Our boy-genius protagonist decides that he's bored of his world and attempts to travel to the Marvel Multiverse to start a new life. ________________________________________ The story takes place in a marvel universe that is fusion of 616 in the comics and the MCU. Some of the Marvel characters are warped a little, but not much. Some of the situations that Marvel characters have to deal with would never happen in a comic or the MCU because it just wouldn't sell. BUT the characters do react in a way that is entirely plausible considering the characters' backstories. I don't correct actual grammar mistakes because I do them on purpose for writing purposes, but I do enjoy people correcting spelling/ editorial mistakes that slip through the software (I do go back and delete those comments though since they take up too much space). If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, then the comment section is the place (I do make super long or irrelevant comments into spoilers. I haven't had any actual spoilers, but I'll delete the comment if that's the case) (Art is not mine, but maybe I'll commission someone to draw one for me)