Finally arriving home with wagons full of dwarves and animals, I see my family waiting for me. When I finally get close enough, Anastasia can't be held back anymore.
"Mommy Lia!"
She rushes up to me and jumps into my arms. I lift her up and carry her on my right arm. A dragon chasing right behind her, always in her shadow. Very un-princess like, but it has been a month and I'll punch anyone that fucking says a thing.
"I'm home, Anastasia."
Giving her a kiss on the forehead, we're all together in front of the gate, so it's time for me to do introductions before things get awkward.
"Everyone! Welcome to my home. Before we all split apart to rest after the long journey, let me make initial introductions. The woman here is my wife, Queen Consort Ailine Midnight. The young lady in my arms is our daughter, Princess Anastasia Midnight, and the dragon, Mitena. The three flying here are the fairy princesses Lala Nikita, Tsuki Nikita, and Carmen Nikita. The three here are Marquis Elden Whitewater, his wife, Marquise Realyn Whitewater, and their son, Dylan Whitewater. Finally, this is the leader of our guards and soldiers, Captain James Remmington.
"On this side we have Head Priestess Alienor and Junior Priest Colin. Aide to the King of the Dwarves, and leader of the team of observers, Shane Redrik. Foreman of the team for the tunnel, Lyle Stevel. Finally, the leader of the dwarven security team and of the third infantry company, Captain Dorian Dridok."
(Ailine, everything set?) I ask telepathically.
(Yes, Lia,) she said.
I begin speaking again. "For tonight, we have prepared a banquet for everyone at the castle. We have rooms at the castle for everyone, so please relax until this evening and we can all have a meal together."
With that done, we all headed towards the castle and some people took the animals. Elden fell in line with Lyle. Realyn with Shane. James with Dorian. The fairies all went to chat with an ecstatic Alienor. At the castle, Steph, four other vampire maids, and a young human boy in butler clothes saw everyone to their rooms. They all seemed very impressed with the city, castle, and paintings of the vampires and fairies.
Watching the small human walk off, I have to ask. "Who's the boy, Ailine?"
Ailine looked at where I was staring and said, "Sara found him during the raid on the mine. Degare is his name. He was a street orphan, picked up over a year ago by the bandits to muck their stables, then Sara brought him here."
I turn back towards her. "Being that he's helping around the castle, I take it you approve of him?"
She nodded. "From what I've seen, I do. But it has only been a few days. He seems to be working hard and just wants a chance to work for his own food and wage."
I look at the little girl still sitting on my arm and holding me around my armored neck. "And what do you think, Anastasia?"
She thinks for a moment. "He seems nice, but his face turns red sometimes when I talk to him and he runs off. I think he's scared of Mitena for some reason too."
That kid is about to become a eunuch if he comes onto my Anastasia! Reaching down I pet Mitena and silently mouth 'thanks' to her for keeping the gnat away. She just huffs like 'what did you expect?' Some kids on Earth had big guard dog breeds that they just saw as cute and fluffy but intimidated everyone not in the family. I'd like to see a kid get past a fucking guard dragon. I don't think Anastasia really understands how frightening Mitena looks. If I didn't warn the dwarves on the way here, some may have pissed themselves. Even still, they kept their distance.
I gently pat Anastasia's head with my free arm. "You just remember that boys are smelly, Anastasia. They're all like goblins. And you tell me, Mommy Ailine, or Aunt Navi if he ever tries to do anything weird to you. Alright?"
"Okay, Mommy Lia!" she cheerfully replied.
"Good. Now. Didn't you make some new pictures?"
"Yes! Go to the art room! Hurry!"
As we head there, I start a mental conversation with Ailine.
(I take it that those other maids were new turns?)
(Yes,) she said. (In total from the two raids, thirteen women and four men asked to be changed into vampires. I talked to all of them like you asked and didn't see any issues. The men were husbands of the women and they wanted to turn as a couple. Of those that turned, the five single women wanted to work in the castle, and are working under Steph. The others wanted to live their lives in the city. For the ones at the castle, the fairies got them to level 15 in the dungeon to make their job easier. I was going to talk to you later on if we should raise them more. All vampires received a shadow cloak since we still have so many.)
(I see. Thank you for taking care of all of that.)
(Always, Lia. I love you and I'm glad you're home. I missed you.)
(I love you and missed you too.)
We got to the art room and Anastasia scampered out of arms and ran to the table. "Look, look! This is me fighting a troll! They were tasty. And here is me—"
She went through each drawing and painting, showing me and telling me exactly what it was. This little girl sure loves to draw and paint. Giving her a big hug from behind, I squeeze her tight.
"You did so good, Anastasia. I missed seeing your art almost as much as I missed you."
"I missed you, too, Mommy Lia…" She nervously asks, "Are you going to have to go again?"
I squeezed her again. "Yes, but it'll be in a few days. We need to make sure everyone is settled here." I looked back to Ailine. "Where are Navi and Sara? Is there another group?"
"Yes," she said. "They found one not far away from here. Well, I say not far away, but that's compared to the others."
I would wonder how these keep popping up, but then I think about how fucking huge this area is. I'm pretty sure when Navi always scouted before, her path would look like a drawing from a Spirograph or something, keeping closer to the walls. Maybe a longer shot in a direction every once in a while, but never a more systematic search like this one.
"I really want to ask for more details or to go," I say, "but I know that's just me being a control freak. They're both strong enough to handle whatever is out there."
"That's good. I'm proud of you, Lia. Let us all help you like you've helped us. You're responsible for building and gathering all of this, so rely on us." Ailine smiles at me.
Still, I really want to fucking know! These last couple weeks I had to stop myself from constantly checking in and trying to know what's going on. I knew that Ailine, Navi, and Sara had everything handled, but it's really fucking weird. Ailine has turned, what, more than three times as many people into vampires than me? I don't even know any of their fucking names!
Damnit. I guess this is what being in charge means. I have to rely on reports and numbers instead of actually being there. What CEO knows the name of all the new cashiers hired? Well, when we were a fucking start-up company, I knew all of the vampires. Yet, going international? Damn, its such a weird fucking feeling not knowing who's in my own damn house.
I say, "I think we also keep them at Tutorial Dungeon level. At least for now."
"Then that's what we'll do." Ailine pats me on the shoulder. "Now that the dwarves are here, I'll focus on making sure they have what they need when you leave for the elves."
I shake my head. "Seriously. What in the world would I ever do without you?"
"Try to put the weight of the world on your shoulders?" Ailine cheekily replied with a smirk.
"That… isn't wrong." I hang my head at that realization.
Anastasia giggles. "Don't worry, Mommy Lia! I'll help too!"
"Now that makes me feel relieved. Thank you, Anastasia. I'm glad I can count on you."
She goes back to explaining her drawings and I reach out to Lala.
(Hey, Lala, you got a sec?) I asked.
(Aunt Lia? Sure. What can I do?)
(On your patrols, can you make sure to focus more on the path I cleared for the dwarves to get here? It's now a pretty big arrow pointing right at us, cutting through half the fucking land.)
(Of course. I'll let my sisters know as well.)
We spent the next couple hours spending time together until the banquet was going to begin. As the royal family of the castle, we were expected to go in last. Playing a queen in front of a few people to greet or give orders, or playing the part to get something I want like with the dwarves, are different from entertaining guests. Fuck it. I'll drop it on Elden in the future. Cynics shouldn't be left in charge of entertaining people. Can't I just go hunt some monsters while they all eat around a fire like on the way here?
With more elegant clothes on, crown on my head and Seren at my waist, the three of us walk into the dining hall for the first banquet it has seen. Ailine and I have our arms hooked with Anastasia walking next to me. Mitena is behind her, looking smug with her snout in the air. Glancing around the room, it's tastefully decorated and everyone is at three long tables. There is a fourth long table raised on a platform and perpendicular to theirs, allowing us to look over everyone and forcing them to turn their heads, similar to the Oval Office in that regard.
Walking up to our seats, everyone is still standing like they did when we walked in. We stand behind the table, and there are three fancy glasses of blood. The three fairy princesses had tiny drinks as well and were hovering over my table. That's right, I almost forgot they can eat and drink but just don't need to.
Fucking hell. Let me negotiate trade deals or war preparations or something. Maybe a guard will bust in and say a wyvern is incoming. Then I can avoid entertaining. Well, fuck it. Picking up our glasses, I guess it's time to act my part again.
"Good evening, everyone. Welcome to Midnight. One of my goals for my home was to become a place for all of the races to gather as friends. With the dwarves traveling here, it is a large step towards that goal. I thank you for helping to achieve that, and I hope you enjoy your stay here. We will certainly enjoy having you. Now then! Raise a glass, and let us begin the banquet! To our shared future!"
"""To our shared future!"""
A chorus of voices echoed me and we all drank from our glasses. Everyone sat and the side doors opened just as a couple humans started playing background music I've never heard before with violin-like instruments. I didn't sound that bad. That's right, there were some Erald instruments in the legacy items. Through the doors came human and vampire maids carrying trays of food. Did we hire temps or something? This is still so fucking weird. I leave for a month and damn near feel like a stranger in my own home.
(Who are the human maids, Ailine?) I asked.
(Those are maids that used to work for Elden,) she said. (A few still do as assistants and maids. We brought them in as well as his chefs for the meal. Realyn was in charge of organizing everything.)
(Hmm. We really need to thank them. Shedid a good job.)
(I think so as well.)
What could I do for the Whitewaters? Fuck it. I'll just ask them later. Sipping periodically from my glass of blood, I look out over the guests. Everyone was amiably chatting with one another and seemed to be enjoying themselves. I even saw the boy following Steph around, tending to plates and refilling glasses. I saw a couple glances he took towards Anastasia as she chatted and giggled with Carmen. Watch it, boy. You're not even fucking old enough for your voice to drop.
Wait. Have I turned into the parent that cleans a shotgun at the dining room table when their daughter first brings a boy home? I mean, I might be just a touch overprotective of her. Maybe. But it's all justifiable. If she wasn't level 59, how would she protect herself? Well, at the very least, Anastasia doesn't seem to register that the snot-nosed goblin exists.
I'll just wait for now. If he ever tries talking to my Anastasia, I'll just intimidate him so much he'll shit his pants. Then he'll be too embarrassed to ever look at her again. Kekekeke. Maybe slowly walking up to him in my armor with fire magic lighting the outside on fire so I look like I just went Super Saiyan and pointing Seren at his neck would be enough? Hmm…
You are reading story Rise of the Vampire Queen at
"What's up, Ailine?"
She places a hand on my arm. "Are you alright? You had a very intense look on your face. Like you were coming up with ways to kill a dungeon boss."
"Well, I was thinking of the boy," I awkwardly admitted.
I speak in her mind. (You've seen his glances at our Anastasia, right? That's a 'boy's first crush' look if I've ever seen one.)
(Sure I have,) she said. (Although, who wouldn't have a crush on our adorable Anastasia. Even so, that's not a reason to come up with ways to kill him.)
(I was thinking more about how to intimidate him to make him shit himself.)
(Lia. I've been watching him these past few days. Yes, he has a crush, but nothing will ever come of that. He's a child, and he's human and will grow up and move on.)
(Am I being too overprotective?) I asked.
(Of course you are,) she said without any hesitation. (You always are with the people you care about, and I love that about you. Now. Ignore Degare, and let's try to enjoy the banquet. You have work to do with the tunnel team tomorrow, right?)
This woman. She really came into her own stride over these last few years. There isn't even a hint of the battered and broken woman I found.
(Right. Thank you, Ailine. I love you.)
(I love you too, Lia.)
We spent the next couple hours chatting with people that came up to the table. Alienor was fascinated by the fairies and kept asking them questions. No wonder, since they were the newest creations of the gods. After what felt like long enough, we excused ourselves so that others would feel like they could leave, and we went to our room. Ailine and Anastasia had messed up their sleep routine so that they could spend time with me, so we were all tired. Falling asleep in my bed with our little girl between us, this is all I need.
The next morning, I ask Steph to have Lyle and the tunnel team meet me and Lala at the castle entrance. A dozen or so minutes later, the dwarves came over.
"Good morning, Queen Midnight. Thank you for including us all last night."
"Good morning, Lyle. We were happy to have you. I thought you might all want to see the area where the tunnel will be starting and discuss how best to begin and what will be needed."
"That would be a big help. Then we can get started on working."
We walked together out to the northern side of the castle, to where nothing was built besides a path that James and his team take to lead people to the Tutorial Dungeon.
"Here is where the entrance will be," I said, motioning to a cleared area a short walk away from the castle. "The tunnel needs to be 232.35 degrees NW and down at a 2.72 degree angle. Because an angle that shallow wouldn't get outside the walls before it was fully underground, I thought about a steeper angle with a couple switchbacks here, and then heading out under the walls at a slightly shallower angle or making it up somewhere. What do you think?"
Lyle surveys the area and rubs his chin. "Indeed, that is a shallow angle. The notes you gave said you want it three carts wide?"
"Yes, that way if people are going back and forth there is plenty of room to pass."
"If there's going to be carts, we shouldn't do more than an eight degree angle for it. With this space we can do two switchbacks to be able to clear well under the wall and begin the actual tunnel."
"Excellent. I know some of Captain Dridok's men were going to also work on it, but Princess Lala here is also extremely good with earth magic." I put a hand out and Lala shyly flew down and landed on my palm. "She should be able to help you with a good amount of this. We also have multiple storage pouches that can be used to clear the rock and dirt that is removed."
"That would help a lot. If she's a good earth mage, we might be able to create stone for all of the walls. It would still need rock bolts, though. I assume you have some smithies here?" Lyle asked.
"Yes!" Lala shouted with a hand raised. "I can show you to them. We have plenty of metal, so you can just let them know what to make."
"Great." He looked back at me. "Next would be how you want it vented. With a tunnel this long, there's no way you can just blow air from the entrance. I would say you need pipes leading up to the surface every mile or so, but all of those would have to be in pairs and enchanted so one brings air in and one brings it out."
I nodded. "For venting fans and air, we have something in mind. A short while after Queen Nikita gets back, we should be able to work on it more. In the meantime, we have a large store of monster cores to power them."
"That would work. In the meantime we can go talk to the smith, Princess Lala, and I'll get to organizing the men."
"Excellent. We will also put out a notice to hire laborers for you," I said. "Would you sort through them on who you want to hire for the jobs?"
"Yes, we can do that. More hands moving dirt can only make it go faster."
We split up and went to our own tasks. For me, I asked Steph to call for Alienor and Colin while I called for Elden to all meet at the castle's inner wall gate. A handful of minutes after arriving, the three of them all met up with me. After exchanging greetings, I moved on to business.
"Marquis Whitewater, I would like it if we could visit the proposed site of the church."
"Certainly, Your Majesty. Please follow me."
We didn't have to walk that far. As the city expanded, we kept a decent buffer between the castle's inner wall and the town. Besides the Whitewater house/mansion/estate, it was empty. We gave him the area by the wall to build his home, which was larger than a house, but I wouldn't call it a mansion per se. Fucking semantics. Anyway, the church was going to be at the edge of the current town in this open buffer area to give it room as the town is planned to eventually expand more into this area.
Elden motions to a cleared area. "This is the area we had set aside for the church to be built. Could you please give me any specifics that the building should have? That way we can design it to match your needs."
"Thank you!" Alienor excitedly shouted. "Yes! It should have a large and welcoming entry room. The larger, the better, so that way we can have room for plenty of people to gather at tables or play with any children. Do you have an orphanage right now?"
Elden smiles at her. Seems like her overenthusiasm doesn't bother him. "Fortunately, we are currently a close enough community that any children who lost parents have people to help take care of them. However, as we continue to grow, I know that cannot last forever. When we design this, I would propose we build it so that it will be adequate for when the city is much larger."
I chimed in. "I agree. If we build it right the first time, we can avoid running into a situation of overcrowding or inadequate space. We have the land and are not pressed for time, so let's do this right."
"That would be wonderful!" Alienor said. "If that's the case, then we can build it to be two stories. The first floor and an open lot next to it could be for gathering, while additional rooms on the first floor could be for elderly without family to help care for them. The second floor could be full of rooms for children!"
"Then what if we built it three stories?" I proposed. "The third floor could have rooms for priests and priestesses or even be private counseling offices. We could frame the building with wood and build it with brick. Princess Carmen has talent in earth magic, and with the tunnel construction, we could have this area be where they drop the rock and dirt. Then she can magic it into bricks to be used for construction here."
"Yes! That would be great, Queen Midnight! What a wonderful way to build this Church of Balance!"
I turn back to Elden. "Marquis Whitewater, could you have the builders create a blueprint to show Head Priestess Alienor? We also need to find people who would be interested in becoming priests and priestesses."
"I will do that, Your Majesty," he said with a short bow. "I don't believe we will have trouble finding potential priests and priestesses. When I mentioned building a church for the Goddess of Chaos and the God of Order, there was a large amount of interest. As people who have renounced the fake god of the Empire, many still feel something missing after believing in religion for all their lives. Head Priestess Alienor, could I send any interested persons to you to assess their capability?"
"Certainly! I'll look forward to meeting them all! In fact, Queen Midnight, as wonderful as the castle is, I would like to set up a tent to live here on site. That way if any of the people need the services of the church, I'm here and available."
"That's fine," I said. "I'll have a good amount of funds sent to you for your own expenses and those of the church. I assume you will be starting some services sooner rather than later?"
"Yes!" Her excitement seems to grow and grow. "Like we talked about on the trip, I would like to walk around and get to know the people. Then hire some to help me make pots of soup and other foods to serve to those that want it."
"Then along with the funds for that, let me also give the church a belt pouch. It should hold a lot of completed soup or food and stop time for it. That way you can always have some ready and don't have to worry about waste. Just make as much as you can, and store it until needed."
Her eyes sparkled. "That… That would be amazing! We could save so much food that way! Thank you, Queen Midnight!"
"Marquis Whitewater, could you also show her to the carpenters and a tour through town?" I asked. "I am assuming she will need plenty of tables, chairs, and all of the necessary items for serving food."
"Of course, Your Majesty."
"Then I'll leave you all to it. I'll send someone later with the bag and funds."
Splitting apart, I went back to the castle. Along the way, I saw human and dwarven guards walking along, so I guess James and Dorian were able to get some things sorted. Back in the castle, I wandered around a bit, just watching the new people. Whenever I passed, they would bow or curtsey. Having actual staff and guests in the castle really started to make it feel more like I was an actual queen. I made my way to the library. Poking my head in, I saw Shane and some of his observers with Realyn and her son going through books. Yup. A history buff would be drawn to a library.
Finally, I made my way to the art room and found Steph with Anastasia. The boy wasn't in sight, and I knew Ailine was running the dungeon for some items.
Mitena noticed me first. "Groewell."
"Mommy Lia!" Anastasia jumped out of her chair and ran up to me.
"Hey there, Anastasia, Mitena. I was wondering if I could draw with you for a little."
"Yes! Come on, sit down!" She grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the table.
(Thanks for always watching her, Steph,) I said mentally.
(Of course, Your Majesty. She is always a joy to be with.)
(Looked like you had your own shadow yesterday,) I teased.
(That... Yes. Degare is a bit of a handful, but he's not a bad kid,) Steph said. (He just needs some guidance, but he works hard.)
She seems to be a bit attached to the boy. Wonder what the story is. Oh well, not my problem.
After drawing with Anastasia for a while, I got a message from Navi.
(Hey, Walrus! We're back! Brought you a couple potential new turns!)
Looks like break time is over.