Chapter 133: Vol. 2 – Chapter 79 – Temptresses

Vol. 2 - Chapter 79 - Temptresses


(A/N: Chapter contains R18 scene + some smut (small/ human level amounts))


With Mathias who had a successful reunion with Gabrils, with the two reconnecting and familiarizing to a certain degree, reached the restaurant Jeanne picked to wait for him neighboring the one he stepped with Mercedes, spending their time there.

Stepping inside, it didn't take long to pick Jeanne up from the people in the restaurant, and as he got to her, the first thing he heard from here was a silly question that contained worry.

"How was it? Did he ask you about some stupid things?"

"The talk with brother Gabrils went better than I expected. But what you have in mind when you ask about "stupid things?"

Jeanne's face turned a bit rosy when Mathias threw back the question in her lap, and after some hesitation, she asked him quietly, as if to be sure the other people in the restaurant didn't hear her.

"You know, the intercourse between us. Knowing big brother, I am sure this was the first thing on his mind."

"Ahhh, this is why you were pausing for so many times. … Honest? He did ask that."

"That stupid. I told him not to stick his nose in my relationship, he probably filled your head with all sorts of noise. Don't listen to anything he says, most of the time he is drunk and doesn't know what he says."

"And I told him, since I mentioned that I was seeing you, to not ask about my intimate life, but no, like a mule he had to embarrass me. He said a lot of embarrassing things about me, right? Please be honest with me Mat."

Jeanne was starting blaming Gabrils for being a big mouth, and letting loose, where, when she noticed Mathias small smile and she started saying all sort of silly things about Gabrils, keeping on building her momentum.

However, Mathias only allowed her to get only a bit hot-headed, placing his finger on her lips, and stopping her.

"Why are you stressing yourself, Jeanne?"

"... Because he might have said something, you know, about the thing."

"Indeed, he did say, but that shouldn't be of your concern, it is me who decides if what he says is useful or not."

Still, to not keep Jeanne boiled under the fear of the unknown, he began telling her in brief the things he discussed with Gabrils, and especially about his plans of teaching one of their kids his powers.

"No way! I will not condemn my baby to such a future. I know what all the sacrifices an Apostle should do to achieve full mastery of their powers."

"It seems you are more fearful of that, rather than the deed that it takes in reaching that stage."

"I am stressing about both." responded Jeanne, who was drinking a warm tea, while Mathias too had some tea while he told her about how his talk with Gabrils went.

Apart from this Jeanne didn't show Mathias signs that she was displeased, and once they got on their way, toward her home, he made sure to have her feel like a princess for this special day, and on their way he made sure to tell Jeanne that he will be away for approximately one month and some weeks.

She nodded her head, while tightening her grip on his hand, as if to not let him go away, a reaction that was mild, with her not being saddened, and understanding his circumstances, especially after he made sure to tell her one or two things about the outlanders.

Yet, the things he told her, she confessed that Fayrene already told her, and he only reminded her.

"You shouldn't worry about us, Mat. We'll be fine, it is only one month."

"It is still a lot, Jeanne." said Mathias, reinforcing in his mind the fact that he should cherish the two girls, and Jeanne reacted by hugging his arm, and telling in a soft tone that they will be fine and handle themselves.

He could only leave this talk at this stage, not wanting to create some cheap drama, returning to a cheerful state of mind that was playing with Jeanne's fingers while crossing the city, returning to her house.

Once home, the first thing the couple did was to make a fire, warming up the entire house which required double the amount of wood Mathias would use for the small fireplace at Fayrene place. Jeanne was mostly his assistant that made sure to bring the wood and watch Mathias stir around the ash and place the wood.

"This will be enough dear. Have you eaten something?"


Jeanne's stomach didn't even allow Jeanne to make excuses as it gave an honest answer to the young man who began laughing, finding it amusing at how quick Jeanne's stomach was to respond to his questions.

"Can I even say no to such a direct answer? Come, let me cook you something. Dear, while I prepare the ingredients, you can go change your clothes and make yourself comfortable."

"Hm. Wait for me, I want to learn your cooking."

"Haha, my mom would be so proud of you if she knew her daughter-in-law gives her best to learn how to cook better for her future family. I will wait, but you shouldn't make me wait too long, just make yourself comfortable."

"Hey, don't tease me, I am serious about this." remarked Jeanne, gazing into Mathias ruby eyes, before she saw him stick his tongue out and walk toward the kitchen.

"Just so you know, dear, if we eat at ten at night, I will nag you when I return until I instill a swift changing speed."

"Yes, yes. I'll be off."

Mathias saw Jeanne take her high-heeled boots before stepping upstairs, changing the shoes with some warm, broided shoes that he too wore inside as he departed to the kitchen, taking out the vegetables he intended to use.

A bag that contained a white powder, a piece of ham, an entire chicken that was cleaned and ready for cooking, along with two recipients that contained salt and black paper that he barely managed to get his hands on in the Grand Market.

'To think spices would be so rare in the Empire. Finding the common Black Pepper was as hard as getting my hands on Chiles, Cinnamon or Saffron.'

{Boy you sure know a lot about those small things. I didn't know them by the names you mentioned, but once you showed them to me in the market, it took me back to my alive moments.}

'Sorry, you can't actually eat anything.'

{Nothing I can do about it.}

With Haycien discussing in his mind, while he was taking all the ingredients on his list of the dish he was preparing for his last day in Jeanne's company, and as he was getting on placing in order and cleaning them, he sent a private message to Fayrene, asking her if she wanted to din together with him and Jeanne.

@Fayrene: I am already preparing myself since I thought you jerk forgot about me. By the time I see you, my tummy will forget about the fragrance of your cooking and those spices you keep secret from me.

@Mathias: My bad, my bad. The faster you come, the bigger the chance is to steal some of the spices.

@Fayrene: Wait, I want to cook along with you! Don't start yet, I have to put my makeup on and I'll be off.

@Mathias: Click-clock, your time is running out.

@Fayrene: It will run for you too once my hands get a hold of you.


They were saying big words against one another, but the couple was just playing around with one another, and as he was left on "seen" by Fayrene that was preparing herself for going out. However as time passed, and himself being all alone in the kitchen there was no sign of Jeanne even though she said it would be quick.

{Son this is a different species than us. Women are built differently, they will tell you immediately but what they think in their little heads is one hour, two hours, or even more. I experienced such things in my old life, so buckle up. You are in for something big.} ended Haycien remarking with a laugh, as if he knew what was about to happen to this young man.

'What are you laughing about, so smugly? Do you know something I don't know?'

The old man turned silent, but Mathias could still hear his laughter but downscale as if he was trying to hold on, and it immediately made his mind to think, and guess what could possibly happen to him. It didn't take long for him to figure out what was going on, and as he was grounding the black pepper in a mortar, he released a cheeky smile.

"I see, they prepared their plan for war since I told Fay I will be away. But Jeanne too? I wonder, will she? Will we finally?"

Since the time he mentioned that he shut down most chats, from the guild to friends, with the exception of Fayrene, and then began waiting patiently, for something to happen with his ingredients ready to be prepared.

It took about one hour for a sign to happen, with the entrance door being knocked down, and as he got up from the chair he was waiting patiently, he heard Jeanne respond in a swift manner.

"Right away!"

Mathias didn't even reach the kitchen exit when the door was opened, with someone entering inside, and out of curiosity, he walked further to greet the newcomer. It was a bad mistake because he wasn't ready for what he was about to see.

It was both Fayrene and Jeanne that were prepared as if both of them were stars participating in the Emmy Awards, trying to impress a certain someone and impress, they did.

He was left without words seeing them wearing the dresses he gifted them, along with the accessories he too gifted, with their hair done as if they came from a medieval movie set worth millions in budget, with light make-up that placed in spotlight their skin-tone and beautiful features.

"See I told you his face would drop on the floor once he sees us. Sister, you were almost caught by this little imp by responding to his questions. Haven't I told you to be careful when you respond to devils' questions?"

"You know Fayrene that I am not used to lying to Mat."

The two girls after Fayrene took her winter coat off, bringing it in her inventory in a magical fashion, walked toward Mathias who was still basking in the surprise made by the two girls.

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"You two are so beautiful. You are forgiven for making me wait, staring at food for so long."

Saying that, he stepped forward and took both of them in his arms, and kissed them on their forehead before going for their soft lips, and as the couple of three made up for teasing one another, walked toward the kitchen.

Still to not be left the only person wearing something out of touch for this gathering, like a magician brought up his Victorian Set Clothes, that had Fayrene and Jeanne humm.

"What? I couldn't be the only one left out looking like some peasant while my girls are royal princesses. I will say it right now, but the two of you should get used to wearing those beautiful clothes, because of various circumstances, you might really become princesses."

"Jeanne, did your brother give him too much to drink? No? He doesn't smell of alcohol. But jokes aside, Mat, know that whenever you make that step, we peasant girls will be there to accompany you side by side."

"Ahem, I am not an alcoholic, so don't mock me about it. I was just saying, to make you aware that I might actually pull it off."

"Pull what?"

"... Becoming a Red Knight."

"Whoa, congratulations darling." applauded both girls, conscious about what the future achievement might develop to.

"It is still early to say this, but when I return back home, I will attend the enrollment to become a Black Knight and will start getting serious about achieving that small dream of ours."

The girls were there to encourage him, and remind him that they were with him in this hurdle, making the things ever so sweet.

Before they knew, Mathias like a sneaky devil made the girls clean some vegetables. It looked rather fascinating from outside seeing those beauties work together and with such effort to do the trivial task of cleaning the vegetables.

Giving them some easy tasks that they completed without bickering about it, in fact their faces radiated with a smile, knowing their small hands were contributing to this dinner.

Afterward, Mathias took over, taking out a sharp knife, one of the best from Nelmon that could cut into flesh like it was butter.

The girls at Mathias' insistence took a seat at the table where they could see him cut the vegetables in a calm pace, but showing increased dexterity, and as he finished preparing that, later moved to cut the pasta he prepared in the time he was left alone to wait.

In a large pot of salted boiling water, Mathias began cooking the pasta according to what the recipe mentioned, al dente. Then draining the water, he also saved some of the pasta water for later use.

Meanwhile, in a large skillet over medium heat, he cooked the bacon for 5 minutes, adding the garlic and cooking until the bacon was crispy.

What followed next was cooking the chicken, and starting using his seasonings to the delight of the ladies who began smelling the fragrance of the dish Mathias was doing.

After all was done, the girls could see Mathias take a wooden bowl from his inventory where he beat together some eggs, later adding something resembling cheese, sprinkling greeneries and seasoning that he poured over the cooked pasta dish, reaching the final product, Carbonara with Chicken Meat.

"Enjoy, my ladies. This dish is called Carbonara."



Some time passed since the dish was served to the girls, a first for the girls and also Mathias who usually would cook pasta affordable for his pockets, but this time he went all-out just to impress his girls.

Their verdict?

To the imagination of everyone, but after a pleasant talk at the table, they moved toward the living room, where the three sat on a coach with each girl taking on arm, cuddling with him.

From cuddling that contained sweet words and teasing words, the girls felt challenged as Fayrene took the lid to play with his skin, and also kissed his earlobe which was the first impulse to the young man who had all the green checks to experience a night that he will remember until his old age.

Haycien too, seeing that things would turn as he expected, averted his eyes from the mirror of Mathias's eyes, walking toward a bed in this inner dimension that he built with all the mana he managed to recover from what his successor recharged him with.

[It is so nice being young? Iyraclea, Selune, Dahlia, I can only be reminiscent about our love, now I am all alone in this new journey of mine that I don't know where it will lead.] thought to himself Haycien, while getting in the bed, and arranging his pillow, preparing to go to sleep.

[I wonder if you girls have left your mark on this world, but I doubt you have reached legendary status. However, I hope you are proving this old man wrong.]

With his own thoughts, he went to sleep, closing his connection with the crimson-ring on Mathias's ring that had a lot of ancient runes on it, leaving the young man to be himself, without having an old ghost breath behind his neck and watch as he was deflowering his lovers.

As for Mathias, Fayrene and Jeanne, they began playing around with each other in the living room, starting the foreplay right there, without a single eye to be able to see them what they were doing, slowly breaking the barrier that Jeanne had covered her emotional walls in.

They started first in a playful way, but with minutes things began getting hotter between the three and with Mathias picking them in his arms effortlessly.

He stormed the big bed Jeanne was enjoying for so long by herself, placing them like precious feathers on the bed, while the two could see the desire in his eyes, having his ruby eyes shining with his Red Energy that began spreading out of his body.

Getting to the bed with the girls, slowly working his way from their legs, to their chest and later lips, there was no place in their bodies that he neglected, taking off their sexy clothes and lingerie, with a careful touch taking their stockings off, and caressing their legs in all sort of indecent ways, that they couldn't avert their eyes off him.

The girls in those moments felt desired, giving them a unique feeling in their little hearts that beat alerts in those moments, and they too worked to make Mathias feel good, turning him more than he already was.

Once the exploration was done with Mathias using his dexterous fingers to make the two girls climax from just being played, wetting Mathias's hand, and chest, with Jeanne receiving extra care from him, even though they reached this step in their relationship, but never sealing the knot.

Aside from that, this night was different, she was no longer trying to run from him, and was like a little sheep waiting for something to happen.

Lucky for her, Fayrene was there to teach her on the arts of seducing Mathias, leading by example as she did her foreplay for Mathias, marking her by how smooth she was in bed with Mathias, as if they did sex for a long time and knew what both parties liked.

She followed her example, and did a clumsy blowjob, something that with her soft hands, and beautiful face as she was trying to take in her mouth his dick and blow him, and at the same time Fayrene was kissing him deeply as if wanting to take his attention off Jeanne and only focus on her.

It didn't take long for Jeanne and Fayrene to find themselves once again staring at Mathias from the bottom, as he, later on, caressed the Priestess sweaty face, whispering to her softly.

"It will be fine, if it hurts, tell me."

She could only nod in a meek way, with Fayrene being there to give her emotional support, as she gritted her teeth and released a small scream of pain, when Mathias penetrated her, where she slowly began bleeding.

"Don't move! Stay just like that." said Jeanne in a pained voice, feeling something hot inside of her, and also the stinging pain of her hymen being stretched open.

With Mathias inside of her, the first thing she did was to check if she still had her divine power, and if there was something wrong with her, making rather funny in that intimate moment, having Mathias stop for that reason with him being deep in her.

"Sister … You have weird fetishes. But it is understandable, everyone has their own kink." commented Fayrene that went to kiss Mathias, and play with his chest and nipples.

"Noooo, don't say such embarrassing things. I am trying to see if I have my divine power, and it seems I have fooled myself for this entire time to be chaste.

Darling, be slow, okay? It still hurts me."

"My little angel, you are so beautiful right now. Anything that makes you feel good, I will try to satisfy."

"Hey, don't forget about me." said Fayrene as she pinched his nipples, which made him turn his eyes on Fayrene, and grab her slowly by the arm and bring her to him, as he kissed her deeply.

Jeanne had her eyes closed and couldn't see the kink Fayrene was displaying but she was grabbing into Mathias's hair as they were doing a hot French kiss, later on keeping her lower mouth occupied with his left hand, until her turn arrived.

It didn't take long for Jeanne to climax from her first night, trembling from the unique stimulus of the climax, and she could feel Mathias take his dick from her, and hand it to Fayrene to work on it, starting to blow it, and making it ready for her.

"This is mine, and only mine." said Fayrene in a seductive tone, as she kissed his dick, and later spreading her legs and awaiting her moment of pleasure.

"Succubus, you shouldn't be this possessive."

"Who cares, only I can satisfy you." whispered Fayrene to Mathias after he penetrated her, reaching deep while lowering himself to kiss her.

The round he offered Fayrene was totally different compared to Jeanne that he had to go in a delicate way, making her feel good in a steady way, but with this raven-haired temptress, that knew most of his weak spots.

It was totally different, their love made the Priestess to turn embarrassed at how passionate it got, where Mathias climaxed inside Fayrene at her insistence, which filled Jeanne's head with the constant "Cum in me."

Nonetheless, Mathias kept her engaged too, playing with her body and vagina, especially her clitoral shaft, which made her climax again being her weak point, and once releasing in Fayrene, this didn't mean he was done, the Priestess turn arrived again, turning it a back and forth until she felt pleasure.

A night full of passion ended with both girls receiving his seed as if he was an irresponsible person who didn't know how to pull out, but the truth was.

He couldn't only give in to his muses instances that morphed into temptresses, even the Priestess, felt as if she turned into a Fallen Angel before his eyes.

Both exhausted girls went to sleep holding onto Mathias tightly, not wishing for him to go away, and Mathias too had his mind exhausted from the stimulus he received from this passionate night, and as he was post-nut clarity, he asked a simple but straightforward question to himself.

'How much cum did I have in my pants right now on the outside?

Fuck me, I'll have to wash them thoroughly it this is the case.'



[You can't judge a man's kinks and pleasures spots.]