Chapter 11: Not him


Arrogance. That was the only way to describe it.

The Goddess had many different ways. She could’ve just ordered the many of her newly-acquired followers to find and kill Dohyuk. Or, she could’ve just summoned a mythical creature to fight in her place. But she did not have such patience. She was too overwhelmed with rage that she ordered it herself.


A word laced with power. The voice of a god with intent had such power that it could even tweak reality to make it happen. But that same power was now reflected back to her. How could this ‘rule’ consider this lowly being to be equal to her? She couldn’t question it any longer, however, as she was too terrified. She was losing her godliness. It was the power, knowledge, and energy that she had built up across eons, and it was now leaking away.

-I… I cannot go back…

And before she could finish, she disappeared.

The effect spread throughout the world.

One-winged angels panicked.


They knew one of the gods who competed against this world had just perished. It was shocking, even for those four-winged angels who watched over other angels. Gahura wasn’t just being expelled from this world. She perished as a being.

And then came the problem. Without special circumstances, there were a lot of shrines that served different gods. So was Gahura. Since its owner perished, all of these shrines that contained fiery power were now turning into a firebomb that would shake the world.

-This will ruin everything!

-Half of them will be burned alive!

-What will be our orders?

The four-winged angels issued the following orders:

Casita’s needle began moving and the angels quickly learned what to do. If the needle spun a wheel, Earth would be overwritten with different worlds. It was apparent that it was trying to overcome the problem by replacing the world.


It worked as intended. Earth was now overwritten by the world that was planned to have been brought upon 7 days later. It successfully saved the world from burning and most of the humans survived.

-…But this changes our plan.

-Yeah. They aren’t ready for this.

-They’ll die if we don’t give them something.

At the very least, it was unexpected.

Basil came down from the broken rocks. It was the place that was called ‘Waterfall of Gahura’ until an hour ago. This region was where the evil ones who started out with two Natures were quarantined. And the shrine was supposed to be here.

-He probably died.

Basil was speaking of Dohyuk. It was an interesting human so Basil had been eyeing him for a while. This place was the last place he saw Dohyuk and for some reason, he was very close to Gahura’s shrine when Gahura perished. That’s when Basil found something under the rocks. It was the Crude Jungle Sword.

-So he did die. That’s a shame…”

Basil lost interest and tried to fly out, but-

“Leave… that…”


Basil turned and found a human. How did he crawl out from under those rocks? The human was covered with burns, it was surprising enough for him to still be alive.

“Leave that… alone…”

The human tried to stand up. He had a crushed face, only one working eye, and crushed legs and arms. Dohyuk’s entire body had burned severely, yet he still stood up.

“It’s… my sword…”

He tried to walk up to Basil.


Basil couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

-Hahahahaha! You’re alive! Really?


Dohyuk ignored Basil’s comment and barely walked up to Basil. Basil handed over the sword and Dohyuk mumbled.

<<Digest Complete>>

His skin began to regenerate and his arm returned to normal. But it wasn’t enough. The damage was too great to be healed with just one C-rank item. Dohyuk grabbed onto the necklace.

<<Digest Complete>>

And with that, he was fully recovered. Even then, he was too fatigued and Dohyuk laid himself against the ground. Basil looked down at the man.


Basil opened up the status with his ‘Administrator’ access. It displayed Dohyuk’s stats.


-Strength: 39(+2)E

-Stamina: 30(+7)E

You are reading story Unbreakable at

-Agility: 40(+2)E

-Magic: 2(+3)F

-Endurance: 26(+5)E

-Charisma: 25(+3)E



<<Skill – Talents>>

Skill- Flying Master Kicks (Ga.2)

Talents – Survivalist(Lv.2), Sense of Wolf(Lv.1) Bleed (Lv.1) Increase Pain(Lv.4) Pain Nullification(Lv.2) Precise Cut(Lv.2)


[First Hunter]

-2 points to Strength/Stamina/Agility

[First Tamer]

-3 points to Magic/Charisma

[Return from the gates of hell]

-5 points to Stamina/Endurance


Flavor of Iron – Unique to Yoo Dohyuk

**** **** ***** **** Acquired by Killing *******

Basil had opened the status because it was weird. Dohyuk could not have survived. He had no chance. The fire that erupted from a shrine was enough to kill all the humans at the current stage. They should’ve been burned to their bones

-…What is this?

What was interesting was the other aspect. It was no surprise that Dohyuk had two Natures. That was why he was in this region. Yet, his 2nd Nature was distorted to Basil’s eyes.

-What’s wrong? Is there something wrong in the system?

That’s when Dohyuk stood up. And a message popped up and showed his endurance had gone up by 3 because of stimulation. Basil couldn’t see that because he was too focused.

-Oh… this is it.

Basil was now watching at Dohyuk’s achievement. Two achievements had recently been acquired. [Return from the gates of hell] was the achievement given to the one who came back alive from almost being killed. And another one. Basil reached out to Dohyuk and felt something very faint.

-It’s there.

“…What?” Dohyuk asked back, still panting.

-Spirit or ghost… I don’t know, but it’s attached on you. It’s your servant.

“What are you…”

-But when?

Basil began to think instead of responding to Dohyuk. If Dohyuk had gone through some event that would allow him to gain a spirit, there was no way Basil could’ve missed it.

-Well, it was Gahura’s shrine after all.

The shrine was full of fire energy so it wasn’t weird to have some that would latch onto Dohyuk after Gahura’s energy diminished. And it would have showed some resistance to the fire in turn to keep the new host alive.

-Well, you’re alive because of him. He’s too weak to even point it out because of the system but…

It was her, actually.

-It is attached to you without any contract so he will have to serve you as a master unless you wish to give it up. You should think about raising him as he might be worth it.

It wouldn’t be much as it would still be an insect if it did grow, but Basil didn’t expand on the details.

-So, let’s go back to work then.

He didn’t need to leave. The other angels were busy going to other people to explain what was going on.

-Due to certain unforeseen events, we had to rewire the clock to make it run faster. This world is too harsh for you people to handle currently.

So, they found a way to fill the gap.

-We’re not doing this to make you guys suffer.


‘Bullsh*t,’ thought Dohyuk, but he did not answer.

-So, we are giving you a ‘Gift’!

And something that was the size of a fist was placed on Basil’s hand.


It was familiar to Dohyuk.