Chapter 137: A Ballad for a Curious Water Sprite, Part Ten

[... What do I do?] Xhez wondered, as her body glowed under June's stunned gaze. She had no clue what she was looking at, and Xhez knew that if she didn't do anything, that would only get worse in the next few seconds.

However, what options did she have?

[If I run, I do not think that would look good...] She sat up, as June looked up into her eyes, hoping for some sort of answer as to what was going on. [If I try to cast my disguise again, it would simply run out immediately. I'm not about to do anything to hurt June. I would rather she find out about my true nature than do that.]

For a moment, she considered it. Just letting her disguise slip. Allowing June to see her for what she really was, and hoping for the best.

As much as she wanted to believe that it would be alright, though, it made her too nervous to do that. So, instead, she went with the next plan that came to her mind.

She wrapped her arms around June, then, earning a flinch from the other woman.

"X-Xhez? Are you alright?" She asked.

[... I hope this works.]

Xhez then began to sing. A low, calming tone that stretched for a few seconds while her body continued to glow. She tried to do two things at once. Firstly, she tried to maintain her disguise for as long as it would remain, and, second, she pushed as much of her Spirit into her voice as she could.

She wasn't sure what this would do, but if her guess was correct then it would be exactly what she needed. And, as June yawned in her ear, Xhez breathed a sigh of relief as she got what she wanted. She continued to sing, trying her hardest to put the woman to sleep before her disguise expired.

"X-Xhez, what..." June began to tell her, albeit with a slow and messy pronunciation.

And, as Xhez exhausted the last bit of Spirit she had, the woman fell limp in her hands and began snoring.

Carefully, Xhez laid her down on the bed, and let her shoulders slump as her disguise faded. Her heart was racing, but at the same time, the fact that she'd exhausted her Spirit made her feel almost tired enough to join June in her slumber.

Xhez couldn't go to sleep just yet, though. Now, sitting on the bed in her regular blue skin, she had a new problem on her hands.

[What do I do?]

She was out of her disguise, far from the Academy, with no Spirit left to use her magic. She simply didn't have much in the form of options. First, she needed to make it out of this hotel. Then, even if she did, all it would take was one person crying out "monster" for her to be outright killed. Finally, even if she made it all the way to the Academy if any of those adventurers saw her like this, she was done.

Fear wrapped itself around her heart for a few seconds. She felt cornered. Imprisoned. However, she wasn't about to give up just yet.

[Um... Water,] she thought, standing up. [I need water! I can get more Spirit. Where do I get it?] She wondered for just a second. [Bathrooms! Those have water, right?]

On that note, she walked out carefully, looking from one side to another first to see if there was anyone around. The silence in the hallway was deafening as Xhez then took a hesitant step outside of June's room. Once she was out, however, it was time to try to find one of those bathrooms.

With her heart pounding against her chest, Xhez checked one door after another. Most were locked until she arrived at a room to the back. Here, the door allowed her to step through, and what Xhez found on the other side was a dark, cramped room, with various objects in it.

[Oh, right, light switch!] Xhez thought, looking for one before continuing. As she found it, she flipped the thing and the lightbulb above turned on, illuminating this strange space.

To her right, there were what seemed like grey drawers. Ahead, there were some boots and clothes, all of which looked the same. Finally, to her left, there was a bucket with an object sticking out of it. The object was like a wooden pole, sinking into the bucket which held...


Quickly, Xhez rushed and extracted the object from it, tossing it aside. At the end of the wooden pole, there were a bunch of white strings. Xhez didn't care too much about that, however. Instead, she focused on the dark water inside.

Holding the bucket in her hands, she analyzed it for a moment.

[This... This does not look too clean,] she thought, gulping before she shrugged and decided it was the best she could hope for. So, she went and lifted the bucket over herself, before spilling the water onto her body.

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Instantly, she felt her skin burn. She gasped, breathless as she felt the sting of the unclean water enter her. Gritting her teeth, however, she tried to bear the pain, if anything so she could move on to the next step. Getting out of here.

The water she'd spilled onto herself didn't give her much in the form of Spirit. She only got enough to cast her spell again and maintain it for a few minutes. In those minutes, however, she planned to run straight back to the Academy.

First, however, she needed some clothes.

So, she walked back to June's room where she searched some of the drawers. June's things were a bit too big for her, but she didn't have any other options so, she put on the first shirt and set of pants that she could find, disregarding shoes and settling for running back barefoot.

Then, she cast her Illusion spell, and soon, she was back in her human look.

[I do not have much time,] she thought, as she was about to get out of the room. [I need to...]


Junes voice spoke up behind her, and Xhez froze.

She turned around and saw that June was attempting to sit up, though she still looked sleepy.

[Did... Was my voice not powerful enough?]

"Xhez, what are you...?" She said as she yawned.

"Um, June," Xhez walked back to the bed, "it is okay! You should rest."

"Rest?" June tilted her head. "D-Did I fall asleep?"

"Yes, it is quite late for a human to be up at this time!" Xhez said with a reassuring smile. "Do not worry, however! I am sure that if you get the rest you need your body will be right back to normal!"

"... What are you talking about?" June asked with a chuckle, shaking her head as though trying to wake herself up. "So... You aren't...?"

"I do not know! B-But I must leave!"

"Wait," June said. "Are you..." She looked worried for a moment. "Will I be seeing you, again?"

"Of course!" Xhez said with a wide smile. "I can come back some other day. But... I should get back home, for now. Goodbye!"

And, on that note, she all but ran out the door before June could respond. Her heart thudded in her ears, but she needed to maintain her focus.

[Alright,] she thought, putting on a determined expression. [Now... I must make it to the Academy before my disguise runs out. Please, please, let this work!]



So, I asked my Patrons and they let me know they'd rather have longer chapters, even if it meant slower releases.

We're trying that out. That means chapters are going to come out around every 4 days, but you'll see in a bit that they're a lot longer than normal. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the stuff coming up!