Chapter 146: The Blind Bandit

Nik wore a grey hooded robe. The Colony of Gaoling was prosperous and certainly, many wanted to adventure it. Nik was one of them, Mai wasn't. And knowing full well that their own time would be ruined by her... pleasantness, she was even betrayed by her mother who wanted to find a suitable aristocratic store that supplied for her painting. After all, these were noble passions, and only a few regions held trade of these goods, Gaoling being one of them.

So, with Michi and Suki as one team, and Katara and Yue as the other since Mai was Nik, the three teams walked around in shadows. Their prominent objective was to find something about the prisoners. Any incident may help and unexpectedly, the Colony of Gaoling is simply full of incidences of a similar sort that attracted attention to one particular figure—

The Blind Bandit.

"Wow," Mai drawled, "A mysterious bandit... just when your search couldn't get more interesting."

Nik looked at the baggily hooded robed figure and blinked curiously, "What are you doing?"


"I know that you don't mean a shred of what you've said... but I never thought..." He left a few things unsaid as Mai narrowed her eyes and leaned closer to him.

"Who said that I was only acting disinterested while I feel everything?"

"I did," Nik nodded. He was pretty confident about this fact after nailing Mai down. Their 'show' might not be the prettiest but when they are alone, Mai would always want to be put 'down' and ravished in any number of manners to his choosing.

"Then, what does it look like I'm doing?" Mai faltered for a second and then held Nik's rough, calloused hand and let her lean and thin finger intertwine with his considerably thicker digits.

"Don't you interrupt when I try to be a supportive woman."

"Oh, is that something taught in your academy?" Nik questioned as he let himself get dragged by Mai now that she had suddenly decided to take a languid lead. Their pace had turned even slow and she seemed intent on just staying with him silently rather than questioning others about this Blind Bandit.

"Something like that," Mai hummed in affirmation, "A Noble Woman must fulfill and support their destined husbands so that they may reach their full potential and contribute to the Fire Nation."

"Never understood that," she continued thoughtfully, "Never really understood the point of it. Like watching the sunrise... why? Are you that bored?"

"Well, I like it," Nik shrugged, "But I get your point. You're not interested in it."

Mai snuck a glance at his profile. Due to their large hoods, only his smile could be seen but she thrummed her finger against his knuckles and remarked, quite lazily, "Under the right circumstances, I might..."

Letting out a mouthful of a chuckle, Nik grew closer to Mai and leaned down to whisper, "Is that circumstance you doing something interesting as the sunrise? If that's so, I see you either throwing knives— fighting, or having your innards bred just the way you like it... or both~ After all, that's what you wanted, right? Pain and pleasure."

Not minding the odd glances, Nik pecked her chin and gave her toned butt a possessive squeeze. Her heart silently drummed against her chest, threatening to shoot out but she kept better control of her facial control. Now that she had experienced orgasms as eight times the sensitivity, not many things could shake her up... Nik happened to be willingly excluded from that list. An interestingly perverted man for her greater and greater perverted life.

If Kai could see her now... the things he begged for her to do but that she willingly committed for Nik, he would cry tears of blood, quite likely.

Letting out a nasal hum, not agreeing or disagreeing with the notion, Mai quietly commented and took Nik's illicit hand back into hers, "We will see... although, you should know one thing."

"Yeah? What's that?" Nik questioned as he held her hand tightly. As he said, she may not show it but Mai wouldn't have done half the things she did if she didn't have feelings. Of course, with how extremely submissive she acted alone and how sadistic she acted with others... Nik could say for a fact that even without an interesting adventure, Mai is decently interesting enough.

"I had the Fire Prince wrapped around my fingers when we were young. Of course, it's no pressure..." But she definitely wanted to see him the slightest bit unnerved.

Nik couldn't help but snicker at that, "So, you're telling me, if that prince hadn't disappeared, I wouldn't have one but two royal women?" He counted Yue, of course. Her worth didn't come from her status but it was nice to call her a princess and then treat her as anything but that in their bed.

Mai scoffed but didn't bother disagreeing. There wasn't anything to disagree with. Her life was interesting enough.

As they continued to walk, the sound of vigorous shouting began to filter through the streets. Mai heard it not long after Nik did and they stumbled across a dojo.

An Earthbending Dojo!




Nik snuck a glance through the opened gate of the dojo over which was the carved sign of the Earth Kingdom. Of course, the gates painted red with the golden emblem of the Phoenix and an ember spoke of another tale. Two rows of large earthen pots filled with sand were neatly placed for men wearing sleeveless green gi to punch their fists through. The fact that the entrance was opened, their courageous calls were at the top of their lungs and the display was set on the pathway of the dojo itself allowed the couple to realize that the tanned and thin dojo master with two whisker-like thin elegant mustaches and his body garbed in silk robes wanted their 'might' to be known to others.

"Why don't you give it a try?" Mai questioned when she saw Nik beginning to leave.

"What should I try? I can already move pebbles. All I need to do is an earthbending master."

"He could be one," Mai followed, her hand intertwining with his own the next second as Nik smiled and looked over his shoulder to peer at the proud dojo master.

"It's weird to explain it... but he doesn't smell as dangerous as Bumi..."

"Crazy people tend to act dangerously and smell the same."

"No, not that," Nik shook his head. But Mai merely narrowed her eyes at his lack of articulation for what he wanted to express.

She knew what he wanted to convey.

Unlike Bumi, there wasn't any sense of danger in the man... of course, such a thing is hard to hide by itself.

"Let's dig a bit into this Blind Bandit before meeting up with others. Do we stop at a stall? I'm starved."

"Your choice," Mai shrugged, allowing Nik to take the lead once again.

As they made their way to the stall Nik had taken to liking before due to the spicy aroma that hung around the business, Nik and Mai halted for a moment as a girl... probably older than what her height seemed to suggest, passed them barefooted. Her pitch-black hair was tied into a large round bun and her bangs filtered down over her forehead and covered her eyes.

The girl continued on her way and after casting their own curious glances, the couple was on their way, too.

Finally away from the earshot, Nik muttered, "See? She smelled crazy... and looked like one, too."

"Hmm..." Mai nodded. But as someone insightful once said: out of sight, out of mind. Mai couldn't be bothered to think about someone she wouldn't possibly meet ever again in her life.


The group met again by evening with all of them hearing some tale about the Blind Bandit. Covering their face and body in bag-like clothing, not even showing their eyes, the bandit steals from the Fire Nation diplomats and the Beifong family at times. But it isn't wealth that is stolen. Instead, Blind Bandit only ever stole food and water.

This was a curious case that had struck Gaoling but everyone had their own specific discoveries that they would investigate one step at a time.

The next day, Michi dolled herself up. Instead of her usual clothing that she had taken a liking to nowadays, she once again wore a traditional red robe with black collars and tidied her hair to an elaborate bun. Pursing her lips to smear the lip cream, she flashed a smile in the mirror as if practicing for later.

As she walked down the stairs, she was followed by a sturdy guard that wore the uniform belonging to the Fire Nation Military which instantly raised Michi's status in the eyes of the civilians.

Revealing that she hadn't lost a single ounce of her demeanor that befitted nobles as she had the necessary experience for the role simply coursing through her veins, Michi hummed thoughtfully and looked at her 'guard.'

It was Nik, of course. His violet eyes gazed through the holes of the skull mask and bore into her as her smile widened. She could practically sense Nik's desires for her. Although he did enjoy how she looked in her 'adventurer' outfit, nothing really beats the class of a noblewoman and then the subsequent act of taking that 'class' for the ride of its life.

The two stepped towards a particular direction with Nik walking behind her, he was as loyal of a subordinate right now as his loyal gaze that didn't defer from Michi's wide hips as she had purposely tied a belt onto her stomach to accentuate her lower body.

You are reading story Paradise of Infinity at

Soon, under the gazes of interested civilians, Michi stood in front of a fenced property that ended upon a large entrance barred by two giant metal gates. One side of the gate was carved with the insignia of a winged boar. The other side was carved in the shape of flaming embers and at the center, above the gate, fluttered the flag of the Phoenix.

Four men guarded the gates. Their clothing made them out to be two Earthbenders and two Firebenders.

Taking the lead, assuming Michi's origin due to her clothing and Nik behind her, the Firebending guard questioned, "This is the Beifong Estate, Miss. May I inquire about the nature of your visit?"

Placing both of her hands over her lap, smiling softly, Michi conducted herself as the prim and proper woman she was trained to be and dazzled the eyes of spectators.

"I would like to discuss something with the Lady of the Beifong family. I met her six years ago when my husband, the former mayor of Omashu was appointed his position."

She didn't lie. Although her knowledge of the Beifongs was rudimentary, she did meet the wealthy couple. Omashu's subjugation had been a major blow back then as it was the second-most prosperous kingdom right after Ba Sing Se. With that, the Fire Nation continued to conquer the surrounding lands and the Beifongs had been one of the influential families to have bent their knees towards the surging, almost maniacal military might of the Phoenix King.

Even if her husband had lost her power and Bumi returned to his throne, the Phoenix King propaganda wouldn't tolerate such a stain but it could not invest in another war right after losing a  terrible amount of resources.

Thus, Michi was still from Omashu. Instead of her husband, she claimed to the guards that she was here acting in King Bumi's interests.

With everything cleared up, the guard quickly returned with a response and let the couple in with a servant of the Beifongs leading the way through the beautiful and well-maintained courtyard.

"I would love to spend my days maintaining such a beautiful garden," Michi smiled as she glanced back at Nik who was remarkably close to her for a 'guard.' Her intentions were clear, too.

"It's a good thing you can do just that, then," Nik replied gently and he looked around.

The Beifong estate was vast to the point it reached one of Gaoling's corners from closer to the residential section of the colony but it wasn't so strange. With their wealth and influence as the leader of the town, the family needed not only enough military strength to deter local civilians who might envy their fortunes, but they also needed to keep the show of wealth and employ trusted individuals all around. Firebenders and Earthbenders were costly, but that didn't stop the Beifongs to hire a tiny team of each now that they not only had the status of wealth but political power, too.

Through the large, cobblestoned path cutting between the courtyard, Michi was led into a raised but open pavilion that overlooked the courtyard and had a translucent roof to give shade from the intense sun at this time of the day. Potted plants were arranged on the pavilion tastefully alongside the furniture as a servant readied pots and cups of tea.

Wearing a leafy green, wide-sleeved kimono and her glossy black hair tied back into a similarly elaborate hairdo like Michi, a beautiful almond-eyed woman stood up with her naturally short and thin pink lips stretched into a polite smile. Her light green eyes lit up when she saw Michi and while Nik stood under the beating sun, on the pathway itself just like the Earthbending guard who wore a conical straw hat, both the woman pressed their cheek against one another and gave shallow chuckles.

"Mistress Michi, it has been so long. Allow me to extend my condolences regarding the mental instability that has brought your husband to early retirement. But I am sure that some time with his family would make Lord Ukano feel better."

Oh, and another thing, Bumi only returned with the guise that Ukano was mentally fatigued. Of course, those in power and those who experienced the shift firsthand knew better. Still, not many would dare expose such compromising yet open secrets.

"Oh, Poppy," Michi smiled as they both held each other's arms into an even shallower hug, "Spending time with my family has been the best decision in my recent years."

If this woman, Poppy Beifong was surprised by the sincerity in Michi's tone then she didn't let it show on her expression and continued to present a proper expression.

Both of them sat down across one another and Poppy began while Michi picked up her cup to enjoy the scent of the aromatic tea.

"I apologize in husband's stead for his absence. But I assure you, had he not been caught up by recent complications, he would have been here to welcome you."

Only then did Poppy pick up her cup of tea and chose to sniff it peacefully instead of drink it.

'Over the recent excitements... I forgot how dull nobility can be over pretenses,' Nik sighed internally.

Michi and Poppy engaged in a small chat and began sipping their tea. Half of their chat centered around the tea itself. This is what usually happens. The host should always be gracious enough to present a topic for a small and polite conversation. Usually, it's something rare and this time, it happened to be this tea.

Resisting the urge to swipe the pot and then later sample the tea to see what the fuss was about, Nik idly observed his surroundings subtly until Michi hummed and steered the conversation away. Since she came upon uninvited, it was about time she lied about her agenda.

"Gaoling is a very prosperous Colony. I was told it is peaceful, too... so I set from Omashu with all but a single guard. Fortunately, he is well-trained and could even pass as an elite firebender. He kept me safe during our journey as bandits, beasts, and dangerous natural traps threatened to treat me worse than ever." A gentle sigh escaped Michi's lips while Poppy glanced at Nik, smiling, "Gaoling has indeed begun to face some... meager hiccups. Trusted guards are our second life, it is a fortune I can meet such a valiant warrior."

"Oh, he is much more than a warrior," Michi chuckled, "Once we return, I intend to promote him. I'm sure, Mayor Bumi wouldn't mind me being whimsical at times."

Even if she'd been kicked on the head, Michi wouldn't call anyone but Ozai the king in this day and age... only Bumi was crazy enough to call himself one. Well, he was leading an uprising from the shadows so defiance meant little to him.

But it made Poppy smile in sincere relief.

"Speaking of Bandits, I am told that despite the ferocious teams of benders... a little bandit has managed to make a name for themselves by entering the Beifong estate and committing plundering," Michi set her cup down, "Maybe I could be of assistance. Precisely, maybe the man I have sponsored, oh so daringly, can be of assistance."

Nik: "...?!"

He'd been pimped out!

The foxy smirk on Michi as she looked at him revealed just how much she could manipulate when she wanted to. As demure and accepting as she may be, Nik only served to unlock their darker selves with each session of pinning down. Of course, he balanced the chaotic darkness with his sloppy whites so...

It's a give and take.

Seeing that Michi was now trying to enjoy more so than fussing over him like the time when she heard about his injuries, Nik smiled in relief under his mask and lowered his head in mock submission, "If it is your will, Mistress."

And given how Michi's eyes curved... she was definitely enjoyed herself and realized the charm of a 'submissive' Nik that other girls gossiped about.

Poppy considered Michi's words for a second. Although Michi still hadn't revealed what she wanted, things weren't often so simple in their circle. Realizing that Michi's agenda was tied to probably showing her guard off, as she explicitly stated to have sponsored, Poppy agreed.

"It would be an honor to host Mistress Michi. Although it is highly rude of our family to request assistance as you have just arrived... let me assure you, once this Blind Bandit is caught, we can have a hearty discussion.

Allow our guide to show you to your room. By dusk, we shall rejoin at the dinner table."

Michi nodded and pointed out, "I would be in your debt if my guard's quarters is closer to mine... I would feel restless if someone so capable is not guarding me whenever possible."

Poppy nodded as both the woman stood.

At this moment, a figure stumbled down on the ground with a quiet 'ow' escaping her lips.

Nik looked in the direction of the entrance of the main mansion and found a young girl wearing a similar leafy green dress on her knees as she patted the ground.

"Toph, darling!" Poppy's expression changed that very instant as she rushed out of the pavilion but ended up stumbling down on the ground herself.

For a second, Nik observed the young girl's expression freeze and the next second, despite not looking in their direction particularly, the girl let out an even softer annoyed snort. Others couldn't hear it but he could.

"Please be careful," being the closest, Nik helped her up with ease as Poppy regained her composure with an embarrassed flush. Instead of looking at Nik, the woman glanced at Michi and bowed slightly, "Please excuse my rude behavior. That's my daughter. Ehm, help her up!"

She glared at her guard who was all too stunned by things and finally looked at Nik. In such proximity, her light green pupils reflected her interest as she peered into the mask's eye hole and smiled appreciatively, "Valiant indeed."

'Oohhh, mama!'


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