Moe woke up the next morning and opened her eyes. She yawned loudly and stretched as if I wasn't in the bed with her. Her fist hit my arm and she froze, then she sat up to look at me. “You're still here?”
“Huh?” I asked. It must have sounded better out loud than in my head, because she laughed.
“I thought as soon as I fell asleep, you would be long gone.” Moe said and climbed off of the bed. “Oh, there's the good soreness I missed.” She said and rubbed herself between her legs. Her hair ignited and she put her damp fingers into her mouth to taste them. “You didn't come in me when I was asleep?”
I shook my head. I was sure she didn't want me to, especially because of the pregnancy risk.
“You're such a boy scout.” Moe said with a laugh. “I would have done me at least once without a condom on and pulled out.”
I just stared at her and didn't know what to say.
“Well, it's been fun.” Moe said and her hair flared. “Now fuck off.”
“Excuse me?”
“I told you I don't want a boyfriend dogging me all the time.” Moe said and walked towards her bathroom. “You can haul your ass out of my bed and then get lost.” She slammed the door shut. “Bye-bye!” She shouted and then the water started up.
I was so surprised by her abrupt dismissal that I stayed there for several minutes before I realized I should leave. I grabbed my things and zoomed across the hall and into my room, grabbed a quick shower and dressed, then looked at the time. It was only six-thirty in the morning and I checked my cell phone.
I left it in my room last night and sighed when I saw several texts and two missed calls from my mother. I hit the button to call her and wasn't surprised when she picked up immediately.
“Do you have ANY idea what I've been going through since last night?!?” Lois shouted.
“I'm sorry, Lois. Very sorry.” I said in my best pleading voice. “I left my phone in my room last night and I forgot to call you.”
“Last night? Why? What happened?” Lois asked, her voice changed to concern.
I would need to embellish the apartment fire a little bit to try and cover my ass. “Well, during my first patrol yesterday, I stopped a few robbers fleeing in a car. After that...”
Lois listened as I explained what I did for the entire shift, even telling her what powers I used and how. She let out a squeak when I told her about sucking in the fire from the apartment and then described the flames and debris searing the insides of my lungs. I told her how much it hurt and that it took a bit longer to heal, because I had to hyperventilate and burn up the debris. I also had to drown myself to wash out the ashes.
“Oh, god.” Lois whispered. “Connor, you... why would you do that to yourself?”
“I told you. I couldn't freeze all of the flames in case the fire damaged too much of the apartment's structure.”
Lois sighed. “You could have frozen a section at a time and tossed it out the window.”
I was stunned, because I hadn't thought of that. I didn't have to hurt myself at all. “You're brilliant!”
Lois sighed again. “Connor, you need to think smarter in stressful situations and not just react to what happens. Your brain can handle a lot more in a second than even I can contemplate, so use it.”
“I will. I promise.” I said. “Thank you.”
“I'm still really angry at you for not calling and letting me know you got there okay.”
“It kind of wasn't my fault.” I said and chuckled, then told her about meeting Endeavor's son, talking to him, then talking to Endeavor himself. I told her he assigned me to a squad of four pro heroes that were Endeavor's sidekicks and I had to get to work immediately.
“At least he understands your value and put you to use right away.” Lois said. “Even if you did get hurt.”
“I'm fine now. I didn't sleep much last night, though.” I admitted.
“Were you worried?” Lois asked.
“No, I resolved to work my lungs out harder than before, so that won't happen again.”
“Then what was it?”
“The squad leader, Burnin.” I said. “She's pretty boisterous and...”
Lois sighed. “Please tell me that you didn't sleep with a coworker on your very first night there.”
I stayed silent and she sighed very loudly.
“I knew it was a mistake to let you go there.” Lois said. “The worst thing you can do at a new job... the very worst thing... is to bed anyone there. It creates a bad and sometimes hostile work environment, even if you agree beforehand that it won't interfere with your working relationship.”
“We both agreed that we aren't looking for a relationship.” I said.
“Ugh, that's even worse.” Lois said.
“Why?” I asked, then thought about Moe's hasty dismissal of me only a few minutes before.
“Because one or both of you are going to have your feelings hurt. Everyone has a different definition of what casual sex means. If you are too dismissive of her attention when you are working, she could get the wrong idea and start to resent you for it.”
I didn't mention that it was probably going to be me on the receiving end of that and not Moe.
“I guess it won't help if I order you to end it before it starts.” Lois said.
“I'm sure she won't take it badly if I tell her that I'm no longer available.” I said.
“You can't do that! She'll be hostile towards you immediately!” Lois spat and I sighed. “What I suggest you do, is keep yourself busy. Too busy for when she wants to meet. She'll either get the hint you don't want to continue, or she'll lose interest in the sex part and will find someone else to replace you.”
“That last part might be a little difficult for her to do.” I said.
“Good god, Connor! What were you thinking?” Lois asked. “You do NOT go all out during your first night together! What are you going to build up to later?”
“I... ah... didn't think of that.” I admitted.
Lois sighed again. “Just do what I said. Stay busy. Go on patrol with other groups if you have to. If they won't allow that, spend time helping the secretaries or something.”
“Do as I say!” Lois shouted and then she took a deep breath and let it out.
“Okay.” I said. “Mom, I... I'm sorry. I didn't think things through and...”
“I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't snap at you like that. You're in a new place and apparently they haven't given you any kind of orientation class to let you know the rules you need to follow.”
“That's the first thing I'll ask the receptionist when I go down to help her after breakfast.” I promised.
“Good, Connor. That's good.” Lois said. “I have to go. I have to get to work.”
“Do you want me to handle it?” I asked.
“I really shouldn't bother you...” Lois whispered.
“I'm not busy until my shift starts after lunch.” I said.
You are reading story Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia at
“All right. I'll let you try it this once.” Lois said. “When can you...”
I changed into my full hero costume instantly, jumped out the window, and broke the sound barrier three times before I landed in front of the house and zoomed inside.
“...get here?” Lois finished and then she gasped and stared at me. “Connor!”
“Are you taking the car or do you want me to pick you up?” I asked.
Lois looked shocked for a few moments before she shook herself and smiled. “I have a couple of interviews outside the building, so I need the car.”
“Grab your keys and I'll drop you off before I put the car in your parking spot at work.”
Lois walked over to the table beside the door, checked for her keys in her purse, and nodded.
I walked over to her, letting her watch me approach, then I scooped her up into my arms. Lois blushed as I cradled her gently and she put her arms around my neck. I stepped outside and used my telekinesis to protect her before I shot up into the air and broke the sound barrier once and slowed down to land at the building's front door.
“I didn't even feel the wind.” Lois whispered.
“I would never let you suffer like that.” I said and slowly rose up into the air. “If you need me, just call.”
Lois nodded and I disappeared from her sight before I broke the sound barrier again to get back to the house, grabbed the car, and flew it to where it needed to go. I left there and returned to Endeavor's agency through my room's window and instantly changed back into normal clothes.
I left my room and zoomed down the stairs and entered the cafeteria. I grabbed breakfast and didn't see anyone around that I recognized, so I sat by myself at the closest empty table to the door. I could tell that almost no one recognized me without my hero costume on and I quickly ate everything on my plate in under ten seconds.
“I've never seen anyone eat like that.” A woman's voice said from near me.
I chuckled. “I guess I could have eaten faster. I'm not really in a rush, though.”
“Excuse me? You can eat faster than that?” She asked.
I turned to look and saw a tall woman with long and wavy green hair. She was wearing a mostly green spandex leotard with boots and gloves that were only black flame imprints on her costume, like the fake underwear impression on my own suit. That wasn't what caught my eyes, though. It was the plunging neckline with black flame designs framing her breasts. She also wore a mask over the top of her face.
I had looked her over in barely a microsecond and smiled. “I'm tempted to prove I can eat faster, except everyone's already talking about me eating an apartment full of fire yesterday. They don't need any more ammunition.”
“That was you?” She asked and I nodded. “That took guts. And stupidity.”
I laughed and stood. “I know. My mother already berated me for it.” I held my hand out to her. “Connor Kent. My hero name is Supreme.”
“Out of costume, I'm Beatrice DeCosta, or Bea to my friends.” She took my hand and shook it. “Dressed like this, you can call me Green Fury.”
“Green... Green Fury.” I whispered and realized I still held her hand. “Ah, sorry. I just...”
“How do you know me?” Green Fury asked as I let her hand go.
“I don't know you...” I started to say and the air around me heated to a hundred degrees instantly. I raised my eyebrows at her and kept speaking. “...personally. We did just meet.” I said and the heat dropped to fifty degrees. “I do know something about your powers and have made some educated guesses.”
“How can you do that and not know me?” Green Fury asked.
“It's a hobby that my friend and I do.” I said. “We can analyze quirks and make educated guesses on their strengths, weaknesses, and possible uses. Once we see a sample of the powers working, we can refine the process and make better extrapolations on how to improve it.”
The heat completely disappeared and she looked thoughtful.
“You didn't feel that at all, did you?” Green Fury asked.
“I did.” I said and then whispered. “The microwave radiation still had to move around me to get behind me and increase all of the air's temperature.”
Green Fury caught her breath. “How did you know... wait, they had to go around and not through you?”
“My quirk is a super-dense molecular structure. It takes a lot to get anything through me after all of the training I've done.” I said and waved at the cafeteria serving line. “If you'll let me accompany you while you eat, I'll explain a bit more about what I've guessed about you quirk.”
Green Fury nodded and we went through the line to get her breakfast and I dropped off my tray and dishes. When we passed by one of the tables, one of the women there spoke.
“He left here with Burnin last night, so you know what that means.” She said and pointedly looked at my crotch, frowned, and went back to eating.
I stopped walking and smiled at her. “Thank you very much for being so considerate about my personal business.” I said to her, which surprised her and the women around her. “The next time I try to spend some personal time with another woman that loves to have me fly her around her bedroom and fuck her so hard that she falls unconscious a dozen times from having orgasms constantly, I'll be sure to let you know and you can let everyone else know, all right?”
Everyone in the cafeteria had fallen silent and listened to what I said. The woman that had spoken had a bright red face, probably from embarrassment, as did her friends and several of the women at the other nearby tables.
I turned to find Green Fury and apologize, only to see that she had stopped walking right after I did and was only a couple of feet away. “I'm sorry about that. I thought people's personal time between shifts was just that, personal. Now that I know it's not, I have to ask if you can chance being seen with someone that was stupid enough to accept an offer of casual and completely protected sex with Burnin on his very first day at work.”
Green Fury raised her eyebrows for a moment and then shrugged. “As long as you're not planning on trying to get me to do that, too.”
“I don't think Burnin likes girls, so I think you're safe... oh! You meant with me.” I said, deliberately misinterpreting her words to make her smile. “That's not a problem. Don't worry, I can keep my massively powerful and orgasm-inducing erection all to myself.”
Green Fury barked a laugh and nodded across the cafeteria. “My normal table is over there. You can tell me what you think of my quirk and what you believe I can do with it.”
“I would be honored to join you and inform you about all the stuff you're doing wrong.” I said with a straight face.
Green Fury laughed and shook her head before turning away and walking to her table.
I followed her and admired her ass in that body hugging green spandex. “So, where do you want me to start? Your inefficient use of heat manipulation or your lack in the ability to absorb the heat back as fast as you can emit it?”
Green Fury gave me a stern look for a second, then laughed. “Go ahead and fill me in on everything, starting with my basic knowledge of my quirk.”
“Let me just get some paper.” I said and stood.
“I'm only staying here for as long as I eat.” Green Fury said.
I smirked at her, disappeared for a second, then reappeared with a dozen sheets of paper and a pen.
“Jesus! How did you do that?” Green Fury asked, startled.
“Super-speed.” I said and sat down. “I always keep paper in my things in case I need them.”
“You ran up to your room to get that?” Green Fury asked.
“Fifth floor, room six.” I said and started writing. I filled two pages instantly and handed them over to her. “Here are my initial thoughts on your quirk. You can read it while you eat. I'll wait.”
Green Fury stared at me, then the sheets, then at me. “The secretaries must love you if you can fill out reports this fast.”
“Oh! That reminds me. I need to file one for yesterday.” I said. “I'll see you later.”
Green Fury nodded and I disappeared from her sight as I ran to the receptionist's desk and quickly filled out the report for the shift the previous day. I also added in my own problems, the solutions, and my observations. I didn't want to file an incomplete report on my first shift. That would just be embarrassing.