After we greeted Klimut, we went to the adventurer's guild's library room. We were going to read the information on the Plains of the Demon Wolf.
I've heard that the magic beast is even stronger than when I was there. It would be dangerous to go in there without any information.
We looked around and found a good amount of detailed information. After all, it is a magical area near the town, and it seems that there is a certain amount of research and consideration being done in Alessa.
『Then read as much as you can, Fran, okay?』
Now, how long will Fran be able to stay awake?
First of all, the types of magical beasts in the Plains of the Demon Wolf, it was concluded that there were no certain rules.
The chance of encountering rare magical beasts are not zero, but it also means that the materials and ecosystems we can obtain are not constant. Moreover, if the monsters that appear are different each time, it is difficult to plan countermeasures.
In a normal magical area, a magic beast lives under a certain ecosystem, so as long as we take the proper measures, we can fight them. However, in the Plains of the Demon Wolf, we had to deal with them randomly.
This is probably another factor that increases the threat level of the Plains of the Demon Wolf.
There was a list of magical beasts that had been confirmed to have appeared in the past, but there were so many that I gave up trying to remember them. It was that diverse and inconsistent.
In addition, it is said that the cycle of magical beasts being born in that plain, where the Forest of Exhaustion makes it easy for magic power to accumulate, is extremely fast. The cycle of magical beasts is said to be several times faster than elsewhere. There is a competition for survival, and the victorious monsters will evolve to become area bosses.
However, the higher-ranked magic beast, needs more magic power to survive, so it was concluded that as long as the Forest of Exhaustion existed, no magic beast would be able to get out.
It is said that there have been a few times in the past when magical beasts with excellent flying ability have gone out beyond the Forest of Exhaustion. However, the phenomenon of magic power absorption in that forest extends into the sky, so unless there is a great deal of trouble inside, magic beasts will not try to approach that forest.
Also, several times a year, the guild conducts regular inspections, and it is said that the magic beasts change quite often.
It is said that in a normal magical area, the same individual that has grown up to be powerful will often reign for decades. However, in the Plains of the Demon Wolf, even vicious demon beasts of threat level C and above are frequently replaced.
Even a threat level A magic beast would have difficulty surviving for decades in that plain. It seems that the speed at which the magical power of magic beasts’ recovers is very slow in that plain. I don't know if it's because of the effects of the Forest of Exhaustion or if there are other reasons, but it seems that magical beasts need to absorb several times more magical power than other places in order to survive.
As a result, if they do not constantly fight and eat other magic beasts, they will not be able to recover the magical power they have consumed and will become weak. However, if they become too strong, other magical beasts will not be able to get close to them, and they will have a hard time hunting them. Moreover, their magic efficiency would be lower.
As a result, the stronger they become, the more they have trouble recovering their internal magical power, and when they are weakened, they can be defeated by lower-ranked magical beasts.
It should have the same effect on humans, but they won't get such significant results in a short period of time. I guess it's because it's a grade A magical area and it's difficult to stay there for a long time, so they haven't been able to conduct any experiments.
Could it be that I had also suffered from this phenomenon when I was in the Plains of the Demon Wolf? To be honest, I didn't notice it. After all, it was the first place in this world where I appeared. I didn't have anything to compare it to, and in my case, I was able to absorb the demon stone and recover.
Also, when I escaped, my rank went up and I just assumed it was because of that, my magical efficiency got better too.
What's more, the most important thing for me is the pedestal in the middle of the plain, but I couldn't find any information about it. We asked the old man who was in charge of the library, but he said he had never heard of such a thing.
They know that there is something that looks like ruins in the middle of the plain, but no so-called altar-like object seems to have been confirmed.
『What do you mean…?』
(Has disappeared?)
『Hmm. I guess that's what happens when you think about it normally』
But that mystery man told me to come to the altar, didn't he? No, no? He just said to come to the Plains of the Demon Wolf. Maybe he didn't say the altar.
『Well, I don't know what to think, I guess we'll find out when we get there』
The next thing I looked at was the material on the Forest of Exhaustion.
However, there were no new facts that surprised me that much.
What caught my attention was the fact that the phenomenon of magical power absorption was considered to be caused by something underground.
It is a phenomenon that is less effective in the air and much more powerful on the surface, but it is said that the rate at which magic is sucked out of you increases even more as you dig into the ground.
However, the more they dug, the less magic they could use, so the more they had to dig by hand. It seems that the investigation was abandoned because it was too dangerous to proceed in the forest where goblins and other creatures were running rampant.
That was why it was so troublesome. A low-level adventurer would fall behind even against goblins.
Well, a genuinely skilled high-ranking adventurer like Fran, for example, wouldn't have problem at all. I'm not worried about that. It's just that my trauma will be stimulated a little bit.
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I don't want to stay there for too long if possible, but depending on the strength of the magic beasts that appear in the Plains of the Demon Wolf, I may have to consider using the Forest of Exhaustion as a base of operations.
As I was thinking about this, I felt a presence approaching our side. It was clearly aiming for Fran, but I didn't feel any hostility or malicious intent.
「Hey. Is that you, Fran-san?」
「Nn? Who?」
「Oi Oi! Don't tell me you forgot me! It's me!」
The man spoke to her in a familiar way, but Fran completely forgot about him. She could see the man's head tilted back with a scowl and a pathetic look of shock on his face.
「Ha, hahaha. We dove the dungeon together, remember? I am Clad-sama, leader of the Dragon's Roar!」
It was Clad, an adventurer who we had dived into the dungeon with before. He used to be a yankee who would come and mess with Fran, but his attitude has changed completely. He had learned a lot about reality during that adventure, and in the end, he recognized Fran's abilities.
I'm just sorry, but Fran is seriously forgot about him. He had a bad attitude, and he was weak. But I'm kind of impressed with him. He was a lot stronger than last time.
Name: Clad
Age: 23 Years old
Race: Human
Job: Spear Warrior
Status Level: 27
HP:148 MP:104 STR:86 PHY:70 AGI:74 INT: 55 DEX: 49 Magic:50
Transport: Lv2, Acrobatic: Lv4, Crisis Detection: Lv4, Fasting: Lv3, Presence Detection: Lv1, Martial Arts: Lv1, Spear Technique: Lv2, Spear Skill: Lv5, Intimidation: Lv3, Climbing: Lv3, Poison Resistance: Lv1, Ki Manipulation
Fine steel spear, Armored lizard Armor, rock bull Armor, Armored lizard boots, stone spider cloak, detoxification ring.
He can be said as a full-fledged D ranker already.
「So, what do you want?」
「Aah, no. It's nothing. Haha…」
Maybe he was expecting a conversation like「Long time no see!」 「Hey, it's been a while!」. But Fran's attitude seemed to have broken his heart. He left, looking sad.
I'm sorry, Clad-kun. But we don't have much time to bother with you. Stay strong.
「Ara, you're done?」
「Is that so」
As she was leaving, I thought I'd say hello to Nell at the reception……Next to him, the receptionist who first greeted Fran, had both her cheeks red and swollen. I don't know how people's cheeks get this peachy. It seems that the adventurers have been punished to the point of being quiet.
「Well, I give them a good punishment」
The smiling Nell is scary!
「I'm sho shorry」
Keep up the good work, newbies-san!
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