Attraction is present everywhere in the universe.
Whether you want to call it magnetism, polarity,electricity, thought, intelligence or charisma, it's stillattraction, and it invests everything—animal, vegetableor mineral. We form synchronized partnerships naturally,and although they are hardly noticeable to some,they are quite tangible to others.
We have always relied on emotional contact and signalsfrom our parents, peers, teachers and friends toguide us through our lives. We are influenced by theiremotional feedback, their gestures and their way ofdoing things. When your mother or father sat a certainway, you would do the same; if a cool friend or a moviestar walks a certain way, you might adopt a similar gait.
We learn by aligning ourselves with the signals otherpeople send us. They impress their way of being on us.
We synchronize what we like about them.
People with common interests have natural rapport.
The reason you get along so well with your close friendsis that you have similar interests, similar opinions andmaybe even similar ways of doing things. Sure, you willoften find plenty to differ on and argue about, but essentiallyyou are very much like each other.
We human beings are social animals. We live in com29munities. It's far more "normal" and even logical for peopleto get along with one another than it is for them toargue, fight and not get along. The irony is that societyhas conditioned us to be afraid of each other—to set upboundaries between ourselves and others. We live in asociety that pretends to find its unity through love butin actuality finds it through fear. The media scare us halfto death with headlines and advertisements continuallytelling us of earthquakes and airplane crashes and askingus if we have enough insurance, are we too fat, toothin, does the smoke detector work and what aboutthose high funeral expenses? Natural rapport is a primerequirement for our sanity, our evolution and, indeed,our survival.