Alana sees me most of the way home, turning around at the end of the street but not before giving me one last concerned glance. We lapsed into silence during the walk but she didn’t have to talk for me to know she was still worried about our conversation. I don’t know what bothers her more; the decree, the fact that the king made the decree, or what I’m going to do about it. Wondering if I will follow through on my vague threats. Wondering if I will leave to escape the crown’s sanctions?
Besides a few basic platitudes, I don’t have answers for her. I need time to think, to consider every option before I really do something reckless. This is beyond me, as enraged as I am. I need to consider my family. I need to consider Junior and the Masons/Grimoires. Saints, this affects the whole kingdom, not just summoners. Things have the potential to get explosive.
Gajin is replacing flowers in the entryway when I walk in. He dips his head respectfully before smiling. “Afternoon, milady.”
“Gajin, you’re looking well.” If scruffier than usual. “The flowers are beautiful, as usual.”
He puffs up like I called him pretty. As they say, gold is valuable but appreciation is priceless. I’m sure I’ve heard someone say so. At least once. Probably not from my family.
“I’ve been talking to the mistress.” The servants have taken to calling Kierra ‘mistress’. Normally, she’d be the lady of the house but seeing as she’s married a lady… “There is a florist in the market who may be interested in my babies.” One of his fingers trace a brilliant white petal. “I have to make sure they’re seen. A flower’s joy comes in captivating others.”
“Ah, um, good. Let me know if you need any help with that.” I skirt by the man amusing himself with stroking plants. His fascination with greenery has only become worse since being let loose in the garden. I’m afraid he might be a tough unhinged. With his thick, unruly hair tangled with plant debris and general disheveled state, anyone who sees him might think he's a hobo squatting on our estate. The least he can do is shave regularly.
I can hear Kierra on the balcony but I don’t rush to join her. It’s been a long, stressful day. I need to relax and think, though a solution isn’t likely to present itself in a night.
Geneva enters the bedroom just behind me with a brief knock to announce herself, moving toward the bath. [I think Gajin should keep his current appearance,] her voice whispers in my mind as I hear water filling the tub. A servant that can read their master’s mind is an efficient servant indeed. I tried to stay uncomfortable and cautious about it, but it’s just too useful. [The druid style looks good on him. Lends him credence to those in his field. It is not as if you expect him to greet guests.]
He can trim that scraggly beard of his. Looks like something is nestling in there. And the jacket! It’s his uniform, for saints’ sake. I may not be much of a noble but appearances do matter to me, somewhat.
[May I handle it?]
I was going to ask you to do so anyway. How are the others?
[Earl is taking to his studies well. Anna’s attitude has become much more manageable but she is too young for further instruction. The key is to give her a proper childhood. Positive experiences to blunt the more unfortunate ones she’s endured before her employment.]
I completely agree. A child should be a child. Earl may be her brother, but I’m her guardian, aren’t I? Does Quest have festivals? I enjoyed them as a girl.
[I will investigate.]
And the last one?
[Nomad is…interesting. His mind is fractured. Fragile, or I would have already divined the truth. I cannot tell if it is a result of trauma or something more interesting.]
About that thing we discussed…
[There is no chance that he is an oracle.]
Good. I can deal with anything but that. By Cosmo, literally anything but that.
You are reading story Reborn From the Cosmos at
[You are rather paranoid, my summoner, but I approve of this caution. Those with the celestial affinity are not to be trifled with or underestimated. All the strength in the realms means nothing against one who can see the strings of fate. Your bath is ready.]
I strip off my clothes and enter the bathroom. Geneva is waiting in the water, wearing nothing but a mischievous smile. Another toward which my reservations have crumpled.
I settle in front of her, feeling her modest chest press against my back. I close my eyes as she washes me. “I had a very interesting conversation today.” I think back on my interview, letting her take the details from my mind.
Her hand doesn’t even pause. “A bold move,” she purrs against my ear. “I wonder what else the king has planned.”
“What do you mean?”
“He must know this decree will cause considerable backlash. The Grimoires are weakened but still possess many damning secrets. Fendelheim could drag the capital into chaos without us so much as lifting a finger. Is he prepared to execute many of his vassals? Or perhaps he is planning on it?”
“Ah.” I never considered that he might be using us as an excuse to wipe out a bigger threat. That would mean he thinks less of us than I thought, accepting pissing off an entire community as an acceptable strategy for being rid of a few annoying nobles. It’s a good thing I’m in this relaxing bath. “Do you think that’s his plan?”
“To me, it feels like a show of power. Baring his teeth. Perhaps this decree isn’t even real. The rumor itself is a useful tool. He can use it to negotiate far more realistic restrictions. Or spook a few summoners to his side.”
Oh, that would be plain evil. I would even respect such a move. “Assuming his goal isn’t to simply eradicate summoning.”
“Assuming that, yes. More information would be better.”
“Hmph.” I catch her hand as it dips somewhere dangerous, setting it on my thigh before I take the rag from her hand. I won’t be thinking at all if I let her do that. “We need to get in touch with Junior and Fen.” They’re in the capital so I’m going to have to put them to work.
“I will have a letter drafted, using the proper precautions.”
“Draft another for Jac.” My ambitious cousin has plans to explore Green Mountain, hoping to find the ancestral home of my family. Her little pet project has become much more important. If the kingdom becomes hostile to us, the whole family may be joining her on her little adventure.
She’s currently working her way up through the Guiness Company, hoping for a place on one of their expeditions. I’m sure I could negotiate a place for us on one of his boats but this is a bit too sensitive to rely on a new and, honestly, untried friendship. Best to have my own measures in place.
Hm. Where does one get a ship?
“Outline the basics of the situation, have her write back Father’s thoughts. I can already guess my uncle’s.” He will no doubt be outraged and fight like a cornered rat. He is a Harvest noble to the bone and will have no idea how to survive social death. He may not have any elementals but this decree may as well be the executioner’s axe for the current head of the Tome family.
“Very well, my summoner.”