Chapter 126: Second Arc (His Art of War) – 44. Rebellion And Bait

Second Arc (His Art of War) – 44. Rebellion And Bait

The sky above Eternal Harmony City darkened. Like the previous days, Angel was still sitting behind the desk in his room at Golden Light Castle. His hand was still holding some documents and his eyes moved to examine it.

In a few days, he would return to Euphorion, even though he had entrusted Asteria to Gaia but he wanted to make sure everything went well. The knocking sounds distracted him.
"Your Majesty, may I have an audience with you?"

"Come in, Frost," he answered.

Frost entered the room and bowed to him.
"What brings you to see me?" he said as he averted his eyes to him.

"Your Majesty, I just got important news from Dark Agent. The rebels are ready to attack us." Angel exhaled, even though he had tried to show his closeness to King Gervis but the rebellion was unavoidable. Dissatisfaction with authority changes would remain.
"Where are they now?"

"Some of them are still outside, but some of them are already in the city."

He frowned.
"They have infiltrated?" he asked in disbelief.

"No, some of them have been here from the start."

He paused for a moment as he sank into his thoughts.

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he thought.

"Then let them in."

"You will let them in?" said Frost in confusion.

"Yes, also announcing my return one day earlier than Gaia's arrival and lowered the castle's guard after my departure," he said again.

Hearing his words, Frost was sure he was up to something.
"Your Majesty, what's your plan?"

He smirked.
"They want an opportunity, then I'll give it to them. But of course, they will pay it at a very high price."


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