
"Trully impressive ability. Sadly we don't have such blessings." commented Ulrich outloud when seeing Red bring the storage box to his inventory in a nonchalant way.
"This will be all guys, prepare to depart." calmly ordered Mathias, while he walked with Ulrich to the upper levels of the building, bidding his farewell to the banker, and later on departing from his building, walking on their way straight to Wallmort district.
Returning back to the warmth of the Fay Night Shop, the guys were welcomed by Jeanne's angelic voice singing something that resembled corals, with the kids listening and watching to the tall lady that was shining with a gentle white light as she was performing, and the group of four strolled without disturbing the atmosphere, especially after Mathias warned them to don't disturb Jeanne with any dumb remark.
On the other hand, Jeanne, who noticed Mathias return, didn't stop from singing, and with a loving smile, she continued on, until ending her song, making the guests inside to applaud her.
"Splendid, display my angel." remarked Mathias from the sideline, as he applauded calmly, in doing so turning Jeanne slightly shy.
She thanked the group, but at the children's insistence who requested for Jeanne to continue singing, Mathias give a wide smile as he thought to himself, observing this chance.
'Nice job, little kids. You deserve a gift from old Mathias.'
{Bah, why aren't you asking her to sing for you more if this is what you desire?}
'It would be viewed as slightly awkward, and who knows, she might think I am forcing her.'
{It is just you imagining things again boy. Didn't you notice that since you entered the house, her eyes were always on you?}
'... I've noticed.'
Jeanne saw Mathias smile at her, nodding in an encouraging way, and she slowly started singing another song, which made the entire group be silent, listening to her. Then when she finished her song, Fayrene who glanced at Mathias's face, told something unexpected for the group.
"Mat, why don't you give it a try too? Sign something for Christmas." challenged Fayrene who remembered clearly Mathias singing with a powerful voice that was confident when they went to the restaurant on their date, singing on Schubert.
"Me? I don't have a good voice for singing." replied Mathias while shaking his hands, trying to escape from this challenge, but Fayrene still insisted with Jeanne and the orphans tagging along, wanting to hear Mathias sign for them.
Their bickering made Mathias chuckle a bit, and with a small smile on his face, he asked the group.
"If I could bring a professional to help me, would I be allowed?"
"Ohh, who are we talking about?" asked Fayrene with curiosity.
"A friend of mine."
"Fine, but don't take it long." agreed Fayrene with a small smile, and immediately since getting her confirmation, Mathias went to his private chat and tagged a certain musician.
@Mathias: Johan, sorry for disturbing you, but are you available?
@Johan: Mister Mathias, how may I be of help?
@Mathias: I want you to help me with your talent a bit and put on a small spectacle for some friends. Will you be available?
@Johan: Of course. Since winter came, I haven't had much chance of playing at the restaurant, but my skills have been polished a lot since entering this magical world. Where is the location you want me to come?
@Mathias: Do you know the location of Wallmort District?
@Johan: Yes, I am living in the neighboring district.
@Mathias: Good, then can you get to the square of the district? I'll pick you up from there once you arrive.
@Johan: Sure, I'll check on my violin, and I'll be there in 15 minutes.
Ending settling a performance from Johan, the master violinist he invited to his guild, not caring about his low level, and focusing more on his talent where he tried to give him a platform and assist him in settling with deals inside Titan.
In the meantime, since he waited for Johan, to not keep the kids waiting, he began telling them some stories that had interesting figures in it, from angels to simple people, where one could gain a lesson from there, minutes were drawn upon, and those 15 minutes mark passed, with Mathias expecting Johan to anytime.
@Johan: Mathias, I have arrived at the square fountain.
@Mathias: Okay, I will arrive there in a few minutes.
Then he explained to the group that he had to leave to pick his friend, taking his winter coat without placing his chaperone, leaving his hair disheveled he used his Raven's Movement to arrive in an instant at the square, where Johan who had a rather cheap winter coat, was standing beside the frozen fountain looking around, while holding in his hand a wooden briefcase.
"Greetings, Johan, thank you for being prompt to my selfish request." greeted Mathias as she walked toward Johan, who turned his head toward Mathias, where he saw him for the first time without his unique renaissance style hat.
Extending his right hand for a handshake, Johan moved his left hand to match the handshake, there was some awkwardness in his gesture, especially when he looked at his right hand holding the wooden case.
"Don't worry, I understand your circumstances. You'll have to get used to that right hand of yours here, plenty."
Johan, when seeing how approachable was Mathias even with the awkward handshake, he didn't get offended and instead gave him some support words. He followed after Mathias and arrived at a house that was ornate as if it was Christmas even here.
"There's even a Christmas Tree. Don't tell me you are celebrating Christmas even here."
"Well, my girlfriend wanted this, so I will not refuse her this since it would be unique."
"Ahh, is she from another country than you?"
"Yes. Thus it will feel as if we are doing Christmas together."
"That's thinking out of the box." replied Johan feeling impressed at the ingenious way of connecting two people who lived apart, and once he stepped inside, he was welcomed by a decent-sized audience.
There were three of his guildmates that he didn't have much of a chance to interact with, another player, a woman with raven hair that smiled gently at him when he glanced at her, and the rest he could see were NPCs.
"It seems we will not get bored." remarked Red who noticed who the newcomer was, while he continued talking with someone in his private chat, until he told Mathias casually.
"Mathias, can I bring two more people inside?"
"Yea sure."
Mathias had a feeling he knew about who Red was referring, and didn't bother himself not to allow him to bring two more people. In the feeling of Christmas, the more guests he had that would bring along a warmer atmosphere, the better was for Fayrene and Jeanne who never experienced the Christmas of his world and immediately after getting his confirmation while Johan was greeting the kids and people, having Mathias help him set up, the door got knocked slowly by someone.
Red went to the door, and opened for the ones in question, Paula and Vivian, who since Red arrived to Titan, were teaming up.
"Hello, sorry for the disturbance." greeted Paula along with Vivian, as they got inside the main room that was brimming with souls.
Mathias noticed the two new guests and cordially greeted them, but the two girls managed to have a glance at who were closer to the crimson-haired man, a girl with ink-black hair and a golden-haired one.
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@Vivian: Why have you brought me here? It is so awkward meeting him like this.
@Paula: Stop complaining, we are here for the Christmas events, not courting guys. Also, Vivi take the bright side we can finally see with our eyes that he isn't faring badly in Titan as we initially thought.
@Vivian: Sigh, next time we meet prepare your butt.
@Paula: Hey, leave me alone, I just want to take part on the Christmas event as James mentioned.
@Vivian: It is obvious from a mile what that guy wants, don't lie to yourself Paula.
Then when the newcomers settled down, Mathias introduced Johan in a respectful way, making sure that the group understood that they had a master musician in front of them and that the music will be spot on.
"Still you better don't forget what you promised." added Fayrene with a small chuckle, while standing beside Jeanne, while Mathias was close to Johan.
"... I didn't forget. Now let me first see how Johan might be able to help me."
Turning his attention on Johan that was fixing his violin, he told him in an awkward way.
"As you can see Johan, the girls want to see me sing. Can you accompany me a bit with your violin?"
"Sure, you're doing corals?"
"Yea, do you know Carol of the Bells?" asked Mathias as he scratched his hair, trying to find some of the corals he knew from his childhood that could fit in this setting.
"Ohh, that's a old one, not classic, but quite old. I do, but I might have to improvise, but I will get in synchrony with your voice."
"Got you. Then, let's see if I can praise this bell, haha"
Clearing his throat, glancing at his audience, Johan began playing the first part of the song with a soft timber to it making the children and the girls be surprised at the violinist, but then followed Mathias singing using a soft voice as if he was trying to get a hang of his voice.
[Hark how the bells / Sweet silver bells / All seem to say / Throw cares away / Christmas is here / Bringing good cheer /To young and old /Meek and the bold]
The girls and even the guys were surprised to hear Mathias sign such an old Christmas song, and with a calm way, he continued his song, making the orphans giggle a bit, when he did the sound of the bells.
[Ding-dong, ding-dong / That is the song /With joyful ring / All caroling /One seems to hear /Words of good cheer /From everywhere /Filling the air /]
[Oh, how they pound / Raising their sound / O'er hill and dale /Telling their tale /Gaily they ring /While people sing songs of good cheer / Christmas is here]
[Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas /Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas /On on they send /On without end /Their joyful tone /To every home]
It was a rather easy to understand the song, with a good rhythm to it, which could catch the listener, and bring them together to sing along, especially when it got to the Merry part, the kids were quick to tag along with Mathias, making the atmosphere even so pleasing, and continuing on, Johan was mostly improvising from his head, what he thought could fit Mathias voice, and fortunately, it ended rather well for both of them.
"Ding-dong, little ones. I hope you liked this small song of mine." remarked Mathias who went back to his seat after patting Johan's shoulder in a thankful way.
Fayrene and Jeanne were the first to give their praises, while the kids were moving their heads still having the song on their minds.
"You have talent, dear." praised Fayrene as she smiled at him ever so gently, likewise Jeanne mentioned the same thing, but Mathias calmed the group, and allowed Johan to perform other songs he knew for such occasion.
"This will be random as I don't know on which to focus, so we'll be brought to a soothing state that belongs to the winter's season, and other that will bright some spirit inside of our souls. I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for your attention."
Saying that Johan began his recital, starting off with Vivaldi's Winter, which made the players, with except to Fayrene, to glance at Johan with a surprised glance, as if what they were listening was familiar.
@Lane: That's the song of that popular advertisement, right guys?
@Evan: Yea, it sounds familiar, it might be because of that famous advertisement.
@Red: Sigh, you guys are so uncultured, that's clearly classical music from the 18th century maybe.
Meanwhile, Mathias was listening with interest to Johan's performance and even the way he played the violin, which made him impressed by his masterful play. Johan's frail frame allowed him to play the violin with a lot of flexibility, and once he finished with Winter, taking about 4 minutes, he began playing Chopin's Nocturne, and once it got to the half part of the song, listening to the solo violin that Johan placed so much soul into it, it gave him goosebumps.
He wasn't the only one who gained goosebumps from Nocturne, Fayrene, and Jeanne joining the club of persons sensible to good music.
Johan smiled a bit when seeing their reactions after finishing the song, and to keep them engaged, he went with another masterpiece from his extensive list of songs he knew to play by heart, Csárdás, Monti's Csárdás.
While the violinist was playing, Mathias couldn't help but think to himself, especially when Fayrene send him a private message with a question to him.
@Fayrene: Mat, why do I have the feeling something is missing when Johan plays?
@Mathias: Because there is something missing, an Orchestra to make him shine like the star he should be. Hah, I will explain to you if you are still curious, what's an Orchestra.
@Fayrene: Ahh, Mat, I wasn't saying that as if I disliked the music. In fact, the unique sound of that instrument from your world can bring a lot of mental states to someone, which I love.
This was something Mathias was contemplating while Johan was bringing joy to his ears, the fact that this masterful musician was still not complete in act. Requiring more people to assist him in bringing the songs to another pinnacle. Nevertheless, the violinist, even when doing a solo recital, was magnificent, going to another classic, the Hungarian Dance.
"My bad, I got too excited and played Hungarian Dance which is quite alert, not fitting this winter."
"Hahaha, don't worry, Johan. By now the kids probably just want to listen to you regardless of what you sing. At least I don't care. If you want to take a break, drink some tea, you are my guest."
"Some tea, if I don't disturb the event." said Johan who placed down the violin on his chair, whereas Mathias simply told him to not stress himself, taking him to the kitchen, while in the meantime, lady Ann started telling the kids stories.
Making the tea for Johan, Mathias in the meantime, told Johan what was on his mind.
"What is your favorite song for Violin?"
"... It is hard, Mathias. I like all the songs I perform, so I can't tell if I have a favorite in that sense. However, Paganini is my favorite from all the masters."
"I see, Caprice?" asked Mathias casually, while he placed the water to boil, having knowledge about Paganini.
"Indeed. I know to play the song to perfection." replied Johan with a confident tone, before taking a better look at Mathias and asking him.
"What about you? It is rare nowadays for the younger generation to listen to classical music."
"That's sad, I can only blame my grandfather. What's the song I like the most? Sorry, but this isn't just for Violin. But I like Moonlight Sonata, 3rd movement."
"Nice, I also know to play piano, but because of my accident it is hard to play the piano or violin with one hand. I have a decent prosthesis but it still not enough to get on how I was before the accident."
"Quite sad knowing what happened to you. I hope you'll manage to inspire as many musicians that suffer the same tragedy as you, unable to perform in person."
"Thank you again for assisting me. I couldn't reach so many people here if not for your help and funds."
"There's even such a need. Right, my love mentioned about something, she isn't an avid classic listener, but noticed you are missing something."
"Yea, a pianist. I can get in touch with my some of my friends, but there's no way I'll manage to build a piano here, it is too complicated."
Hearing that, Mathias chuckled and told the violinist in a confident way.
"Johan, we are in Satisfy, anything is possible here."
"I don't know, but making a piano is really a complex process."
"Trust me, I know the right person to front this question. You just have to bring a detailed patent, with all the right measurements, and additional sketches for the piano. We'll see in the future if my friend can help you out or not, however I am certain of his abilities and the success."
"I will try. Thank you for telling me about the existence of such person. Maybe, he can also help me to polish the violin and make it like a Stradivarius. Anything is possible here, right?"
*Chuckle* "Aren't you a bit greedy now? Nelmon might be a master craftsman, but he can't come out with the technique Stradivari had to build his violins. Wait, maybe I am wrong, and you are in luck."
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