Chapter 124: Save 67 ─ First Night

I managed somehow to keep Ellen from taking my virginity.

She certainly took a first time.

I'm not complaining, but I wish my first experience was with my girlfriends.

She is also one currently, but our situation is a secret for now.

Once we left the room, she looked satisfied as she wiped her mouth.

We kissed goodbye as I left before her father arrived.

I returned in a carriage to the Duke's mansion in the capital.

As I entered, I found the girls waiting for me.

I thought they were going to smell me since Ellen's perfume was on my body.

But, it seems not to be so.

"What took you so long at the palace?" Asked Alisa with her arms crossed.

"We got word that the convocation ended hours ago!" Airi exclaimed putting her hands on her hips.

She couldn't even jokingly tell them who she was with.

"When the convocation ended, I went to look for a commercial place for my mom, then I went to see Mr. Ben."

Her expressions were no longer annoyed.

"Geez, if you were doing that, you would have sent an official to let us know. We were worried sick, besides, where is Ixion?"

"He must be marrying pirates at the moment."


Both of them didn't understand what I said, so we went straight to dinner to tell them everything.

"So that happened at the academy..."

Once we finished eating a tasty dinner, we sat down on a couch.

They sat together and wanted to spend time with me, so, they both told me to stay on each other's laps every so often.

Neither of them wanted to try to monopolize me.

I was now on Airi's lap.

Alisa was stroking my head.

"Yes. The palace has been nagging about giving you lovers. Ever since you became a hero, women and their families have been wanting to find a way to get involved with you."

"But don't worry Rudel-san, we'll keep horrible people away from you!"

They flashed their smiles as they indicated."We won't let you have lovers."

Once Airi's time was over, Alisa told me to lie on her legs.

I wouldn't mind lying like that all night, but out of nowhere, they both looked at each other and nodded.

Airi came up to my face and, as our eyes looked at each other, with her bright blue irises, she said.

"Rudel-san, you see... today Alisa told me something that worried me. And, the thing is... I agree with her."

I didn't understand what she was saying, but more and more her face came closer and closer to mine.

But now he changed course to my ear.

"The thing is... Alisa and I talked and we want to make you happy. We know you've been stressed about what happened with those great nobles."

Airi pulled away from me and then took my hand, Alisa did too.

But now Alisa also came up to my ear.

"We want to resume that night, where we confessed our feelings."

Their bodies became very close to mine.

"Rudel... let's enter real adulthood together."

Their cheeks were red.

Their voices were very anxious.

"Rudel-san, I feel the same way as Alisa. I want to finish what we couldn't on that night. It's your obligation as our boyfriend to finish what you must do."

We walked to a distant room.

There were no maids nearby. It already seemed strange to me, but their weird attitude about wanting to continue what happened that day seemed weirder.

What happened to make them like this?

After entering, the room smelled very nice.

I don't know who closed the door, but the light was in an environment where little was visible.

I was thrown onto the bed.

The glowing eyes of both of them were very big, almost looking as if they were going to devour me.

They threw themselves against me.

Airi lifted her face and thrust her tongue into my mouth.

Our lips met, remembering the soft feel of her red, full lips again is the best.

One of my hands rubbed her back, the other touched Alisa.

They were both watching me intently.

For some reason, my head was spinning.

I don't know how much time passed, but I was kissing with Airi for a long time.

She touched my face and our tongues parted.

Alisa was next to do it.

The difference between their saliva is like sweet fruit punch and cranberry juice.

I can't tell which is tastier.

But they both wanted to be with me.

They both wanted to be totally my women, I wanted to make them mine too.

But, it still haunts me that scary feeling of them ending up pregnant being in the academy still.


Alisa removed her tongue from my mouth.

Our eyes looked at each other.

Should I do it?

Climb into true manhood and undo what I could never lose in my previous life?

I want to...

I really want to do it.

But, the fear of them ending up pregnant and not being by their side makes me anxious.

Am I afraid to do it?

Or... am I afraid of a responsibility?

I have killed many, I am a minister at a very young age and everyone praises me as a hero.

Surely that's something anyone would like to have.

But not me, what good is all that to me?

My head has a lot of things to think about now, but there's something that's been hanging around for a long time and I can't get it out.

I opened my mouth and said.

"Girls, I want you to give me a demonstration of how much you love me."

"We'll do anything."

I didn't need to see me to know I made a horrible smile.

"You two... could you give each other a kiss?


They looked at me with a complex face about what I asked.

Then they looked at each other for a while... and in an embarrassed way they said to me.

"Do you want us to kiss...?"

"Between us? Why?"

From the day I learned that they bathed together on my old island, a perverse feeling was born inside me.

"I'm sorry to ask you this, but it's really something that's been bothering me since last year... for that reason, I wish to know how much you love me. I want to see what you can do for a man as disappointing as me."

Any normal person would be beating me up right now.

But Ixion and Erselica's annoyance have told me several times that they are not "normal". I'm not considered "normal" either, and that a floating sphere and a woman with the noose around her neck told me so.

They were reluctant at first, but then...

They began to see each other face to face very slowly.

You could see the embarrassment on their faces.

Very shyly, they raised their arms and grabbed each other.

They began to move closer to the point where their breasts touched.

They both began to pant.

Their fingers gripped each other tightly between their arms.


"... Airi."

Her fingers now touched their backs.

Their faces were close to the point where their noses touched.

They stared at me, then...

They opened their mouths and their tongues peeked out.

At that precise moment, I visualized how the best friends.

Two girls who had a different role in the game.

And, above all, my girlfriends.

They intertwined their tongues.

I felt as if time had stopped.

They both closed their eyes before kissing.

Only seconds passed, they both pulled away and wiped their mouths.

They didn't look at each other.

They looked at me now.

Airi was the first to speak, followed by Alisa.

"... Rudel-san, we already showed you how much we love you."

"N-Now it's your turn to show us your love."


Both of them approached me. Their hands slid to a certain part.

I guess, it's time to forget about the worries.

"Alisa, Airi, I─!"

"Sorry to bother you."

Someone knocked on the door.

"Young Master Rudel, if you are still awake, please answer."

The voice was Doyle's, I looked at both of them who seemed to be telling me not to say anything.

But, if you have come to call me, despite the fact that no servant disturbed us on the way here.

It must be important.

"Y-Yes, what is it?"

Their eyes kept looking at me as if to say. "Shut up, don't talk anymore."

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but a palace official servant came a few moments ago with a letter. You are requested in this instant."

That surprised me.

"Really, at this hour?!?"

"Please, if you' re not busy right now, I'll tell the official to leave."

"N-No... it would be annoying tomorrow if it's something important."

I spoke softly.

"You two, I'm sorry, I'll come back later."

I stood up and left the room without looking back.

The official said nothing to me and brought me to a mansion near the edges of the capital.

As I entered, there were few maids.

I didn't know what was going on here, but I hope it's nothing bad or another assassination attempt like that time.

One maid took me to a room and then retired.

She told me to knock and once I get the answer, to come in.

Who is in there?

I knocked on the door and after a brief moment of waiting.

"Come in."

A voice spoke to me.

The weird thing, I knew that voice.

I turned the knob, the light in the room was very dark except for one area.

It was a very bright lamp near the bed.

There, a woman was sitting reading a book.

After closing the door, without turning to look at me, she spoke to me.

"Good evening, Count Bradford, I'm sorry to have called you so late.

That beautiful long wavy ash-blond hair, wearing a night gown to sleep that came down to her thighs, stood up."

Lecia, the Queen, stood before me.

What was going on?

She was approaching, I watched her huge breasts without a bra bouncing little by little as she walked.

This was making my heart pound a lot.

"Count─ no, Rudel-kun, I want to talk to you seriously. I couldn't wait until tomorrow, I'm sorry for calling you so late."

"Umm, my Queen, what do you want to talk about?"

"I'm sorry, I would ask you to sit down, but I can't wait anymore..."

She took my hand and...


She shouted her true wishes.

"Stop annoying me please!"

"Really, it's annoying that every time we see each other, your inappropriate comments about my body and your flirtations are very infuriating!"

My face distorted because the Queen was apparently tired of me talking nicely about her sensual body.

"I have enough stress from what happened after the war! I have to deal with a lot of things! To top it all off, that stupid of His Majesty doesn't do anything!"

Suddenly, she backed up and sat down.

She was crying, I didn't understand what was going on.

But, for some reason, the sweet scent of the room in Alisa's mansion smelled exactly the same.

Is it perhaps a new scent of air freshener?

"Really! Really... this is the worst thing I could have imagined."

The Queen totally cracked up.

"I never imagined such a barbarity would happen. First came the treachery of a duke and several ministers."

"Then came several insurrections in the territories and a coup d'état. Even other kingdoms attacked us, but we managed to save ourselves.

"We still have consequences like disasters in the capital and punishing nobles who didn't show up at the call."

Lecia had a lot to look forward to in her heart, it seems that the situation of last year's game event, was much worse than I imagined.

"Worst of all, we were able to avoid some of those misfortunes, but those two incompetent old men are also to blame!"

"Mayer knew what Balzac was guilty of, but he preferred to have proof! There had been executions without proof before! But what he did was stupid because of his arrogant desire for justice!"

I never imagined that Mayer-san was guilty of what happened at the palace.

"Then there's my family! My son─ Liam! That boy is so much worse than his father! Everything he did was childish!"

"That woman he fell in love with is an unsolved problem! She may not be a saint anymore, but that doesn't take away the fact that she made a fool of us by pretending to be the ultimate existence of our region."

"The United Kingdom also believes in the saint, but our method of belief is totally different from the Kingdom, that's why, I didn't mind her being his wife despite being uneducated."

"I resent the fact that both he and you have forgiven her. A woman who fooled us But as a woman, I understand a little why she did pretend."

Every word out of her mouth only leaves me more shocked.

"As a child I dreamed of marrying a prince. Then one day, my father told me that I would go to live with my future husband."

"I was really happy, I, I waited anxiously to meet him until the wedding day. And that day came..."

She lifted her face and cried harder.

"It was the worst day of my life! He behaved like a pig! He's never had a day where he's ever been kind or loving to me!"

"... The last time he saw me as a woman was before I was pregnant. He's been hanging out with those women ever since."

"I don't care if he's with other women. I don't care that he even refused me to join them. I... I'm so angry with everyone. They're all incompetent and useless! All the men around me are really useless!"

The Queen seemed to be really full of stress.

Because of that, I didn't know how to say if I could leave.

This is when her husband should be her support.

But that husband is completely useless.

Seeing her cry like that, I could only think of one thing.

There was a game in my previous life, in that game they put a name, that name was an abbreviation of a longer name, cage meant.

But that same name had a different meaning. If Lecia, is exactly the same as Leticia, that means that the Queen is a "happy" woman locked in a "cage".

She kept so much pain inside, maybe not. I really should stop looking at her and talk to her with respect. She deserves respect after seeing all she has suffered.

"My Queen, if your wish is that I never bother you again. I will. I swear to you right now that I will not─"


Suddenly she silenced me.

She stood up and walked to my direction.

Her head buried itself in my chest.

"Even with all those problems... the only person I could depend on all this time, was you."

She placed both hands on my shirt as well.

"If it wasn't for you, we'd all be dead. My homeland even told me not to let you go. It's obviously because of your lost item that all the ministers wish to have you as an ally."

That I already knew, but hearing about her family is different.

"It is because of you that the Kingdom can continue to stand. We all thank you. But, there is something that has bothered me about you."

She lifted her face and with teary eyes like a little girl, she said to me.

"Your flirting with me is really irritating, I'm an old woman with a family! If you wanted to be flirting with my maids, I wouldn't object. Even if you wanted to be behind some family's daughter, I would help you with it."

"But... but."

She shouted at me heartily.

"Why do you say you like me! I'm fat and old! I'm thirty-two years old! How can a young man with his libido love an old woman! Besides, I'm married, if I were single, I'd be much younger and... my purity would still be in my body! Maybe I'd understand that! But not what you do. I don't understand you at all."

I see, she can't believe it.

It's like I was denying the possibility of someone loving me. But two beautiful girls made me see my mistake.

I hugged Lecia to make her understand my feelings.

"It's not a joke! It may look like it, but it's not. My Queen─ no, Lecia, I love you!"


"I have girlfriends, I love them. But the day I proposed, I told them I loved you. That's true, because you remind me of them. You're loving and hardworking, you're a woman with multiple facets."

"A woman like you deserves to be happy. You and Alisa are similar, your names represent that you should be happy. I wish you to be happy. Therefore, all my harassment is true. I desire your body, it is perfect like you."

I stopped hugging her and confronted her to her face.

"You are not fat, you are perfect! Your face is very youthful for being the same age as my mother. Your personality is sweet like an innocent girl, that's why your purity will always remain. Are you married? Do you have a son and husband? So what! Leonis is a trash King that the ministers themselves hate him and Liam is an idiot. I'm sure the Kingdom will be in trouble, but don't worry. I won't run away."

I looked at her with more intensity.

"You and my girlfriends live here. I won't let anything bad happen. I will protect them, since..."

My gaze shifted to her body, she noticed.

"There is no way I will allow such a specimen to go to waste. I love your wide ass, it's so big I'm sure you can have several children yet. Your slim waist that shows you're not overweight, and best of all, these splendid and gratifying fleshy protuberances."

"I love your huge breasts so much, I wish Alisa and Airi got these bulges when they have my children."

I told everything I felt, to top it off, it made me very anxious.

I felt the blood coming to a certain part.

Lecia was looking at me with wet eyes, she averted them from my gaze.

"You're cruel, you know that?"

"Saying things like that. That you want me and my body. You think it's nice to have such a big cleavage? It's annoying, you're really a pervert."

I guess my friendly relationship I had with her was over.

"That's why it's unfair that you're the one I expected."


She came over and hugged me.

"You're cruel, telling me things like that, harassing me, flirting with me and most of all..."

She pressed her body against me.

"Saying that you find this body sensual. Especially, my breasts. You are really cruel. Since, it made me very happy."

"It made me happy to know that you find me attractive. And that you're also my savior. Deep down, I'm a little jealous of Alisa."

Tighter she hugged me.

"She has you to herself and her friend. I too wish or wished that my husband would be this affectionate with me. She is happy now despite suffering so much in the past."

"I wish her happiness more than my own, I love her as my own daughter, but you are her fiancé. I... I wouldn't bear for Alisa to cry again and even more so because of me."

I hugged her too.

"I don't want her or Airi to cry either, I wouldn't tolerate it. But Lecia, I want you."

When I said that, she hugged me tighter.

"Today, I told Count Roseblaire's daughter to be my wife. I gave her a ring symbolizing that."

Lecia pulled away and looked at me.

"I am a very greedy man as you may know. I like money and women with big breasts, so if given the chance, I would like to have several girlfriends."

Deep down, I'm a little jealous of the capture targets that lie in Aster. Sara is beautiful and nice, Lucy is wonderful and fun.

Deep down, I'd like them to be my women.

But, that's a very childish selfish wish.

You are reading story World Ixion/SAGA at

"Lecia, I would like to have you by my side as my wife. I also want to have them by my side, but what I feel for you is different from what I feel for them."

"It is a deep desire that I feel for you."

"How cruel you are."

She was beginning to cry.

"I... I'm happy for what you say, but, that doesn't take away from the fact that I'm married."

"I heard that the Kingdom adapted a custom from other countries, divorce."

"Even if I hate him very much, my country would not allow that. The United Kingdom needs the Altfode Kingdom."

"I said I would always support them, so I will."

"Even if that is the solution, it doesn't take away from the fact of the central factor. Liam will be King."

"Rudel-kun, you should know that the situation of Liam and the ministers is delicate. There are many problems about him for what he did, no one, not even Mayer himself, would want him to take the throne being so childish. I think it was certainly my fault for not raising him better."

Suddenly, she raised her head.

"I-I have a proposition if you really want there to be something between us."

That only made the blood in my head rise.

"I have a request, well, three of them. If you fulfill those three things. I..."

She shyly averted her gaze from mine.

"I-I'll be your wife..."

She seemed happy to say that, as she slightly smiled.

"W-What are they!" I shouted in exultation.

With this, I could have the woman of my dreams.

"First, I would like you to support Liam in his ascension to the throne. There are many who don't want it, especially that faction."


"It's not something you should worry about as they are not many and not a threat, they are just people who don't want Liam to the throne. So, if you support him during what's left until graduation from the academy, I'm sure they will desist from opposing him."

"I don't understand those faction ones, but if you want me to support that idiot until his time to the throne. I accept, all in all, I have understood after living with them for a while that, they are very useless. I would feel bad if anything happened to them."

"Thank you, I am sorry for the trouble my son caused you in the past and the trouble he will cause. Now with the second one."

Again she turned her face away from mine.

"If... we got to be intimate." Said after touching my fist with her fingers. She was making a small circle in the center, it seems she noticed my muscle change after my severe training with Chlust by dragging me swimming since 5 am and then doing a marathon.

"It would be problematic if I ended up pregnant. At least, until I separate from him and my son doesn't take the throne."

"If what you wish is that I don't touch you, I'm sorry, but that's impossible! Right now I'm controlling myself not to touch your body!"

I always dreamed of one day, when I would return home and find the Queen in my bed.

Dressed in a short see-through dress showing her underwear and her breasts lying on the bed, and waiting for me with a smile on her face.

But now, that dream is real.

She sighed.

"Calm down a little, will you?"

She took my hand... and placed it on her huge chest.


I felt my heart stop.

I was finally touching that heavenly one, but... I didn't know how to react.

There are so many things I would have to say, things to think about what I would do when I touched it.

But now none of that was coming to mind.

Just... I could feel a soft cushion of flesh and in the center a prickling button.

"Gosh, it's so annoying your desire towards my breast. Don't get me wrong, it makes me happy, but there are times where the girl wants you to see her and pay attention to her."

She moved my hand over her large breast.

I was silent as I never visualized this outcome.


"... Yes."

"Good, reiterating what I said."

She removed my hand and then continued.

"The last condition is the most important of all. No one, absolutely no one! Must know about us. The maids outside are my absolute trust."

"I trained them from a young age and they have been loyal to me. They are absolutely trusted by me."


Before I finished my line. She stopped me with her finger in my mouth.

"This condition is the most important of all. I, I could tolerate other people's looks, but Alisa's. She is like my own daughter. I love her very much. Therefore, I don't want her to be hurt."

"Since... I'm making a contract to be her boyfriend's wife, that would make me a bad mother, wife, queen and, above all, her mentor.

"At least, for a while. Until everything is complete, I would like this relationship to be our dark secret."

I gave her a hug as I came to my senses at last.

"I don't want them to cry, either, that's why, just like with Eleonora. For a while I'd like to keep this a secret."

I pulled out of my pocket the ring I had.

I was bringing them, as I wanted to exchange my girlfriends' rings for others, but unexpected things happened.

"I promise, that's why. This marks the proof that you are my wife."

I put her finger on the ring.

She looked at it consumed with interest.

"I once asked Alisa when she came for tea, what did that ring mean? She replied that it was the best gift she could have ever had."

"And me, her mentor and mother by name. I am having the same gift from her man. I am feeling a very indescribable emotion now."

"Should I cry out of happiness... or sorrow? Am I hurting her by wishing for my own happiness... which involves her beloved? I feel like I'm stabbing her with this."

"If it makes you feel better, I am too. This relationship and secret is not yours alone. I love you, Lecia, I want to have you by my side like I do them."

I stroked her head to reassure her.

"I'll make sure they don't cry, you can rest assured."

"In that case..."

We looked at each other intensely.

"Can we close this lovers' contract?"

"Yes. As of today─"



Her eyes were very moist and that beautiful blue color was very strong.

"I want to close this deal with a test. I want you to show me that I'm your lover, your woman."

"That means..."

She closed her eyes, I had to answer those feelings without question.

"It's more than perfect."

I didn't close my eyes. We brought our lips closer and both of us intertwined our tongues.

An indescribable sensation I can't describe felt on my tongue and in my head.

The world could explode now.

An economic crisis could happen.

But none of that matters.

At this moment I am enjoying that a woman like her is mine.

To be able to touch and kiss her as of today is a dream.

We withdrew our tongues, a trail of saliva hung like a bridge.

I looked at her and she at me.

Lecia murmured.

"That was my first kiss. I'm glad it was with you at least."

"My Queen─ Lecia, that was your first kiss?"

"Yes." She said very embarrassed.

"I still have many 'first times' I have and I'd like you to take them all."


"Yes. It's a pity you can't take 'my flower' but I have many more I want you to take as my man."

Suddenly, she pressed my face into her breasts.

"You've said a lot that you want them, and well. How are the breasts you've wanted so much? I once Alisa hugged her and she said she couldn't breathe, but how about you, how are the breasts of the woman you desired so much?"

There is so much softness that I can't reason.

"Yes~ it's magnificent~ I wish I could be here forever!"

"My~ what a naughty boy you are~"

Her tone changed and is now sweeter but aggressive.

"Bad children deserve to be punished by adults. ❤"

She threw me on the bed and she jumped on my body.

She stood up a little and did something that was not part of her personality.

"You like these fleshy protuberances so much, it's only fair that they want to punish you too."

Lecia swung her breasts in my face.

She purposely waved them near and far, left and right.

She played with me a lot for some reason.

Then, she attacked me with them.

"Special attack! Hey. ❤"

She lifted her breasts and pressed them against me.

My sanity disappeared.

I pulled her off me and now we were with the positions reversed.

"It's time to make you pay for having such an obscene body."

Her gaze was always so pure and majestic, but now, once again in my life, those hearts in a woman's pupils appeared.

It was beginning to scare me.

But the playful, mischievous smile she flashed at me got my body to react.

She noticed and smiled.

"Let me teach you tricks to make them happy. Consider it my reward for stealing their first time."

I couldn't hold on any longer... and entered paradise.

It was so wonderful to enter, I was glad no one else had taken it away from me in my previous life or this one.


I opened my eyes.

Normally when I did, I would see a book or an empty bottle.

But now, there was a man there.

He wasn't my husband, nor much less a dream.

A man─ a boy the same age as my son. He was my roommate.

I also remembered what I did.

I betrayed my husband and my family.

But most of all, I betrayed my daughter, the girl I took care of and educated since her childhood.

That boy was her fiancé.

I looked at him with joy.

My breasts rested on his chest.

He liked them, so it made me happy.

I hugged him with great pleasure since now I was his and he was mine.

It was a mutual relationship of affection.

From now on, there is someone I want to be with.

But, her face appears in my mind.

Alisa, forgive me. I'm a horrible woman.

I... really, I'm sorry. But as a woman, my happiness is important as yours.

I woke up.

Next to me was a beautiful woman with whom I had my first time.

I felt heaven, it was so heavenly and great. I want to experience it again.

We were getting dressed.

We didn't look each other in the face, but we were bathing together.

I knew she wasn't upset since I touched her body and she touched mine.

But she seemed to be deep in thought.

After I finished dressing I said to her.

"This... I'm going now. Lecia─"

"Count, I'm the Queen right now."

She seems to be in work mode.

"I understand, in that case..."

Just as I was about to leave, she hugged me from behind.

"So, call me as your Queen. When we're alone, treat me as your woman. So, right now we are not lovers."

"In that case, as your knight my Queen. When could we meet again?"

Slowly, she reached her hands down and touched my body.

"I've never been on a date before, that's why, when it's the next vacation, I'd like us to go out together."

"Sounds perfect to me!" I said marveling at continuing this relationship.

"What do you say we get together at Aster? Just like them, I'd like to take her on a date there."

She stopped hugging me and pulled back to tell me.

"Then I'll look forward to it, my darling. ❤"

I turned around, and we had a deep kiss.


The moment Rudel left, Lecia collapsed on the bed.

She screamed like a little girl.

"Kyah! I'm an old woman, but I got a boyfriend!"

"I should rethink this, but I'm so happy!"

She stopped suddenly.

Her eyes stared at the ceiling.

"Alisa, I'm sorry. I shouldn't do this, but..."

Her hands touched her belly.

"Rudel-kun... I want to have your baby!"

It was very late.

The girls should be asleep by now.

It's three in the morning.

It's really late.

Doyle was still awake.

I apologized for coming in so late and proceeded to go to my room.

But it was locked.

So, it was my turn to go to the other room where I had been hours ago.

I turned the knob... and a hand grabbed me and I forced my way in.

I was thrown onto the bed.

The room was the same, but the sweet smell was much stronger than before.

Peering into the distance, I found them.

Alisa and Airi were standing.

I stood up, they must be upset.

Before they spoke, they hugged me.

They both kissed me almost at the same time.

A triple kiss it was.

Both of their eyes were lit up.

Alisa was the first to speak to me, then Airi.

"Rudel... I can't hold on any longer."

"Rudel-san, my body is burning."

Without saying a word, they began to undress.

"Rudel, I love you. I want you more than you can imagine, I want you inside me."

"Rudel-san, I want to be your woman body and soul. Take us, I can't take it anymore."

Both of them were in their underwear, then, they started to take off their last clothes.

Their naked bodies were in front of my eyes.

"Rudel, I don't mind getting pregnant if that's what you think."

"That's right, we love you, if we have your child before we get married, we wouldn't mind."

They pounced and started taking off my clothes.

A few hours ago, I got myself a lover and, just recently the Queen, and now, my girlfriends want to be mine.



Their eyes were so bright, I was a little scared of their behavior.

"Make love to us."

I opened my eyes.

Light was streaming in through the window.

As I turned to the left, they were gone. And turning to the right, I was surprised.

There was no one beside me, but yes, sitting in a chair.

"Gosh, what a sleepy daddy."

"He certainly is a very lazy dad."

Airi and Alisa were sitting rubbing their stomachs.

They were very big.

But, something like that is absurd!

Wasn't it early this morning that happened?

It's only been hours, hasn't it?

"Rudel, what's wrong with you?" Said Alisa while rubbing her belly.

"Are you feeling bad Rudel-san? "Airi asked me while holding her belly with both hands.

I was scared.

"G-Girls, hold on... it's only been one night, so how is that possible!"

I emphasized their bellies.

They looked at each other quizzically.

"What are you talking about? We've been like this for months since we got married."

"Alisa, I think he dreamt about that night when we were still at the academy."


(We got married months ago?)

(When were we at the academy?)

(Don't tell me that everything I experienced was a dream?!)

My head was spinning.

There were so many things to ask, but suddenly they...


They started laughing.


My girlfriends were laughing at me. Hey, don't do it. I'm scared.

"Alisa, he really fell for that, haha."

"You're right, I didn't imagine it actually worked. We really should have left him so happy last night."


I was really surprised since I have no idea what they were talking about.

But I understood when they lifted their pajamas and a pillow was on their bellies.

They left them on the bed.

Alisa was wiping away her tears.

"You see, we woke up a while ago. And Airi used her magic to cure the pain in our hips."

I checked the sheet, but there wasn't a red stain that there was supposed to be.

"While we were getting dressed, we thought of playing a prank on you."

"And it was perfect, hahaha."

Airi stood up and then took my hand.

"Yesterday was our special day, so let's have more days like this, Rudel-san."

"That's right, I want to make more memories together."

The first one was Airi, no doubt, Airi is just like Lecia. I shouldn't underestimate her sweet her smile. As for Alisa, she is a little childish, she never stopped kissing me.

No doubt, my vacation free from Aster's problems is excellent.

I wish they would never end.