Chapter 414: Surprise ‘Landing' Into The Next Domain!

By the time the seconds of the last hour in the system space timer started ticking, I had more or less gotten used to the effects of the recent enhancement and was also able to estimate its extent to a certain degree...

Though my physical capabilities that were defined by my stats didn't receive any sort of boost under the effect of the new title, basically all the power granted by both the elemental and the weapon path had received an enhancement of slightly over 30% to their power, it went without saying that the just the raw effect of 'Limitless I' had limitless potential.

Disregarding the research value of the information brought by the title, the so-called +15% capability of handling the 'Laws' was like a balance breaker that could allow 'level jumping' in the real sense, one that was incomparable to me doing so just by relying on the variation of elements I had combined my the high elemental stat.

Undeniably, I was somewhat approaching the level of ability that the top sect masters had in the Nature Domain, but that was only in the general sense. After all, as an all-rounder that specialized in no specific field, it wasn't that easy to compare my achievement in a certain path with that of a sect leader who devoted his whole life to the same path.

'Well, at least I wouldn't have to worry about death threatening battles for the time being…'

With my flight training allowing me to reach a certain degree of mastery coupled with the over-all power-up I received, even if I met an opponent at the Sect Master level, I would at least be able to stall and flee once the enemy is exhausted.

That was the power of having over 40 points in both Constitution and Elemental stats!

Not to mention that the Dexterity I had been balancing with the rest of my stats had without doubt played a major role in increasing my flight speed, wings were almost the same as limbs after all!

'As long as I don't end up there it should be fine…'

Although my new strength and abilities allowed me to have confidence in avoiding most deadly situations, I was still not ready to land in the Dark Domain which was said to contain the demons' main base, the power of unrestricted demons was something that I wasn't ready to face yet.

'It's only a 1 in 3 draw chance, I couldn't possibly be that unlucky…'

Since there was no use pondering about what is fated to happen, I finally retracted the 'Dragonization suit' and wiped my forehead even though there was little to no sweat… it was finally time to 'rest'!

"Long, 1 full hour of luxury reservation coming your way!"


Shower, food, and comfiness, as short as an hour can be, I still made use of every second I had!

As there was no possible means of knowing which domain I would find myself at, where I would land, or what is the demon invasion's status there, another round of resting like this couldn't be guaranteed so I went all out.

Of course, other than resting, I spent a few minutes organizing the stuff within my spatial rings, choosing a combat outfit, and so on, getting ready for my transport, and though I was sad to say goodbye to the system space's luxury, I was able to confirm a piece of good news.

'Dragonization' no longer caused me agonizing pain!

As it supposedly remodeled my body once more during the first activation after its upgrade, the full-scaled dragon suit that covered my whole body including my face like a cool piece of full body armor just sprouted out of my body without even a tiny sting.


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'Let's hope the corruption gate I would in wouldn't be too much.'

As the last seconds of the timer ticked away, I readied myself as I hoped to not at least land within a demon base from the very start.

'They really seem to be drawn to me like a magnet after all…'

Remembering how the auction item which I bought simply by chance turned out to both a key to a base and a trap, I couldn't tell if I was really too unlucky or if it was simply me being drawn to the game plot, either way, there was nothing that could be done about it.


The white empty space of the system vanished as I found myself in a different colored space once more, it seemed like the Dragon Ancestor loved changing colors and scenery, this time the space adapted a light blue col-

Wait a second… why is it moving…?

Taking my last experience into consideration, after the 24 hours that didn't last even a second in the normal timeline ended, I should have been guided into the space which the Dragon Ancestor used his ability through…

But this time, instead of the usual static scenery, the scenery seemed to be on the move!

Not only that but there seemed to be no sign of the Dragon Ancestor's voice or answer even after I tried to mentally call for him…

After being lost in confusion for a few seconds, my head which had been frozen in place for some reason was released and I was finally able to realize what was going on…

It's not that the scenery is moving, it's me who is...


The light blue scenery was none other than the sky! I was currently free falling from high above!

'The transfer already occurred…?'

Thinking about the only possible explanation for this situation, I could only attribute it to the different conditions that surrounded the spatial transfer this time. The misconceptions I had up to this point as well as the frozen body was probably an after-shock of the non-stable spatial transfer…

'Great luck as usual…'

As my senses finally recovered I hurriedly changed my position and observed my current situation to solve the great surprise that the Dragon Ancestor has left me...