For the purposes of this book, there are three parts to connecting wwith other people: meeting, establishing rapport and communicating. These three parts happen quickly and tend to overlap and blend into each other. Our goal is to make them as natural, fluid and easy as possible, andabove all to make them enjoyable and rewarding.
Obviously, you begin the connecting process bymeeting people. Sometimes you meet someone bychance—the woman on the train who turns out to shareyour passion for Bogart movies. And sometimes it's bychoice—the man your cousin introduced you to becausehe loves Shakespeare, fine wines and bungee jumping,just like you.
If meeting is the physical coming together of twoor more people, then communicating is what we dofrom the moment we are fully aware of another's pres-ence. And between these two events—meeting andcommunicating—lies the 90-second land of rapport thatlinks them together.