Chapter 66: Chapter 66: Failure (18+)

I decided to wear the merchant guild’s employee uniform and act like a door-to-door salesperson for the day.
“You’re dressed as a merchant today,” Petra said as she ran.
“Yeah,” I said. Brown pants, white sherwani, and a green stole with the merchant guild’s emblem is the standard outfit for a merchant guild employee. “Take a right.”

When we reached the target’s home, I stepped down from the rickshaw.
Petra’s stomach grumbled. “Ah, sorry.” She blushed.
“We’ll go for lunch after this house,” I said.
“Yes, big sis!” She nodded.
“Didn’t I…” I gave up halfway through the sentence. There was no point telling her to call me Sherrie. No matter how many times I tell her, she keeps going back to ‘big sis.’ “Nevermind,” I said and walked up the small flight of stairs and knocked on the front door. Then I turned and  said to Petra, “Wait by the curb.”
“Yes, big sis.” She moved the rickshaw away from the house’s driveway just as the husband opened the door.

In his arm was a baby, and hiding behind his legs was a small child. Hmm, this is going to be difficult, I thought. “Hello!” I said with a cheerful salesperson smile.
“Hello.” His eyes scanned over me lustily but only for a moment. He shook his head, regained his composure, and said, “We’re not looking to buy anything.” And tried to close the door. I blocked him from closing the door using my shoulder. The presence of the kids was helping him suppress his lustful instincts.
“Who is it?” I heard another man’s voice coming from inside the house.
“A salesperson.” He said, still trying to close the door.
“What do they want to sell?” The second husband stopped him from closing the door and took a look at me. His charm resistance was much lower because he said, “You should come in. I’ll make us some tea.”
“What?” The first husband was shocked.
“Let her in, Kai.” He brushed a lock of hair behind his ear and said, “I want to hear what she has to say.”
“Jay, you know mama won’t let you buy anything,” Kai said.
Do they call their wife mama?
“I know!” Jay shouted. “I just want to know what she’s selling.”
“Fine.” They let me into their home.
“Thank you,” I said, and Kai wryly smiled. I took a look at both of them with [look-a-look]. Kai had 2255 points, and Jay had 1078 points. I licked my lips; it’d be a huge boon if I could get them both.
Another small girl came up to me, looked me up and down with her blue eyes, and ran back to the kitchen.
“Your kids are very cute,” I told Kai, who took a seat far from me. He  sat on a chair at the other end of the room while I sat on the sofa. He rocked the baby in his arms while the other child continued to hide behind him. “Three children, that must be hectic.”
“We have 4. The oldest is at grammar school right now.” Kai said.
“Oh, must be hard.” I smiled.
“It’s fine. Jay and I can handle it.” He smiled.
“I’m sure.” I smiled back.
“So, what are you trying to sell?”
I launched into my pre-prepared lie. “You can currently pre-order golems. The merchant guild will soon offer golems as one of its  purchasable goods.”
“Golems? Aren’t they very expensive?”
“Well, yes, but thanks to new mechanical and alchemical innovations, we’ll be able to make it for half the price of what they’re going for in the markets now. And we’re offering an additional 10% discount if you pre-order now.”
“Hmm. I don’t know. You’ll have to talk to mama about it.”
“Yes, I understand. But with 4 children, I’m sure the workload gets hectic. A golem can help with that.”
“Here’s tea and cookies.” Jay showed up with a tea tray.
“Oh, thank you,” I said. Jay, unlike Kai, sat down right beside me. I smiled and scooched closer so our shoulders would touch. “I was just telling your brother about the golems we’ll be offering our customers  soon.”
“Oh, golems, aren’t they expensive?” He asked the same question. The girl with the blue eyes sat down beside Kai and picked up some cookies  to nibble on.
“It’s a lot cheaper now,” I said with a smile as I caressed his thigh. “I’m sure it’ll help with taking care of 4 kids. You should persuade your wife to get you one.”
“Oh, sure. I can talk to her.” Jay agreed.
“Jay!” Kai wasn’t so agreeable. “I thought we talked about having another baby.”
“Huh?” I was confused.
“Do you think mama will have a 5th one if we complain about having 4? She’s already hesitating.”
“Oh, right. Mama won’t buy us a golem Ms. Salesperson.”
“Oh, ah… Maybe we can think of another payment method.” I moved my hand closer to his crotch. “We can talk about it privately.”
Jay smiled, but Kai bolted up from his chair, paced to the sofa, handed the baby to Jay, and said, “Go upstairs, take the children with you.” Displeased, Kai grabbed my wrist and forcefully moved my hands away from Jay’s crotch. I looked away and pretended like nothing had happened.
“No, I didn’t mean to-” Jay tried to make excuses.
“We’ll talk about this later. Go. Now. I’ll talk to her alone.” Kai said, pointing at me. For a moment, I was worried this target was a failure, but the moment he said, ‘alone,’ I thought perfect, that should help with seducing him. But as if he’d read my mind, he grabbed the  little blue-eyed girl’s arm and said, “Kat, you stay with me.” He looked at me like he knew he’d get charmed if he was left alone with me. I frowned.
Then when we were both alone in the room, he said, “What you did was incredibly inappropriate. Is this what the merchant guild is up to these days.” I looked at him and wondered how I could get him in bed. He looked cute when angry. “You can expect me to file a formal complaint.” He got angrier, seeing as I wasn’t taking him seriously and just ogling  him.
“Ah, don’t do that,” I said. I wasn’t too worried since I knew they wouldn’t look too much into these things. A househusband’s complaints would be low priority to everyone but his wife. Still, there was the slim possibility they might look into it. Thankfully, I knew just what  to do when men got this angry. Appeal to their empathetic side by begging. “Please, I need this job. If I get fired, I won’t be able to feed my little brother and pay for my mom’s medicine.” I lied through my teeth.
He became visibly uncertain. “Well, you should’ve thought of that before you tried hitting on us!”
“Daddy, is something wrong?” The little blue-eyed girl asked.
“No, nothing’s wrong, honey.”
I tried to get closer to him and caress his shoulder. “But I need to level up; that’s the only way I can help my mom.” When everything else fails, I go to sob stories.
“No! Don’t touch me.” He turned away. “You need to leave! You need to leave now!”
“But babe-”
“I’m not your babe! Out now, or I’ll report you.”
“Come on, babe, help me out.” I closed the distance, pressed my breast against him, and tried to kiss him.
He twisted his head away and pushed me away. The little girl got in the middle and screamed, “Get out! Dad doesn’t like you!” Then she charged  at me and pushed my stomach. She was too small to make me budge. “Get  out! When mom gets back, she’ll beat you up.”
“Kat!” Kai yelled.
I sighed. I realized this one was a failure. “Alright,” I said. “I’ll leave.” This was my 3rd failure. I could only cheer myself up by reminding myself that hitting more than 20 targets and only having 3 failures was pretty good. The little girl pushed me as I moved to the door. “Please, don’t tell anyone,” I said one last time before leaving the house to mostly save myself any embarrassment.
“Hmm.” He hummed. “I’ll think about it. But I don’t want to see you ever again.” And from his response, I could tell he didn’t want to pursue this either. This was another effect of the bracelet of eros; it’s hard  to feel animosity towards someone you’re charmed by, after all.
“Okay,” I admitted defeat. If the girl wasn’t here, I would’ve been more aggressive… I sighed. This was the good and the bad of The Bracelet of Eros’ charm magic; unlike the Toad potions, which forced men into compliance, the bracelet only helped set the mood. And if there are children or something else to kill that mood, then the magic was greatly hindered. The other homes I failed at also had children running around. I could only express my annoyance by sighing again.
The moment I stepped through the door, Kat yelled, “And stay out!”
I smiled wryly as I walked back to the rickshaw.

Petra saw the angry little girl at the front door and asked, “What happened?”
“Nothing. Let’s go for lunch.”
“Oh, okay.” She didn’t ask any more questions.


We had lunch at Petra’s favorite food stand again.
I looked her over and wondered what to do…
“Do you work for a company?” I asked.
“Yeah, Stella and Stacy’s Wheels.” She said.
“Is that a rickshaw company?” There are a lot of small companies that rent out rickshaws to pullers.

You are reading story Ero-Game: Power and Sword at

“Yeah.” She nodded. “But if I have to be an adventurer… I can quit.” She didn’t sound too enthusiastic about it. I thought she was an idiot, but I guess you don’t have to be too smart to know what’s dangerous. Did I just diss myself?

“Can you drive a horse?” I asked.

“A horse?” She repeated.

I needed a driver, and if she’s going to stick around me… “Yeah. You ever drove a carriage before?”

“A carriage? No.” She shook her head and said with her mouth full.

“Don’t answer till you finished swallowing.” I told her before asking, “Do you want to drive a carriage? Do you think you could drive a carriage?”

She chewed, swallowed, and said, “Yeah. I was going to become one. I told my brother just that; I was saving up to rent a carriage.”

“Oh, how much have you saved up?” I asked.

“Oh… Ah… 2 coppers.” She mumbled.

“And you’ve never driven one either.” She refused to make eye contact with me. “Okay… Ah… Are you serious about sticking around with me?” I still didn’t really consider her a ‘sister.’ If she was going to continue being a rickshaw driver, I would not stop her. I could always hire another driver.

“Yes, big sis! Of course.” She nodded.

I sighed. “Okay, then quit your job.”

“Okay. I’ll quit tomorrow.” She said without hesitation.

“Okay. You’ll be paid 1 silver per week.” That’s a pretty good salary for an inexperienced driver like her. I gave her 1 silver per day before because I thought it was temporary.

“Okay.” She nodded.

“How much were you making before I showed up?”

“Oh… Around 2 or 3 coppers a day.”

“Why so low?” It’s one copper per ride, so I couldn’t imagine how she was making so little.

“You don’t understand. It’s hard to find people, and then they leave you in the middle of nowhere.” She spoke frantically like she’d had to explain herself many times before. I had never seen her like this. “And you have to run all the way back. I get the worst people, and they make me go to the port if I don’t find anyone, and then they blame me for not finding anyone. The port is the worst. People always want a carriage at the port, and even when you find someone, they want to go to the middle of nowhere, and then they complain about how slow I am. Half the bitches don’t even pay. Or they want to pay half a copper! How am I supposed to get half a copper? They want me to make a tab! Like I’ll ever meet them again. I hate picking up adventurers.” There she stopped, looked at me, and corrected herself. “I mean, not all adventurers. Just a lot of them. Some of them… don’t… pay…” She stopped talking.

“Okay, whatever.” I didn’t care. “Then turn in your rickshaw tomorrow.”

“Aren’t you going pick up men tomorrow?” She asked.

I shook my head. “No.” I was done. I could go for 100s and the like, but it didn’t interest me. There are other men in the 1000s in the city, but they weren’t worth the risk. The next thing I needed to do was… Well, first, Bella needs to finish the lab. “We’ll rent a carriage tomorrow.”

“You’re going to get me a carriage?”

“Yeah. Didn’t I already say that? What do you think I was going to pay you for?”

“Oh, okay.”

Dark clouds grew heavy, and the winds flowed through the streets of Delaron, stealing hats and fluttering scarfs.
We finished our lunch, and I directed her to the last house on my list.


The moment I saw the husband, I knew this would be easy. I have had a few like this as well, and I’m lucky to get one right after a rejection. He was in studdy short shorts and a crop top, showing off his bulge and toned abs.
“Oh, what’s a cute girl doing at my door?” He asked and bit his lower lip.
I smiled and asked, “Can I come in.”
“Sure.” He moved aside and let me in without even a question.
After entering, I turned around and slapped his ass as he closed the door. “Nice cake.”
He jolted around in shock. I stood my ground with my hands on my hips and looked straight into his eyes. “Thanks.” He smiled.
I smirked and said, “You’re welcome.” I looked around at his home. I felt in no rush. I felt like a girl in a candy shop where all the candy was for her taking. I closed in on him and caressed his package. “Where’s your wife?” I asked, leaning my boobs against him.
“She’s at work.” He said and let out a moan, “Aw.”
“What’s a woman doing leaving a popsicle like you all alone.”
“Aw? I wonder. Maybe a bad girl will eat me today.” He said, humping my hand that was caressing him. What a horny little monkey. You can’t leave  horny men like this all alone and expect them to stay loyal.
“I’m here to sell you a mattress. A bouncy squeaky mattress.” I told him.
“We already have a mattress.” He breathed. Then he whispered into my ear, “But you could add a little bounce.” I was just holding out my hand at this point; he was humping it by himself. Then we stared into each other’s eyes, and he breathed, “And it can get real squeaky when a strong woman pussies me down.” He was challenging me. He was taunting me to use him. I could tell he was one of those men who idolized martials and looked down on magicians and liked it rough in the bedroom. I hated the discrimination between martials and magicians, but some men were like that; they needed to be held down and shown the difference between men and women. They got off on it. I bet he’d get happy if I used  telekinesis to choke him and bring him down to his knees. Instead, I reached in his short shorts and grabbed his dick. Then I tugged him up the stairs. I had been in enough of these houses to know the general layout. As soon as we entered the bedroom, he asked, “How do you want me? I’m hard.” I looked down at his dick and pulled his foreskin back. It was a pleasant sight. A bead of pre-cum formed at the tip. “My dick wants a hot slut.” He caressed my crotch.
That was the last straw. I started unbuckling my belt and commanded, “Get on the bed. Get on the bed now and take off your short shorts.” He complied immediately and took off his short shorts and crop top. He laid down on the bed, spread his legs open, and brought his knees in line with his chest. He wanted me to do him amazonian style - what a submissive little stud. And to add the cherry on top, he said, “Fuck me. Conquer me on my matrimonial bed. Make me your stupid stud.” Did he hate his wife? But that didn’t matter. I almost ripped my pants, trying  to get them off. He watched me hop around awkwardly on one leg while  taking off my pants and panties. As soon as they were off, I angrily threw them aside and jumped on the bed.
I exhaled hot breath as I squatted on top of him. I grabbed his hot dick and rubbed his pre-cum along my slit. “Give it to me. Give me your wet pussy!” He screamed. I obliged him and engulfed his hard dick with my wet snatch. I bit my lower lip as I took him in deep. “O, fuck.” He said and threw his head back. I took hold of his curling feet and thrust my hips hard against him. I wanted to prove magicians were just as good as martials, so I smashed him as hard as I could. “Aw. Aw. Aw.” He moaned.
“Yeah, you like that plush pussy.” I asked while sliding his dick all the way in. It felt so cathartic swamping a martial’s husband.
I thought I was doing a good job until he said, “Harder. Fuck me, harder.”
How hard does his wife fuck him? I was already going hard. But I gritted my teeth and picked up the pace. I swamped his dick with all my might.
The bed was bouncing and squeaking, and he was moaning like a little boy, but we didn’t miss the sound of the door opening downstairs. My body stopped instantly.
“That’s my wife.” He said.
“She’s a level 28 martial.” That was not good news. “You should get out.”
But I didn’t get the points yet.
“Edvard!” I heard her voice yell for him.
“She’s looking for me. She’s coming up.” He said and then hissed, “You should get out now; she’s level 28. Use the window.”
I wanted to say just a little more, but when I heard her footsteps coming up the stairs, I jumped off of him. “Edvard, are you up there?” I heard the martial’s voice.
Fuck, fuck, fuck… I thought and quickly grabbed my pants and panties. I whispered, “Where are my shoes?”
“You left them downstairs.” He said and got off the bed.
“Fuck, she knows.”
“She probably hasn’t noticed.” He said as he nonchalantly walked over to the window and opened it. It was drizzling outside. “She’d have rushed  up here if she had. She’s a muscle brain. I’ll hide them later.”
“Edvard? Are you in there?” She was at the top of the stairs. The voice sounded close.
“You better leave.” He pointed out the window with his thumb. My bottom half was still naked. My pants and panties were in my hands. “You better leave before she finds you.” He had the cold attitude of a man who’d yawn while watching me get beat up. He was enjoying getting fucked by me  just a moment ago… Stupid prick.
When I saw the door’s knob turn slightly, I locked it with [telekinesis].
“Edvard! Why is the door locked!?” She asked while jiggling the handle.
I climbed out the window. I stood on the roof tiles and asked, “Can I see you again?” I still needed to get his 1675 points. He smirked and closed the window on me without a word. Stupid prick, I thought as I crawled through the roof while holding my pants between my armpits in the drizzling rain. Half naked, I slid down the side of the house jumped over the fence, and ran to Petra. I put on my clothes as I ran back to the rickshaw.
Petra saw me running to her while pulling up my pants and asked, “What happened?”
I looked at her and almost cried. “Nothing,” I told her. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Two failures in one day… My shoes are gone… What the hell’s going on!? I climbed on the rickshaw and said, “Take me back to  the hotel.”


It seemed I wasn’t the only one who had a bad day. At dinner, I noticed Nikola’s face was bruised. She’d gone out in the plumber outfit…
“What happened to your face,” I asked.
“Nothing.” She mumbled.
“I just want to eat.” She said and put food in her mouth.

Yeah, we should both pretend like today didn’t happen.
Outside heavy rain poured.