Chapter 614: Dark Poison Swamp

Chapter 614 - Dark Poison Swamp

A month later. The temperature had dropped significantly compared to last month as they were prepared to face winter.

"Ugh." Theo sighed while rubbing his hands to each other, trying to warm them. "It's cold."

"Yeah… Wait a minute. Have you ever experienced winter?" Agata, sitting next to him, asked with a surprised face.

"Thersland is a tropical country. There are only summer and rainy seasons throughout the year, so I have never been this cold." Theo shook his head.

"Ah." Agata thought for a moment and nodded. "In that case, you need to have some preparation since it will become colder from this point on."

"It's gonna suck." Theo sighed.

"Hmm? I heard something interesting. I actually forgot the fact that Thersland only has two seasons." Leonardo's voice resounded from behind as Theo and Agata turned their heads around.

"Yeah. I never fight in this season." Theo nodded and turned to Ava. "How about you, Ava?"

Ava only pointed at her fur with a smile. "Kyu!"

"No problem eh. I need fur like yours…" Theo sighed.

"Well, fighting in the snow is quite complicated too. That's why we usually have a movement skill in our possession to make sure we can handle the thick snow."

"Is it snowing too on the other side?"

"Yeah. They have the same schedule as us. Some countries are different, but yeah, they still have winter." He nodded.

"I don't feel like going out…" Theo sighed.

"Well, you have your Telekinesis, so you won't have problems moving around. Still, you will face the cold wind brushing against your skin." Leonardo shrugged. "Anyway, I will be teaching you how to fight the chill before it starts snowing."

"Great. I am looking forward to it." Theo nodded.

"Also, you seem to have many admirers outside this country." Leonardo smirked.

"What do you mean?"

"There are a few influences asking for your cooperation."

"But I am not going for an international mission."

"No, no. I don't mean that."

"Eh?" Theo tilted his head in confusion.

"Is it the reverse international mission?" Agata asked with an unsure tone.

"Exactly." Leonardo gave a thumbs up.

"I see." Theo immediately understood after he heard the answer from Agata. "Instead of us sending our people to other countries for missions, other influences are sending their people to collaborate with us. Is it something like that?"


"Hoh? I don't know why they believe I will accept…"

"Well, there is one mission you certainly can't escape."

"I can't escape?" Theo furrowed his eyebrows.

You are reading story God of Tricksters at

"Yeah. Have you ever heard about Dark Poison Swamp?"

"Dark Poison Swamp?" Theo turned to Agata out of reflex as she was supposed to be the one answering that question.

Agata nodded and explained, "Dark Poison Swamp is a place where a King Class Monster known as the Poison King lives. So… yeah, it's gonna be dangerous. I want you to keep that in mind for now.

"Every winter, the poison swamp will be frozen, so it won't release any poison miasma. And the Poison King will enter his hibernation.

"In this situation, it's easy for us to cross the Dark Poison Swamp to get the Poison Fruit. This Poison Fruit allows one to remove the poison from a person's body. In other words, it's the most powerful antidote you can ever hold."

Theo frowned as if noticing something wrong. "Wait a minute. Why don't Mythical Rank Experts get this tree?"

Leonardo waved his hand in defeat. "The poison tree is connected to the Poison King himself. So, it's not possible for me to get one. If I wake up that Mythical Rank Beast, our battle will disrupt the environment and call upon the World Class Monster."

"Ah. Then, there is the Supreme Rank Expert."

"You should know that the Supreme Rank Experts are more sensitive compared to those below them, right?"


"It also applies in reverse. In other words, when you have become a Supreme Rank Expert, you will be able to locate other Supreme Rank Experts. That's why we're using our Awareness to hide our power normally." Leonardo explained.

Although Theo had no knowledge about it, this was also the reason why Davi managed to locate the Red Lion while hiding himself with his own Awareness.

"In that case, does that mean only Hero Rank Experts like us can do it?"


"That sounds stupid."

"I absolutely agree." Leonardo agreed without hesitation. "Unfortunately, that's the case. If I could change that rule, I would have done it already."

"So, you're using youngsters like us to get these fruits?"

"That's basically it." Leonardo nodded. "For our War God Family, we usually help another influence we like and share the fruits. Of course, we also receive the benefits and you, who are going there, will also be paid in full.

"Normally, each fruit can give you around a billion Zils and it will go far higher in an auction. There are only six fruits every year.

"We will receive four and the other influence will get two. Out of those four, you get half of them. You can sell it to the family or keep it to yourself."

"That sounds like a good deal." Theo nodded.

"However, so as to not disturb the Poison King, we need to go in a small group. In other words, we will only go in a group of six… twelve, including the other party." Agata added.

"That's right. I am planning to delegate you and Lorenzo as the leader of this operation. You can discuss with him who you want to bring. Well, to be honest, this is also the reason why we have a competition every year. The winner can create a team of their choice."

Theo sighed. "I see. This also means we're going to compete with other influences, right?"

"Yep. Lorenzo's ability will be useful but be careful in using his ability around the Poison King. Basically, don't use your power around him, steal those fruits, and escape. That's all."

"That's quite dangerous." Theo scratched the back of his head. "Supposed I agree with this proposal, who is our partner?"

Leonardo smirked as he answered playfully.
