The ritual takes three hours, and I get a new member to my peerage. Unlike Shirou, who was worth one pawn when I reincarnated him, Illya, on the other hand, was worth three pawns. I thought that I needed at least five pawns to reincarnate her, or I needed to use my mutated bishop piece. Lucky for me, I did not need to do that.
Illya has a massive reserve, that is true, but it is still in the realm of the middle class of my world. A high middle-class but still in the middle-class nonetheless. Hell, many of the so-called high-class devils in the underworld have lower reserves than her.
She indeed gets an infinite supply of mana from the grail. The lesser grail inside Illya's heart generates some sort of forcefield around her that makes the 'air' around her dense with mana. This forcefield will feed her magic circuit to replenish her od.
With the grail taken, her infinite mana mechanism is also gone.
Also, Illya did not have an unlimited mana supply anyway because she got it from the leyline where the grail was located. While Leyline has a massive amount of mana, it still has a cap, and when that cap is reached, she will lose that mechanism, as Medea told me.
After I finished taking care of the Illya problem, I got another one. Sakura decides she also wants to become a devil. She said that she wants to stay with her senpai for a long time, and with her being a human, she cannot do that.
She was worth one pawn and only left me with two pawn pieces left. It looks like by changing her element from Imaginary Number or Hollow. Her worth is decreasing by much. Not only that, her affinity and origin also get damaged by what Zouken does to her. Medea says that it will recover within time, but it will take some time.
I could have rejected her request, but I did not have the heart to do it, especially when she looked at me like that.
Anyway, Hermione and I arrive inside the tea shop in Verde, the biggest shopping center in this city. When both of us arrive, we immediately order up some tea and sweets. We waited for ten minutes before I saw Rin Tohsaka walk toward us wearing her usual red shirt and short black skirt.
I called Rin, and a few seconds later, she sat next to us.
"Please order anything you want. I will be the one paying."
I already sold some jewels to a pawnshop at a high price with the help of magic. Where do I get the jewel? From my pocket dimension.
I have a few million yen I can use.
Rin looked at me for a second before calling the waitress. She asked for a few items from the menu before looking at me.
"So, what kind of offer do you want to give me?"
I give her a piece of paper and let her read it. I want her as my waifu, but I need something that makes her willing to become one. Because of this, I paid up for information about the Rin of this world. It cost me one hundred points, and I was not disappointed.
This Rin comes from the timeline where she became TOHSAKA, also known as Counter Guardian Rin Tohsaka, code: Grail. She is the one that has a bad experience with the Grail. Her family loses their prestige when they keep losing in the Grail War. Her father died from the Holy Grail War. Lastly, she is tied to a massive debt from her father trying to win the Holy Grail War.
Because of this, I called the company to give me a contract to make Rin my waifu. In exchange for being my Waifu, I will give her a resource to increase her understanding of magecraft. Not only that, but I will also pay up her debt in the form of a jewel just like the Geis her father signed up for in the contract.
I also offered to make her my peerage member. I already listed the pros and cons of being a devil.
It takes her a few minutes to read all the written contracts before saying.
"Is this for real?"
"Yes. I'm willing to swear on it. "
"I need more proof."
"Then you can come to our home. Don't worry. I am willing to sign a geis not to harm you."
You are reading story How I Become a Flaming Turkey at
Rin looked at me for a few seconds before saying.
"No need."
I nod my head and continue to enjoy the tea.
~A few minutes later~
I smirk a little when I can still see the shocked face of Rin when she and Archer get teleported into my base. The reason why I did not mind showing her and the archer my ability? The company guaranteed the safety of my secret when the procedure of binding was going on, and right now, I'm currently in the process of trying to bind Rin into my waifu.
If she rejects my offer, she cannot tell anyone about me. She knows about my existence and my power, but she cannot do anything about it. Even a mind-reading spell cannot penetrate this effect. The company is really strict about their business.
"Welcome to our base…."
Before I could finish my sentences, an explosion happened in the backyard.
"What was that?"
"It was just sparring… they… sometimes get overboard."
I lead them to the backyard, and true to my word, Shirou, Illya, and Sakura fight against Mordred and Hermione. Hermione, for some reason, became the vanguard. I think she got an enchantment from Medea.
I can feel the hate coming from Rin's back. It looks like Archer still wants to kill Shirou even though he is different from the one from his timeline.
I look at Rin, and I can see a conflicted feeling inside her head when she sees Sakura.
"Anyway, come on. Let me introduce you to my partner."
I lead Rin and Archer to Hugo, who is watching the fight and says,
"Riser! Who is this?"
"She is Rin Tohsaka, and she wants to see the company."
"Oh! Go ahead. However, make sure Archer did not get inside the portal. A spirit cannot handle the company hub. They will die or get devoured by one of the patrons. I hear Fey really likes toying with a spirit, and I did not have the heart to see Archer get toyed with by something worse than Alaya."
I facepalmed myself when Hugo said that. I look to the side and see Rin raise her eyebrow when she hears that. I release a sigh for a second before opening up the portal to the company hub.
"Come on. Let's not waste any more time. Just make sure you did not glance into any portal that appeared out of thin air that I did not summon. I did not want you to goes insane."
"Anyway, come on!"