Chapter 99: Second Arc (His Art of War) – 17. What Are You?

Second Arc (His Art of War) – 17. What Are You?

The sun in the sky above the Dead Forest began to drown in the Western horizon. Angel spurred his horse, followed by Frost, Flare and his army. The thick dark aura that came out of his body made the monsters around them only lurk from behind the trees or bushes and curled in fear as they passed.

They had passed through the forest for several hours, the sweat that dripped from his face getting more and more, his hands began to tremble as he continued to endure the pain that pierced his chest, suppressing the power of the crystal over him since he allowed the crystal to absorb the forest's evil atmosphere. If he kept it inside him for too long, the crystal became stronger and it would take over him completely. Slowly, the view of the dead trees around them changed into the views of cliffs and mountains, the black soil changed to ordinary soil.
"Frost, Flare lead them to the field under the cliff. We will make our camp there," ordered Angel.

"Yes, Your Majesty," they answered.

After hearing their answers, Angel swung the reins around his hand, turned his horse to the side and waited until his entire army came out of the forest. He made sure no one was left behind before he got off from his horse and extended his hand toward the forest. The dark aura came out of his hand and covered the forest, slowly the pain that pierced his chest disappeared. He lowered his hand after returning the entire evil atmosphere to the forest.
'Absorbing the whole forest's dark forces seems too much for me.'

He staggered backwards while breathing heavily, but suddenly someone was supporting him from behind.

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"Your Majesty, don't overexert yourself," said Frost worriedly.

"I'm fine." He went back to his feet and returned to his horse.
"Let's go, we have to gather with the others," he said while swinging the reins around his hand and kicking the side of his horse.

Frost got back on his horse and followed him from behind, his eyes fixed on the king's back who spurred his horse in front of him. He noticed Angel's pale face and the sweat that was running down on his face.
'Your Majesty, you do not look fine to me.'


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