“Welcome.” Miss Aiga said to us as we gathered in the part of the field designated for us. The other five classes of students were spread out all over the field. “I'm only here as an observer and to record the numbers. Your actual instructor is Luxor, the Light Hero.”
A man quickly ran into our area and came to a stop beside our homeroom teacher. He was covered from head to foot in what looked like lenses. They looked strategically placed and I exchanged a look with Izuku. He nodded and we looked back at the man.
“I know you've had similar physical assessment tests back in middle school.” Luxor said and then smiled. “Unfortunately, you are no longer in middle school.”
A girl I didn't remember the name of, raised her hand. “What does that mean?”
“This is a quirk assessment test as well. You can use your quirks however you want to do the tasks I assign you. The difference is, we won't only do the normal runs and jumps because some quirks are not suited to such things. This is the hero course, so you need to face heroic challenges!”
That got everyone's attention and I smiled, because it seemed that this place knew how to handle people with different quirks and specialties.
“For these first few tests, I'll ask Mister Kent and Mister Midoria to step aside and let the other students showcase their abilities.”
“Are you sure? We're pretty spectacular to watch.” I said, which made a few people laugh and Ming to hit my shoulder.
Luxor laughed. “I think we've all seen the footage of your admittance test for UA. Great job to the both of you, by the way.”
“Thanks.” I said.
“Thank you.” Izuku said.
“For now, we have the basic numbers for your performance. When we get to particular parts like the softball throw, you can participate again, even though I'm sure you'll have some of the highest scores.”
I nodded and Izuku and I walked over to stand beside Miss Aiga.
“Get out your journal. We're about to have front row seats to tons of quirk usage.” I whispered to Izuku, who grinned and pulled out the one he had hidden behind his back under the track suit's jacket.
Miss Aiga gave us a brief searching glance before she went back to observing the other students.
“Holy... crap.. on toast!” Ming said between pants as she laid down on the grass beside the long distance running track.
“That... was brutal.” Saida collapsed beside her friend, breathing heavily.
“Want some water?” I asked and knelt beside them.
“I can't... lift my arms!” Ming gasped and I chuckled.
“No problem.” I said and opened the bottle for her and carefully tipped some into her mouth.
“Ahhhh.... thanks.” Ming closed her eyes. “Why aren't you sweating?”
“I left my weighted backpack in the locker room. I could run around feeling this light all day.” I said and motioned with the water bottle at Saida.
She nodded and I handed her a fresh one. “Thanks.”
“Izuku, too?” Ming asked and looked over to the side of the track to see him sitting there writing in a journal.
“We trained together for years.” I said and sat down to look at the others in various states of exhaustion. “I think I see more victims of dehydration. I'll be right back.”
The girls nodded and I ran over to the ice chest and gave a bottle of water to those that wanted it. I came back over and sat down again.
“What do you think about the teachers?” Ming asked.
“I think this place is great.” I said. “They take into account that not all quirks are good for all situations, and yet, they still encourage us to try as much as possible.” I smiled. “I couldn't have asked for a better system.”
“Better than UA's?” Saida asked.
“Much better.” I said. “In fact, I think I might give my mom an exclusive interview and tell her that.”
Ming and Saida looked over at our homeroom teacher, who was nearby and trying to not listen to us.
I chuckled. “It's all right, Miss Aiga. You can tell the principal that I will extol the virtues of Shiketsu Academy on national television.”
Miss Aiga blushed slightly and nodded without looking at me. “He will be very happy to hear that.”
“So will my mom. She lives for newsworthy stories.” I said and laid back on the grass to stare up at the sky.
“That's all of the events for the day!” Luxor said to everyone, most of whom groaned and didn't move. He laughed and walked over to Miss Aiga. “Send me a copy of those numbers, please. I'll log them officially and you can praise the students appropriately... when they are in much better moods and the source of their ire is gone.”
Miss Aiga pulled out a sheet and handed it to him. “Here you go.”
Luxor looked at the paper and smiled. “Thank you, Miss Aiga. I'll get this done as soon as possible.”
Miss Aiga nodded and watched as the Hero of Light ran off the field and into the main building. She walked over to us and sat down as well. “I've been on my feet all day.” She said as she kicked off her shoes.
“Great idea!” Ming exclaimed and kicked off her sneakers. “Ohhh, yeah. Much better!”
I glanced over at Izuku and he pointedly looked at Ming's feet as he made a grabbing motion with his hands. I nodded and moved over slightly before I picked up Ming's feet and rested them on my lap.
“What are you... oooooohhhhhhh.” Ming moaned as I started to massage her feet.
“Now I'm jealous.” Saida sighed as she wiggled her toes.
“I'm ambidextrous.” I commented and then suddenly I had a second pair of feet on my lap facing the other direction and a grinning blonde staring at me. I laughed at her unabashed expression and used one hand on Ming and the other on Saida.
“Ohhh...” Saida moaned as she laid back and closed her eyes. “How do you... know how to... ohhhh... do that?”
“Training.” I said and glanced at Izuku, who shook his head to stop me from offering his services. “I do this for mom sometimes, too. When she lets me.”
“Huh? When she lets you?” Ming asked and opened her eyes to look at me.
“She hates her feet. She thinks they are too big to be feminine and is reluctant to let me touch them.”
“That actually makes some sense.” Ming said and looked at her own feet. “Mine are a bit flat. I need arches in my shoes to keep my posture straight. If I wasn't distracted and exhausted by what I just did, I doubt I would want you touching them, either. They have to smell!”
I barked a laugh. “I don't care.” I said and then went back on topic. “My mom has great feet and she refuses to believe me, no matter how many times I tell her.” I switched feet on both girls to rub the neglected ones. “It's like a phobia or something. It's just her feet.”
“Most women have an issue with their body consciousness.” Miss Aiga said and pulled her skirt up slightly. “For me, it's my knobby knees.”
We all looked over and saw that she actually did have an extra thick bump on top of her kneecaps.
“If someone is looking at your knees instead of your long legs when you're showing them off, then they are an idiot and their opinion doesn't matter.” I said with a grin.
The girls laughed and laid back down to continue enjoying my foot massage. It was then that Miss Aiga turned her head to look at me and we locked eyes. Her hands rubbed the outside of her thighs and then her hands ran over her own knees to glide down and across her calves.
I was sure that her quirk was giving my brain a lot more information about her legs than my eyes were actually seeing, because I somehow knew the texture of her skin was smooth, that the soft and supple feeling of the muscles in her calves felt divine, and that her knees were quite strong because of the knobs.
I had to blink my eyes when she broke eye contact and I saw that she had a slight smile on her face when she pulled her skirt back down over her knees. Okay, wow. I thought. That was a very subtle and powerful use of her quirk.
I was impressed. Very impressed. She must have somehow known that I was, because she then stood up and winked at me before she addressed everyone.
“Homeroom is in twenty minutes, so just lay there and relax until the bell. I'll give you twenty minutes of the next period to grab a shower if you want and change clothes after that. All right?” Miss Aiga said and I heard groans, mumbles, and one curse. She just laughed and walked away with her clipboard.
“You better keep massaging my feet the whole time.” Ming said without opening her eyes.
“I haven't gotten to your toes yet, so don't worry about me stopping.” I assured her.
“Thank god.” Ming said and sighed when my hand moved to rub her toes.
Saida barked a laugh. “Ming, your mother is going to be so jealous when you tell her about today.”
“Not a word about this part!” Ming said, almost angrily. “I won't be able to bring Connor home anymore!”
“Why not?” I asked.
“She'll make you do this for her to the exclusion of everything else, including me.” Ming said.
“I could offer...”
“No! Not even a hint!” Ming spat, then she chuckled. “I've got enough competition with the other girls in my class without having to deal with my mother, too.”
“Competition? About what?” I asked, concerned.
“N-nothing.” Ming said as her face flushed red. “Forget I said anything.”
I glanced over at Izuku and he pointed at me, at the other girls, then back at me. Oh. I thought and nodded to him that I understood. I didn't say anything and we spent the rest of the time in silence and with my hands full of feet. Neither Ming nor Saida complained.
You are reading story Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia at novel35.com
Not surprisingly, we all opted for a shower and changing our clothes before going back to the homeroom class.
Miss Aiga watched us all enter in various states of tiredness. Her eyes caught mine and she smiled before addressing the class. “I've tabulated your results onto individual cards. If you want everyone to know what they are, share them. If you think your results are embarrassing, please don't think that. This wasn't a competition, which was why no one had to race against anyone. It was to show you what some of your limits are and what can potentially be improved if you want it to be.”
I nodded at her explanation and she walked around and handed out all of the other cards. She saved Izuku and mine for last and handed them to each of us at the same time.
“The only real limit that Luxor and I could determine to your quirks, is distance. You don't have a long distance option to get to a villain that might be out of reach.” Miss Aiga said and then put her hands on our shoulders. “I like your 'launch' solution to that drawback, especially since it can be used by others. Keep working on it and see what else you can come up with.”
“Yes, Miss Aiga.” We said at the same time.
Miss Aiga nodded and went back to the front of the class. “You have Socialization for the next ten minutes, then we'll review anything you want to discuss.”
“You were right!” Ming said and leapt onto my desk to sit down in front of me and handed me her card. “Look at my thermometer temperature index!”
I looked at it and smiled. “Izuku, we were only off by a six degree median.”
“Only three degrees either way? Awesome!” Izuku said and opened his journal. “That means she can concentrate her flame at a higher temperature than the melting point of steel after only two minutes.”
“What did you say about...” Ming paused and looked shocked. “Hold on, I can melt STEEL?!?”
“Of course. You just need a bit of practice with hand gestures to create an appropriate heat funnel shape.” I said. “We didn't put that in your analysis at lunch, because it was just speculation on our parts without facts. Now that we've seen your quirk in action and have official numbers...”
“...we can design a better base for you to start from to make your quirk more powerful.” Izuku said.
“I... I can't... why...” Ming shook her head. “If I didn't like you guys already, I'd be falling for you all over again.”
“Girlfriend.” Izuku said and I chuckled.
“Mei would kill him if he even hinted that he was looking at another girl.”
“I never would. She is all I need and could ever want.” Izuku said and there was a little spark from his collar.
“Ha! She blew another microphone just with feedback!”
Izuku grinned at me as he pulled out a spare and clipped it into place. I burst out laughing and he joined me, as did Ming.
Tougi stood at the train station and waited for her date to arrive. She allowed for the travel time from his school and to his home, then to change and get to her. She only had to wait a few minutes before his train came to a stop and the doors opened. She caught her breath when Connor stepped out of the second train car and he wore a stylish suit.
She felt a little under-dressed wearing the blue summer dress that she had bought last year, then his eyes found hers and the intensity in them made her shiver a little. He walked over to her as if he was going into battle and her eyes widened slightly.
“Hi, Tougi. I hope you didn't wait long.” Connor said.
Tougi shook her head.
“You look very nice. Blue looks good on you.” Connor said and offered his arm. “Please allow me to escort you.”
Tougi nodded and took the offered arm and her date turned back to the train and they stepped on.
“I found a great place online and it's only a stop away.” Connor said as the doors shut. “I was only going to wear my good dress pants and a shirt, then my mom saw me and whacked me in the back of the head.”
Tougi wasn't sure if she should laugh or not. The train started up and they were on their way.
“She chased me back to my room and forced me to change. She made sure I was presentable.” Connor said with a laugh. “I think she was more nervous about my first date that I was.”
I'm his first date? Tougi asked herself, surprised. She didn't let it show, though.
“If it wasn't for Izuku's advice, I'd be shaking in my shoes right now.” Connor said and turned his head to smile at her. “Thank you for agreeing to still see me, even though we're not in the same school anymore.”
Tougi shrugged. That part didn't bother her. It was the press raking the entire UA school through the mud that was a problem. Her eyes must have twitched or something, because he noticed and sighed.
“You're upset about the way everyone is treating all of UA and not just the hero course.”
Tougi nodded.
“I tried to have them clarify that when I gave my mom an exclusive interview about my new academy. I won't know if it changes anything until she researches a little and releases it.”
“You did that?” Tougi asked.
“It's the general students that are suffering, too. I mean, at my new school there's six hero classes, not two. They take people that want to be heroes and not just those that score the highest.”
“You're in the first class, aren't you?”
Connor shook his head. “Nope! We don't get any special treatment. We're in the sixth class and there's only twelve students. It leaves room for anyone in the general courses to move up when they think they can handle the course work.”
Tougi blinked her eyes and for the first time in her life, lost her slightly angry look.
Connor noticed and reached up to lightly touch the spot between her eyebrows. “I don't know if you look better like that or your normal way.”
Tougi's angry look returned.
“I said that out loud again.” Connor shook his head. “Sorry about that. When I'm thinking about something too hard, I sometimes say it out loud. Izuku's been trying to get me to stop, except that he's worse than me. He mumbles under his breath all the time when he finds something interesting.”
“Like Mei.” Tougi said as the train came to a stop.
Connor barked a laugh. “Yes, exactly! He's completely devoted to her, so she's a lucky girl.”
“You're jealous?” Tougi asked and let him lead her off the train and to the platform.
“Only that I don't have someone to share things with.” Connor said with a shrug. “I wasn't really looking, actually. I knew I was going to hero school and my spare time would be limited... and then... on that first day, I met you at the station. I mentioned you to Izuku and he challenged me, so I...”
“I was a bet, then?” Tougi asked, her slightly angry expression becoming actually angry as she stopped walking.
“No! No, that's not... dammit, I'm rambling again.” Connor shook his head. “I was lacking confidence in talking to girls and he said I couldn't do it. I looked at you and I knew I had to try. I had to.”
Tougi didn't look any happier with that explanation. She had too many people confront her about what people called her 'resting bitch face'.
Connor sighed. “I'm too used to only having Izuku as a friend and we talk a certain way with each other. You're not a guy, so changing my preconceptions, my assumptions, and my idiocy around a pretty girl, has been difficult for me.” He looked at her face and it was back to its normal expression. “It's not like I've had a lot of practice, either. This is all new to me.”
Tougi sighed. “I could have been any girl.”
Connor sighed as well. “No. Yes. Maybe.” He shook his head. “No, it couldn't. I saw you look at me and you saw me. You didn't see my muscles, or my strength, or my reputation. When I looked back at you, I saw a girl that had been through a lot and she chewed it up and spit it out. I thought you were someone interesting, someone I wanted to get to know, and I came over to you.”
“Not Yui?” Tougi asked.
“Blank face?” Connor asked and slapped himself on the forehead. “Dammit, sorry! I didn't mean to say that! I meant blonde hair.”
Tougi raised her eyebrows slightly.
“Okay, no. I meant blank face. She has no expression. I don't know if she's using it as a mask to hide her emotions or if her quirk makes her look like she has no expression. I'm not judging her or saying she's ugly or anything! She's actually pretty!” Connor said and waved his arms in front of his body as if surrendering, then he sighed loudly. “I'm really messing this up, aren't I?”
“Majorly.” Tougi said.
“Yeah, I'm sorry.” Connor said and looked down at his suit coat. “Do you mind if I take this off? I don't normally dress like this and it's uncomfortable.”
Tougi nodded and watched as he slipped the suit jacket off. She didn't visibly react to his bulging muscles that clearly showed through his shirt. Mentally, she was wondering what they would feel like pressed up against her or wrapped around her.
“That's better.” Connor said and loosened the tie before he unbuttoned the top button on his shirt. “I knew I should have worn what I wanted instead. I'm not in the right mindset like this.”
Tougi had to nod in agreement.
“Are you hungry? Do you still want to eat or should we call it a bust?”
“You're giving up already?” Tougi asked and couldn't keep the surprise out of her voice.
“What? No! I... dammit, I shouldn't have asked that and just pushed on instead. Now you're thinking I'm not serious about this. About us.” Connor said and walked off to the right two paces, turned and walked back. “Please, don't think less of me for being so stupid.”
Tougi had to twitch a smile at him.
Connor smiled back. “Let me buy you dinner and spend a little more time with you. Nothing else has to happen. I only want to make it up to you for the mess I've made of things.”
Tougi thought about it for a minute, then nodded.
“May I take your hand?” Connor asked and held his own out to her.
Tougi took it and the two of them walked out of the station.
Connor couldn't help but compare her hand to Ming's. It was softer, less refined, and a little bony and too delicate for his liking. It was in that moment he decided. This wasn't going to end like a proper date should. He wouldn't try to kiss her or even imply that he would. He had messed everything up by trying too hard, again, and he didn't need to waste any more of this nice girl's time. She deserved better than that.