Chapter 667: Chapter 658

TENKEN 658 Rhyn's Resurrection

The flow of magic from Weena Rhyn to Rhyn had stopped, but there was no visible change in Weena Rhyn and Rhyn.

However, if I were to search deeper, there's definitely a change.

The changes in their presence were so drastic that it seemed as if they were different people. It was not that their presences had become stronger or weaker, but the wavelength of their presences itself had changed.

It seems that with the ties between them was broken means that Rhyn's existence in Weena and Rhyn has been separated and Rhyn's power has been returned to Rhyn.

In this case, it's understandable that the presence of Weena Rhyn would change, but why would Rhyn's presence undergo a change as well?

Or was it natural that changes would happen when Rhyn returns to her original state?

However, it seemed that Weena Rhyn was too worn out to stand. Immediately after, she collapsed on the spot.

「Weena Rhyn? Are you okay?」

「I'm not Weena Rhyn anymore. I'm just Weena now...」

Weena Rhyn――No, Weena loses her consciousness when she says so.


I was almost run out of power, but I activated my telekinesis to kill the momentum of Weena's fall slightly, and then Fran catches her falling body.


Even when Fran shook her lightly, she showed no signs of waking up. She must be extremely exhausted from everything.

『Her vitality has diminished considerably...』

「Let her take some rest for now」

「Nn. Okay」

Following Rhyn's words, Fran gently laid Weena down.

「She'll be fine?」

「She'll wake up after a while. Her powers will be greatly reduced though...」

I guess at least she's not going to die.

Unlike Weena, Rhyn was filled with great vigor. She had regained her strength and seemed to be completely out of danger.

「...Thank you. It's all thanks to you guys that Weena could be saved」

Said Rhyn while bowed to us.

「Of course, you guys had saved me too...」

『Hey, Rhyn, how much do you know?』

You are reading story I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated (WN) at

I decided to take this opportunity to ask her something that had been bothering me for a long time.

『Rhyn said that she couldn't see the future... But still, you must have working on a lot of things to change the future, right?』

When I made contact with the other Fran, I'm pretty sure that Rhyn must be assisting.

If Rhyn hadn't told Announcer-san, I wouldn't have used my Potential Release. Then I wouldn't have met the other Fran and Me, and I wouldn't have gotten some new skill. And Weena and Rhyn would not have been saved.

In the first place, if the other Rhyn hadn't sent Sierra, Zelos Reed, and Zelyse to this timeline, I could have turned into a mere sword.

I don't believe that all of this is just a coincidence. I just couldn't figure out how much of it was a coincidence and how much of it was in Rhyn's hands. I couldn't figure it out.

No, I wouldn't complaints if it was all in the palms of her hands. After all, it had saved our life. Rather, I would be grateful. However, I was just a little bit curious.

「...I, who am not a God, cannot see into the future. I’ve told you this before, haven't I?」


"Who am not a God" she said? but the Goddess of Chaos has told me that even a God cannot see into the future.

Considering that, a perfect prediction of the future would be impossible.

『But you do have the kind of power that makes you choose the better options, don't you?』

「It's not that big of a deal. I just know how my actions affect me. It's a hunch, if you say」

It seems that the immediate future of a few seconds can be predicted by that intuition.

However, if she wanted to explore farther ahead, she would have to use tremendous power. She said that if she were to try to perceive years ahead, Rhyn herself might disappear.

This is just a guess on my part, but I wonder if Rhyn is unconsciously performing high-level operations. What if Rhyn is using her abilities as a spirit of time to instantly simulate various possibilities and unconsciously foreseeing the future, and the results are appearing as intuition?

That's because the more distant the future she predicts, the more exhausted she becomes. The more information she has to process, the more she has to process. My simultaneous computing skills are similar to that, so I know exactly how it feels.

「But I'm sure that this intuition has helped me in many ways... Well, you see, it all started with an encounter」

Rhyn muttered to herself and looked at Sierra and the others.

「One day, a tremendous evil spirit appeared on the shore of the lake. Naturally, I went to check on the source. There, I found a boy and a sword that emitted strong evil spirit」

No doubt about it. It must be Sierra and his magic sword, Zelos Reed. It seemed that Rhyn was already aware of their presence when they appeared at this time.

「You may not be able to see the future, but you can easily see the past. After all, it's only a matter of reading what has already happened」

To us, seeing into the future and seeing into the past seems to be equally difficult, but to Rhyn, seeing into the past seems to be a very simple act.

As a result, she encounters a lot of bewildering facts.

「No matter how you look at it, the boy and the sword were living in the future」

Rhyn's vision of Sierra and the others' past gave her a lot of information.

「And I received a silent message from myself. That this boy is the beginning of hope for us all」