Chapter 51: 50

“You seem to have multiple problems that overlap.” Lois said from the speaker of my cell phone. “A bright and easily spotted large object that needs to be transported across the country, then that same object needs to make it to space without being spotted.”

“Yeah, and the geniuses here didn't realize that.” I said.

Lois scoffed at me. “Connor, it's not nice to make fun of your friends.”

I sighed and nodded to both Mei and Izuku. “I know, it's just... how could they have ignored such an obvious detriment to being stealthy and hiding what I was going to do?”

“I think Mei was concentrating on the compact ability of the satellite, rather than the viability.” Lois said.

“That's exactly right.” Mei said. “I also haven't told Connor where to place it for the best coverage.”

“I assume it's going into geosynchronous orbit over Japan?” Lois asked.

“That's the most viable option, yes.” Mei said. “How did you know?”

“It's the logical conclusion. You want to monitor the situation in the country and root out the villains.”

“I told you she was the smartest person on the planet.” I said and Izuku said that he agreed. “Lois, do you have any idea what I can do about this mess?”

“Can the object be covered in temporary paint or cloth without damaging the surface?” Lois asked. “If Mei's compound needed a reflective material to adhere to, will a non-reflective material affect it?”

“If you're careful, it could be covered with a non-abrasive material.” Mei said, almost hesitantly. “Anything moving over the surface could disturb the protective layer, though.”

“That cuts out blankets and tarps, because they will tear up the coating.” Lois whispered and muttered a little. “Non-abrasive... non-abrasive.”

I didn't say anything, because I didn't want to disturb Lois when she was in thinking mode. I also held up a hand to stop Izuku and Mei from saying anything.

After a few minutes, Lois chuckled. “Good god, it's so simple I almost missed it.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“Fire suppressant foam.” Lois said. “Use a fire extinguisher for chemical fires on the surface of the satellite. It will stick without harming the surface and you can run with it to the beach near the airport. You follow the plane and submerge in the water until you reach the territorial limit. By that time, the foam will be washed off and you can proceed with the ascension to orbit along the plane's flight path.”

“That... that... that's brilliant!” Izuku exclaimed.

“You need to get it done if you want Connor to catch the first flight out. The next one isn't until near dawn.” Lois said.

“Thanks a lot, Lois.” I said and let her hear my appreciation. “You just saved me a lot of frustration.”

“I expect to be compensated properly.” Lois said and chuckled. “Good luck and I'll see you when you get back.”

“See you then.” I said and hung up. “Mei, I assume you have at least one fire extinguisher like that.”

Mei grinned and walked over to the wall and hit a button. An alcove opened up and she pointed inside. “Put the satellite in there. It'll be covered in about three seconds.”

“Ha! You have a decontamination room.” I said and used telekinesis to touch the satellite with a hand and lifted it up like it weighed nothing.

Mei made an odd sound and I ignored it as I held the satellite inside the room and she hit the containment foam. The satellite was was almost instantly covered and it was no longer a bright gold and was now a dull white.

I waited for a minute for the foam to harden slightly and nodded. “All right, this should do.” I said and carefully manoeuvred it out of the room and up the exit to the storm cellar. Thanks to my telekinesis, I didn't hit the sides or scraped off any foam as I left the basement.

“Good luck.” Izuku said and clapped a hand on my shoulder. “We'll be waiting here in the lab for you to make the delivery and for the satellite to activate.”

“It needs to be in high orbit, Connor.” Mei said and told me the height and the coordinates for optimal placement. “It has station keeping drives and solar energy batteries. When you're high enough, it will start the deployment sequence and open up. You can let it go at that point and it should be okay to operate on its own.”

“Should be?” I asked and she nodded.

“We've never been to the moon, so space travel like this is all mathematical guesswork for orbital efficiency.” Mei said. “It should be self-sustaining when it's completely open and in position.”

I nodded, which meant I would have to examine things when I was at the height her calculations suggested. I wouldn't leave it to chance, however. “Give me your equations and I'll have a look while your satellite is deploying.”

Mei handed over several sheets of paper. “It's theoretically perfect, so there shouldn't be a problem.”

“That's like telling me to close my eyes and that I'll enjoy it, because it'll be over soon.” I said and Izuku laughed. “I'll check this for myself and it should be online for you to check in an hour or so.”

Mei nodded and gave Izuku a quick glance, then she kissed my cheek. “Thank you for this, Connor.”

“You can thank me later if this works.” I said and lifted the satellite to hold it up above anything I might hit as I ran.

Izuku nodded and Mei looked hopeful.

I nodded back and took several breaths, then I ran as I used my telekinesis to make a wedged barrier like a snowplow to protect myself and the satellite. I followed the back roads in the direction Lois had given me for the airport and I relaxed a little when I heard the sounds of jet engines powering up. I ran over towards the water's edge and submerged myself and the satellite in the water.

Half an hour later, the flight that should have taken off ten minutes ago, took off and I 'flew' through the water with the satellite in front of me as I followed the plane's flight path. It went exactly as Lois predicted, washing off the satellite, and I stayed under the water until I crossed Japan's territorial water limit. I broke the surface of the water and flew up to the plane's height, then crossed behind it to ascend above it.

I didn't bother listening in to the pilot talking or to the air traffic control tower as I followed the plane and rose up through the atmosphere. By that point, it didn't matter, because I was out of Japan's jurisdiction. I still followed the plane until I exited the atmosphere completely and doubled-back to place the satellite where it was supposed to go.

I slowed down my perception of time and took out the sheets that Mei had given me and shook my head at the mistakes. She hadn't taken the Earth's rotation or the moon's pull into consideration with her calculations for a stationary orbit. I had to fly another mile or so before the satellite was out of the range of every other satellite's path.

When it was in the new position, it seemed to detect that it had stopped moving and started opening up. I didn't really recognize it until the main fuselage was revealed and I saw the bright gold eye with a red pupil that was emblazoned on it.

Oh, crap. It's the Brother Eye satellite that hacks into every computer on the planet and then led to the creation of the OMAC program. I thought as the thing powered up, thanks to its opening solar panels. The One Man Army Corps was an extremely dangerous program if the wrong people had access to it.

The design was a lot different than what I remembered from the comics, then I realized Mei wasn't constrained by conventional ergonomic thinking of either traditional spacecraft or satellite design. This world never had a space race to see who could get to the moon first, because the different countries and their governments were concentrated on quirks and not who was more technologically advanced.

I looked back at the papers Mei had given me and the first thing I thought about was what it could do if it was threatened, because its protective programming pretty much let it do whatever it could to protect itself, which was what the original operator had programmed it to do. Since this was Mei and she loved her babies to death, I was sure this one would be even more virulent in its survival programming.

I was very grateful that Mei had offered to give me full administrator access, because with a bit of luck, I would find the designs for the receiving device and could delete the plans for it while keeping a copy of it safe. If I wasn't lucky, I wouldn't find the biological construction part of the satellite to stop the creation of a virus that could potentially wipe out all of the super-powered individuals on the planet.

I was so concerned about the satellite that I didn't notice the extra energy being filtered through my body until I tried to turn around to observe the other satellites in orbit. I whipped around like a top and it took me a moment to concentrate and stopped myself from rotating.

I completely forgot that I would absorb more direct solar radiation near the top of the Earth's atmosphere. I thought to myself and looked to where I could feel the most radiation coming from. It wasn't the sun, however. My eyes saw the crescent shaped light reflected on the moon instead.

I shook my head at the deception my body had played on me and I flew back down into the atmosphere. I had a small enough radar return on my own that I only had to slow down to sub-sonic speeds to avoid being picked up as I descended. It took a bit more time to return to Mei's while going so slow.

I landed at the cellar entrance and it whirred and clicked open. I walked down the steps and Izuku stood there and had a device in his hands. He passed it to me without a word and I accepted it. It looked like a remote for a television and it had a USB plug on it, which meant it was to be plugged in to work.

“Mei said you're already logged in as an administrator and that you would figure out how it works.” Izuku said in an odd tone of voice.

That kind off threw me off, because he almost sounded nervous. He had never sounded like that before.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked and put a hand on his shoulder. “You know you can tell me anything.”

Izuku opened his mouth to speak when another voice interrupted him.

“I'm ready.” Mei said.

“Mei told me that she wants to thank you for letting her baby be born properly.” Izuku said with a flat tone and walked over to a curtain that hadn't been in there before.

“What do you mea...oh.” I stopped talking as Izuku pulled the curtain back and Mei was on a raised platform bed under a blanket. She was also naked, if her bare chest was any indication. It was a nice chest, to be honest.

“I told you that you would have full access.” Mei said with a blush.

“I really didn't think you meant this.” I said and looked right at Izuku. “What the hell are you doing?”

You are reading story Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia at

Izuku once again tried to speak, then blushed a little. “You did something for her that I couldn't, even if I had access to all of my abilities. There was no way she could develop a rocket powerful enough to reach space without getting the attention of the government, and you know they would never allow it.”

“Yeah, I know that.” I said and motioned to Mei. “I meant letting me see that.”

“You can do a lot more than see it.” Izuku said and his blush didn't lessen. “Although... I... ah...”

“He doesn't want me sucking you off.” Mei said, blunt as always. “He thinks he won't be able to kiss me afterwards if I've had your penis in my mouth.”

“I'm... ah... sure I can work up to it eventually.” Izuku said and then ducked his head a little before he muttered. “Maybe after she brushes her teeth and gargles for a while.”

“Izuku...” I started to say.

“Let me get this started.” Mei said and threw off the blanket.

My eyes widened as she spread her legs to show herself off.

“Come here, sweetie.” Mei said to Izuku.

I stood there and watched as Mei undid Izuku's pants and jerked him to full mast, then she started sucking on him. I couldn't help but admire her technique, which meant she had a lot of practice to get Izuku going.

“Mei, you're so good at this.” Izuku moaned.

Mei made a pleased sound and sped up her movements as her free hand cupped a large breast and massaged it.

My eyes went down to see she was soaked and liquid was flowing quite a bit from her, so she was getting off on having me watch. I actually didn't mind the watching part. It was the participating part I was questioning.

Don't get me wrong, Mei was a very pretty girl and she wasn't really shy or anything as she showed of her voluptuous body; but, she was Izuku's girl and always had been. They had been together for a while now and I didn't want to corrupt that, even if the space between her legs looked like it was begging to be licked clean.

Mei must have felt the same, because she made another pleased sound and then half-stood from the bed and turned around to show me her ass and all of her dripping sexiness.

“C-Connor... go ahead.” Izuku said and moaned as Mei gave him a particularly hard suck. “Mei... wants to... try a... a... I can't remember! OHHH!”

Mei slurped and sucked on Izuku for another ten seconds before she slipped her mouth off of him. “It's called a spit-roast.” She said and licked Izuku's come from her lips and then licked his erection that wasn't going down. “I heard a few of the girls at school say it feels wonderful and I want to feel that.”

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Izuku's girlfriend wanted to feel what it was like to have two guys doing her, just because other girls said it felt good.

“You're Izuku's best friend. You want Izuku to be happy, don't you?” Mei asked me and sucked on Izuku a bit more. “What better way to make him happy than to make me happy?”

I blinked my eyes several times under my face covering, because I was actually considering it. My own erection was threatening the integrity of my old pants and Mei could easily see it. I looked at Izuku's face and he looked blissful, which wasn't saying much. He would probably agree to anything while in the state he was in and then I realized Mei must have done exactly that to him.

I drew upon my experiences at Endeavor's hero agency. “I'm sorry, Mei. I can't do that.”

Mei stopped sucking and both she and Izuku gasped. “WHAT?!?”

“I won't wreck what you both have, just for a bit of fun.” I said and stepped backwards as I tucked the controller into my pocket. “It might feel great when you're in the heat of passion; but, when the regret and sadness kicks in afterwards for letting a guy that's not Izuku, feel what it's like to be inside of you, you'll start hating me or yourself for ruining things.”

“That won't happen.” Mei said. “Take off your mask and we'll kiss you to prove...”

I took off the tied t-shirt covering up my head.

Mei let out a started shout. “What did you do to your FACE?!?”

“I hid it in case I was caught or lost the mask.” I said and grinned at her. The shiver Mei did only proved what Lois has said earlier tonight. She did not want to see my face like this while trying to be sexy, because it was definitely a mood killer.

“I can't kiss you looking like that! It's like your head is missing and you're only eyes and a mouth!” Mei almost shrieked.

“I can't kiss you like that, either.” Izuku whispered.

I was startled out of my satisfaction. “Excuse me? What did you just say?”

“N-nothing.” Izuku said and ducked his head. His softening member was also revealing.

I looked at Mei and spoke in an authoritative tone. “What else did you ask him to do?”

Mei shivered. “I just... I told him I liked... seeing two guys kissing.” She admitted.

“So, naturally, you assumed it would be okay for him to kiss his best friend!” I almost spat.

“You were supposed to be doing me from behind as he drove himself down my throat.” Mei said. “A stray kiss in the heat of passion could be easily explained away.”

“Gezzus.” I whispered and looked from Mei's disappointed face to Izuku's sad one. “You really...”

“It's just a kiss.” Izuku and Mei said at the same time.

“Just.” I shook my head. “I'm not jeopardizing my friendships with either of you by doing...” I stopped myself from completing that sentence. “I won't be expecting to hear from either of you for a while.”

“Connor, you can't walk away now! Look at her and tell me you don't want her!” Izuku said loudly.

I gave Mei a look and she wasn't dripping anymore. “I admit that I would probably have done her if she was single. She has a great body and she's pretty.”

“Isn't liking me enough?” Mei asked and wiggled her ass at me. She apparently didn't realize that she wasn't as into this as she had been when she started this whole thing.

“If just liking a girl let me screw her, I would have lost my virginity a very long time ago.” I said before I tied the t-shirt back around my head. “I'm no saint and I've made mistakes. I learned from them, though. I won't be making another.”

“But, I wanted to thank you!” Mei said and turned around to sit down with a pout.

“And you just did.” I said and walked over to the stairs.

“I meant by letting you have a taste!” Mei exclaimed.

I chuckled and hit the button to open the cellar doors. “We both know that's a lie. You'll enjoy it and you'll beg and plead with Izuku to do it again. Then again. Soon, normal sex won't be enough for you to get off. Every time you want to have sex with Izuku, you'll want me there participating, because you will only want to feel that good every time and not just occasionally.”

Neither Mei nor Izuku responded to my accusation, which meant they had considered it.

“I would have appreciated being considered as a third wheel to your relationship if it didn't cost me my best friend, whom I will never kiss, even as a joke.” I said. “I'll see you at school next week, Izuku.”

They didn't say anything as I flew out of the cellar and up into the air. I didn't really expect them to, because it was a heavy decision to try and include someone extra into a personal relationship like that. They knew it would change things between us and they had accepted it. What they didn't consider was my own feelings about it and assumed I would fall prey to Mei's sexy body and would go along with it.

I laughed at myself, because if they had done this before my internship, I might have actually gone along with it, except for kissing Izuku. He was a great guy; but, I never had those kinds of feelings for him. I liked women and that was that. Mei looked like she knew what she was doing, too.

I shook my head to get those thoughts out of there. I wasn't going to accept their offer and thinking about it wasn't going to change my mind. Also, not having her go down on me was a bit of a deal breaker, anyway. What guy didn't want to see a pretty girl stare up at him while she pleasured him? The look on her face while she had full control of you was a huge turn on and pretty damn erotic.

I landed in my backyard and used x-ray vision to check the doors and windows to see they were locked. I used telekinesis to open the back door and locked it again before I ran to my room and took off my clothes. I remembered my promise to Lois and popped the pins from my bedroom door's hinges, did the same to hers, and put my door on her bedroom as quietly as possible.

I walked back to my room and didn't bother with a shower, since I would have to scrub my face and would need Lois to help me. I climbed into bed and let out a long and drawn out sigh. I was glad that I was successful in completing the favor I had promised Mei and sad that she tried to manipulate me into her bed as a reward. That Izuku went along with it, meant it had been important to her.

It was then I realized I hadn't checked the controller. I zoomed to my clothing and went to the living room and the computer there. I quickly sectioned off a virtual partition of the hard drive and set the USB to use it as a reference before I plugged the controller in. I was glad I did, because whatever was on the thing took over the partition completely, reformatted it, and installed itself.

It was amazingly stupid to do that with a program, because it would destroy whatever computer you plugged it into, erasing it completely, and would overwrite everything to make itself at home.

I used the computer to check the controller and the documentation was fairly standard, as was the user interface. In fact, it was overly simple and I frowned at it. I quickly checked if I really had administrator access and I did... for the controller and the program on it. I did not have access to either the satellite or any of its functions.

I believe I need to have a private talk with Mei about this. I thought and unplugged the controller, then I looked at it. If I was smart about how I handled things, this could become the actual device that makes the connection with the satellite. I smiled at the thought and nodded as I deleted the virtual partition and went back to my room. It was either that or I raided her lab and room to find the real one. She did promise to give it to me, after all.

I climbed into bed and pulled the blanket over myself as I looked into Lois' room. She was peacefully asleep and I let that sight lead me into my own peaceful sleep.