Our ‘bath’ takes a whole hour. Cloud once again is carried by me, her strong legs wrapped around my waist as she leans against my back. Affectionate growling by my ear is interrupted by quick licks and cute whines as she nuzzles me.
Surprisingly, the shelter reflects our happy mood. The two teams that were rather distant last night are seated together and chatting like they’ve known each other for years. Arthur is bellowing to Sebas, who wears a tolerant smile that only twitches at the edges every couple of words. Mr. Talented and Max’s…cousin? Niece? The Guiness girl. They’re seated with Alana toward the back of the shelter, tones polite. Lanston and William are seated near the fire with their heads bowed toward one another, whispering like little boys.
Did I miss something?
I move toward Geneva, who is lounging by her conjured fire. Bell is seated at her feet, playing with the little cutie. Aw~
“Did you sprinkle happy spice on breakfast or something?” I ask as I take a seat at Geneva’s side, transferring Cloud into my arms. She rumbles contentedly as I lightly brush a finger along her spine. Never expected her to be such a soft touch.
[This is not my doing, my summoner.]
Yeah, well, whose doing is it? Even as I ask the question, a suspicion rises. My gaze drifts to Orphelia who is currently lying alone in blankets against the right wall. As if feeling my gaze, she turns toward me before turning her face with a huff. Still pretending to be mad? It’s useless. I’ve already seen your mask.
[A snake moves amongst your sheep, Lou. One that can molt in the blink of an eye.]
I figured that out myself. The interesting thing is she was able to quickly pull the others into her schemes. A Guiness daughter, a royal, and Mr. Talented are all making nice with my team, I’m assuming on her orders. That takes serious clout.
[What do you wish to do?]
Is there any question? Ignore her and avoid her. After this test is over, she can’t ensnare me in any traps if I’m nowhere near her web.
[Are you sure? A wonderful doorway into the kingdom’s politics lies before you. Utilized correctly, she can be quite the boon.]
I have zero interest in the kingdom’s politics. There is a big, wide world out there. At the very least, I imagine we’ll be spending quite some time on the elven continent for Kierra’s sake. Why would I want unnecessary ties?
[You plan to take advantage of the Summoning Hall’s collection of records, which will take several years. Do you expect they will leave you alone in the meantime? Especially with your recent exposure.]
Are you saying I’ve been careless?
[Not at all. It is quite gratifying to see you become more comfortable with your power. Hiding is for the inferior, which you are not. Feel free to become more wanton in your displays. I will alert you when there is a need for caution.]
Haha, succubi. Endless temptation. Then? What are you saying?
[The kingdom will not leave you alone. Unless of course you wish to slaughter those in power?]
Yeah, no.
[Then the dogs will circle. Always watching, waiting for their chance to snatch a few scraps from your dinner table. Taking what benefits can be found in your shadow. The more daring throwing obstacles in your path to change your direction to one of their liking. If they are going to force you to play, then why not play to win?]
I understand what she’s saying. The point is, I don’t truly care. There are so many other things that deserve my attention, such as taking summoning to another level, wooing women, exploring a world that has become a mystery to humanity, amassing a vast fortune, and of course wooing women. Sure, crushing idiots is satisfying but I enjoy it in the physical sense. Smiling at someone over tea while their agents burn down my holdings and my agents kidnap their favorite descendant is not my idea of fun.
However, Geneva has a point. If I don’t want to be bothered left and right, measures need to be taken. I also see where she wants this to go. Ah, well. I did say I don’t care.
There will be rules.
Geneva’s tail starts to swing. [A game is no fun without them.]
One, you cannot sit on the throne. Not physically or metaphorically. This is the human kingdom on the human continent, for saints’ sake. It’d be too sad if we lost our last seat of power due to the sloppy orders of a human summoner.
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[Am I allowed to install a puppet monarch?]
No. The ruler must be able to make decisions completely free of your influence.
[Then, as long as I do not scheme to depose the human ruler or affect them with the mental affinity, any other methods of coercion are available? Remembering my previous orders not to put your interests at risk.]
I will also add that you are to first use, if available in both feasibility and reasonable timetable, methods that involve the least harm to ‘innocents’ by my standards. I’m not saying don’t kidnap the cute grandchildren but it shouldn’t be the first thing you do.
Her tail moves faster. [Generous, my summoner. I thought you would forbid it outright.]
Yes, well, I am throwing you amongst nobles. Telling you to keep it clean would be tying both hands behind your back and crippling a leg.
Rule two! You are to do your plotting and scheming from my side. I am far too accustomed to the comfort of your service to have you galivanting off to the capital. However, I will give you five succubi from the Masons, heh, to use as you see fit, who will abide the same rules you’re bound to.
[I would never dream of leaving you.]
Third! No using the mental affinity to alter people’s thoughts, memories, or perceptions unless in self-defense, immediate defense of another, or…unless invited.
She giggles in excitement, still mindful of her cover as a demure servant despite our conversation. I know, I’m practically serving them up on a silver platter by allowing the use of her magic. Permission? Ha! Half of them would do it for the right amount of gold. The other would do it if she drops her dress. The few outliers would certainly do it for the promise of power.
I can’t think of anyone who could resist if offered all three.
Fourth! None of this comes back to me. The whole reason that I’m allowing this to happen is because I don’t want to be bothered. If you think it will bring me problems or disrupt my life, cut your loses. Literally.
And the last rule.
Everything you obtain, accomplish, or create in the process…is mine.
Her tail reaches excited puppy levels of speed. [How tyrannical~]
Hmph. I don’t care in general but if you discover anything of interest, it is to be reported to me promptly and protected until I determine what is to be done. In the event time is sensitive, you are to do what you believe will benefit me most while adhering to my morals and the given rules as much as possible.
Ah. If you find a person you think I would be interested in—
[Particularly beautiful and interesting women?]
Eh-hem. In you find an interesting person, regardless of appearance, or race for that matter, cause the minimal amount of harm necessary and alert me. Anyone else…do with as you please.
One hand touches my shoulder as she leans over to kiss my cheek. [You are so good to me~ We are going to have so much fun in the future, Lou.] Still wearing a smile, she gracefully gets to her feet and moves over to Orphelia.
And so, with a few casual thoughts, I have unleashed a powerful succubus amongst greedy mortals. It’s like giving a farmer a fertile plot of magical soil and telling them to grow whatever they want, tax-free.
Saints have mercy on them.