Chapter 34: Sad News

Everyone, due to extremely heavy rainfall in my city of Rudrapur, Uttarakhand last evening, my house has been completely flooded & all my equipments and commodities are destroyed completely.

I am still trapped in a rooftop, hoping for it to be normal soon, but I assume that all of my belongings have been lost.

I decided to write to you, since I felt that stopping the release without informing you guys would be too irresponsible, since I wanted to continue writing.

I hope to be able to write again sooner than later, but my circumstances would dictate the future, so I hope to have your forgiveness everyone if I have spoilt your enthusiasm.

I would also like to request any of you if any help would be possible, though I understand that everyone has their own problems and circumstances, hence it's okay if you guys cannot do so.

I hope to be able to survive & recover safely, hoping for the day that this flood drowned pheonix would rise again from it's ashes.

Thank you for listening everyone... & Sorry for being a spoil sport.

This is ImmortalGod signing off...

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