They both give me incredulous looks.
“If we’re going to be teammates, you should start believing in me. It’s not that hard, girls.” I quickly scan the crowd, combining my impressive vision and hearing. I’m not simply searching for those who are alone. I want the people who are alone and dejected, those who are desperate. They may not be the most skilled but they’ll certainly be eager.
What’s that? I’m targeting and potentially exploiting vulnerable targets? Please. The people I’m targeting are the luckiest people here, being gifted victory for nothing.
It doesn’t take long to spot my first perspective. He is standing near one of the signs, head bowed in contemplation. Slightly taller than average, but narrow shoulders. Don’t expect him to be wrestling anyone with those skinny limbs. Let’s hope he has far more magical prowess.
What draws my attention to him is how quiet he is. He’s not simply ruminating on how to approach potential teammates, he’s not even trying. It also looks like the few people near him are avoiding him, though they give him quick looks from the corner of their eyes. Very unfriendly looks.
Mm. I smell desperation.
“Possible teammate spotted,” I declare, pointing him out. The others follow my gaze, Alana stepping in front of my as she heads over. Doesn’t even question my reasons. And you want me to believe you don’t depend on me? Hah.
“Good morning,” she calls out once we’re close. When he doesn’t turn around, she briefly taps his shoulder.
The young man turns around. Fairly plain face, with dark hair and eyes. He is wearing a pair of glasses, two lenses specifically crafted to aid those with weak vision, held in a brass frame. Quite rare. Most who can afford the rare tool can also afford a specialized healer. The difference is that access to a healer is restricted.
Powerful healers are rare and in high demand. One needs connections to meet them. Artisans and crafters are much easier to contact and contract.
He pushes up his glasses, gaze slowly moving between the three of us.
“Good morning,” Alana repeats.
“Yes, good morning. I apologize for ignoring your earlier greeting, I didn’t think you were addressing me.” He places a hand on his chest and bows shallowly. “William Hempshire, fourth son of baron Hempshire of an unremarkable town I doubt you’d know. A pleasure.”
Son of a baron, is it? “Military or merchant?” I ask, cutting off Alana. Sorry, but it’s important.
Baron is the lowest and most common noble title, frequently given to those who have done a great ‘service’ for the kingdom. That translates to exemplary military service, hunters who’ve made a name for themselves, and the occasional local hero.
Fighting isn’t always required. Merchants with enough money can grease the right palms and they often do. After all, nobles are the only ones allowed to own property. It’s a very profitable field in itself but if they aren’t nobles, they will be signing away a considerable amount of their profits to their landlords.
That is about the only privilege being a baron does allow. It doesn’t come with territory or governing powers. Worse, the title isn’t hereditary. Children of barons and baroness are commoners. Fathers can’t pass their properties to their sons unless they earn their own titles.
For this, many derisively call them ‘fake nobles’.
“Military. Royal army.”
“A proper baron then.” The few barons who are respected are the ones strong enough to run a sword through anyone who disrespects them. The peerage only truly hate ‘gold nobles’, especially the ones with more money than them.
“Where I’m from, that’s an insult.”
“She didn’t mean any offense,” Alana say quickly.
“Yeah. Let me change that to I’m very hopeful to see what you can do.”
He blinks. “Are you asking me to join your team?”
Alana shakes her head. “Yes, this is a bungled invitation to join our team. We are still lacking two members.”
You are reading story Reborn From the Cosmos at
“…so easily? Without knowing me or what I can do?”
“You don’t have a fire affinity, do you?” I could check myself with one of my ‘films’ designed to allow me to see mana but those cause my eyes to change, very noticeably. Besides, I’m reasonably confident he doesn’t. Doesn’t feellike a fire caster. It's a lame joke but we tend to be…fiery.
“I do not. I have the water affinity and I am quite confident in my skill.”
“Then that’s all we need to know. Welcome to the team, William. Will. Willie. Liam? No, that doesn’t suit you.”
He clears his throat. “Eh-hem. Well, before that, we should discuss the reason I am currently alone. You deserve to know before accepting me. I am having trouble finding teammates due to interference from my elder brothers, all acolytes of the Hall. We are in competition. The rest, I’m sure you can infer.”
“First one to a title inherits the family fortune?” I guess. It’s a common enough story in houses with more than one son.
“With a few additions but you have the gist of it. I feel it is only fair you know that accepting me onto your team will incur their anger. They will do everything they can to ensure I fail my qualifiers and you will all be considered collateral. We will be targeted. Mayhap killed.”
“I don’t see how they intend to interfere when we are being watched by the instructors,” Alana says with a frown.
“Spells will be thrown. Accidents have happened in the past, though they are rarely fatal. It may not be during the qualifiers themselves either, as I can also fail if misfortune prohibits my team from competing.”
Proper intrigue. Saints, I haven’t heard plotting of this degree since I was a young girl attending tea parties in Summer Spire.
“Please think carefully.”
His gaze is intense as he waits for my answer. Perhaps a little resigned. I can understand why he’s alone if that’s his pitch. Who would willingly accept someone who puts the rest of the team in unnecessary danger? No wonder the other initiates are treating him like he has the plaque.
Despite knowing it’ll lead to such a result, he’s still upfront about his circumstances. Admirable.
“Alana?” I ask. She nods sharply. Should’ve guessed.
“Think I’m scared of a few scheming shinies?” She sneers. “They’ll regret coming after me.”
“There you have it. Unanimous agreement. You’re on the team.” Hah! They’re going to pit the rest of the initiates against us? What a joke. Now, if they somehow turn the instructors against us, things will get interesting, which is reason enough to do it. Cosmo’s first tenet; an interesting person is a valuable person.
William directs another shallow bow towards us. “Thank you all for your understanding and kindness.”
“She actually found someone that fast,” Alana mutters. “Of course someone troublesome though.” I ignore her.
“Alright, Willie. We should introduce ourselves probably. I’m—”
“Please. Lady Lourianne Tome. Lady Alana James. Marthe the Inferno.” He fiddles with his glasses at the looks we give him. “I make a point to remember any important figures around me. Part of the reason my father sent us here was to form valuable connections. It’s a habit.”
Hah! My father tried to ingrain the same one in me. His ability reflects well on him, or at least his work ethic. Mm, I’ve made a good selection.
But I do have a question…