Chapter 29: Save 16 – Breakup

I pointed at her to indicate that I was really furious with her, but apparently the bastard up ahead thought I was pointing at him.

He started yelling nonsense and once again they wanted to open fire, so I grabbed my club and quickly lunged at a pirate on the left, instead of destroying his head I went for his torso, the blow was light, but hard enough to flip a bus.

The pirate went flying after the impact, then I went towards the others, the bastard with the saw went propelled upwards, but I'm smarter.

With the same move I hit two pirates who were not flying yet, they flew straight to the bottom. Then I turned on the thrusters and flew after him. The other pirates moved away from me wanting to look for an opportunity, but I won't give it to them.

I quickly approached the bastard and with a feint made him think I was behind him.

I listened to his shocked words before kicking him to the deck floor.

"Impossible!!! My Ozymandias is Cornelius class, the fastest of the-"

Before he finished speaking, I kicked him so hard that in a matter of seconds he impacted Brunhilde.

I went down after that, the pirates were running away from me, it seems that the flames were extinguished at some point. Upon reaching the deck I put my foot on the bastard and spoke to him.

"You human scum made the worst mistake you could have made in your miserable lives, Seeking my wrath!"

After my grandiose short victory speech, the bastard shouted as a last resort.

"Faldeus!!!! Use the cannons!!!!! I don't care if I get hit, but, sink this son of a biiiitch!"

Wow, looks like this scum has some serious guts, but what do you think? Rudel van Bradford is a man who never goes into a battle he can't win, cheating or not.

I took my foot off the trash and watched as the pirate ships had a magic circle on their cannons, the generic crest this time was a cross in the shape of swords, the magic circle was getting bigger and bigger.

All the cannons were pointing towards me, it seems that there are more types of magic than just the 4 basic elementals, could it be that only this country uses them or is it artificial magic? The cannons glowed, they were ready to fire. Then I only said two words when several colored beams hit my direction.

"Ixion. Shields."

A large rainbow-colored hive appeared in the air, no. To be more exact it appeared from a tower that was hidden in the airship.

The colored beams hit Brunhilde hard, but the attacks were repelled to the sides, hit the sea and a few floating islands. There were no people so it didn't matter if they suffered damage, except for the ecosystem and wildlife, it's not a big loss to me.

After the attack ceased, the colorful smoke dispersed, the pirates screamed as they observed how the ship was intact. The pirate below me was the only voice I cared about.

"I-impossible!!!! Something like resisting a pure concentrated aether attack is illogical, you son of a bitch, who are you!!!?"

I didn't respond to his barbaric question. Instead, I did something much better, I lifted him up by grabbing him by one of his feet, and then, slammed him to the ground.

The sound was so loud that his left arm came off, he spoke again.

"You... wretch, do you know who I am, I am the greatest threat to this country, I am the most feared pirate captain in the skies, I am the one who made the Republic itself feel terror, I am-"

What a pain to hear it, I slammed it into the ground one more time, and then another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another! Until I got bored of doing it.

When I finished hitting him, well, one more and that was it. I slammed him to the ground again and this time I stopped... well, one last one and I'm done. I hit him again and he ended up flipping on his face. This guy's armed unit ended up smashed, it looked like a car after a nascar accident.

A weird orange liquid was coming out of his armed unit, how I was done playing with him. I'll go get the other bad boys now. ☆

I turned my gaze towards them, the bastards looked like they wanted to escape, but no, I won't let them escape.

The moment they seemed to retreat I made my move first.

I released the extension to fly off my back, then pressed a button. From Battler's back, legs, arms and chest gates opened, they were hidden missiles that were sticking out the explosive tip, I was terrified when I heard a few days ago that there were such things inside, but they were not dangerous according to Ixion.

Then, with a slow and childish movement, I pressed the button.

The instant I did so, the missiles that looked like wine bottles shot out, the target was the air around all the enemies, so they would be safe, but they would suffer my wrath just the same.

Being two meters away from the mobile knights the missiles explode, while those in small ships will receive the explosion ten meters away, finally the ships will receive the explosion in the rear area, where the engine is located; the plasma tree.

I saw how little by little the missiles hit and remains of ships, armed units and mobile knights fell like flies, the sound of the explosions reminded me of a summer festival, only that the sound was a hundred times more powerful, it was there where I laughed at the situation.

These pirates; these guys who a few minutes ago tried to destroy me, who damaged my ship, who threw me into intense despair, were going down defeated just for getting serious. It made me remember when I defeated Klein and the prince, it feels good, it feels absolutely amazing to take down those who think they have the power, but the obstacle of life. I mean, I am the one who destroyed their illusions and dreams like glass, it feels great, why did I have to put up with this for so long?

In my previous life I succumbed to others, they used me to bring them things or pay for their lunches, school and college were horrible, I wanted to run away from there. I remember how I had gotten sick a few days before entering, upon entering after several days after the entrance ceremony, I realized that the groups had already formed. The popular, the unpopular, the weird, the jocks, the slutty girls, the creepy and even the friendless. It was just me in a corner, passing the days, months and even graduation. Not a single person said goodbye to me.

It hurt me, my heart hurt to be alone, that's why, in this new life I was happy. Meeting Alisa and Ai-Irisdina, had made me feel joy. But... she betrayed me!!! She lured me here so that these assholes would hurt me, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable, she is very unforgivable!!!!!

In this country women are held in very high esteem because of a ridiculous prophecy. That is why the government lowers taxes on all commoners and nobles for every daughter they have, if a woman commits a crime whether it is stealing, lying, extorting or even killing. She would get away with it because of the ridiculous belief they have.

That's why it doesn't matter if I rat her out to get her punishment, I would get hurt and more so if I wanted to take justice into my own hands. Maybe I would receive capital punishment just for revenge, for that reason I will take it out on these bastards.

My laughter could be heard so loudly that even Ixion was worried about me.

"Master, I notice that your mood improved, but your hormone levels are altering, I recommend taking pills to bring it down a bit-"

"Shut up."

I shut Ixion up before he continued talking pure bullshit.

"I don't need medicine or anything, I'm fine, actually. I've never felt this good before, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. To be able to show the real me, it's fabulous!"

"Is that so?"-Ixion's voice sounded strange. I thought nothing of it and continued to watch the show, only the main ship, the flagship, remained.

The wretch tried to run away, but I won't let him. I was about to go after them when I heard a strange sound. It was like someone belching into a tuba. It was a horrible sound to any human eardrum.

From somewhere came a large number of magical beasts, it's rare to see something like that.

I immediately told Ixion I analyzed what was going on, after a few seconds more monsters gathered. Ixion finished his analysis by the time the hideous creatures had almost entirely covered the sky around the pirate flagship.

"Master, apparently those monsters are gathered by sound, for some reason unknown to me, that sound influences their brain waves through some encrypted command."


Because I didn't say anything, Ixion got annoyed and gave me a short and quick summary.

"The sound washes the monsters' brains and turns them into its slaves."

"Oh, I see, I understand. Why don't you talk that simple and easy to understand."

"If I did, you would never improve your poor vocabulary."

I wanted to throw him overboard, but this is more important.

I directed all my concentration on the hundred floating monsters, I no longer had missiles so it would be impossible to take them all out... of course, if I were someone without a trick up my sleeve.

I immediately gave Ixion a crazy order.

"I want you to make the chest reactor go into overload, I'll use its energy to take them all out in one hit!"

Ixion once again fell silent before speaking.

"Are you sure you're all right?" -said the electronic voice. "There is no risk of death to you thanks to me. But... it's an improper idea for you master." -the electronic voice sounded concerned about my sudden crazy idea, not blaming him. What happens is that I am really irritated, I want to sleep, I want to eat, but above all.

I suddenly directed my vision towards a certain person who was kneeling on the floor of the deck. She was the only woman present, just seeing her filled me with anger and other unpronounceable emotions.


Inside Battler, Ixion didn't notice that Rudel's skull had mysterious purple veins that gradually enveloped his entire head, the veins pulsed like a living being and on the back of Rudel's neck was a strange parasite that sent horrible thoughts to his subconscious.

-She tricked me.

-If she was my friend, why did she deceive me?

-Was her real aim all this time to destroy me? In that case, she is not my friend, she is my enemy!

That same creature had been making Airi feel worse than she already was since she entered Brunhilde. For some reason, Ixion couldn't detect it, so it had its way with Airi and now Rudel, that thing, that being. It was slowly turning Rudel into his original villain form.

Nothing and no one could know what was happening, much less prevent it. Rudel, was forcing his way back to being a villain for the sake of the world, for Liam's sake and mainly for the sake of the plot.

The real villain, Rudel van Bradford, had just awakened.

I stopped looking at her and directed her towards the enemy.

The monsters seemed ready to go on the attack at any moment, Ixion finished the preparations.

"Master, the security measures are ready. You just need to turn the button on your left to channel the energy and press the button on your right to start the attack."

I thanked him for that. Now to finish this problem.

I did as Ixion instructed. I turned the button and Battler's middle began to glow, a deep crimson color emanating from his chest. The light glowed every second until it looked like a large circle.

I aimed at the monsters and then pressed the button.

A huge zuum sounded, and a gigantic laser beam shot out. In less than a minute, the laser beam impacted towards the monsters turning them to ash when it touched them.

I slowly turned the right joystick to move the body to eliminate them.

It was a wonderful sight, a huge red beam turned a hundred monsters to ashes, they did not run away because the sound was still ringing, but when they reached the middle it stopped ringing and the pirate flagship slowly turned around.

I didn't let it escape, I redirected the beam towards the sails and they disintegrated. Then I moved it to the rear where it exploded on contact, almost half of the pirate ship that measured the same as a travel cruiser.

It blew up like a balloon.

It was a refreshing sight, it was all over now yes, the pirates were defeated.

I ordered Ixion to send drones and robots to rescue them, so they wouldn't die or try to escape... come to think of it if there are strange magical beasts that float around looking like fish, why aren't there any monsters or sea creatures? There are fish in the rivers of the floating islands, but in the sea there is not a single one?

This world is getting weirder and weirder, better stop thinking about it.

I watched as the drones smashed burning ships crashed into the sea, pulled out pirates either one at a time or two, clutching at ropes they brought.

Pirates in the muck floating were grabbed, lifted into lifeboats and handcuffed at both ends.

I saw the bastard sawbones again, I didn't have him anymore, but I don't know his name and I don't even care. Battler seems to have run out of power, before he shut down, I snapped open the mangled chest of his mobile knight.

Upon opening it, I could observe the bastard that annoyed me so much for almost an hour.

He had brown skin not at all healthy, strange blue hair and beard that doesn't match his skin, missing teeth plus they were yellow, his arms were thin contrary to his beer belly, he was badly wounded to the naked eye.

I opened Battler's front hatch to get out, just as I got out, my hardy companion shut down due to lack of power, I went down and gave him a few words of thanks.

"Thank you so much for putting up with so much and protecting me, I'll have Ixion give you the best repairs."

After I finished thanking him I walked over to the bastard.

He was lying on the ground as I threw him down before I left, I watched him just to say a few last words to him.

"You guys brought this on yourselves, if you hadn't screwed me over, you guys would still be destroying or stealing around. But you sought the wrath of the wrong person."

There was no response, let's continue.

"You don't need to tell me who sent you or hired you. I know who did it and I will make sure you pay for this."

Obviously the person who planned this was Irisdina, there was no other explanation.

He bastard raised his hand trying to want to tell me something, I ignored him, instead I focused on his hand.

It had a ring on it.

I made a hissing sound at that gem.

"Well well, but what do we have here? That's a very precious ring you have there."

On her index finger she wore a ring; the rim around it was gold while the center was red, it seemed to have a black dot. It was almost similar to an eye, I don't understand how, but I found it for some reason charming.

I tried to take it.

His thin, dirty hand had a very tough finger, so I opted for the simplest and most humane solution.

I broke his finger.

After breaking it he screamed like a coward. The finger was obviously twisted backwards making it easier to pull it out.

It looks very expensive and old, is it a lost object? No, I think the term here would be more like lost treasure, it gave it a unique touch.

I looked at the ring as if I were a specialist.

"It's really very beautiful."

The bastard's hand tried to reach for it. He couldn't make it, not only because of the distance but also because I wouldn't let him.

Again I did a very loving human act.

I lifted my right foot after getting close enough and stepped on his face repeatedly as if he was a cockroach.

"Hey come on, you're the famous I don't know what. Do something, stand up for yourself, come on. Stand up for yourself, come on!!!"


Airi had been watching Battler since she arrived on deck.

Her heart ached when she thought Rudel had died, then she suffered even more when a pirate took her prisoner and she thought it would be the end of her.

Before she closed her eyes to think it was a dream, a hand destroyed the head of the pirate who held her, then began to crush others.

She was glad to see that Rudel was okay, but something strange happened. A Battler hand came out of the flames pointing at the pirate, for some reason she thought that hand was pointing at her.

Rudel came out of the flames and began his attack on the pirates.

She had a few different thoughts about it.

(It's wrong. This is wrong.)

(That is not Rudel-san. The Rudel-san I know is a good person. He has never abused his power against others).

(Sometimes he was rude to others and even hostile... but this is not something Rudel-san would do.)

Airi watched Battler who had defeated the shark-finned pirate, now slamming him to the ground several times.

A scare ran down her back when she watched as Battler, an armed unit which she had called cute, was firing missiles at the pirate ships.

Rudel laughed like a madman as the mobile knights and ships fell into the sea in pieces.

The color blue was turning red, not because there was blood but because of the flames reflecting off the sea.

(No. This is not Rudel-san. He is not the kind of person who enjoys torturing others.)

Airi's mind recalled a certain event, it was when Rudel defeated Klein. He was acting intimidating to a human being using an armed unit.

Airi didn't understand why Rudel was acting like that.

Now he was kicking the pirate in his face.



(Rudel-san, you're not like that.)

(Please stop.)

Airi trembling stood up, her legs wanting to give in to fear. She wanted to go to Rudel to stop him.

Suddenly Rudel stopped, his foot was covered with blood and he wiped it on the man's body.

He stood up straight and walked towards Airi. She was frightened for a moment, but her gaze calmed down after seeing Rudel's smiling face.

(How nice. His kind and gentle smile is still present.)

(I will apologize to him immediately.)

Rudel was two meters away from her.

Airi called out to him with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Rudel-san, I'm really sorry. I didn't know something like this was going-"

Airi suddenly stopped.

Her smiling face gradually began to give a panicked expression.

The reason was Rudel.

Rudel's face slowly changed from a smile to one of an ogre.

His face was originally terrifying, but his gaze and mouth were making an expression of disgust. As if he was looking at the most despicable person in this world.

Airi trembled as she saw the face she never thought she would see on the person who became her first friend.

(Please stop.)

(Of all people, please, not you.)

(Don't make the same face they made when they saw me.)

Airi remembered her childhood. For using magic as a commoner, she suffered looks of dislike from people in her village.

That tormented her for many years until she got out of there and met two people who accepted her after discovering her secret.

Only right now one of those people was giving her a look of disgust, as if he had excrement in his path.

Rudel arrived where Airi was and ignoring her and crashing on purpose.

After colliding he said a few words to her.

"Don't ever come near me again. You dirty half-breed."

At that moment, Airi's heart broke, her legs fell and tears came out like waterfalls.

Rudel walked on by without even paying attention to the heartbreaking cry of pain heard behind him.

On that day, a friendship shattered like glass.


After defeating the pirates, Rudel released Chlust and the others. The reason for doing so was not only to there was no danger, plus they would feel bad for not having done anything.

Chlust was stacking the weapons collected by the robots, he was storing them inside Battler.

He was watching the outcome of Rudel's battle against the pirates, his subordinates were doing the same job or stacking the captured pirates.

Chlust recognized the pirate flag that was largely burned. They were the blue-bearded pirates, the greatest threat to date to the Altfode Kingdom.

His father had told him about them, Chlust did not know what face to make when he saw the captain, he who was known for being cunning and winning against numerical fleets of the kingdom.

All the ships, mobile knights and pirates had been defeated by one man.

His heart was shattered. The man who defeated him, the one who beat him and considered it a lucky victory, had proven that his power was genuine.

Chlust felt for the first time in his life helplessness and weakness. He did not want Liam or Frey to see it, so, after going in again to lay down his weapons, he burst into tears.

I defeated the pirates and was thinking about what to do with them, fortunately for me and unfortunately for them.

In this world there is slavery. Thanks to a treaty of I don't know what, slaves are those who have been taken as prisoners whether they are criminals or innocent. The nobles buy slaves, in fact, they encourage the highest percentage of buying and selling thus generating the demand.

That's because this was a disgusting fantasy world. In my world it would be the same as buying drugs, I say that because there is also a black market. In such a market people gather who want items that are not available in broad daylight.

The Kingdom knows it, the Royal Palace knows it and they do nothing. That's why I compare it to drugs. I was going to use that same system, that's why I don't criticize them, I just talk about them as it disgusts me. Well, they deserve it for trying to kill me.

I was thinking about what to tell the palace about Irisdina colluding with them, when Ixion handed me a letter.

It was a bit burned, but it could be redone thanks to the super technology I have.

The letter was from one Rossini to one Sellzan. It talked about how he was requesting that I be killed on the orders of someone who was not named.

I thought that with the bribe I made to the palace, there would be no idiots trying to do something like that, I was wrong. I have enemies there it seems, I will destroy them.

Another message from Ixion arrived, apparently a fleet of ships from the palace and house Bismarck were approaching, this is very good. I will deliver the pirates to them, I don't want them, besides....

I glanced at my new ring which I got after kicking the pirate's ass. The treasures I found were mine so I need room for them.

I could see that help was thirty meters away the fleet sent.

I was suddenly slapped.

It was Alisa who did it.

When the ships arrived, they sent boats to come and check the situation, she was in the first boat that arrived. I tried to greet her, but she ignored me and ran straight to Irisdina who was inside her room.

I spoke to a soldier who came with her, I told him everything that happened. He obviously didn't believe me until he saw the face of the bastard with the saw.

Then he went running to a superior officer to tell him everything, after a while of watching them talking I noticed that Alisa had returned, before saluting her.

She slapped me really hard, the blow left me a little dismayed about what happened.

Why did she do it?

I imagine what lies that girl must have told her, but this is going too far.

He claimed to me after that.

"You're the worst. Making a girl cry and treating her like she's a worm. You may be angry, but that doesn't give you the right to be a cretin!!!"

I don't get it. You're my friend unlike that woman who brought me into this death trap. Why are you against me and trying to blame me?

-She was always like that.

She always was.

-I let her enter my island and use my hot springs as she pleased.

I don't understand why you hit me when I'm a victim.

-She never treated me as her friend, she always treated me less like a human and more like an animal, as if I were a....


My anger returned once again and I let that slip out, but I didn't care.

The woman in front of me is the daughter of a duke and I am a simple country baron, if I try to be hostile I am dead.

As I looked at her face I noticed that she was very upset.

But I am more so.

I had forgotten.

She is an aristocrat and I am a nobleman.

Our worlds are different environments.

As a child she went to fancy parties while I collected cow dung with my hands for a living.

She ate fancy and expensive meals while I barely ate anything that could be said to be edible.

Alisa, no, Alicelotte was the kind of woman I hated.

She would yell at me even after seeing my angry face.

"Why don't you say anything, don't be quiet like a fool with that expression written all over your face!"

That was what irritated me the most.

"Would you rather I have an attractive face like your fiancé's? Sorry, I forgot, he cheated on you why you should have fed him up with your stupid complaints." -I answered her what hurt her the most so he would understand how I felt.

When it looked like she was about to raise her hand to hit me again, I stopped her forcefully.

She tried to let go, but I grabbed her harder.

"Rudel! My arm hurts, let go you idiot."

I moved closer to her ear so no one else would hear.

"I'm glad this happened, after all you were right all along."

I didn't need a mirror to know I was smiling after a crushing victory.

"A despicable woman like you has no one around her. It must be awful not to have a single friend and for you to take refuge with a commoner and a country bumpkin."

"I hope your next fiancé won't do the same to you again, Alicelotte. For I, myself, will not come to the rescue of your pitiful aristocratic ass."

After saying that I released his arm and walked away.

I turned to an officer who seemed to be in charge.

"I deliver all booty, undamaged ships and mobile knights to the Royal Palace. The only thing I will not deliver will be the pirates, maybe they will have a bounty on their heads or I will sell them on the black market."

After I finished talking to the man, I walked to a nearby entrance to the interior of the ship to rest.

I opened the door, after crossing I took one last look at another woman I called friend, her face was looking at the floor, but the area of her feet there was clear liquid that wasn't there before, I made a smile of victory again.

I closed the door and walked like a champion.

After a few steps my vision became blurry.

My eyes were distorting what I was seeing.

Why was that?

My cheeks became hot from a wet sensation that seemed to fall from my eyes.

"Why am I crying, don't fuck with me, don't fuck with me!"

My legs collapsed for some strange reason too.

"Goddamn it. Why is this happening if I didn't do anything wrong, shit, shit."

It wasn't just my cheeks that were wet anymore, now a strange sound of pain was coming from inside me.

My mouth opened on its own to release the sound.

"Damn!!! Why is this happening to me if I didn't do anything wrong damn it. stop crying you fucking asshole!!!"

After saying that I collapsed on the ground while crying and screaming as if I had made the worst decision of my life.

-On that same day, another friendship was broken.


After being insulted by Rudel, Alisa returned to her family's ship bringing Airi with her.

They were in Alisa's cabin, she was talking about what Rudel did while Airi was sitting on the bed with her head bent between her legs.

"That idiot, no matter how upset he is, telling me something like that is unforgivable, when we get back I'll scare him with telling him that my father found out that he yelled at me. what do you think Airi?"

"Hey Airi, what's wrong?"

Alisa called out worriedly to Airi, however the answer she got tore at her reality.

"Why are you only talking bad about him, what happened was my fault! I was the one who brought him here, he hates me now and you scold him for it!"

"You said you were my friend, but you only drag me with you to places you want to go! Both me and him you took only to places you couldn't go because they were too simple for you!"

"Why don't you blame me, is it because you pity me, I don't want your pity if it means our friendship is just a master-pet relationship!"

Airi burst into tears and stormed out of the room.

Alisa didn't stop her because what she said was true.

(We never went places they wanted or did things they wanted, I just dragged them with me wherever I wanted to go).

Tears spilled from her rabbit eyes.

(You were right Klein, I am nothing more than a brutish woman.)

Alisa cried silently.

Airi ran crying.

Rudel was crying on the floor.

On that fateful day, a friendship collapsed.

Its foundations were nothing but a lie.

And finally it could be proven that the relationship of man and woman, cannot become so close without being lovers or gaining some benefit.

On that day too, the game story forcibly returned to its natural state.

After returning to the kingdom I immediately headed for the Royal Palace.

I was going to make my report of what happened in front of an official, but suddenly a woman in armor said that my report had to be made in front of a person who urgently requested to meet with me.

The place was at the back of the palace, a big red door was in front, the woman knight said to enter and be very respectful.

I don't think the King is behind there or is he?

I opened the door and greeted, although there was no answer, besides the place was dark except for a light on a table in the distance.

It reminded me of a horror movie, it scared me to think of a ghost coming out and devouring me. I know it's ridiculous, but my situation gave that feeling.

I was getting closer and closer to the table with the light, my image was clearer, I had a pile of documents on top of me obstructing the view.



I screamed in panic due to the sudden voice coming from the pile of stacked documents.

"Sorry, regret to have startled you. I don't like the hassle so I usually work in the Royal Library."

Hearing that it was this place I quickly looked around and noticed that he was right, there were a lot of books on huge shelves.

This was supposed to be the place where information of the country, personal or old things of the royal family and important secret deals were given and stored here. Who the hell was this person to have such authority?

His voice was soft and tired, so he couldn't be the King.

When I was about to ask him who he was, the mysterious person did a magic trick, no, he really was.

"This place is very dark, please let me light it up so we can have a better conversation."

He clapped his hands and red magic circles with flame shaped crests appeared on the ceiling, no, they appeared on the chandeliers, the lamp also had the same method of lighting so it went out.

I took my eyes off the chandeliers to see that he was taking documents off a table, I decided to help him as the person in front of me looked like an old man.

His hands were wrinkled and spotted with warts, he had on his right hand two rings, one on the ring finger and one on the index finger, both were gold.

His clothes were similar to those of Alisa-Alicelotte's father, the only difference was that his shoulder pads had decorative ornaments.

After putting all the documents on the floor, we sat face to face.

His face was old, with the feel of a nice grandfather, he also had warts on his face, three on his forehead that gave the appearance of a UFO.

The most characteristic feature of his face, was that he had his eyes closed, he seemed to close them out of tiredness as he did not give the impression of closing them from sleep or the intensity of the artificial light.

"Now yes, please Baron Bradford give me your report."

I was about to ask him "who the hell are you?" when he dropped a bombshell.

"Oh I forgot, what a fool I am, forgive me, but age is a fearsome enemy, I am Mayer von Ritzburg. Prime Minister of the kingdom."

I immediately wanted to drop to my knees after hearing him.

Is he serious about what he said?

This old man-no, this person here in front of me is the person after the King and he is the one who convinced the other ministers not to harm me.

He stopped me before he threw me to the floor.

"Wait please baron-dono, I called you to an unofficial meeting. There is no need to bow, besides I am only the Prime Minister plus not His Majesty the King."

After listening to him, I returned to the seat and he proceeded to speak.

"I am sorry to have called you after your return, the officer in charge notified us of what happened, for that reason I wanted to speak to you as soon as you arrived. Please, I ask that you tell me everything that happened from beginning to end."

I told him everything with the exception of my threat to Irisdina and how I tore Alicelotte apart with my words.

Obviously I explained to him that, apparently according to the letter, he mentioned how a commoner was used as a bait. Even if that's true, that doesn't take away from the fact that she manipulated me.

He was thoughtful for a while and then spoke.

"Baron-dono, I understand everything that happened. I am truly amazed at how you brought a disadvantageous situation to a landslide victory, as a patriot and prime minister I am proud of you, if you were my son I would make sure to find you the best future wife for a man like you."

His words seemed like a flirtation to me, it made me feel funny as happy to hear it.

"Thank you very much, I did my best. I didn't want to kill them as they were a valuable asset to my financial future."

That's a vile lie, if I told him I thought it was wrong to kill someone he probably would have imprisoned me for incompetence.

I better not talk about what I think.

Now that I gave him my report, I wonder if he would let me go home now?

I was about to tell you when....

"Baron-dono, I have a request for you, would you mind listening to it?"

...He wanted to ask me something I couldn't refuse.

This man saved my ass. I would do anything for him with the exception of him giving him my little sister or my ass.

"You see, I am a man who hates illegal things, my wife lost her life because of a crime a traitor committed. I regret every day that I didn't prosecute him sooner, for that reason I want to clean the filth out of this country."

"Baron Rudel van Bradford-dono, would you like to help me clean up the dirt in our country?"

"Of course, this is like any job, you will receive reward plus for your future you will be able to say that you are an honorary member of my faction."

"How are you not head of your house yet, you can't join a faction until you are promoted to one, or, be engaged to a girl whose family is of a faction or your patron."

Wow, that I didn't know, I'm glad to know that in this world things like social circles with benefits exist, long live the good self.

I gave her a smile with my terrified face.

"I don't like the filth in this country, and I have a certain desire for revenge against that Rossini guy."

He smiled too.

"What a coincidence, I was just going to tell you to help me with that family. They are a family that mysteriously came to power, my job is to concentrate on matters of state for His Highness the King. So worrying about nobles or aristocrats is not part of my job."

"My faction is very small, it only consists of people I fully trust. You baron are someone who caught my interest, it made me hesitant at first, but seeing how your desire to take revenge on those who may hurt your loved ones is similar to mine."

That scared me.

How does he know I want to crush that Rossini, not for trying to kill me, but because he might go after my family after his failed assassination attempt!!!?

This man is scary, he saw through my lie with his eyes closed.

He looks like a person similar to the veteran accountant of the company where I worked as a slave.

With him I would never miss a transaction or pay the workers as he would make sure the employees got paid.

In the end he was fired for not allowing the manager to take money.

I hope he is happy wherever he is.

Returning to the gentleman.

"What would you like me to do, Prime Minister Ritzburg?"

"Please call me Mayer."

"Of course. Mayer-san."

Then he told me a few things, every second I heard him, it made my wicked smile grow, he was also smiling cheerfully, but his pleasant smile gave a real sense of horror.

"Mayer-san, you are a fearsome man, I like you very much."

"Urarara. I could say the same about you baron-dono, I'd like to buy you a cup of tea next time we meet."

"I would love to, if you will excuse me I will go and carry out your errand."

"Take your time."

With that said, I left the place heading to Brunhilde which is yet to have the paint and destroyed wooden parts replaced.


The location was a huge meadow of an estate, the residence was the Rossini house.

Astolfo von Rossini, a man in his fifties; he was tall, thin, indigo hair and not at all healthy pale skin.

He was in the bathroom of his mansion with two girls, they were young if not younger than him.

There was a large bottle of champagne floating in the bathtub, he was having fun with the girls until suddenly a great tremor shook the house.

He shouted.

"Ayayaya!!! what's going on here!!!"

He jumped out of the bathtub, grabbed his bathrobe and ran to a balcony leaving the girls there scared.

As he stepped out onto the balcony his robe was not on properly so his nubile parts were in full view.

What he saw was...

"What's that strange ship with a dragon on the front!!!?"

...Rudel attacking random parts of his territory.

He shouted once again bewildered.

"Who dares to attack Count Rossini's territory!!! Don't you know who is he patron of the faction I belong to!!!?"

Speaking to the air Astolfo shouted, however, his words were somehow overheard.

"Of course I know."

You are reading story World Ixion/SAGA at

"You belong to the faction of a certain Marquis Matt von Heivia, don't you?"

He looked at Rudel, he which was waving at him from the ship using his free hand that didn't have a megaphone.

"Your son, Archisorte von Rossini and that guy have already been arrested. By the way, what a stupid and ridiculous name Archisorte is, did you hate your son so much that you made fun of him?"

Of course, Ixion was involved so he could have heard that, another shot landed in the residence, this time it was near the entrance.

Astolfo demanded to know from Rudel what he was doing.

"I will file a complaint with the Royal Palace for this abuse of private property, you will be imprisoned and executed!"

Of course, Rudel smiled a terrified smile at those words.

"Sounds good to me, let's talk."

Brunhilde stopped her attacks and a boat descended with Rudel.

Before me stood a strange man.

He was in a cold sweat.

He adjusted his robe that revealed his hideous little existence.

I handed him two letters; the first was about the pirates where his signature was and the other was one Mayer-san gave me.

It talked about an illegal arms deal for his house. Plus something secret that made no sense about sending spare parts to a place called Talis Commonwealth.

He kind of before my cold sweat as both letters had his signature on them.

I spoke to him affectionately to calm him down.

"Well my dear Count, do you still have any objections as to why I am doing this?"

The sun was setting as after leaving the palace I headed towards the territory of that Heivia fellow, his house was a fortress, they attacked me as soon as they saw me. I understood why he sent me.

That place is very hostile as it is close to the border of the Belmont Duchy and it seems that there is some hatred between the two.

It took time as I didn't want them dead so I fired endless cannons to make them surrender, then I went to a disreputable club, I don't want to remember what I saw so I will have to read several children's stories to forget those things.

He son was just like the father, only more cowardly, kicking his ass made me feel good.

Back to this guy.

He spoke to me in a fearful and ignorant tone.

"Excuse me baron-dono, but I have no idea about something like this. I-I think there's a mistake here and someone set me up. Yes, that's right, it's a trap, maybe from Duke Belmont!!!"

I don't know that guy, but even if it were true, I wouldn't let it end in a misunderstanding.

"I'm sorry you don't believe it Lord Rossini, but this is based on what the prime minister found out and the other is what I experienced yesterday, your signature is on both so you have no choice but to accompany me to the palace to get to the bottom of this."

Suddenly someone came into my line of sight, it was his daughter. The girl who annoyed me a little while ago.

It's impossible for me to forget her terrible indigo hair color, her pale skin not at all healthy and her freckles on her cheeks.

Her father noticed my look and turning around saw his daughter and went running to her.

"Ophelia what the hell did you do?"

"Father, you see I, it's just that I, that guy, the person who asked me, I..."

I was just babbling nonsense.

After laughing for a while watching how he father beat his daughter, I proceeded to take them both away, I had a lot of things to ask him.

It's been a week since I invaded that guy's territory, it's been a very annoying week since he wasn't the only noble I had to go after.

I'm currently walking towards the palace with three guys with weird names. Keehl, Lessar and a guy named Litchen or something like that.  These guys also had some pretty ghoulish things on their hands.

I stopped for a moment to look at something that scared me.

It was the heads of certain individuals I caught, these were cut off and placed on spears.

The face of that Rossini senior had an expression that clearly indicated that he suffered and cried before he was liquidated.

It didn't matter at all that to me, I did nothing wrong since it is the prime minister who is in charge of having sent them to their end.

Speaking of Rossini, his son was also there. Executing the current head and the successor was normal.

Deep in my heart I am glad that my father and Lyle stopped doing disreputable things thanks to me.

How the father and son were sent to the same place, what happened to the daughter?

In this country the woman has an almost untouchable social position. But if there is any crime such as treason, terrorism or the life of the Royal Family was in danger, such protection would be nullified and treated like a man,

I am not a sadist so I don't want to know what happened to her, but I heard that the Temple was involved in these cases, it is also thanks to them that women can become knights because according to history. The Saint left her disciples to take care of the world until the calamity happens again.

Truly a complete false stupidity, if the church of this world is the same as the church of my previous life, these guys must be scammers, the real name should be the church of necessary evil.

Although since I am a reincarnate, I know there is life after death. I better not try to talk to them about it.

After leaving the criminals in the custody of a soldier I headed towards Mayer-san's office, I knocked on the door and someone came out, it wasn't him but....

"Looks like that was all for today, Ritzburg-dono, please think about what I told you...huh? May I know who this young man is?"

...A person from the Saint's Temple.

His clothing like everyone else was pure white, he had gold crosses engraved on his shoulders, hand sleeves, center chest, a purple stole with gold edges and red crosses.

The most visible feature of him was his whale belly, I am not exaggerating when I say that. It's just that it's a real whale belly, this guy is not fat, he' s obese!!!!

His belly is so big that it looks like two pregnant women merged together. He had a double chin that made him look like he had two lips on his neck. He had gray hair, but was obviously balding, his hair was on the sides and a ridiculous attempt to try to look like he had hair as it was combed to the center of his hair.

As if that wasn't enough, he had several gold and silver rings on his fingers. His mouth was dirty with food and the smell of fish and wine was very evident.

Really, how fucking disgusting it was to see him.

Mayer-san spoke to me from his position without moving.

"It's Baron Bradford, he's the young man who helps me catch all the criminals who can't be touched normally."

After hearing my name, the obese man grabbed my hand with his hands and shook it up and down while talking to me spitting his saliva, cover you pig.

"Ohh!!! You are the man who brought us those donations and souls to be saved!"

I was only a split second away from telling him "what the hell are you saying obese cow?" when Mayer-san spoke up for me.

"This person is the high pontiff of the Temple, Dixit van Zect, his family is of margrave rank and have been in the position for several generations."

The obese man stopped shaking my hand and turned to Mayer-san speaking to him with a smile and kind voice.

"Please don't mention my house rank, Ritzburg-dono. In the Temple things like ranks or families are unpronounceable. We follow the doctrine of the Saint. She specified in the Blessed Sacrament that to use power in a bleeding place was unassailable."

I noticed how Mayer-san's face gave the impression of saying "yes, like as not." So I said nothing, instead I asked her what she meant by donations and souls?

With a smile he answered me.

"The treasures you donated are sent to the Holy Church which serve to support our cause."

I certainly donated part of the treasures for the palace and to the Bismarck family for upsetting their daughter.

...Wait a minute!!!

You're telling me that this pig has the power to steal the kingdom's treasures for such trivial things?

This is corruption at its most disgusting!

Mayer-san, please send this pig to the guillotine.

Then I became more disgusted with the next thing he said.

"The souls he sent were daughters or wives of the houses fallen into sin, our job is to send them to the path of righteousness based on prayers!!!"

Why do you make a strange morbid face when you say that last thing?

Irisdina hurt me, but I am not so evil to want to send her to this guy, if something like that happened, I would not allow it since her punishment would be to live knowing that she hurt me by calling herself my friend. And if she was sent... I think I would have no choice but to rescue her and then have her receive a proper punishment.

Yes, that would be best....


Why am I thinking about that girl's welfare? I still have to keep the lies we went through together in my heart. I must forget that and concentrate on my life from here on out.

The obese went out saying goodbye and I watched his belly bounce as he walked, I'd rather see big breasts of beautiful girls bounce up and down than this.

I went inside and closed the door, walked to the table where Mayer-san was.

I wanted to ask her what happened, but her face had the expression of disgust. It must be horrible to deal with people like that.

"I'm really sorry about that baron-dono, there are things that a prime minister and a man of principle like me, no matter how much power I have, are unattainable things."

I don't want to ask for the details, so I'd better give my report.

After telling him what happened with those three, he sighs.

"I'm very glad to hear that, but with this now the remaining criminals will be more cautious, as they are not only from inside but also from outside. There is a lot of dirt in this country and thanks to you a small percentage is being cleaned up. Again, thank you very much."

I was honored as well as embarrassed by that, because it couldn't be a lovely grandmother who said that to not make me feel weird.

After a pause looking at the table, he asked me something that was clearly obvious it would be.

"I'm sorry I want to ask you this one more time baron-dono, but would you listen to it?"

Without even thinking I said "why not."

He laughed and so did I, his expression then became serious.

"Crime and smuggling will keep coming to this country, I don't know what those nobles want weapons for, but I know it must be something terrible. So it seems to be best to attack the root."

"The root?" -I said.

"Who are the ones bringing in the contraband?"

The answer is obvious.


His expression did not change.

"Pirates roam like fish in rivers in these parts, it's not uncommon to think that they provide them with weapons, we can't locate them... but you are someone who possesses the power to not only fight them, but also perhaps track them down?"

Please don't hold me in such high esteem, although you are right. Thanks to Ixion, a super technology from ancient times I can do almost anything.

I replied "no problem at all, but what do I do about the academy? I already lost a week and I don't know how long I took with this." Instead, he with a doting grandfatherly smile replied "Don't worry about it, I'll send a letter to the principal telling him to forgive you for running my errands. Of course, you will have to do your homework, education is important for a young man."

He really is a nice grandfather, I wish he was mine.

We talked some more and I left there with several papers.

For the next two months I did not return to the academy as I devoted myself to hunting pirates.


This happened during the time Rudel was hunting nobles.

Chlust was in the academy gym.

It was a place with not at all modern equipment whose operation used magical power.

He had been there since they arrived from the mission to defeat pirates.

He hadn't written to his father to report what happened, he didn't because he would be embarrassed to say that a man physically weaker than him was able to defeat a pirate fleet alone.

It was already night and only he was there, the other students who were there had already gone to sleep.

He alone remained exercising his body to forget what happened.

His mind had only this thought "I am weak."

Rudel had left a big mark on him that could not be erased.

Suddenly, he let go of the weight he was using, a loud sound rang out.

The reason was because his muscles had gone beyond the limit of pain.

He fell to the ground and could not breathe.

Everything in his head was about him being inferior to Rudel.

Before his eyesight shut down, he saw a small body rapidly approaching towards him.

He could only see the orange hair of a girl with glasses before he passed out.


When he woke up he noticed that under his head was a towel acting as a pillow.

He looked sideways to look for the person who should have helped him, it was already morning.

When he stood up he noticed that on the side above an exercise machine, there were several sandwiches and an energy drink, there was also a letter that said....

"You did your best, so don't be discouraged ♡ I'm sure you went through some frustrating times, but I know what kind of person you are and how quickly you will improve. Love, from a random girl."

...From a fan.

That strange letter made Chlust feel happy and embarrassed inside, he grabbed a sandwich and along with the energy drink put both in his mouth.

He grabbed another sandwich again and then another, until they were gone.

Suddenly, the tears came out only this time it was not of sadness but of joy. It was the first time someone had given her encouragement not to give up.

Her mind now thought about this "so... there is a guardian angel in this academy, huh?"


Erselica was eating breakfast after spending all night taking care of Chlust.

Her breakfast was bacon and eggs and a large glass of milk.

After biting into a portion of bacon and egg, she put her hand to her cheek making a happy sound.

Then some milk she drank, burping like a child, no one heard her over the noise of the girls eating breakfast.

"Breakfast certainly looks splendid, at my house I couldn't eat something this delicious because my father spent all the money on combat gear."

Another bite she took.

"We are just a regular viscount family, I know you want to promote to an earl, but don't spend our daily spending money on armor and weapons!"

Now I take a sip of milk.

"The pirate subjugation event was supposed to involve the prince and that girl, but according to rumors that wretch Rudel was the one who did it."

"With that, the southern island event coming soon will be an unpleasant end to the story."

Erselica's gaze shifted to a certain table, on that table was a girl with light blonde hair, her breakfast she had not tasted yet as the spoon was stirring the soup with awkward movements.

Suddenly, the girl stood up and left the cafeteria without even eating her breakfast.

"I can't count on that useless heroine... it only remains for me to intervene for the sake of the plot."

Erselica didn't notice, but she was making a scary face with her smile.

"Before the semester ends I must find that certain item on that island, if I do. That girl will be just a fixture of big udders."

Erselica's gaze suddenly shifted to the other girls, to be exact it was towards their breasts.

"Guhh~ why do these cows like to show off that pile of fat!!!? Breasts are nothing but unnecessary piles of fat on the body, a nice slim figure is all that matters."

So she thought as she touched her flat breasts, although according to her she had breasts, but in the sight of others she was flat as a board.

After finishing her meal she got up leaving the dirty plate there, the other girls did too as the servants would pick them up.

As she left the cafeteria she had only two thoughts.

"I need to force a bond with the prince and those two, I already established contact and I know what their personalities and tastes are like so I will take advantage of this semester to befriend them."

Her fist was clenched as she thought the following.

"Then there's that guy's problem, he's destroying the plot all the time, if I don't do something to stop him soon..."

Her footsteps stopped.

Once again a macabre smile came to his face.

"I don't need to look up how to destroy him, the people here hate him for beating up the prince and poor Klein."

Erselica was not only confused, plus she didn't know what really happened.

"I should just ask for help from people who despise him and force a few events of his as well, after all it doesn't matter if he's not here, a despicable villain will always be in people's hearts."

With that thought in his head, in the two months Rudel was away, a lot of rumors and vandalism was created at the academy, all in the name of Rudel van Bradford.

These two months I spent hunting pirates were the worst.

I had to let people I didn't know come onto my ship, many of them were criminals or criminals who were cloaked and trying to buy me off, of course, I chased them off and then captured them.

Leaving the undesirables were people from Mayer-san's faction, or other factions who wished to wipe out the pirates or at least eliminate the families they hated.

I had to tell Ixion to redesign the interior to be more elegant and fine, also the rooms had to be remodeled, I was really annoyed this guy.

My client, or so I try to think he is was a man with the last name Roseblaire. He came for a letter from Mayer-san, I couldn't refuse, I want to go home. I stink, I haven't stepped on solid ground in a long time, a bunch of old weirdos surround me, my clothes are just my usual combat uniform and since days ago I couldn't book the boing-boing explosive beauties magazine issue #44.

I am really upset, I feel like when those girls, those people I used to call my friends betrayed or belittled me.

Ixion notified me that there was a pirate ship in sight.

I was inside Battler so that weird old man wouldn't harass me with questions about whether I'm interested in his daughter.

"Master, pirate flag twenty meters ahead, this would make thirty fleets we would destroy within the week."

I didn't answer as I didn't care, I want to go home.

The rear hatch opened and I stepped out with the X-shaped thrusters, Ixion said he was working on some improvements, only they were still a prototype.

"I'm ten meters away, they can see me so I'll start with my usual threat to-"

I was about to do my daily routine when that again happened, I hate it, I really hate that.

The pirates' voices could be heard over Battler's ancient super sonar.

"That ship, isn't it...?"

"It's got a dragon on the front, no doubt about it!"

"Th-that's the infernal armored unit that defeated Sellzan, no mistake... that's it-!"

Who the hell came up with that....

"The noble pirate hunter!!!"

...Call me that!

(Seriously guys, who the heck decided to call me that?).

(It's so embarrassing to be called that, I'm so embarrassed, my face is terrifying so it would look like I'm having a light orgasm).

(Really, shut up. They make me remember my battle against the greenish one that one, I felt so embarrassed just hearing it).

I covered my face with my hands to deny reality, Ixion called out to me.

"Master, stop wasting time, the pirates are running away."

Just as he says, they were running away, I won't allow it for having embarrassed myself!

Without much effort I destroyed their ship and captured them, with this it can be said that there are no more pirates or secret bandit bases or smugglers in the kingdom.

I hope to be rewarded with a lot of money, money is good, money makes people happy. I love money and more if it is honest.

It got dark when I returned to the Royal Capital.

I was in Mayer-san's office talking about the last week's hunt.

He would return from time to time to the kingdom with the criminals to have them prosecuted and give him his report.

"With that ends my report, it seems that all the criminal gangs have been captured or have fled, also to the nobles affiliated with you I delivered a powerful cannon so as to bring down their ships."

"I see, your help has been a miracle for me baron, no, Rudel-kun."

I was just called by an older man "kun" I feel sad and happy to hear it. Sad because it's the first time I've been called that and it was by an old man and not a beautiful childhood friend.

Happy to be called that. But the feeling of sadness is still there.

"By the way, Rudel-kun, a strange rumor related to you has reached my ears."

"Strange rumor?" -I said with much curiosity.

"Yes, it's strange and impossible rumors about you committing vandalism at the academy."

I was astonished at such a thing.

(Who could it have been?)

(I don't have-)

It was then that I remembered something.

Who could benefit from ridiculing me?

The answer is simple, those two!!!!

The women who lied to me from the beginning, Alicelotte and Irisdina.

I have no proof, but I am sure it was them.

I can't accuse either of them for being women, even more so that one is the daughter of a duke, it would be the same as denouncing a mafioso without proof.

Mayer-san noticed my doubtful expression and spoke to reassure me.

"Don't worry, I know it's just lies on the part of the students affiliated with the corrupt houses they serve."

"I will secretly conduct an investigation into this to catch whoever spread those lies."

I was reassured to hear that, but I doubt a prime minister can do anything against a duke's daughter.

"Thank you, may I retire to the academy now?"

I've been gone most of the semester, exams and spring break are only weeks away.


(Come to think of it, why is there no winter in this world?)

(There's every season but winter, what a weird fantasy world.)

(But because of that, in my second childhood, I didn't have to be cold.)

He answered me after organizing some documents.

"According to this it looks like there are no pirates around anymore. I'm sure for a while we won't have to worry about illegal stuff."

"With that said, you can return to the academy and enjoy what's left of your classes. Good night, Rudel-kun."

I stood up and said the same "Good night, Mayer-san." And I walked out showing my respects.

"It feels good to set foot on land and not on a ship."

My arms were raised as my body stretched, I walked back the way I came and unfortunately bumped into him.

Just my bad luck.

"I know you live here, but this being such a great place, why should I justly run into you?"

I pointed to my biggest malaise....

"I can say the same."

...The prince. Who noticed my presence as I called out to him.

"I know you're stupid, but you can't say that since I don't live here."

"See, you're a big stupid!"

I pointed out his mistake, seriously. how stupid is this kid?

He made a disgusted face upon hearing his truths.

"I-in any case. what are you doing here?"

I replied politely.

"It's none of your business, interest, let alone any of your business. Idiot."

"Your way of responding sounds like you don't even see me as a person!!! And that last bit was over the top!"

"Shut up. I see you as a person, but a very stupid person."

Her face was turning red.

I decided to say goodbye to get the hell out of here, just the sight of him pisses me off.

"See you never."


Without warning he grabbed my sleeve.

I reluctantly turned around at the sight of him.

"What do you want?" -I asked him reluctantly.

With his stupid face he said to me.

"Is it true that you defeated the pirates?"

A half-hearted "Yes," I told him.

He bit his mouth to hear it. Then she looked me once more in the face.

"Have you been doing pirate hunting all this time?"

Once again I said "Yes." Without enthusiasm.

"Then how is it possible that the rumors about you are true."

Once again rumors I don't even know about me came up as a topic.

What on earth are they saying about me?

I didn't realize it, but he had let go of my sleeve and now there was his hand on his chin while his other hand was on his hips.

"How strange...if you weren't here how did those rumors come up..."

"...It's none of my business, but I think I should help you clear this up."

...What he said.

"Even if I don't like you, you're still a student. So I think starting tomorrow let's ask the students involu-"

I interrupted him by grabbing his collar with both hands.

"You... are you forgetting that we are not friends or classmates!"

Why am I grabbing him?

He's an idiot, but what he's saying is true....

I'm really angry for some reason though.

I want to hit him for some reason.

Please, give me a reason to hit you!!!!

I kept talking to him angrily.

"Have you forgotten what you said to Alicelotte? Have you forgotten that because of you I was almost about to die if it wasn't for the prime minister? Don't you forget that Klein abused his authority and you denied that was true?"

His face looked like he didn't understand what he was saying. No matter.

"Do me a favor, don't get involved with me anymore, furniture."


I made a smile at that.

"That's right, you're nothing more than a piece of furniture, no one expects anything from you, you're only good for inheriting the throne and having descendants. You're less than a piece of furniture, yes, that's right. You're just a royal pet."

After telling him that I threw him to the ground, there was no one around is good.

"I hope this was a lesson to you."

I walked straight down the hallway to get out of here, I'm still upset.

My head hurts.

It hurts!!!

I had arrived at the academy, it became very late.

There is no one around, there are supposed to be guards doing rounds and just now there are none, what terrible guards.

I was walking in the north building since you can only enter through here.

My head hurts.

The pain won't go away.

I want to hit my head


My vision is a little blurry.

When I felt something, it was a bump against someone.

I kept going as my head hurts so much.

I feel like it's going to explode.


A voice sounded behind me.

I turned to see who was calling me, my vision is still blurry, but I think it's a guy.

"It doesn't matter if you're drunk or if you used hallucinogens, didn't your parents teach you manners? You should apologize for bumping into someone."

Indeed, it was a boy. I had my vision still blurred, but... if I'm not mistaken he has black uniform like me, a wooden sword indicating that he was training, his face I can't see it well, I think... his hair is brown and his eyes are green....

(It hurts!!!! The pain increased more!!!!)

I grabbed my head based on the pain with both hands, the boy noticed.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, are you okay, did you take something really dangerous or what, let's go to the infirmary!!!"

He grabbed my arm, and without warning my hand, more accurately my fist, buried itself in his face.

He fell to the floor.

Looking at my hand I noticed that I had the ring I stole from the saw pirate.

It was a little full of his blood.

I observed him lying on the floor.

He was holding his nose which looked like it had been broken.

"What the hell is wrong with you!!!"

He insulted me without even knowing me. He deserved punishment.

I went over and sat on his chest.

Then my right hand which had the ring which was not small at all.

It came down at high speed.

"Take it!!!"

He covered his face so I wouldn't hit him. I took his hands off using some magic power.

Obviously I used a small flame I could generate and burned his hands.

"It hurts!!!"

After shouting I proceeded to use the power of justice on his face.

"Take this and this!"

"A nobleman's justice is absolute!"

Again and again I hit his face, I did it to soothe the pain in his head which lessened each time I did it.

Finally the pain was over.

I stood up and was sweating as if I had exercised a lot.

I looked at my hand.

It was covered with a lot of blood and my knuckles were scraped and I could see wounds.

I took a look at the one who offended me.

Now I could see his face clearly, it looked just like tomato sauce in paste.

On the sides of his face there were pieces of teeth, his face looked more like a rag doll. There was also a large amount of glistening liquid coming out and littering the floor.

"You got what you deserved." -I said as I spat at him to head to my room.

After a few minutes I made it to my room.

After entering I opened my drawer where there was a recovery bottle that is given to all students as a gift.

I took it and it regenerated the skin on my hand after a few seconds.

"It is very effective."

I heard that its price value increases per type of healing.

In other words, if it could regenerate just this with a small bottle, would the ones that regenerate more fatal wounds its price and size be bigger?

"I don't think they are that big, so it has to be a more concentrated dose, I should tell Ixion to analyze it so I can reproduce it-"

Suddenly the headache returned, I let go of the bottle, but it didn't break.

I grabbed my head with both hands.

"It hurts!!! Ixion, help me!!!"

I called out to Ixion, but he was not here as he was in the ship making adjustments. Help...

It hurts!!!


In a mirror that was embedded in a wall Rudel was reflected.

He was screaming in pain clutching his head, he didn't know it, but in the mirror was reflected besides him something else.

It was a strange ghostly purple creature.

On the back of his neck was a small lump that throbbed, causing veins that ran almost all the way through Rudel's head to penetrate deeper and deeper into it.

The veins seemed unable to pierce his skull for some reason.

Rudel screamed in pain and that made the ghostly creature press harder.

Rudel's scream was assimilated to the scream of pain released by Airi a few months ago.

At this moment Rudel...

"Please!!!! Somebody stop this pain!!!"

...He was in a situation of no return where no one could save him, not even Ixion.