Chapter 32: First Arc (King of Euphorion) – 11. Infiltration to The Moonspark’s Mansion

First Arc (King of Euphorion) – 11. Infiltration to The Moonspark’s Mansion

As expected, with Lady Belle, he could pass the inspection at the capital's gate easily. And as they arrived at Moonspark Residence's gate, the guards shouted.
"Lady Belle has returned! Hurry up and tell the Duke!"

One of the guards ran into the mansion. While the rest approached them.

Angel reached out his hand to help her get off the horse.
"Thank you," she said.

He released his hand and bowed slightly as a farewell.
"I'll take my leave."

"Sir Zel, are you sure you don't want to work for the Moonspark Family?" she asked once more.

"Thank you for your offer. But I must go now." He nodded slightly, turned around and walked away.

After hearing that his daughter had returned, Duke Nicolin immediately ran out of his residence and embraced her.
"Belle, as soon as I heard your carriage being attacked, I thought I would lose you." He released his arms and examined his daughter's condition.

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"How are you? Are you hurt?"

She gave a reassuring smile to her father.
"I'm fine, father."

"What happened?" asked Duke Nicolin worriedly.

"I was attacked by a monster on my way back but fortunately there was a hunter who saved me," she answered.

"Where is he now? I have to thank him."

She turned around and looked for him.
"He-" She swept her gaze towards the direction he went and searched for him but couldn't find it.
"Where is he?"


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