Chapter 129: War is Not a Child’s Play (2)

It has been three days since the exchange of the prisoners and while many were happy to meet their long-lost acquaintances and help them recover, there were a few who also had their reservations. It was only natural since the return of many proficient hunters and warriors meant that the existing warriors will have to face higher competition. These are the things that would naturally settle in a tribe with enough time.

Sadly, the tribe did not just have enough time.

Yoki, Nik, and Sokka sat beside one another with a jar in their hands each. The full moon had passed two days ago and Hama's plan to just attack was not followed. Given the circumstances, even Nik got to have a peaceful sleep that night but many things had changed between him and the girls.

Just as he had expected, the ability to whisk away even the living beings is simply too good. While Yoki realized that talking to him about a crueler plan was futile, Yue held onto the hope that Nik would allow others to enter this dimension.

Heck, if this was an 'external' dimension, something that was present outside of his body, then Nik wouldn't have minded even if Yue wanted to set up a farm to feed the tribe. But it was 'on' him. Within him.

Nik told her pretty simply that it was too weird and also relayed that the thought of him brought him a grave sense of responsibility. After all, if others are inside his personal space and he just died... then what?

Infinity conveniently left things out on what would happen to the personal space but given Nik's experience in devouring things for points, he had to expect that his personal space would be devoured, too, effectively ending all those lives.

While he kept certain truths, he did lay on Yue that she was indirectly anchoring multiple lives on the fact that he is completely risk-free, which wasn't the truth. He even described a scenario where the people within might not have the same understanding and even force him in some ways.

Of course, Yue did come to an understanding but... there was some distance between the two for a few days now, a distance that Nik didn't intend to travel and patch up just because of a single fight. This was an important issue for Nik. If he had someone 'within' him, he, at the very least, wanted to be the one in control.

Looking at the moon while dangling his feet past the roof, Yoki couldn't help but comment, "Even though our plan is risky, I still have a bad feeling about this one."

"Bad feeling?" Sokka questioned.

Yoki had asked for the two of them. Nik could understand why Sokka was up here... but what was the point of asking him up, too?

"Think about it. Zhao has exceeded our expectations and reverted the disadvantage they were at after we successfully took over the tribe.

The only person for now who could have ascertained that the released prisoners are influenced is dead.

Sun, the only lavabender, refuses to fight for fear of being the reason that harms Wu.

Nik is demanded to get captured for those prisoners and even Sun won't attack you, he would come to resent you eventually.

Finally, the Fleet outside has no more burdens and can attack us at any given moment. For what possible reason would I not have a bad feeling?" Yoki chuckled, his face slightly flushed.

Hearing his words, Nik and Sokka looked at each other.

"Anyway... I asked the two of you to join me because... Nik, you have a good relationship with Princess. Once I pass away, take over, will you?"

"Oh, I can't do that. Once this is done, I plan to take Yue away. Enjoy the sights, probably. Maybe that would cheer her up," Nik drank from his jar, fully knowing what would actually cheer Yue up but he wasn't budging on the issue.

Sokka and Yoki looked at Nik before the man groaned and looked at Sokka.

"Don't look at me. I'm with Rena, I can't deal with more than one woman," Sokka spoke up.


"Hey, why would you even suggest that to Sokka?" Nik scoffed, "I'm right here."

"So? I know princess Yue. She is a responsible woman," Yoki retorted.

"Not when I'm around," Nik shot, glaring right back at Yoki.

"Anyway, if you don't want to be the Chieftain, fine. I didn't have high hopes from the two of you in the first place," the man shrugged, "I just wanted company. I can't help but constantly think about what I would do if I were in Zhao's position and everything ends badly for the tribe."

"He has a chance to attack every morning... if he isn't, that can only mean he's preparing for something." Nik mumbled.

"If I was Zhao, I would want to fully crush and conquer the tribe. But how?" Yoki inquired.

"I guess I would target the ruling party. So, Yue," Sokka answered.

"And that's why you can't handle more than one woman," Nik replied, earning him a chuckle from Yoki and a glare from Sokka.

"Walked right into that one," Sokka groaned, taking a gulp from his jar, too.

"But you're not wrong. Princess Yue has a clear target on her back. Nik, and you guys, too... I wish this was just a simple battle rather than a war. Just the time needed to make decisions is making me age older by a year every night."

The trio drank silently. To be perfectly honest, Yoki wasn't expecting anything. He just wanted to chill since the most major load fell onto his shoulders and he had been in a state of constant anxiety, too.

Just drinking for the night was enough for the man.


However, the calm of the night didn't necessarily mean the morning must be generous, too.

As Nik found himself facing a slightly awkward and clearly embarrassed Yue who wished to clear the air between them and move past their argument, the echoing sound of something terrifying crashed into the walls of the tribe.




Understanding what was happening, Yue and Nik looked at one another before he coughed, "We can talk later, right?"

"Of course," Yue nodded, but she didn't feel well at all. Instead, worry overtook her expression as she suddenly held both of Nik's hands, "You must know one thing Nik... I won't ever be able to forgive myself if I'm the only one whom you rescued... I'm not persuading you into anything, but just as you are important to me, they, too—"

You are reading story Paradise of Infinity at

Nik leaned down, taking Yue's lips for a short second as she leaned upwards and stood on her toes. Her fingers tightened around Nik's hand as he slowly pulled back and soldiered past her reluctant expression, "I know. Of course, I know."

Yue smiled slightly.

"Get ready already!"

Since they were right outside his bedroom, Nik was quickly found by Suki who raged the moment she saw the fluffy scene, "We are under attack! Yue, you should... you know, go back to your room."

"No, I want to stay with him," Yue looked at Nik, "That way, he doesn't have to survive just for himself but for me, too."

'I don't respond well to that kind of strategy,' is what Nik wanted to say but honestly speaking, even he would feel relieved with Yue 'beside' him since he could enter the Personal Space at any given moment, too.

Nodding, Nik held Yue's hand with his left hand as she disappeared. He already had her permission so she was transferred to the Personal Space.

"Let go! I want to fight, too!"

A shout emerged through the corridors as Mai dragged Tom-Tom and silently set him in front of Nik.

"Store him. And you won't leave my sight, too. It's my duty to protect you during this time," Mai stated matter-of-factly. This was discussed beforehand. Mai being one of the best fighters would look after his well-being, a task she volunteered for since Nik could potentially keep Tom-Tom away from all the bloodshed about to occur.

"I don't want to!" Tom hissed as Suki knelt and held the boy's shoulder, "Tom-Tom... listen to your sister. And think of your mother. You will have plenty of chances to fight but... a war is not where you should be present."

Tom-Tom frowned, "You don't know that! Mai, tell her, come on. I trained so hard—"

"Fine, will you kill someone today?" Mai questioned coldly.

Tom-Tom instantly deflated.

"Then you're the one who is dead. Just agree to whatever Nik is saying," Mai responded calmly as the boy walked over to Nik with a gloomy expression. Seeing this, Nik couldn't help but smile and pat the boy's head, "You know, even I can't fight all that well so I'll be joining you soon enough, yeah?"

"What about..." Tom-Tom glanced back in Mai's direction as she stared in return. Holding his question, the boy nodded, "Bring her with you, too..."

"Sure," Nik agreed as the boy disappeared while an exhausted sigh escaped Nik's lips.

"And just like that... I'm a storage box."

"Let's go find others," Suki didn't linger for long and led the way with Nik in the center as he belted the two war fans and held the wooden staff in his hands.

Seeing this, Mai finally spoke up, "Don't go soft on anyone today..."

Resisting the urge to make a mockery of the situation since her words left quite a bit of room for a dirty pun, Nik nodded with a serious expression.

"And we stick together," Suki added, layering her concern with general commands that would keep the ones she feel any form of attachment to closer to herself.

Finding Sokka and Katara by the training hall with many other guards quickly collecting their weapons, the small bunch soon rushed out of the palace. The sight of flaming boulders crashing into the tribe was a tragic one as many civilians found safety within the inner ring of the tribe.


Outside of the tribe, Zhao commanded yet another bout of heavy-duty attacks to strike down the thick glacial wall that protected the tribe while the waterbenders on the walls began to slow down the attacks by jets of water.

The attack was sudden but the tribe was quite prepared for war.

The response was quick and the attacks from the ships were slowed down soon enough to the point that there wasn't any great damage in the first place.

Smilingly, however, Zhao commented, "That's enough for today."


A scare tactic by Zhao proved more than just a nuisance.

With the threat of war erupting any day, Zhao successfully disrupted the flow of the tribe. Warriors were forced to make concessions as food brought into the tribe was lowered. The already tensed released prisoners began to go through traumatic experiences that only gave Yoki more headaches.

The constant retreat and settlement of the civilians were quite time-consuming, too.

Yet, Zhao attacked the day after tomorrow. Even more heavily than the first time, making Yoki put more guards on the walls and lowered the number of sentries around the tribe. Yoki knew what Zhao was trying to achieve.

After all, it was Yoki himself who fed Zhao many fake reports and then certified them by committing actions reported. The increase in the guards on the wall was one just instance.

If Zhao can try the underhanded means to win the war then so can Yoki.


"Hmm? They are pressuring Nik to not make a move. Especially, Sun. They still care for the other prisoners but aren't willing to give Nik up... I guess they are right. I wouldn't have stopped at just getting Nik."

Tapping his desk, Zhao called his subordinates and made the necessary arrangements.

This war had begun way back in Omashu and Zhao planned to end it once and for all.


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