It was more of a success than Piper thought possible. She only meant to tease Sev, maybe get him to touch her a bit. Instead, she watched his eyes fill with a primal desire as she triggered something in him.
Piper was introduced to new sensations when he picked her up and buried his face between her legs. She finally understood the ‘toe-curling blindness’ once mentioned in town gossip she eavesdropped on. Sev’s tongue was ticklish and the orgasm it triggered made a further mess of her already fuzzy mind.
She knew she was in for an experience when he hoarsely told her she was his. The raw domineering lust in his voice and gaze made her tense up with anticipation. The pain Piper felt was muted, probably due to whatever Sev did to her and Nat that made them impervious to any damage, but she still felt like she was being split apart, still felt him going deep in her.
Piper lost track of time, her awareness was drowned by her own lust as she was used by Sev. Her head was so addled she barely registered when he finally finished, or when he gently washed her as he swore at himself, or when he carried her to her bed to slip easily into sleep.
Waking up feeling sore all over, Piper waddled out of the room to the designated dining area, finding Nat happily chomping down her breakfast and Sev smiling weakly at her baby sister. He turned to face her as she entered, and his face crumpled into a devastated look of guilt and shame.
After all the fun last night, he feels ashamed? Maybe he thought he’d hurt her?
“Mornin’” Piper croaked out before being surprised at how hoarse her voice was. Did she really scream that much? She sat down and took the cloned meal from Sev, giving him an encouraging smile to show she was fine.
As she started to tuck in, Nat gulped down the food she was chewing before giving her an inquisitive look.
“You walk funny.”
Piper offered her sister an embarrassed grin, noting at the edge of her vision Sev’s grimacing. “Yeah, well Nat, I think I sprained something last night.”
Her younger sister stared obliviously at her for a second, then went back to her food.
Nat opened her mouth to speak again before taking another bite.
“You should have asked Sev to stop pushing you down so hard last night. It must have been really painful if it sounded so loud.”
Sev audibly choked on his drink, sputtered, and was generally stunned. Piper herself stammered at the revelation that Nat might have been watching them.
“ sneaked up on us Nat?” Piper asked, setting up a faltering smirk and trying to play it cool by sounding nonchalant.
Her sister shook her head with oblivious innocence. “Not really. I wanted to ask if Sev was sleeping with us, but then I heard you calling Sev’s name. I just took a peek to make sure you’re ok, then I left.”
Well, fuck.
Nat frowned with concern. “Did it hurt? You were smiling all weird but it looked like it hurt.”
It took a while for Piper to recover, but thankfully her sister simply waited patiently for her answer.
“Um...just a bit.” She tried sounding casual about it. If not for the current awkwardness, she’d easily be reminiscing now about getting fucked senseless. “That’s...that’s why I woke up walking all funny today. We played a bit too rough, huh, Sev?”
Nat nodded, seemingly understanding the situation. “Uh-huh. Next time, be careful when playing in the water ok? You said it was dangerous.”
“Sorry Nat, we forgot about that rule. I promise we’ll be careful.” Piper tossed Sev a wink. “Right Sev?”
“Wha- ... Yeah, promise.” Sev looked like he wanted to curl up in a corner. It almost looked adorable to Piper, but she far preferred him over her taking full control, making her take his-
No, it was not the time for it.
Breakfast was finished with an awkward silence, Sev managing to look a bit like his usual self in front of Nat as he shared idle talk with her.
As they finished, for the second time he asked for a private moment with Piper to talk while Nat went on ahead to the showers.
The atmosphere this time was heavier, Sev looked utterly ashamed of himself. “Piper, last night...” She could tell he was forcing himself to maintain eye contact with her. “I’m so sorry. I know it’s not enough but I really didn’t mean to...”
You are reading story Uncommon Wealth at
Piper smirked at him. “I’m fine Sev. You didn’t hurt me. Much.” It hurt sooo good though…
“Besides, it was my fault for teasing you like that. You just gave me what I deserved.” And wanted.
Sev didn’t seem to accept it, shaking his head almost in panic. “No, it’s not… I mean, it’s still wrong. I shouldn’t have-”
“Why not?” Piper couldn’t hide her annoyance. “You enjoyed it too right? I mean, you made me your Piper right?”
Whoops, that was a mistake. Sev cringed and his head twitched as he looked like he wanted to look away in shame.
What the hell was wrong with him?
Piper sighed. “Sev? Sev.” She held his hands to reassure him. “I really, really enjoyed being fucked.” She ignored his wince and continued on. “There’s nothing wrong since we both enjoyed it, right?” There was deja vu as she went in to lightly kiss him again.
She could see he wanted to protest, but she stopped it dead with another kiss. “This one’s not a mistake, Sev,” she told him, almost pleadingly, hoping for some common sense to get into his head.
Sev sighed after a moment of sharing quiet eye-contact, giving a final shake of his head. “I...I guess. I just...just don’t want to ruin your life...”
Oh for fuck’s sake.
Her annoyance returned with some anger. “You saved me from being a fuckslave and saved Nat from being killed right in front of me! You’ve been looking after us and making our lives way better than anyone else could. How does you fucking me suddenly ruin my life Sev?”
Well, that cowed the man rather well. Piper put his hands around her neck and slowly embraced him as she finished her point.
“I already said you can do anything you want with me, Sev. I’m your Piper.” Another kiss, this time she felt him starting to give in. “I promise if I don’t like anything you’re doing, I’ll let you know. Okay?”
A second of hesitation, and then finally, finally Sev caved in and nodded, holding her by her sides and pulling her in for a deep, hungry kiss.
“You’re right Piper. As long as we both are ok with each other… Besides, no one else to tell us off or stop us.” Yeah, and she’d gladly shoot whoever that tried to.
Some confidence returned in his smile. “I’ll keep you and Nat happy, Piper. I promise.”
“Thanks Sev.”
They shared a silent moment in each other’s arms, before remembering about Nat and hurrying down to meet her.
I’m sorry Ravioli, but it looks like I’ll still be lewding.
Well, Piper was right that things could’ve easily been worse for her. And I long as she’s consenting, and I stop when she tells me to, we’ll be alright, right? Other than the possibility of getting her pregnant...
I sighed, hating myself for getting hard just from thinking of nailing Piper while trying to figure things out.
What the hell happened to me anyway? I remember checking my dick again after putting Piper to bed, but the stats were no longer there. Did it require specific triggers? Well I have to remember what I changed and stay well the fuck away from it next time.
What made the whole thing worse was as we left the room to meet up with Nat, I checked the console again and got another rare message in plain English.
[!!“Pipe ‘Er Right” Achievement Unlocked!!]
The message was interactable and when I selected it Piper was suddenly outlined with way more text than before. Having learned my lesson, until I can break down what exactly did what though, I’m not gonna touch them. She’s enough to deal with already, judging from the number of times she brushed her hand against my groin as we walked.