Chapter 8: 08

We started to get attention as we walked right down the middle aisle towards the stage and Present Mic was too caught up in his own speech to notice us. Now that we were near the stage, all of the other students noticed us and were ignoring what Present Mic was saying. We went to the side and climbed the stairs and walked right over to the little mouse-like thing that was dressed impeccably in a three piece suit.

“Principal Nezu.” We said at the same time and bowed deeply.

The other heroes waiting to speak, including All Might, were now staring at us, too.

“We are here to inform you that the teacher of 1-A kicked us out over a difference of opinion.” I said and Present Mic stopped talking as the entire hall full of students started talking.

The mouse-like thing sighed and rubbed a little hand over its snout. “Aizawa, what are you doing?”

“Eraserhead?” Izuku asked, surprised. “Well, that explains some things.”

I looked at him with raised eyebrows and he smiled.

“He's probably making room for his real student choices in his class. I think we performed too well in the exams to actually learn anything from him.” Izuku said.

“Oh. Okay.” I said and then chuckled. “That does make sense. No wonder he didn't introduce himself.”

“Wait, he didn't introduce himself?” Nezu asked.

“No. As soon as class started, he told us to get track suits and go to the track out back for assessment tests.”

Nezu shook his head and All Might slapped a hand over his own face.

“We told him not to skip orientation again this year.” Midnight said.

I had to stop myself from staring at the R-rated hero. So sexy. I thought and shook myself mentally. “He apparently has the power to do whatever he wants.” I said and then explained, word for word, what happened. “When he told us to get out, we told him we were coming right to the principal to let him know.”

“We didn't want you to think we left on our own or didn't show up.” Izuku said. “He could tell you anything and you would have believe him.”

The principal gave us a sad look. “Unfortunately, that's true. We would have to accept a teacher's explanation over a student's.”

“We know. It's always been that way. We've suffered for it since we were kids, thanks to the law we obeyed about not letting us use our quirks, unlike all the other kids that blatantly did so. The teachers never did anything to stop it or the bullying we went through.” I said and the heroes looked guilty.

“Let's get out of here.” Izuku said. “If we want to make it to Shiketsu Academy for admittance before lunch, we need to get to the train in fifteen minutes.”

“It's a good thing we're allowed to use quirks on school grounds. We have to grab our bags from class before we leave.” I said and turned to look over everyone in the audience. “There she is, ten rows back and two in.”

“Need a launch?” Izuku asked.

“Nope, I got it.” I said and crouched slightly before I took off running. I jumped off the end of the stage and soared through the air, making the students gape at me like a fish. I landed with a skid right beside the right row and the slightly angry girl had wide eyes as she and her friend stared at me. I hadn't cracked the floor, either.

“What are you doing?” She asked, surprised.

“I'm no longer a UA student.” I said and went to one knee. “We made a date for tomorrow night and I wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't going to miss it, even if I'll be going to another school so far away.”

She sat there and didn't say anything.

“We're going to be rivals with the hero course here, so I hope you won't think less of me for kicking their asses.”

The girl let her smile show for more than a few seconds. “I won't complain about that.”

“Great!” I said and stood. “You might want to hold onto your bags.”

“Why?” She asked.

“Aftershocks.” I said and saw Izuku crouch and matched him. “I'll see you tomorrow night.”


Izuku took off running and the shockwave started to propagate over the audience and then my own added to it as I took off as well a split-second later. The sound was neat to hear and seeing the students and teacher's shocked faces briefly was hilarious. We left the auditorium and ran up to the classroom, grabbed our things, and were out by the gate in less than a minute.

“I'll send the recordings and files to Mom.” I said and took out my phone as we walked calmly to the train station. “Remind me to thank Mei for the cameras. The teacher's reactions to Aizawa kicking us out are gonna get a lot of attention.”

“They didn't even protest or offer to put us in another class.” Izuku said and shook his head.

I nodded. “We're gonna run UA's and Aizawa's reputations into the ground.”

“You don't think that's too harsh?” Izuku asked.

“If we want the injustice they heap on the quirkless, or people they think are worthless, to become public knowledge, we have to hit them hard.” I said and my phone beeped. “Mom's furious.” It beeped again and I chuckled. “She already had plans in place for something like this! Ha ha! That's my mom!”

Izuku smiled and we boarded the train that just arrived. “We have an hour and fifteen minutes for the last stop.”

“It's going to cut into our workouts having such a long train ride every day.” I commented.

“Well...” Izuku looked around the train car. “It's almost always deserted early in the mornings.”

I grinned. “Not a bad idea, my friend. Not bad at all.”


“What the hell were you thinking, Aizawa?!?” All Might shouted and slapped the table in the teacher's conference room, which shattered into splinters.

“I wasn't going to stand there and let them disrespect me.” Aizawa said, unconcerned over the display of accidental strength. He knew All Might would never hurt him, even accidentally.

“You do realize the media are going into a frenzy over this, don't you?” The mouse-like Nezu asked.

“We can get ahead of that and release a statement before...”

“You misunderstand. I said 'going', not 'going to'. They already know, have footage of the event, and we are being grilled over our harsh treatment of potential heroes.” Nezu said and sighed.

“How?” Aizawa asked. “I just kicked them out.”

“Apparently, Kent's mother had a media blitz plan in place if we mistreated her son.” Nezu said. “I must say, she is a remarkable woman to have so many contacts to spread the story so far and nearly immediately. It's not even lunchtime and all the media sources are reporting on it and have follow up pieces being prepared.”

“That can't be right. How could...”

“Years of incidents and reports that have been buried and ignored.” Nezu said and turned to the display behind him. “It's already national news.”

The heroes in the room stared at the title running across the bottom of the screen. “Even UA has unfair biases to quirk users that don't fit their definition of hero material.”

All Might let out a groan of disappointment.

“It's not all bad.” Aizawa said and everyone in the room glared at him. “I have two candidates that will fit right into the class and those two troublemakers won't be missed.”

“So, Midoria was right.” Nezu said and nodded. “Aizawa, you are on probation.”

“What?” Aizawa said, surprised.

“If there is one more incident like what happened this morning, you will be suspended and your teaching methods will be up for review. At that point, we will decide if you can continue to teach here.”

I better not tell him about my threat to expel the worst performance in the athletic tests. Aizawa thought.

“I'm including your threat about the athletic tests in my warning about this morning.” Nezu said and he saw Aizawa wince. “Don't mess up again.”

“Hold on, that's it?” All Might asked. “He lost this school the best pair of heroes that any of us has ever seen, and he's only on probation?”

Nezu sighed. “Your argument doesn't carry as much weight as you think.”

“Why not?” All Might asked, confused.

“None of you are arguing to re-admit the students he kicked out.” Nezu pointed out and almost laughed at the shocked faces on the other teacher's faces.

“We can do that?” Midnight asked and after a moment, she stood to shout. “I want them back! Get those young studs back here right now!”

“It's too late.” All Might said and sat back.

“What? Why?” Midnight asked, confused. “If we can protest and petition to bring them back...”

“Everyone already knows that we didn't try to help them.” Nezu said and waved at the screen that had text across it to explain exactly that. “Give it another day and they will have interviews with the entire class that Aizawa expelled two years ago.”

“It's not my fault that they refused to do the assessment tests.” Aizawa said in his defense. “If they won't follow a simple order, we can't expect them to follow an experienced hero's order in the field.”

“They are hormonal teenagers, you idiot! You're supposed to teach them, not berate them for questioning you!” Midnight said, her anger clear for everyone to see. “Because of you, I don't have access to all those young smooth muscles!”

“Uh... Midnight? That's not the point of having young people attend here.” All Might said.

“It is for me.” Midnight said. “I know not to piss off an impressionable mind. You should entice them and make them want to please you.”

The others in the room blinked their eyes and stared at her.

“Not like that... until they are a bit older, anyway.” Midnight said with a crooked smile. “I meant, they should do their best to make their teachers happy with their performances. The better they do, the better it is for everyone.”

Nezu the mouse-like thing nodded. “That is a good sentiment to carry forward.” He looked at the others. “Please try and convey that to your students without making it too blatantly obvious.” His eyes went to All Might.

“I will try to... restrain my enthusiasm.” All Might said.

“That's all I ask.” Nezu said and stood. “Try to give your students the best class time in the mornings and the best training time in the afternoons.”

The others nodded and stood before they left the room. When they were gone, Nezu put both of his little hands on his face and sighed. He didn't know how he was going to effectively handle the media that would be swarming the campus.

It was going to be hard enough with All Might being announced as a teacher. With the media going for the school's throat over Kent and Midoria being expelled on the first day over nothing, made everything exponentially harder.


“Welcome to Shiketsu Academy.” The principal said and shook my hand and then Izuku's.

“Thank you for this opportunity.” We said at the same time and bowed deeply.

“I won't claim that we aren't going to take full advantage of what happened to you.” The principal said with a grin.

“We accepted that when we chose to come here.” I said. “You are UA's rival school, after all.”

The principal nodded. “Unlike them, we don't have a forty person limit to our hero course, nor do we only shove them into two classes.”

I smiled and Izuku nodded happily.

“Why limit the potential of our students when we can encourage them to go all out?” The principal asked, rhetorically. “I'll show you to your new class personally.” He said and ushered us out of his office.

“It's almost lunchtime. Should we disrupt the class like this?” Izuku asked as we walked down the hallway.

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“It's orientation day, so things aren't as structured today.” The principal said. “The assessment tests are tomorrow, so trying to add you in would have to wait if we don't do it now.”

“Good point.” I said and the man led us to the right floor and classroom.

The principal knocked and waited for someone to say enter. “Miss Aiga? I apologize for the interruption.” He said as he opened the door. “I have two last minute students to add to your class.”

“Hmm? Oh, I guess that's fine. The more the merrier.” Miss Aiga said and waved us inside. “I was just finishing up explaining the course outline for the year.”

The other students stared at us and I smiled and waved at them, as did Izuku. I correctly guessed it was because we were still wearing the UA uniforms and not Shiketsu uniforms.

“This is Connor Kent and Izuku Midoria.” The principal said and motioned to us as he said our names. “They placed first in UA's entrance exam, both for the written and the practical parts.”

There were sounds of appreciation and two wolf whistles from the girls in the front seats.

“Sorry, I have a girlfriend.” Izuku said, his face a little red.

“What about you?” One of them said to me.

“I have a date tomorrow night with a girl from UA's general course.” I said and that made all of the girls in the class perk up.

“You actually talk to girls outside of the hero course?” A guy asked, surprised.

“Well, actually... I was messing it up royally and putting my foot in my mouth.” I admitted.

“It's true.” Izuku said from beside me. “I'd share the audio if I didn't think he'd pound my face for it.”

“Damn right I would.” I grumbled and that made a few of the students laugh. “Anyways, thanks to my friend's advice and me only screwing up one more time, she eventually agreed to a date.”

A few of the girls nodded their heads.

“As nice as this is to witness you getting along, you're out of uniform.” Miss Aiga said.

“We rushed right here after we were kicked out by a heavily biased teacher.” I said and Izuku nodded.

“Excuse me?” Miss Aiga asked, confused.

“Can we use the display?” Izuku asked and pointed at the monitor at the side of the room. The teacher nodded and he went to it and plugged in his phone after turning the monitor on.”This is a live feed.”

The principal, the teacher, and the students all watched the news program that was detailing everything that happened at UA that morning.

I stood at the front of the class and admired my mother's work. I need to stop on the way home and buy her some chocolates.

The video clip of us and Aizawa played and the students all made different noises, most in disbelief and some yelled out 'yeah, you tell him!'.

Flowers, too. I thought with a smile.

Ten minutes later, the lunch bell rang and ended morning classes.

“All right, that's enough for now.” Miss Aiga said and nodded to Izuku to stop. “I assume you'll have appropriate attire and supplies tomorrow?”

“The principal gave us the lists we need and we're stopping at the proper stores before we head home.” I said and she nodded.

“Then head off to lunch and I'll see you back here this afternoon for the schedule distribution and a lecture on school rules, procedures for emergencies, and the like.”

“Yes, Miss Aiga.” I and Izuku said together and bowed to her.

“How did you make your phone a broadcaster?” A guy asked Izuku as everyone stood.

“My girlfriend is in the support class at UA.” Izuku said.

“How hard is it to keep her away from modifying everything?” He asked with a laugh.

“I'm a good boyfriend and I don't bother trying stopping her. She can do whatever she wants.”

That made a lot of the girls smile appreciatively.

“He's got tons of boyfriend points build up, too.” I said and walked with everyone out of the room. “He even feeds her odd tech to keep her happy.”

“HA! Nice going!” The guy said and slapped Izuku on the back.

“Where's the cafeteria?” I asked.

The girl that was interested in me pointed down the hall. “It's that way or you can follow us.”

“Already giving him orders, Ming?” A girl near us asked.

“She's started training him early.” Another girl joked.

“Shut it.” Ming said and shook her fist at the other girl.

I chuckled as we all walked down the hallway. I gave her an unobtrusive glance and had to admire her styled black hair and her high cheekbones. In fact, she kind of reminded me of the slightly angry girl I had a date with tomorrow.

“I can't believe you sassed the UA's harshest teacher.” Another guy said as we went down the stairs.

“I'm not sure why I shot my mouth off like that. I usually wait for a good opportunity to call someone out on their crap.” I said.

Izuku nodded. “I think his attitude right off the bat rubbed us the wrong way. If he could act like that on the very first day, what was he going to be like when we started hero training?”

“Yeah, that was it. He literally said he didn't care what happened to us, as long as we listened to him.” I shook my head. “He's not a guy that I want to learn how to be a hero from.”

We headed down another hallway towards a large set of doors.

“What do you think of Miss Aiga?” Ming asked us.

“From the initial meeting, she was accepting of our strange circumstances and also examined us for problems.” Izuku said and I nodded. “I'll reserve judgment on her teaching style until we witness it.”

“She was great this morning and explained when we had questions.” A guy said and pushed open the large doors. “Welcome to the Food Pit!”

“How do you know it's called that?” I asked.

“My brother is a third year.” The blonde guy said. “I'm Lino, by the way.”

“Saida.” Ming's friend said. She was a pretty blonde and had a round face.

“Bosco.” A gruff guy with long black hair said from the back of the group.

“Helen.” A spiky short haired brunette offered.

“Nicola.” A tall redhead said and waved.

“Gimoran.” Another guy with wavy blonde hair said.

A few of the others said their names as well before they broke off from us and went to a different table.

“Don't mind them, they were friends before coming here.” Ming said and sat down as she pulled me down to sit beside her.

“We're not getting food?” I asked.

“We were told to wait for the rush to pass. Miss Aiga said there's no point in standing up and waiting in line when you can take advantage of available seating.”

Izuku looked thoughtful. “It works out to almost be the same wait times if we shuffle along in a line or wait until the line thins and then go.”

“Bingo.” Ming said with a smile. “I think Miss Aiga is going to tell us more things like that this afternoon.”

“Sounds good.” I said and we fell into small talk about their experiences before coming here.

Not surprisingly, some of them were in similar circumstances to us. Not because they were quirkless, it was because their quirks weren't as flashy or useful as some of the others.

“I think my friend and I can probably help fix that.” I said and nodded at Izuku.

“How would you do that?” Ming asked, a little harshly.

“Our hobby is quirk analysis.” Izuku said.

The others looked a bit surprised at that.

“You're kidding.” Helen said.

“Not even a little bit.” I said and saw the line was short now, so I stood up and nodded at the line. “Izuku's got about thirty journals filled with all the things we've worked out.”

The others joined me and we went to get in line for our food.

“It's fascinating to figure out how quirks work and what to do with them to make them more efficient and powerful.” Izuku said. “We've been doing it for years.”

I chuckled. “Ever since we were allowed to write unsupervised.”

Izuku laughed and the others gave him a questioning look. “My mom was in deep denial until I was in elementary school and brought home my first aced test.”

“That would explain it.” Ming said. “My mom still can't believe I got into Shiketsu.”

Her friend Saida nodded. “She thinks we're joking with her by pretending to come here and we're ditching the local high school.”

“That sucks.” I said and they nodded. “Wait a second. I just had a weird idea.”

Izuku snorted a laugh. “Prepare to taste shoe leather.”

“Ha. Ha.” I said and the others laughed. “Do you want to show Izuku and myself to her?”

Ming and Saida looked shocked.

“She would have to believe you if we're your classmates, won't she?” I asked.

Izuku gave me a huge smile. “I stand corrected. That might actually work.”

The others were quiet as we ordered our meals and went back to our chosen table.

“Would you really do that for me?” Ming asked, her voice unsure.

“We have to stick around to get our stuff for school anyway.” I said and Izuku nodded.

“Then, we'll help you do that first and go to Ming's afterwards.” Saida suggested and we nodded.