Besides dying and meeting a God and Goddess, waking up and becoming a woman ranks up there in WTF situations. Somehow I suspect this is that damn Goddess of Chaos's idea of fun.
After fuming for a few minutes and triple checking that there's nothing between my legs, I start to settle down.
Calming my nerves and taking a few breaths to clear my mind of deicide, I began to regain control of my thoughts.
I guess this doesn't really matter. Really fucking annoying, though. Sure, I was a man on Earth, but I was also a human. If I'm changing to be a vampire, I guess it doesn't matter too much if I have a dick or not. Might as well have a fully fresh start.
Trying to convince myself that this is alright, I take a look at myself and my surroundings.
It's night, but I can still see clearly. I'm sitting at the edge of a forest with what looks like some ruins not far away. There seems to be a pond by it as well. The sky has a moon larger than I remember that I can make out through the trees.
Now, how stereotypical should I be. Fuck it. I'll only ever get one chance to say it.
"Wow. It. Really. Is. A. Different. World." Yeah, there was no emotion behind that. Checked it off the isekai list, at least.
Now let's get back on track. Taking a look at myself, I'm naked. Because why the fuck wouldn't the Gods drop me here naked. My arms and stomach are slim, with breasts that can't be called small but wouldn't show up in an anime. I have fingernails that come to a point, and silver hair down to the middle of my back. I guess I can thank Chaos for not making me an oppai loli.
Overall, not bad. I seem to be a few inches over five feet, if I had to guess. Feeling around my head I can tell my ears are pointed. With my tongue I know I have a set of two sharp teeth. Yup. I guess I really am a vampire now.
If they were going full stereotype with the vampire girl trope I would have a cute face. At least I'm an adult. If I'm going to be an immortal vampire girl, at minimum I don't want to be mistaken for a child.
Looking on the ground, I see a bundle near me. Thankfully it's a black hooded robe with a leather belt complete with a leather pouch and small steel dagger. A pair of leather boots along with pants and tunic. It doesn't look to be top quality items, but it's something. With no reason not to, I go ahead and put everything on.
The pants are comfortable enough and tie at the front with a thin leather belt with buckle. The short sleeves tunic comes down to mid thigh and has a couple X shaped thin leather ties for the top to adjust for size. The boots feel sturdy and come up to mid calf while the leather inside is surprisingly soft.
The robe is oversized and loose fitting but thick enough to feel comfortable. The sleeves go down just past my hands and billow slightly with the hood large enough to obscure most of my face if I wanted.
The sturdy leather belt cinches up nicely around the robe, leaving the dagger sitting comfortable on my hip. Taking out the dagger, it seems decently sharp. Without any useless decorations, it feels solid and reliable in my hand. Not bad.
Inside the leather pouch, there is a small folded up piece of paper. It isn't written in English or any language I know of, but it's still readable. Figures.
Hey there! It's your favorite Goddess!
Along with the clothes and dagger, we each wanted to give you a final parting gift to say thank you and welcome to the world of Erald!
Mine, of course, was to make you into a beautiful woman! You're welcome! Your looks are definitely towards the top of the charts of beauties in this world. Age wise, you will be Forever 21! Lucky you!
As for the God of Order, he left you a gift within your [system]. Just think 'status' and you will see your personal stats. It will also make your gift operational. He also gave you a skill so that you can speak, read, and write the language here, just as well as your original language. Hope you didn't fail grammar in school!
On a final note, don't worry if you ever have some odd emotions or feel like making a decision that seems contradictory to what you may think. You just do you! You're a vampire girl now! Embrace the change, and love the new you!
Anyway, good luck in destroying an empire and clearing out a religion!
What the fuck type of parting gift is changing someone's gender? And what the hell else was that about?
Having to calm myself again and block thoughts of the obnoxiously handsome God and crazy Goddess, I think about trying the other gift.
Thinking that, the standard floating and transparent window spears in my vision.
Race: Vampire (Progenitor)
Level: 1
EXP: 0/100
HP: 120/120
MP: 150/150
STR: 15
STM: 12
AGI: 17
DEX: 10
INT: 16
WIS: 14
CHR: 20
Stat points: 0
Appraisal 1, Heightened Senses 3, Sense Presence 1, Mana Control 1, Fire Magic 1, Water Magic 1, Earth Magic 1, Air Magic 1, Light Magic 1, Dark Magic 1, Time-Space Magic 1, Arcane Magic 1
Unique Skills:
Nightstalker (Vampire), EXP Absorption (Vampire), Language Mastery
Last of Their Kind
Blessed by the God of Order
Blessed by the Goddess of Chaos
(Hey there, Mistress!)
Startling me from looking at my status window and making me jump and look around, a voice spoke directly in my head.
Overly bubbly and sounding like a little girl, I whip my head around for the source. Seeing nobody around, I could only think that this was also the work of those Gods.
"Um, hi. Who and what are you?"
(I don't have a name, but I'm an artificial part of the [system] that was added to personally help you along and answer questions and stuff. Lucky you! Aren't I awesome!)
Great. I now have an annoyingly cheery voice in my head for presumably the rest of my life. I stop just short of hitting my head against a tree to get rid of my new case of God sanctioned schizophrenia.
"Navi. That's what I'm calling you from now on."
(Navi? I like it! Because I will help you navigate your way around your new world, right?)
"...Sure, let's go with that reason."
Definitely not because you remind me of something annoying.
After muttering that to myself and questioning even more how the hell I got myself into my current situation, I begin to head towards the ruins.
"Why do you sound like a little girl anyways?"
(That's easy! After the God of Order created me for you, the Goddess of Chaos snuck in and edited my settings to make me even more perfect and amazing! Much better than sounding like some calm, cool, and collected stick-in-the-mud.)
Letting out a sigh I continue walking.
"Navi. Do you know anything about our current location and situation?"
(Sure, Mistress! The God of Order loaded me chockablock full of general knowhow.
(We are located in what was once called the vampire lands, but is now just called the monster lands. The ruins are what remains of the great castle of the last king of the vampires. It's where the final resistance against the other races happened and where vampires became extinct. Except now you're here!)
"What general info do you have about the world here? Things like the date, if there are weeks or months, hours in a day, all that stuff."
(Right! The days are similar to what it was in your world, but they break the day and night up by 10 hours each with sunrise and sunset acting as both 0 and 10 for each other.
(There are 10 days in a week, and 4 weeks to a month to match the phase of the moon. There are 10 months to a year for a total of 400 days.)
I feel like someone who likes metric and base-10 systems would love to live here.
(Each of the races has developed their own names for the days and months, along with their own calendar years. Would you like me to tell you about them, Mistress?)
"No thanks. I don't plan on seeing anyone from the races for quite a while, so it doesn't really matter. I can also guarantee three sets of names for the same thing won't be remembered right now."
(Gotcha, Mistress!)
"You also don't need to call me 'Mistress' all the time. I have a name you know."
(But you don't?)
"Of course I…"
Stopping in my tracks along the pond, I realize I don't have a name anymore. Sure, I had one on Earth, but it definitely wouldn't fit a female vampire.
I hum, trying to come up with names for myself. I suck at naming things besides adding a 'y' to the end of things. Deep in thought, I glance at the pond water and am able to see my reflection.
Looking back at me from the still water with the moon now high overhead is a stunningly beautiful woman. Not to the otherworldly beauty of the insane Goddess, but definitely at the top of anyone's lists.
Sharp, blood red eyes that pierce through the soul. Slightly furrowed brow. A slim but not bony face with gentle cheeks. Small nose and soft lips. Together with my pointy ears and silver hair, I can't help but admire myself for a minute.
"Hot damn."
The Goddess wasn't lying. I really am quite the looker.
Seeing myself now, I think my voice even matches my look, if that makes any sense. Tearing my gaze away since I'm not a narcissist, I come back to the topic of a name for my new self.
(Dalia? That sounds like a great name!)
You are reading story Rise of the Vampire Queen at
"Dalia Midnight will be my name from here on."
(I like it! Dalia Midnight, Queen of the Vampires! Kind of unimaginative for the last name, but whatever works!)
Navi's words gave me pause yet again.
(Sure! As the only living vampire and the only progenitor, wouldn't that make you the Vampire Queen?)
"I mean, I guess it would. Although, being a queen and the only one of my race, with nothing to rule, and only a robe and dagger to call my own, seems pretty useless."
(Sure, for now it does, Queen Midnight. But just you wait until we start to kill all those Holy Empire bastards! I'm certain along the way you'll meet plenty of humans who would gladly serve you in exchange for power and immortality. You can even start a harem of boy toys that can-)
"Nope, stop the fuck right there."
Besides the men, Navi might be right. I still can't get my head around that yet; I'll put a pin in it.
"For now, let's just go back to heading towards the ruins and see if there is anything useful there. Maybe duck under some shit for when the day comes. As of now, with nothing and nobody else, I certainly don't see myself as a Queen"
(Sure thing, Mistress Dalia!)
"Just call me Lia, Navi."
(Yes, Lia! Also, you can speak to me by focusing your thoughts on wanting to say what you are thinking to me. Then we can be like telepathic buddies!)
Well, that's a bit convenient. Now at least if I ever go to a city of one of the races, I won't look like a crazy woman talking to myself.
With that done, I made my way towards the crumbled outer wall of the castle. There was room for a large gate, but any remains of it are long gone with time along with large sections of the wall laying broken and overgrown with weeds and grass. Even some trees can be seen taking control of the wall in some parts.
To see massive fifty feet tall walls laying bare in pieces is a surreal site. Honestly, with how long this area has been deserted, it's a wonder there is anything left at all.
Past the walls is what looks to once have been a castle town. What's left has been reduced to nothing more than some raised mounds of grass-covered stone with trees between mounds. If I guessed, I would say most of the construction was probably wooden and has long since disappeared.
Further past the town were the remains of a smaller wall. Now more of an elongated hill than anything. Inside of the wall was a courtyard. Now overgrown and unrecognizable from the outside. I continued heading towards the ruined castle proper.
On the way, there is rustling and noises a bit off the path to the right. Taking out my dagger and crouching slightly, I moved slowly through the brush.
Soon enough I came across the creatures making the noise. There were two small green skinned beings with long, pointed ears and only about three feet tall. Both naked and appearing to be fighting over an old animal carcass.
(Goblins? Of course I would encounter goblins first. Damn tropes.)
(Correct, Lia! Nasty little buggers. I wouldn't recommend getting caught by them.)
As I was staring at the ugly bastards, a small window popped up above their heads.
Goblin - Level 3
(Well that helps some. But it doesn't really tell me how much stronger they are than me.)
(They should still be weaker than you individually, Lia. Compared to vampires, goblins are just pests. Plus, you have a weapon. They just have limp, nasty, swords.)
Watching and preparing my nerves, I waited until both had their backs turned to me while still pulling on the carcass.
Jumping from the brush, I quickly closed the distance between us. Before the first one knew what happened, it had a dagger in the side of its neck.
"Gah!" The second one screamed as it swiped at my arm and stumbled backwards in surprise.
I removed my dagger as the first tried desperately to fumble with its wound. Blood coming out between its hands.
Turning to the second trash mob, it still seemed confused about what just happened. Still on its back foot, I reached out faster than I thought I could and grabbed it by the neck, raising it a foot off the ground.
With my dagger in hand, I stabbed it in the chest where its heart should be and watched as the last hint of life escaped it's eyes and it went still.
Taking a deep breath and sheathing my blade after wiping it on a goblin, I got a whiff of the blood that had sprayed on my arm.
(That doesn't smell terrible. I guess vampires do enjoy blood, so it makes sense.)
Thinking I might as well try it, I wipe my sleeve on its neck, cleaning the fucker as much as I can. Doing all I can, I bring the goblin's neck to my mouth. Biting down on its neck and sucking, I start to get a mouthful and swallow.
Unlike on Earth where blood tasted horrible while feeling like coughing up pieces of my insides, this has a sweeter flavor. Hard to describe, but it's almost like a watered down warm Coke. Not something I would search out, but would take a drink if thirsty.
Drinking my fill, I let the goblin drop again and look at the first one.
Shrugging to myself, I reach down and do the same thing to this one before dropping it with it's friend.
(Well that was interesting. Navi, any idea if there will be more of these fuckers in the castle?)
(No idea! Like roaches, goblins pop up and can live in most places.)
Figures. Moving away from the crime scene I just made, I start to walk towards the ruins again.
After a bit I finally reach what looks to once have been a large double door at the entrance. Inside, I could see a massive foyer with a large staircase in front. On the sides of the room are spacious hallways and doors leading further into the castle. Here and there are traces of what was an open fire lit here semi-recently.
With some of the wall crumbling, I walk through the entry and start looking around the room.
Some walls partly crumbled. Small piles of what looks to be animal bones scattered about. And the entire back right side of the second floor collapsed on the ground, opening up a hole to the sky outside.
Beginning on the left, I start to look through some of the doors. With the sound of rodents scurrying every so often, I try to get some idea of the layout.
Old sitting rooms, rooms with what might have once been a couch or bed. Even a large room with built-in bookshelves in the first room up the stairs. Unfortunately, this room had partially crumbled and any traces of any books that had remained are long gone.
With the right portion of the second floor collapsed, at the end of the left side was a room with a spiral staircase leading to a third floor. With sections of it falling apart as I slowly head up, I make it to the top of the stairs.
The stairs went up and up, coming out of the walls and going for what on Earth would be considered at least five stories.
I'm greeted by a single large open room with windows in the stone. Looking back, this is the first room in the castle that had windows.
Staring out, I can clearly see the area around this side of the castle. A few piles of rubble in the courtyard. Some barely recognizable traces of old stone buildings outside of the walls.
Mostly, just a lot of trees as the forest overtook any open space there may have once been.
Starting to feel fatigued after the events of the day added up, I head back down from the overlook tower and find an empty room on the first floor and sit on the ground in the dark room.
(Navi, could you give me a breakdown on some of these skills I have?)
(You betcha'!)
After going back and forth with the freeloader in my mind, I get the gist of my new abilities. They can be summed up like this.
Skills are the different abilities I can learn. The number is my proficiency in that skill. Not having a skill doesn't necessarily mean I can't do that, just that I suck at it. For example, I can wield my dagger without the 'Dagger 1' skill. I just have no technique.
The higher my proficiency, the more second nature that skill becomes. A breakdown of my current skills looks like this.
Appraisal 1 - when focusing hard on a living being, I get an idea of their name/level and stats at higher levels.
Heightened Senses 3 - pretty self-explanatory.
Sense Presence 1 - the ability to feel when a living being is near. The feeling will be stronger when being stared at or watched.
Mana Control 1 - my understanding and ability to control the mana inside myself.
All my magic skills are my proficiency and understanding of those types. I feel like the explanation the Gods gave me on magic helped me get these and my Mana Control skill by explaining how magic worked. At least that's the only explanation I can think of for why I have them and never used them before.
Nightstalker (Vampire) - an innate ability of vampires that increases my physical capabilities at night. Allows me to see clearly in the dark without any light. Increases my ability to learn and use stealth related skills.
EXP Absorption (Vampire) - when I drink the blood of a monster, I gain a small amount of EXP from it.
Titles are things that can be earned by meeting certain conditions. They can have various effects.
Last of Their Kind - gives an invisible passive percentage buff to all of my stats. Kind of like a last man standing power-up it looks like. Retained even if I make more vampires, because at one time I will have always been the only one.
Blessed by the God of Order - skills are easier to gain and level up.
Blessed by the Goddess of Chaos - increased EXP gained by killing monsters.
There are also free stat points. When I level up, I get two points that I can use to increase the stats I choose. Not much, but after some levels can certainly add up.
Now aware of most of my new body's abilities, I decide to call it a night. I piled up a couple larger chunks of rubble in front the door to my room to hopefully discourage anything coming inside during the day and find a clear spot in the corner.
What a trippy day this has been. At least I'm out of that damn hospital. Closing my eyes, I allow sleep to take me as the sun peaks above the horizon outside.