Chapter 134: Chapter 130

I have to admit that Far Harbor’s Children of Atom spooked me a bit. Or more accurately, planted fears about how the supernatural bullshit of Fallout might not just affect me, but the girls as well. Which I considered a much worse thing. I hated to imagine any of them in that position of being…bred, but the images were stored in the back of my mind, and I can’t go around keeping my emotional stats locked forever.


The latest expansion gave me the excess raiders and scum of the wasteland I needed to experiment. We were about to be down to rationing human test subjects before this, unless a breakthrough happened to revert super mutants back to humans (still no luck there).


But now, with a lot more human resources streaming in, I could take on independent projects again without affecting the official projects. Projects like delving into warding and empowering tattoos. Ritual tattoos themselves was a subject being explored, with new designs and abilities being discovered every other day. One of my main interests lay with how much I could affect those tattoos with my console, because if it worked, this would most likely be the most effective method to immunize my girls from eldritch threats.


And it had to be via console intervention because there’s only so much a purity of an ingredient can affect a ritual. So off to a heavily restricted corner of Tleilax I went with my living canvases to dig into the layers of metaphysical console lines. I also brought along one of the last of our Faceless infected subjects to test for effectiveness. 


Well, they won’t be the last anymore now that we have ample spares to top up the reserves.


Anyway, metaphysics was a bitch to deal with on console, mostly because either there was too much inactive information to dig through, or none at all until the specific thing triggered. It was more of the latter for tattoos, and finding out how to freely edit the values on the tattoo’s effects was another level of frustration I’ve ever dealt with so far


It was like a fucking QTE event to tag the stats right as they popped up when the tattoos were activated before they blinked away for some reason. There was a lot of tagging to do, and after that it was copy/pasting the stuff onto other tattoo-less subjects to see what did what. The effects of the pasted lines on fresh bodies were short lived, but it was enough time for me to more thoroughly understand the whole process.


Somewhat surprisingly, the initial hypothesis floating in Ix was wrong; tattooing with even the purest ingredients had no difference between scarring the body with the designs. Blood or crystal dust, the console showed me that the dye didn’t truly matter, just the metaphysical potency of the inscriber. So any normal mook trying to etch on an obedience tattoo will always be going to get lousy results compared to say…me.


So I don’t need the console to modify the tattoos’ strength, I just needed to keep my stats buffed up before inscribing them.


Obedience tattoos were not the more interesting ones though. The hentai trope of an arousal tattoo was frighteningly effective, breaking down the person’s mind in an instant without properly regulating its output. And then there was the variety of lethal designs like detonation, flesh-melting or even just turning the victim’s bones to jelly. Paired with the tracking tattoo that allowed the inscriber to keep track of the inscribed, I had the foundations to establish a slaving state if I wanted to.


And the metaphysical potency of the tattoos could be so strong that they cannot be removed, to the point that the scars and ink would quickly return on freshly-restored skin that was previously flayed away. Or if there was no skin, the markings would be visible on the bare flesh or even bones.


Again, boy was I glad I could lock down my emotional and sanity stats to handle all of this. 


Of course, the information about the inner workings of tattoos would be kept the fuck away from the public. Or even most of my inner circle, come to think of it. I’ll have to transfer the existing research work from Ix to Tleilax too. 


Hm. I’ll also need a cover for the past two weeks.


Let’s see… I guess I could just use a few of the tattoos here as an ample excuse.


Wait, am I missing something? Oh. Ohh, yes, I almost forgot the other primary objective. Gotta order more prisoners…




Sev reemerged from Blacksite Tleilax with new and disturbing knowledge about the eldritch. Magical tattoos, of course he’d come up with such things, Cait mused. That it was just limited to explosions and paralysis was rather surprising to her, and a testament to just how complex the whole metaphysical realm was for even Sev to deal with. She’d have thought he would’ve come up with a variety of other tattoo effects, like one allowing him to grow more dicks or something.


Still, it was good to finally get him back again. Cait’s nether regions quickly started itching with the intensity of two weeks’ backlog the moment she heard he had exited Tleilax.


Sev had called for the three of them - Piper, Curie, and Cait herself - for a private meeting onboard the Tupile. That boded very well for Cait, since a rendezvous on the still secret space station always promised a near crippling amount of fun so far.


“Glad to see you again,” the redhead snarked at her man when they teleported into the private suite. Sev was sitting on the bed in idle thought until the girls appeared, wonderfully naked already. He gave them a wry smirk of his own as he got up and walked to meet them.


“Sorry for taking so long,” Sev offered, and Cait’s itch became a delightful tingle throughout her body as he embraced each of them and gave deep kisses. 


Piper was the first to get his affections, of course. She was his first girl, his first toy, so that was only fair. Cait’s and Curie’s positions were more fluid considering the gentle-voiced synth knew Sev longer than the redhead, but Cait got dicked first. So the hierarchy for second and third place was a bit fluid. The three of them agreed that the fourth slot was reserved for Nat, until the younger Wright properly declined the spot when she came of age. After that, who knows? Maybe Sarah, maybe Tina, maybe even Edward?


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That’s not important now, not when Sev’s busy using his magic to tear the clothes off Cait and the other girls, and levitate them towards the huge bed. Cait found her starved pussy starting to leak a little as she floated in the air, but a glance to Piper reassured her that she wasn’t the only one.


“I take it your project was successful, Sev?” Of course, Curie was still too curious to simply enjoy what was to come. And of course, that made him pause, kneeling on the bed before them, his stiff, twitching cock held back from the trio of spread legs. Cait and Piper shared a look. Leave it to Curie’s curiosity to get in the way of her needs.


Still, the view wasn’t too bad. Cait felt a waft of…something as she stared at the beautiful shaft of meat, her mouth watered and her cunt throbbed hungrily at the prospect of getting a proper dicking again after a couple of weeks. Shit, was she that starved for cock?


“Quite successful,” Sev answered with a grin. He proceeded to climb over to Piper who was sitting on her elbows, giving a questioning look as his fingers rested on her collarbones. Of course she nodded, which resulted in Sev drawing an invisible pattern on her chest. Piper frowned and winced a bit, but otherwise was silent and patient with the theatrics.


Cait was up next, and as Sev’s finger trailed across her skin, it left a different sort of itch, as if right underneath it. It was only mildly unpleasant though, not even squirm-worthy, so Cait simply waited for him to be done and move on to Curie. A tingling warmth remained on her chest once Sev’s finger lifted off her skin.


“What’s this do?” Piper asked with an arched eyebrow and a mildly amused smirk.


Sev’s grin became wider as he leant over and slowly slid a finger to brush against the younger girl’s slit. “This,” he answered, and Piper fell back and shook jerkily, arching up as she moaned in a manner that betrayed an intense orgasm.


Cait was about to pose her own question when his finger brushed against her moist slit, and then she too was falling back into the mattress, moaning throatily and quivering with intense pleasure as her own climax came out of nowhere and smothered her. Curie’s cries joined them right after, and the trio of Sev’s harem became a lustful choir of moans and whimpers.


Piper’s moans became howls as Sev pulled her towards him and impaled her on his cock. It was the first time Cait had ever seen the Wright shake so much that her limbs locked up. Piper’s eyes were rolled back and her mouth gaped in a perfect ‘O’ in ecstatic agony. The sounds the raven-haired girl made was far more primal, far more lustful than Cait had ever heard.


As she marveled at the scene, Cait and Curie were lifted into the air and then plunged down onto Sev’s waiting fingers, and then the redhead couldn’t think anymore. There was only a neverending bloom of raw, fulfilling pleasure that radiated from the redhead’s loins. 


Cait wasn’t aware of how her body jerked and writhed as she hovered in the air and Sev’s fingers were wriggling and flexing in her. Neither was she aware of the same fate being experienced by the other girls. She only knew a great release of arousal, one that kept her screaming and shaking and feeling utterly, utterly whole.


Her consciousness crept back eventually, and she was on the bed panting weakly along with Piper and Curie. Her limbs, her whole body felt so sore that Cait couldn’t lift her head. “Wha-” she croaked hoarsely. “How long?”


Sev came into view, smiling brightly down at her. “Just a few minutes. Just figured out how to safely use this. Enhanced arousals.” His eyebrows waggled comically. “Nice, eh?”


So it was more than just explosions and paralysis tattoos? But… 


Cait groaned as she forced herself back up on her shoulders to glance down at her chest. Her skin was smooth, sweaty and unmarked. 


Where’s the tattoo?


Picking up on the unasked question, Sev chuckled as he provided an answer. “I also figured out how to scratch a tattoo right under the skin.”


“That’s…im…impressive,” Curie remarked weakly, managing to sit up. “Are you the only one that can do this?”


“A-yep,” Sev answered a bit too cockily. “Now I can ward you three and anyone else I want to without risking plagiarism. Assuming you want them, of course.”


Okay, so he wasn’t just spending prisoners to figure out how to make Cait cum like she just did. That’s good to know. 


Invisible tattoos, huh? That is an interesting thing, considering the stuff Sev had no doubt discovered and will discover later on…


Sev drew Cait’s attention with a sudden clap of his hands. “Wardings can come later. But first…” Cait found the other girls and herself being pulled towards him, legs spread apart once more. “...I have to make up for the last two weeks, right?”


His dick was positioned against Cait’s aching cunt, and the redhead felt her chest tingle again. She surrendered herself to her desires and Sev’s cock, moaning happily as he made up for lost time and fucked her and the other girls to blissful semi-consciousness over the next six hours.