With looks of shock from my reveal, I continue it.
(Navi, come on in.)
(Like a wrecking ball, Lia!)
As Navi flew in, I spoke again.
"And this is my fellow queen, who rules with me, and was pivotal in us finding this place and rescuing you."
"Hello! I am Navi Nikita, Queen of the Fairies, the young fifth race." With a small bow with her flower crown on, Navi floats over my shoulder.
"Like I had said." I continued. "We would like to welcome you into our home. You have already seen this side of the church. Most of their stories and information on vampires are lies. Besides drinking monster blood, and being nocturnal, we are very similar to all the other races."
I turn towards the two flanking me before saying, "James, Claire, I am sure that everyone here is ready to get out of these tunnels. Could you please escort them to the wagons outside? We will make camp here for a day so they can gain a bit of strength, then we'll return. Please answer any questions about the town they may have. If anyone chooses to go to the Empire, provide them with some provisions."
""Yes, Your Majesty!""
Even though I just steamrolled the victims, they had already expressed not wanting to go back to the Empire. If they choose to leave out prejudiced opinions of vampires, then they can try to return. Although, I didn't really give them an option, because only provisions, while malnourished, and without an escort, they would likely die before they got there. None are strong enough to even take on a few goblins.
If anyone had any desire to leave before, then I wouldn't have revealed ourselves, and done things differently. I'm not going to offer them an escort back to the Empire just because of some fucking lies spread by the church. Hopefully talking with our other humans will ease any doubts they may have.
Walking out of the room, Ailine still has the little girl in her arms and says, (She's asleep, Lia.)
(That's good. Let her get as much rest as she can. Ailine, could you take her and check on if Steph and Sara are awake yet?)
(Of course, Lia.)
(Navi, let's loot the place,) I said.
('Bout time!)
Going room to room with Navi, we collected corpses to burn and anything that might be of use or of value. The real treasure was in the office. Letter after letter from nobles, merchants, and priests. The vast majority were old, so it looks like the bastard kept good records. Whether it was for blackmail or his own accounting, who knows. They're on our hit list now. They all were essentially the same. Like the man said, they were requests to rob people after selling or after buying.
"We have a good starting point of who some of the fucking trash are with this."
"Yuppers! Knowing which nobles to whack should make it quicker! We could ask Elden if he knows what part of the Empire they live in."
I think about that for a moment. "That's a good idea. Which reminds me. I'll let him know how many people we're bringing back."
"What about the new vamps? They gonna live in the town or the castle?"
"I... don't know. I had thought town, but Sara wants to train specifically to join us, and Steph wants to essentially work for us or help us like a maid… Maybe the castle would be best?"
"I say castle!" Navi exclaimed. "Liven the place up a bit! Plus, I get to play with some sweet maid clothes! Eheheheh!"
"Your creeper is showing. I'll talk to Ailine about it, but what about the little girl? You think there is anyone in the village that could look after her?"
Navi goes quiet for a few seconds. "Lia, how much did you observe about the girl and her state?"
"What do you mean? The poor girl was emotionless, and hurting. She was… she's had to go through so much. Being that young... She's going to take a long time to heal after all this."
Navi just stared at me with a slight look of pity.
"Lia, I love ya. You're like a sister. Probably closer since I have all of your memories. All of them. That means all those late night binges on weird subjects too."
"And where the fuck are you going with this?" I said.
"I'm going to be honest and to the point with you, Lia. I was watching the girl longer than you out in the hall. She has no reactions. None. Even if poked or while tickling her foot. Her eyes are open but never focus on anything. Absolutely everything about that girl points to her being in a vegetative state."
I just stood stunned for a minute looking at Navi who just stared back. How could that be? Isn't she just hurting? If what Navi said is true, wouldn't she essentially be dead? Even on Earth, many people choose to 'pull the plug' if they become like that. Though, this is a world of magic, not science. Right! Magic!
As I opened my mouth to tell Navi we should try magic, she spoke before I could even get my first word out.
"Magic didn't work. I pumped so much healing magic into her already, and you did too. After a while, it didn't even materialize. There's nothing more that magic can do."
I felt like I was just punched in the gut.
"If…If that's true… What do we do?... Kill her?"
Navi floats even closer to me, still staring only at my eyes. "...That would be the most humane thing to do. Yes."
Another punch to my gut. Without realizing it, tears were starting. I've cried so much more since I came to this world than I ever did on Earth. Maybe because on Earth, I only really cared for myself. I had some friends, but it wasn't like we were fighting monsters. Sexual and child abuse cases were numbers and reports on TV.
I was exposed to so many things on TV or online back on Earth that I became numb to the numbers and headlines. There isn't something that can compare to seeing people in those situations with your own eyes, and not having hospitals or doctors to rely on.
"Lia, you've said it before, but you can't save everyone. You've done enough. It's okay that you can't save everyone. Not even the gods can save everyone."
I was in a daze. I know I couldn't have done anything more. I knew it, but it still felt like I failed. Failed at what? I don't even know. It just does. I feel like recently my emotions have been all over the place and that every decision is hypocritical of other decisions. What the fuck is wrong with me?
At some point I realized I was at the carriage with the two still unconscious vampires. Ailine was there with the little girl on her lap, humming something and staring at her lovingly.
When she saw me she smiled. I just sat down next to them and ran my hand through the long black hair of the little girl.
"Has she moved at all?" I asked.
"No, she's just sleeping peacefully," Ailine said. "She hasn't even stirred. She must have been so worn out."
Ailine seemed relieved, but that wasn't what I wanted to hear. I reached out for her foot and ran a nail lightly along it. No movement. I use a finger to open an eyelid and create a small candle flame on a finger and move it around in front of her eye. Not even a twitch.
"Lia?" Ailine was just looking at me oddly after this.
Then I told her about what Navi thought. About me just trying to get a reaction. About brain damage and being in a vegetative state. How there isn't anything that can heal it. How even on Earth, without things keeping people alive like this, that they would die.
We were both silent for a very long time. Navi even came and just sat with us.
Eventually, Ailine asked, "Lia… On Earth. Could they regrow limbs?"
"No, they couldn't. That's why magic is such an amazing thing here."
"Can magic heal old wounds that have healed?"
I just look at her a bit oddly. "You know they can't, Ailine."
"But Lia… When you made me a vampire… you healed them."
That's true… "But there isn't a way for her to hit 'yes.' And even if she did, she would forever be stuck as a child."
More minutes of silence.
Navi then said, "Hey, Vampy. The chances of this are really small… But wasn't there some headline that some percentage of vegetative state patients have a sliver of consciousness?"
"There… Maybe? If it was, it was just in passing…"
We just sat there for a bit more thinking of the implications of that being true.
"But would that even work?" I say aloud. "Or would she just be like this as a vampire."
"It...might? Really, vamps, I'm not sure if a vampire ever tried to change someone like this. Yet alone a kid like this. I doubt anybody knows how the system reacts to people in this state," Navi said before thinking more.
She then continued, "But the change doesn't just heal wounds. It rebuilds your entire body. As far as a brain injury… it might. But there's also a chance it would wipe part of her brain as well. That any 'data' stored in the injured parts would have the parts replaced but not the data."
More silence.
I finally ask, "Should we try it? The chance might be small, but if it works…"
Navi lands on my shoulder. "And what if it doesn't?"
"If it doesn't… Then I'll take responsibility and give her as merciful a death as I can…"
"And what if it does? Will you take responsibility then as well?"
I know nothing of this girl. There's a very good chance her parents are dead, but there's a small chance they aren't. Ailine and I would essentially be adopting this girl, who we have no idea about, and living together with her while trying to help her with her almost assured mental problems.
"Ailine… if this works… we would have to take this little girl in. That's not a decision I can make without you. We know nothing about her. About what happened or if she has family. We would have to help her for most likely a long time."
She was quiet for a few seconds. "Lia. Isn't that exactly like what you did for me?"
"That… You're right. Then…"
"Lia, if this works, we'll take care of her together. I love you. And I love how much you can care for a complete stranger."
"I love you too, Ailine."
The sun was rising, and we had been up all night and most of yesterday, but I couldn't go to sleep. Ailine eventually drifted off, and the fairies were tending to all the humans. I'll have to thank Lala for taking care of everyone while we were here.
Needing to get my mind off this for a moment, I walk around the makeshift camp. I greeted the three girls from the other night. Talking to the ten other survivors from yesterday, all expressed wanting to come live with us. All the new citizens seemed to be doing a little better.
I gathered them all together and gave a brief explanation of what happened to Ailine and the state she was in. About how mental illness and PTSD are things. That they all survived something terrible, and could lean on each other as fellow survivors. Also that if they ever needed someone to listen to or talk to, Ailine, Navi, and I would always be around.
You are reading story Rise of the Vampire Queen at novel35.com
One of them asked about the little girl. I hesitated for a moment about how much to tell them. Ultimately, telling them the entire thing would be best. I spoke about the state she was in. The very slim chance that becoming a vampire may fix her brain damage, but if it doesn't, I will kill her to keep her from suffering more.
All were quiet. A few had tears, but none judged the decisions we were trying to make or potentially being forced to make. Some of these women had already lost children of their own. Eventually, I made my way back to the carriage. There was no change with the other two, but they should probably be waking up tonight at some point.
The little girl had her eyes open, still in the same condition as before. I woke up Ailine and told her I was going to start. Sitting the little girl limply on my lap, I spoke softly into her ear.
"Hello, little one. My name is Lia. I'm a vampire. I don't know what your name is, but would really like to know someday. Right now, there's only a small chance you can even hear me. Maybe even smaller that you can understand. If you do, I want you to know that you deserve to live.
"You deserve to live with people that love you and protect you. I don't know what happened to your mom or dad, but if they can't be with you, then me and Ailine would love to be your new mothers. You're hurt right now, and there's only a small chance we can fix it. To do that, you need to become a vampire, like us. We'll teach you all about it, too. It's fun to look up at the moon and stars together. They're very beautiful.
"In order to try to fix you, I'm going to bite your neck. It may sting for a minute, but I'll be as gentle as I can. You should see a window appear in front of you. It will ask if you want to be a vampire."—Tears were forming in my eyes—"If you see the window. Please hit yes. Your Mommy Lia and Mommy Ailine really want to meet you and get to know you. We can all play together, and see lots of things.
"So, if you see it, just hit yes. Please hit yes."
The last was as much to me as to her. Bending down my head, I lightly prick her with my fangs. Like with the other times I've turned someone, I just know that the prompt has been sent and just not accepted yet. Bringing my head back, Ailine and I just sat there with the girl. Quietly waiting.
One minute. Then two. Then five.
And finally I knew. I knew that the prompt was accepted. Looking down at the girl in my arms, her eyes closed and we watched as her ears elongated.
Ailine and I looked at each other, and then we hugged the little unconscious girl between us. Whatever happens next, we at least took the first step. As small of a chance as it was, she was able to accept. Now we just have to wait for her to wake up to see if she's still in this state, or if she'll be able to fully wake up.
Laying her down, I closed my eyes sitting there in the carriage. It was becoming night, but my sleep schedule has been so fucked up this week that I don't really care one way or the other. We would leave in the morning, and we expect it to be a five to six day journey. Closing my eyes, I drifted to sleep.
It wasn't until I heard talking that I woke up. Looking at the small clock in my vision, I knew it was an hour before sunrise. Looking for the noise, I see Steph and Sara awake and talking to Ailine.
"Good morning, Lia," Ailine said with a smile.
The other two bowed and said, ""Good morning, Your Majesty!"
"Oh, good morning you three. Steph, Sara, how are you feeling?"
"A lot better. Queen Ailine gave us a blood bag to drink and my ankles are completely healed!" Steph excitedly stuck her leg out to show us that she could move her feet.
"And I feel stronger now than I was before. Thank you for giving us a chance," Sara said.
They both seem to have done a complete 180. Especially Steph. Maybe this is how she's coping with the loss of so much?
I smile back at the duo. "Well, we're happy to have you. Sara, I know you want to train to become stronger. Steph, is there anything you would like to do? Now that you can walk and do whatever you want to again, your options are pretty open."
Steph fidgeted with her hands. "Um, if I may your Majesty. Queen Ailine told us about your new adopted daughter. Growing up with just mom, I always did a lot of the cleaning and taking care of our house while she looked for any work to do.
"I can't do much, and I can't fight like Sara, but if you would let me help out at the castle as a maid or servant, I would be very happy to. I can even help take care of the new Princess if ever both of you are gone. That way she won't be lonely."
Even just talking to Steph briefly the other day, she seems to be a very sincere and hardworking young woman. I guess growing up in poverty with a single mother could do that.
I finally nod. "We would be happy to have you. Thank you, Steph."
"And if you're away, I can help guard her as well, Your Majesty," Sara adds.
"That would be helpful. Thank you, Sara." Thinking about what comes next, I asked, "Do either of you happen to know your magic talents?"
Steph shook her head. "No, I was just always with mom."
"I was just told I had no talent and to focus on being a soldier," Sara said.
"Well, on the trip, Navi will find them for you. Your talents should have increased after becoming a vampire." I look around the wagon. "Speaking of our little fairy, is she still out scouting, Ailine?"
"I think so. She's been flying around the area and path we're taking," Ailine said.
(How's everything, Navi?) I asked telepathically.
(Oh! You awake pointy teeth? All's good out here. Want to close up the hideout with me?)
(Yeah, that would be good. Put a mark or something in the cliff face above it where only a fairy could see in case we ever need to open it.)
(Rodger dodger!)
I turn my attention back to the vampires here. "I'm going to close up the hideout with Navi. Ailine, could you pack the camp into a big-bag when everyone wakes up? I figure we'll drive this one together. Then the other three can draw the three of our wagons, with Talon walking or flying around."
Ailine took the big-bag. "Sounds good to me."
"Sara, Steph, when Navi gets here be sure to have her do some magic control training. You won't need much, but once you have the skill you can start to use your cloaks for a limited time outside until you grow your MP and increase control."
""Yes, Your Majesty!""
Walking out, I see James, Beth, and Claire and give them the plan. They begin getting horses ready for it.
After closing the entrance with earth magic, the new citizens split up and we got on the road. I had James work with Elden over telepathy for accommodations and where/how the new citizens could help the most. In all honesty, the trip was boring. Talon, just being a hippogryph, keeps goblins and even orks away. Not that I'm complaining. Still… boring.
Monsters are weird, too. They don't level like people do. Each type of monster starts at level 1, but they have an innate level they grow to as they become an adult. Then when they're considered an adult for their species, they're at their normal level. They can still increase this by eating cores, but it's slow. Talon, just being a hippogryph, is level 47 now that she's considered an adult.
We may have to collect some dragonid cores for her and try to boost her even more. Maybe even take her to the dungeon to get some battle practice against stronger monsters and humanoid types. Since she has a core, she should theoretically be able to learn magic too. Something to try later.
Navi went over the basics of magic with the new vampires. Turns out Sara does suck at magic. Now that she's a vampire, she has passable dark magic. Besides that, she's pitiful.
Steph has passable dark and water with a touch of fire and arcane. Definitely not a mage, but she's not a fighter. We'll still probably power level her, just for those juicy stat points.
The little girl still hadn't woken up when the walls came into view. The new citizens were surprised to see such large walls. When we got close, a red thing shot like a cannonball through the air and directly hit the fluttering white thing in the air.
"My baby! Mommy missed you so much!" Navi shouts.
"Mom! Lemme go! You're embarrassing me!" Tsuki complains, trying to get out of the hug.
Lala just flew over to her.
"Hello, Tsuki," Lala said.
"Sup, Sis." Tsuki raised one hand in greeting, still trying to peel her mom off.
Lala just stared at Tsuki for a minute before Tsuki relented.
With a sigh, Tsuki said, "If you want a hug just come get one like Mom does."
"!!!" Lala excitedly flew over and now the newest fairy was sandwiched between the other two. She looked completely resigned to her fate of being crushed to death in a hug. Everyone else just watched the little fairy family with various expressions from endearing to confused.
We eventually got through when Tsuki was able to peel her mom off to unlock the gate. Riding though, we went a bit and then met up with Elden and an obviously pregnant Realyn.
"Greetings, Your Majesties. I'm happy everyone returned safely. Are these the newest residents?" Elden bowed.
"Greetings, Marquis. Thank you for your hard work." I turn to the new residents. "Everyone, this is Marquis Elden Whitewater and his wife, Marquise Realyn Whitewater. They are in charge of the town and have made preparations for living quarters and will assist with your transition into life here."
Standing up with arms behind his back, Elden then greets the others. "Hello, everyone. Welcome to the town of Midnight. As Her Majesty said, I am Marquis Whitewater and will help you all get settled. If you could please follow me, I will show you around."
Off they went. Even the two new vampires. They couldn't use the enchantments on the cloaks well yet, but it still worked as a cloak.
I reach out to them telepathically as they go. (Steph, Sara. After your tour come to the castle and we'll show you around there and show you your rooms.)
((Yes, Your Majesty.))
We continued on to the castle. After dropping all the horses and everything off at the stables, I carried the little girl wrapped in a cloak up to the castle with Ailine next to me.
"It's good to be home," I say as I feel some tension leave my shoulders.
"Yes it is. Where should her bedroom be?" Ailine asked.
"I was thinking about the one next to ours."
"That would be good. We should try to always have someone with her until she wakes up. Just so she isn't alone when she does."
"Yeah. I'll ask the fairies if one can stay with her during the day."
Walking into the castle, we take her up to our room for now. Neither of us wanted her to be alone. We placed her in the center of the bed with Ailine and I on either side. Holding Ailine's hand that's resting on the girl, I bring it up and give it a small kiss. We just rest like this for a while.
With the door to the bedroom open, we can hear the main doors, signaling Steph and Sara had arrived.
I start to get out of bed. "I'll go show them around."
Ailine smiles at me. "Okay. See you soon."
Going downstairs, I greet the girls. Showing them around the castle, they take in the few sites quite well. Eventually showing them their bedrooms after the tour.
"I think everyone is a bit worn out from the trip. Rest for tonight. Tomorrow evening, we can go over the future here."—I hold out two belt pouches—"Inside these belt pouches are some blood bags as well as some rough sized clothes. We can alter them tomorrow night, but we thought you might like to have something besides a robe on."
After thanking me, I head back to the bedroom. Laying down, I give Ailine a peck before closing my eyes.
It may be dark outside, but I'll sleep for a while now that this ordeal is over. I'm just happy to be home.