The new Institute was made productive real quick. The blasted remains were cleaned up and made barely habitable. The main elevator shaft was renovated to stop at a higher floor where the residents would stay in, as the lowest floor was left a glowing heap of barely irradiated slag and waste. Not enough to poison anyone unless they got right up and licked something, but enough to provide some uncomfortable warmth and be an eyesore of a reminder.
Packs of Sentinels lazily patrolled the spaces, with orders to incapacitate anyone who wasn’t being cooperative. After the first few acts of resistance were publically put down in typically sadistic fashion, order was pretty much a done deal down there.
Only the adults remained in the NCI, the children were housed in Station 81 for a slightly prolonged and more observed probation cycle. From the reports, they were all meek and fearful, though Rylee and the others’ efforts to integrate them were slowly bearing fruit. No obvious troublemakers, thankfully, otherwise it’d be bad PR to have a child get dislocated all over by Sentinels.
The adults were given the choice of working in the basic labs set up within the ruins of their old labs in the NCI, or be taken up to work in Research Center Ix. Regardless of the choice, they had KPIs to meet if they wanted to lessen their sentences. After a few took the bold step of venturing into Ix and found the working conditions there much better than the rad-tainted air of the Institute, we eventually saw a good portion of the residents take up the work offer.
When rewards were instituted for meeting high targets, the number of people remaining in the Institute during working hours dropped down to a handful of still-resistant scientists. The heads of the former Institute, along with Father, we had…working…in Blacksite Tleilax. After a few implants, they became very willing workers, at least in body and mind, if not in mutilated spirit. Nobody from the NCI dared ask about their fates, which saved us all the trouble.
The Institute and its prisoners were left a docile non-issue, especially with Eva now monitoring the Nexus’ facilities and networks. Curie’s reliance on a physical body meant that her abilities were often limited to the storage and processing of her Eversor chassis, and had to share the strain of dipping into the macro network with maintaining awareness of her actual self.
Now that Eva was calling the shots, the whole robot operation became sleeker and, due to using Curie’s codes as a foundation without her personality, far more ruthless. Raiders were caught as we expanded into our claimed lands, and those raiders were processed faster than food from an overstaffed fast food joint on a slow day. Those that weren’t used in live weapons and armor testing were eventually broken apart for furthering the Institute-enhanced studies.
It warmed my heart every time Eva sent me the customised ‘research complete’ message. A shame there was no practical use for the other voice lines.
On another front, Nora was trying to move on after effectively disowning Shaun. I made a point of curing him of his latent cancer before he was sent to Tleilax to get a chip. I also had a sit down with Nora to have a discussion between adults.
What I got out of that was she didn’t like me or trust me, probably because of the fact I had child soldiers and kept a highly offensive (to her standards) harem, nevermind the other rumors. She was grateful though for the assistance and respected the generous living standards I offered in the Nexus, but she probably saw me as a cruel tyrant in the making...or I already was one in her eyes.
Yes, Nora knew that the wasteland outside was worse, I suppose she was just disappointed that the next best place to her old life wasn’t as idyllic as she wanted it to be.
Tough luck. My home, my rules.
At least she was grateful for the supplies I offered her. Nora would leave the Nexus to discover the lands beyond it, for now. I left her an open offer welcoming her into the Nexus if she ever wanted it, but other than that, whether she survived or not, or how things turned out for her, I don’t really care. Honestly, I have enough girls (and boys) eager for my attention right now, and the other newer residents were also starting to send petitions to the office now that things had settled down.
With the citizens getting comfortable and our local industries starting up, disputes have followed along. Some of the creative types were accusing each other of plagiarism, a carpenter accused her one night stand of stealing her blueprints, a father was asking me to rein in his son from working in a maid cafe…
Petty stuff, but often stuff that needed a final say from authority figures, ie. me and my admin team. For most of them, sending robots out to have Eva arbitrate is enough, but every now and then Gwen, Arnold, Scott and Calvin had to go even things out.
People only came to my office when the matter was really serious, like settling a divoce because either spouse realised there were suddenly many more fish in the dating sea. Or finding a peaceful resolution to a kid caught cucking his neighbours by his parents. Boy was that a weird case.
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There was also the application of new immigrants. They started trickling across the borders, intercepted by the robot patrols and handily filtered out by Eva. For the most part, we were looking at people desperate enough to risk of seeking a new life under the tyranny of a kid fiddling psychopath (not the best description of me, but kinda true) and these types we sent through the probation in Station 81.
A less straightforward group of migrants required my personal attention; raiders, or rather those that professed to have quit that lifestyle. Since I couldn’t be sure of their sincerity, and we can’t have obvious troublemakers in the Nexus, This group of people were thoroughly reviewed. I found the minimum level of imprisonment was required for lie detection, so the former raiders were brought to a heavily guarded interrogation room with a containment purging system to trigger the effects and dedicated a few days of processing them.
Anyone who weren’t directly involved in rape, enslavement or sadistic abuse was allowed into probation. Those that did were sent to Tleilax to feed the blacksite’s constant need of test subjects. Apparently we were very close to an improved broad spectrum cure, just needed a few dozen more bodies.
All in all, the Nexus Severalty was settling into a period of stable growth, and I began feeling like an actual ruler of a prosperous state. I just needed some convenient menus with sliders and infographics and I was set to play Sim Wasteland Settlement.
On a more personal front, things had become quiet enough that I had the chance to watch Piper, Cait and Curie figure out their hierarchy and schedules. Sharing the bed with the three of them was interesting, especially if I wanted to ensure all of them had roughly the same amount of attention.
That meant as part of foreplays involving me and all three of them, I got to enjoy a rimjob from one of them, while I locked lips with another and the third choked on my dick. It was a nice arrangement, though admittedly a bit disturbing with how eagerly they went about sticking their tongues up my ass.
As long as they actually enjoyed themselves, I guess.
“Aahh…! Baise moi! Baise ta salope!” I had no idea what Curie screamed most of the time, but it was obvious enough she was enjoying herself. I made sure she got her fourth orgasm, watching as her eyes fluttered and her body quivered as her mouth was opened in a silent scream. Only once I enjoyed the view did I fill her up a second time that evening.
Curie was as eager and enthusiastic as Piper and Cait, and looked just as beautiful when ahegao’d as the other two. I watched as the fluids spilled out of her once I pulled out and she collapsed in a moaning, half-conscious heap.
Then it was back to Piper, and I pulled her by one leg towards me, causing the girl to moan as her sweat and our cum smeared across the bed. “So, another round, Piper?”
As usual, she didn’t hesitate despite her laboured breathing and her body still spasming. “As…as long as you…want me… Sev…”
“That’s my girl.” I bent over to give her a kiss, then spread her legs and stuffed her with cock. Console mode showed me the optimal speed and force to use, though I could (and often did) edit those values to ensure the girls got the maximum amount of pleasure from whatever I did to them.
Piper sang for me as I plowed into her, her voice a little hoarse but still loud enough to fill the room. I gave a few tweaks to freshen her up a bit, allowing her to be more than just a limp fleshlight. She squirmed and bucked, and fuck did it feel good as her inner walls tightened around my dick. I made sure to work a few orgasms out of her before growing a bulge in her by pumping my seed straight into her womb.
I spent my peaceful evenings after work like this most of the time, enjoying the lovely bodies of my small harem. No reservations, no hesitation, just straightforward fucking until they were covered in sweat and cum, and I was ready to sleep.
It’s a good life I made for myself here. A shame that I could only enjoy it for so long before the next round of problems annoyed me.