All Nick can see is darkness. Although he is happy about one thing, the pain is not there anymore. But doesn't that mean he is dead! Now Nick was a little scared.
"Wait, I can't waste time like this. Let's take a step back and think about it" Nick finally calmed down, "Okay, so I am in a new world and people call me 'Prince Leo' in this new world". A huge grin came all over his face, 'hehe that's a lot better than the last life I had before.
"Seems like my body is still adjusting to this new world, and what the hell is with the sudden head ace. Even my last death was not that painful", "Once I wake up, I need to play it safe. Though that maid was cute, my instinct tells me she is strong".
Nick always had this instinct like an animal, he can sense the individual's battle potential, but still, because of his fighting nature, he'll always find himself in a fight with people stronger than him.
Crack** crack** Nick can see cracks forming all around the darkness. Now he can sense his limbs moving, previously it was difficult for him to move around, but now he was gaining control over his senses. Crack** It was like he was inside a black glass sphere and cracks were forming all around the sphere.
Shatter** Shatter** the darkness shattered. He was feeling something soft and squishy in his hands, and it feels like his head was in between clouds.
Nick opened his eyes and found himself in between the breasts of a beautiful naked lady. She was holding him like a baby. He can feel he was holding her ass in one hand.
"So you finally woke up little prince, you scared us all" The beauty of the lady put Nick in a daze, for a moment there it was like someone has put him under a spell or something.
"Miss Angelica.." the words just came out of Nick's mouth as if he knew her all his life. The woman gave him a warm smile. "It's about time you start developing an interest in a female body, won't you agree?" she was speaking to him like she was speaking to a child.
Just then Nick realized he was grabbing the woman's ass, but that was not the end of it, the woman was naked and even he was in his birthday suit. For some reason, Nick knew her, not just her but almost everyone inside the room.
"So seems like the memories of this body are getting in sync with me, but why are these memories in pieces?" Nick thought to himself before replying, "I am sorry Miss Angelica".
Hearing the words coming out of Nick's mouth, Angelica's eyes widened, it was not just Angelica but the maid and the two beautiful girls who were also in shock.
"Miss Angelica, do you know what happened?" Bella asked. Angelica positioned her hand on Nick's head "I am not sure Miss Bella, but it seems like with the awakening of his core the mana veins which were blocked inside his brain are cleared"
***6 hours ago***
2 beautiful girls rushed inside the royal court directly toward the chamber of the head healer. Ahh... Ahh.. mmm.. noises were coming from the chamber. Even though they were in a rush they made sure to knock before entering.
The chamber was like a library there were shelves all around the chamber but instead of books, the shelves were full of small bottles of glowing liquid and herbs.
At the center of the chamber, a beautiful naked woman was on her all four, she had long blue hair with milky white skin. She has a perfect body with huge breasts which are wobbling with each thrust from a man standing behind her.
An old man with a long beard is moving his hips with all his power and the woman is shouting like crazy Ahh...Ahh..yes..harder... Jim.. harder" both of them were soaked in sweat.
The beautiful girls walked in after a knock, "Master Jim something is wrong with Little Prince please hurry Miss Bella is calling for a healer"
The man slowed down and looked toward the girls, "that brat what happened to him now?" "We are not sure but the Prince was screaming in agony" "Can't it wait just a little bit.." but before Jim can complete his words, Angelica slowly pushed Jim aside.
"Jim he is our Little Prince, we can continue this later right now our priority is the Prince" "Angelica you are always soft towards that boy, he is not our son, even the King himself does not consider him his son, he is just a boy with mental illness" these words made Angelica furious "If you are not going to help him get out of my way I am going".
Jim knew he messed up, now he won't be able to fuck Angelica for at least a week that's what it means to make Angelica mad. He slowly moved out of her way. Angelica stood up and with a wave of her hand, a white silk dress covered her body out of thin air. "Let's go girls" "Hey guards, on your way out can you send one of the slaves standing outside I still haven't release..." but before Jim can complete the sentence Angelica smashed the door. "Sigh.." was the only thing that came out of the old man's mouth.
You are reading story Restart in the new world at
Bella was holding Prince Leo's head in her lap, Leo was burning up! Bash** the door swung open and Angelica rushed through the door. "What happened Bella? He was all right yesterday" saying that she moved toward Leo and placed her hands on his forehead, a light blue aura was covering her hand.
"I don't know Miss Angelica, one minute he was okay and another minute he started screaming" Bella started explaining in a worried tone.
"That's impossible", "What happened Miss Angelica?", "This boy.. he is in an awakening comma", "What? how is this possible?", "Even I am not sure usually the awakening of core happens once a child reaches the age 5, but Leo never awakened his core and on top of that he had a mana vein blockage in his brain so we could not try and force awaken his core nor could we operate on the mana vein as the chances of success were very low and there was a high chance Prince would have not survived the process"
"Move Miss Bella now that it has come to this I need to guide his mana flow to the core he may not be able to do it by himself" "Will the prince be alright?", "I cannot say for sure but let's hope for the best, you two let the Queen know about the situation"
Saying this Angelica removed all her clothes, meanwhile, Bella got Leo naked and placed him on Angelica's lap like a baby. Angelica put Leo's head between her breasts and placed her hands on Leo's back. Both of their bodies started to glow in a blue aura.
**Back to Present**
Hearing that Leo was not mentally ill anymore Bella was so happy that tears started rolling out of her eyes. Nick let go of Angelica's ass and putting some distance between Angelica and Bella stood up on the bed.
Even though a lot of things were going on at once he kept his cool and analyzed the situation he was in.
Bang** the door was open with a swing, A woman in a light blue dress with raven color hair rushed inside and grabbed the boy, and pressed his head in between her bosom "Man every second a new pair of breasts, I am loving it here already" thinking that he said, "I am alright Mom, please let go of me".
Hearing the clear words coming out of the boy's mouth the woman started to shed tears just like Bella and squeezed him once again between her breast.
After some time when everyone settled down, Nick realized that he is still naked in front of everyone. Nick immediately picked up the clothes from the floor and dressed up.
Everyone started giggling seeing Nick rushing to get dressed, "hehe... So our little prince is getting embarrassed now"
"Leo, now you can move back to the palace", "Mom can we talk about it later? I am still feeling heavy headed, I would like to take some rest if it's okay with you"
"Sure Leo you take a rest, Mother will not disturb you and don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything. I will also send out a letter to your father and brother letting them know about your situation at the earliest" saying that everyone moved outside the door "Bella please take care of my boy" Bella bowed her head "Yes, my lady".
Nick closed his eyes and everything started to come back to him. "So Leo was mentally ill all these years and because of this his father was ashamed of him, maybe that's why he put him outside the palace under Bella's care. What kind of father does that?"
"But this is good for me. I can just be Leo, but before that, I need to learn more about this world as fast as I can" thinking that he closed his eyes.
Now that Nick and Leo's memories are getting synchronized Nick is not even sure if he is Nick anymore. Nick opened his eyes and light of determination was inside his eyes. "As of today, he is Leo. Nick died the night of the accident and was reborn as Leo". Slowly he whispered "I am Leo"
Inside a dark chamber an old man trying to seduce a beautiful woman.
"Is it true? the mana vein blockage inside his brain has cleared?" Jim asked the beautiful blue-haired lady Anjelica slipping his right hand under her dress. "Hmm... Yes, but there is something I haven't told them about yet" she grabbed his hand and pushed him away. It was expected by Jim, so giving up on sex while shaking his head he asked "What is it? something wrong?". Anyone can tell by the look on her face that she was struggling to decide if she should talk about it or not. "Damn it, women I am your husband, who else will be a suitable candidate to share a secret," Jim said with an annoyed face
Angelica smiled she knew Jim was trying to light up her mood "It's about his mana", "What about his mana?", "You see it's already a very unique case where the boy got his core awakened after such a long time, maybe it is the only case in the world" Jim agreed with her with a nod "While he was in the awakening comma I forced my mana to guide his mana to the core", "Well that was expected after all his case was unique", said Jim calmly listing to Angelica.
With a concerned voice, Angelica said "I think I felt two different mana inside the boy's body, one was as bright and warm as the sun and another was dark and cold as a chilly winter and after that, all the mana was lost I couldn't feel any mana from the boy anymore" Jim gave a surprising look and was about to speak but got cut off by Angelica "I know... I know... maybe I made a mistake but I am a little worried. After going through all this, what if he cannot channel mana? Until now he was mentally ill it was okay for him not to be able to cultivate but now things are different you do know how much I love that boy he is like my son", Jim hugged Angelica and gave her a peck on the lips, "I know... I may act like I don't care about that boy in front of everyone but you know that I love him too... right?" Angelica nodded, Jim continued "For now we should be happy that the boy is healed, we can worry about his mana cultivation when the time comes"