I sat on the living room couch with Izuku laughing his ass off beside me. I was right there with him, because my amusement over that mouse-like thing called Nezu being raked over the coals by my mother was the funniest thing I had ever seen. His little muzzle twitches every time mom caught him blatantly lying or covering up, his eye flicks to the side as if someone was going to save him or intervene, and his laboured breaths, really showed off how flustered he was.
“You owe... your mom... more roses! HA hahaha!” Izuku managed to say between belly shaking laughs.
“At least two dozen!” I responded and laughed as well.
“That's very nice of you.” Lois said from behind us.
“MOM!” I exclaimed and jumped up, ran around the couch in an instant, and hugged her. “I love you so much!”
Lois looked up slightly into my eyes and a bright smile spread across her face. “I think someone is happy with my little performance.”
“I always knew you were the best; but this...” I said and gave her a significant look, then I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “What you did to one of the most influential principals of a hero academy...”
Lois laughed softly and blushed a little. “If he hadn't tried to cover up his involvement in the information breech that caused the USJ incident and hadn't tried to pass it off as not important...”
“I know!” I said and gave her another quick kiss, wich made her look very pleased. “He had critical information about a potential villain attack and they had all of their information! It was such a horrible thing to do and to keep from the police!”
“It really was. At the very least, he should have changed the schedules for every off-site excursion.” Lois said and her hands rubbed my arms. “He could have also had police escort or even added more supervision by heroes.”
I nodded. “His decision to let things play out was a stupid move for someone so smart.”
Lois nodded. “He could have set up his own ambushes instead of giving the villains Class 1-A on a platter.”
“No one's really talking about that part, though.” Izuku said from the couch and pointed at the television. “Connor, you really got a handle on your flight ability.”
Both I and my mother turned to look at the television and saw myself and Izuku landing with grace right in front of Lois. They had cut the sound until Lois asked her first interview question, so no one heard the 'tossing a hero around by their cape' comment I made.
“Even social media is blowing up over what we did.” Izuku said as the interview played out. It seemed a lot longer when doing it, though.
“I hope you guys didn't mind me dropping your chosen hero names.” Lois said, a little embarrassed.
“Are you kidding? That was perfect timing!” I said and she turned to look at my happy face. “No one will expect me to become the next Superman and the hope symbol still stands for my name.”
Lois couldn't stop her smile from returning. “I took your words to heart.” She said and wrapped her arms around me with adoration on her face. “I know you're not your father and I never expected you to be, even if I do tease you about his trademark cowlick.”
I chuckled and her smile grew.
“You are you and your career is in dedication to him and not to replace him.” Lois said. “What you've done so far has been so different than what Clark would have done.”
“Really?” I asked, a little surprised.
“Oh, yes. He never would have made a spectacle of himself at school or spoke out about anything that would bring too much attention to him.” Lois said and she moved her hands up to cup the sides of my face. “His parents were so concerned over him having his abilities since he was a kid that they forced him to adopt the mentality to keep his powers hidden until it was necessary to use them.”
“Oh. Ohhhh.” I said and looked at Izuku, who had a similar wide eyed look on his face. I had completely forgotten that aspect of dad's life as a kid. I thought it might have been different, considering we lived in Japan and not America. It never occurred to me that he would have the same farm-raised mentality.
“Yes, when he lost his father to a heart attack and then his mother to sorrow...” Lois started to say.
“Wait, sorrow?” I asked, surprised again.
Lois nodded. “She couldn't handle the farm by herself and with Clark so conditioned to never use his abilities unless necessary, the farm eventually folded and their lives changed from the nice relaxed rural one into the hectic city life when Clark got his hero license.”
“Which he had to do at the first agency that would accept him, because his powers hadn't been shown off at all before then.” I said in understanding, and Lois nodded.
“The agency was small then and it took him years to get strong enough and confident enough in his abilities to make a significant difference. When he did...”
“The agency took off and hired a lot more people, increasing their government stipend, thanks to his exposure.” I said and Lois smiled.
“You really do understand.” Lois said and she lightly kissed me again.
“Yes, and that's why Izuku said what he did to Nezu.” I responded. “He can try to stop us from joining an agency all he wants. We'll just start our own and we'll wreck every other hero agency's record and get all the recognition.”
“You are definitely not like your father.” Lois laughed demurely and her hands ran down to my chest and the tight t-shirt I wore. “He would never be that ambitious.”
I took a deep breath and let it out. “I know he tried his best to help the people around him...”
“To his own and our detriment.” Lois admitted and sighed as her face changed from happy to sad. “I had to lose several of your younger years to a babysitter because he wouldn't create his own agency.”
“Mom, I love you.” I said and she looked into my eyes. “I completely understood that you had to do what you did to keep our family together.”
“I hated it at first. I was going to be away from the first woman I've ever loved.” I said and she blushed, then I held a hand out to Izuku and he gave me a high five. “Then I met my best friend and he helped me see that lives change, sometimes for the better. That we had to change so early is something I'll both regret and be happy for.”
Lois had a sad smile on her face. “I know I was greedy for your attention back then.”
“Back then?” I asked, jokingly.
“Shut it, you.” Lois said with a laugh and lightly smacked my chest with one of her hands. “Your father worked a lot to make up for my maternity leave and you were all I had for a long time.”
I nodded and put my hands on hers that were still on my chest. “I'll always be yours, Mom. No matter what happens. No matter who I meet. No matter who catches my attention.”
“C-Connor...” Lois ducked her head a little and blushed.
“You are the most beautiful woman in the world.” I said, completely sincerely. “You're intelligent, sexy even when you look like crap, and you can strip the paint from the walls with just your words.”
Lois' blush went to a deep red and she laughed softly at the same time. “Connor, you shouldn't say things like that.”
“Even if they are true?” I asked.
“Even if.” Lois said and her blush started to fade as she stepped back from me and the embrace we had been in. “You need to find someone to give those sincere compliments to. If she believes them even half as much as I do, she will be so enamoured of you that you won't be able to get rid of her.”
That made me laugh and Lois looked happy.
Izuku picked up my phone and handed it to her. “Check her out.”
“Izuku!” I exclaimed as Lois got an eyeful of Momo Yaoyorozu.
“Sorry.” Izuku said with a wicked grin and turned back to the television, so I whacked him on the back of the head. He just laughed.
“Is this for real?” Lois asked as she flipped through the information. “She has an interesting quirk.”
I huffed and glared at Izuku. “She's the girl we saved from that sludge villain.”
Lois had the same wicked smile on her face that Izuku had moments ago. “Is that so? You already have an in with her.”
“Mom, it's not like that.” I said to try and defend myself.
“No?” Lois asked with a smirk and showed me the messages I had sent. “It seems like you want to talk to her.”
“Well...” I turned my head away slightly.
“If your not-date works out, I want to meet her.” Lois said. “I let you get away with not bringing Ming over.”
I opened my mouth to respond, then closed it. It had worked out, so I wasn't going to deny that not bringing her over was for the best.
“I kind of had the feeling that she wasn't really serious. Or you weren't.” Lois said and looked at my face. “This girl, though...”
“We barely talked and she wants to see where our school studies are in comparison.” I said.
“Uh huh.” Lois said with a knowing smile. “Izuku, were you invited to this study session?”
“Nope!” Izuku said without turning around.
“Traitor.” I whispered and he laughed.
“Then you make sure you dress appropriately.” Lois said.
I held up my hands and stepped backwards. “I am not listening to you again about that.”
“Connor, this is different.” Lois said. “You know she's the daughter of...”
“I know exactly who she is.” I said and then I sighed. “I guess you want to know what I planned to do.”
“That would be nice, yes.” Lois said, almost predatory.
“I was going to dress up to show up at her place, then take the coat and tie off to show her that I was relaxing around her.” I said, remembering how much of an impact that had on my first date.
Lois looked thoughtful. “Actually, that's not bad. Not bad at all.” She said and tapped her chin with my phone. “She's both high class and high maintenance. You'll need to be careful about her social standing and where she is comfortable about relaxing those standards.”
I had considered that, only I had no idea how to broach that subject with her. “How do I ask without asking?”
Lois gave me a demure smile. “We can discuss it over supper, which I brought home with me and is sitting on the kitchen table.”
Izuku was off the couch and zoomed out of the living room. “Tell me you have udon!”
I chuckled and Lois laughed as we went to the kitchen and saw Izuku had everything out of the bags and spread out for easy access.
“There it is.” Izuku said and opened the large steaming dish. “Oooo, is that Missus Hansen's?”
Lois nodded. “She added extra noodles, just for you.”
“Thanks!” Izuku said and doled out a large portion into his bowl.
“She said she really likes the view out of her shop with all that junk out of the way.” Lois said and handed me a plate as she took one herself. “Her customers enjoy it, too.”
“I know!” Izuku said and slurped up a huge mouthful and started to chew. “Thash shooo good!”
I laughed and took several egg rolls and beef rice. “Don't choke on it.”
“Never!” Izuku said and took a drink of the broth.
“I think everyone in the area likes the view now.” Lois said and sat down to eat. “I've been tempted to do a fluff piece on the reclaimed beach.”
I gave Izuku a grin and he nodded with a grin of his own. “Mom, I think that's a wonderful idea.”
“I think so, too. If only we knew who was responsible for it.” Lois said and winked at me.
I barked a laugh and Izuku almost choked on his udon noodles. “I knew we couldn't hide anything from you, even if we tried.”
You are reading story Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia at novel35.com
Lois gave me a particular look and then glanced at Izuku. “I'll leave All Might's name out of it and only reference an influential hero had taken you under their wing to start you off on your hero training by getting you to clear up the illegal dump.”
I grinned and Izuku nodded several times.
“I'll have it done by the morning.” Lois said and the three of us ate the rest of supper as we talked about how easy the first task was in the sports festival. The food was soon gone and I walked Izuku to the front door after we cleaned everything up in a flash.
“Have fun at Mei's.” I said and Izuku grinned. “If you only jog, you'll have at least three hours before you have to catch the last train.”
“Who said I was going home afterwards?” Izuku teased and punched my shoulder. “Later!”
I shook my head at him as he 'jogged' and took off like a sprinting runner. “Hey, Mom? Can Izuku stay over tonight?”
“Sure.” Lois said and laughed. “Inko won't believe it this time, either.”
“Huh? What?” I closed the front door and looked at her amused face.
“Do you really think she doesn't know her son is sneaking off and having sex with his girlfriend?” Lois asked and then laughed again at my stunned expression. “A mother knows these things.”
“I... uh...” I walked over to the living room and Lois took my hands and sat me down on the couch.
“Is there anything you want to say to me, Connor?” Lois asked me, quite pointedly, as if I was being interrogated in an interview.
“M-Mom, I... well...”
“You don't have to tell me her name.” Lois said and squeezed my hands. “Did she treat you right?”
I opened my mouth to ask which one and paused. I was taking a bit too long to respond because I saw her face start to go angry. I immediately chose Saida as the one I would talk about and not Red Fury.
“Yes, she treated me well. Very well.” I said, hastily.
“Really?” Lois asked and her eyes squinted. “Tell me about it.”
“Wh-what?” I asked nervously and couldn't look into her eyes.
“If she treated you right, I want to hear it. If she didn't, I won't be happy with her... or you for keeping it from me.” Lois said, matter of factly.
“But... Mom, I...”
“Unless you tell me what happened, I will ground you for a month and there will be no more late nights out or overnight stays at Izuku's place.” Lois said and my mouth dropped open. “Yes, I know I've never actually grounded you before.”
“But... but...”
“Please, Connor. Tell me.” Lois pleaded and touched my chin to make me look at her. “I won't stop you from going out at night if you tell me the truth.”
I saw the sadness and the need in her eyes, so I sighed. “When Ming broke up with me and had to give out that assignment about witness tampering, she told everyone that she and I were sneaking off and I was taking advantage of her every chance I had.”
“That stupid little bitch.” Lois said, her voice full of venom. “I'll destroy her!”
That made me laugh. “Mom, she destroyed herself.”
“What do you mean?” Lois asked.
I told her all about Ming's attempts to ruin my reputation, only for the girls to actually like the things she told them we had supposedly done all over the school and at her home.
“None of them thought you were a jerk for using her like that?” Lois asked, surprised.
“Apparently not. After I told Helen that the teacher paired me with her during class because she was safe to be around, she... um...”
Lois gave me a pointed look, as if she had x-ray vision. “Spill it.”
I sighed. “She was offended that anyone would think she was safe, so she... ahem... dropped to her knees, tore my pants open with her quirk, and showed me that she was anything but safe.”
Lois blinked her eyes at me for several seconds without saying anything, then she covered her mouth. It didn't stop her laugh and she snorted a couple of times, too. “Not... safe!”
I shook my head. “When she was done with me, she told me what she did was pretty tame in comparison to what Ming and I had been getting up to around the school.”
“Oh, I get it. She thought you were an easy mark because Ming told her you were horny all the time.” Lois said and I nodded. “What happened next?”
“Well, she told me a little thing Ming and I did in the library and she wanted to try it.” I had to smile. “She studied at the table and I was under it... and under her skirt.”
“Connor!” Lois gasped. “You... with a girl you barely know!”
I chuckled. “Actually, we were pretty good friends before then. I took the teacher's advice and treated her as if we were always friends and didn't know much about each other, for a week before this came up.”
“You respect her.” Lois said.
I nodded. “She literally asked for me to go down on her at school, because ever since Ming told her that I would do that to a girl, she fantasized about it. Since she just gave me the same treatment, I figured a fair exchange was appropriate.”
“Are you dating?” Lois asked, her voice without inflection.
“No, I told her that after what Ming did to me, I wasn't ready for a girlfriend.”
Lois seemed to relax. “What happened next?”
“That afternoon's hero physical education class was a weird one.” I said and then described what the place was like after Helen had told the other girls what I had done to her in the library and about Helen teling me all about the other things that Ming and I had been up to. “I was immediately paired with Saida, Ming's best friend, and she asked me if it was true what I did to Helen. I said yes and the look she had on her face was priceless.”
Lois laughed softly. “I can imagine. Not just hearing about the confirmation from Helen; but, getting you to confirm that you really did it.”
“She had to bow out of the rescue training because of claustrophobia and then kissed me before she told me how to treat her on our date.”
Lois smiled. “Of course. She remembered your disaster with Touga.”
I nodded. “We went for a walk on the beach for a while, stopped for messy ice cream, and we had a great time.” I said and then described going back to her house and meeting her parents.
“What did she ask for?” Lois asked, a knowing smile on her face.
“A sneaky couch cuddle first and then a late night cuddle.” I admitted. I was way too deep into the story now to back out or to not tell her something.
“You really did it?” Lois asked, surprised.
“Saida got a blanket and covered my hands and our waists.” I said and left out teasing her mother. “After I made a show of leaving, I doubled back and waited under Saida's window for an hour before she opened it.”
Lois sat there, almost enraptured, as I told her what I did. I even included getting Saida to use her quirk to give her better orgasms. I also told her we fell asleep and that when I woke up in the morning, Saida was giving me a blowjob and playing with herself. Lois didn't look too happy about that, until I told her that Saida was nervous about doing it and thought it would be easier to fulfill her fantasy if I wasn't staring at her while she did it.
Lois almost growled. “All right, I can't get upset if she was nervous about it.”
“I told her it was every guy's fantasy to wake up to a beautiful girl doing that to him and I thanked her for it.” I said and she looked surprised. “It was the quickest way to make her relax. I even joked about taking a shower together, knowing the house only had a family bathroom.”
Lois smiled. “She was tempted, wasn't she?”
“She said we could never get away with it and that the window was this small.” I held up my hands to show her.
“You would only get one shoulder and your head through it and then your naked ass would have been hanging outside for everyone to see!” Lois said and laughed.
I nodded and let her laugh for a few moments. “We're not dating or anything, either. We're friends and neither of us want to take advantage of the other.”
Lois nodded and lightly touched my shoulder. “All right, you've convinced me. You aren't grounded.”
“Whew. Thanks, Mom.” I said.
“As long as you tell me when you're actually going out and stop lying about going to Izuku's.”
“I actually do go to Izuku's...” I said and then grinned. “...before leaving and going out.”
Lois laughed and smacked my chest. “No more of that. You will be more responsible about things and I will be more reasonable.”
“I think that's fair.” I agreed.
“Go ahead and get your evening workout done and get to bed.” Lois said.
“Okay.” I said and started to stand, then settled back down on the couch. “Mom, thank you.”
“For what?” Lois asked.
“For not freaking out that your fifteen year old son is actively having sex.” I said.
“Who said I wasn't freaking out about it?” Lois asked with a smile.
I chuckled and leaned forward. “I love you, too.”
Lois puckered her lips for me.
I gave her a kiss for a second, then pulled back and stood up. “Are you going in to work early?”
“If I want to file that personal interest story for the paper, yes.” Lois said.
“I'll see you tomorrow night before I head out to Momo's.”
Lois nodded and I felt her watching me walk across the living room. “Connor.”
“I know. She's not like the girls at school. I can't treat her as if she knows what happened to me there.”
Lois laughed. “I don't know if her knowing is better or worse for your chances with her.”
“There's really only one way to find that out.” I said and winked at her before I closed my bedroom door. I heard her run over to my door and take a deep breath.
“Don't you dare offer to study like that with her right away!” Lois shouted through the door.
I laughed. “Don't worry, Mom. I'm not really a horny teenager. I'm just acting like one.”
“It's the same thing, dammit!” Lois said, then she sighed. “Don't hurt her feelings.”
“I know she has a bigger investment, because I saved her.” I said through the door. “I won't take advantage of her vulnerability.”
“Good.” Lois said and put her hand on the door. “Goodnight, Connor.”
“Goodnight.” I said back and watched as she walked way. She stopped at her own door and looked back at my door, smiled, and entered her bedroom. I went over to the weighted backpack and put it on and the weights on my legs and forearms, then cranked the thing. When it was at the point I had a hard time moving, I didn't bother exercising as I clenched my fists and concentrated.
My body lifted up off of the floor by an inch, then two, then a foot. I held it for as long as I could and hovered there for nearly twenty minutes, then I eased myself back down to the floor. I was sweating and had a big smile on my face. Then I did it again and again, increasing the weight a little more each time.