Chapter 83: Second Arc (His Art of War) – 1. Gale’s Infiltration I

Second Arc (His Art of War) – 1. Gale’s Infiltration I

Dim starlight adorned the night sky above Luminus City. The city situation was quiet. In just one day, the happy laughter at the New Year's Party turned into sorrow. The castle had announced the news about Pearl Gate City and the declaration of war against Asteria. Although the fears of war and the anger at Asteria's attacks were clearly visible on the civilians' faces, with the trust that had been built so far, they could be pacified easily.

Angel sat on the balcony railings made of stone. His back leaned against a large pillar between the rail, one of his hands resting on his folded knee. He closed his eyes and tried to rest his mind, lettin the night wind sweep his face and comb his dark blue hair.

He had just finished discussing war preparation with Chancellor Allan and managed the war budget with the finance minister. Now, he was waiting for the report for the troops' preparation from Frost and Flare. It shouldn't take long to prepare it. In addition, for war supplies and equipment, as the most prosperous kingdom on the Andromeda Continent, Euphorion had more than enough of it. Angel had also found a way to force the Asteria's royal family to submit to him without making Euphorion an enemy of other kingdoms on the Andromeda Continent. Yes, though his grudge and anger, he couldn't kill his family because of the ancient agreement. Moreover, he was a dark magic user with the same power as the Dark King and the Reinheart family was the Holy Knight family who killed that evil king. He didn't want other kingdoms to use this as an excuse to attack Euphorion.

Shortly, Frost approached him and bowed.
"Your Majesty, our preparations are complete."

A smirk appeared on his lips.

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"Very Well. As soon as Gale sends the news, we will leave immediately."

"Yes, Your Majesty, " replied Frost.

Angel opened his eyes slowly and raised his head, staring at the cloudy night sky.
'He should be at Asteria's outpost by now.'


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