Chapter 17 - Dinner
Monday 3:00 p.m.
Outside Midtown Highschool
Tyler Riddle
With a simple test, I'll have given myself an extra 35 hours a week by this time next week. My school counselor did have some concerns about me signing up for a GED test this time of year, as I would graduate in a couple months anyways, but I need the extra free time without johny law breathing down my neck. I could have chosen to drop out, but I don't want to set a bad example for Nia. She might drop out so she can spend more time with me, but if I force her to complete her education like me, then she'll have to stick with it. While a little crafty at times, she doesn't have the best book smarts, so she isn't getting her own GED anytime soon.
I told Gwen about my plans to test out and start a company. Needless to say, she wasn't all too enthusiastic about them. Even geniuses go to college, but I've learned everything a university is going to teach me. If I want to absorb more knowledge, then it will be much more advanced knowledge. I'll need to learn straight from the experts of different fields. I really should lay out the truth to her, or at least attempt it. Our relationship may be new, but I genuinely want to continue it.
Right now, I'm just sitting on one of the outside benches, waiting for Gwen so I can talk to her in person. It doesn't take too long before the bell rings and highschoolers pour out like people escaping a burning building. Nia emerges from the flood and barrels into me. She's become less reserved after she was found out.
"Brother!!!!!" Nia cries, as she plows into my chest, her face upturned.
"Hey Nia. How was school?" I ask, placing my hand on her head, as I give her a head pat which causes a radiant smile to form on her face.
"It was fine. Some football player named Flash was bothering me along with some of his friends, but I scared them off. Oh, both Gwen, Peter and a girl named Cindy were asking me about you." She replies as she stands up straight and nuzzles her face into my neck. Her arms curl around my waist as if she's trying to merge with me.
It looks like I need to teach Flash a lesson. He's going around picking on girls even though he has MJ. And of all the girls he could choose, he chose my Nia. I am technically still enrolled until I take my GED test, so maybe I can frame him and his friends during school.
Eventually Peter comes out from the sea of students as well. Spotting me and Nia, he walks over to us.
"Hey Tyler, where were you? One of the girls in our Bio class, Cindy Moon, was asking me about you. And Gwen didn't look too happy. Did something happen between you two?" He sees Nia nuzzled into me, but he only sports a quizzical look for a second before he looks back to me.
"I'm taking my GED test soon. School is taking too much time away from me. Gwen's not too happy about my decision. As for Cindy, she's just being curious. I didn't tell you earlier because I figured that you needed the space, but why didn't you contact me?"
"I..uh…broke my phone this morning. I was having a little trouble controlling my strength.. and emotions."
"Sorry about that Peter. I'll make you a better one that you can't break."
"You don't have to do that—"
"No, it's fine. It's partially my fault anyways. Plus you need it, you can't be breaking weak phones left and right."
Gwen manages to arrive to our little group just as me and Peter's conversation ended. Her gaze flashes with a bit of anger just as she spots Nia fusing herself with me, slightly squirming about. I hear her heart skip a beat before pounding faster.
"Hey Gwen, I heard you were bullying Peter earlier." I say, cracking a smile and trying to lighten her mood.
" I..uh...I just didn't want to ruin her mood further." Peter mumbles.
"Well first I hear that you're quitting senior year early, which means your skipping prom. AND some Cindy girl is asking about all your life's details like she's some fangirl you picked up."
You are reading story =÷Horizon÷= at
"Come on Gwen. We can still do prom together. I just have to ask special permission and sign a couple forms. And you know I'm not going around hitting on other girls. I wouldn't do that to you. Tell me what I can do." I attempt to console her.
Her first reaction is to look at Nia snuggled up to me, not paying attention to the conversation at all. Gwen squints her eyes in suspicion, bringing a nail to her mouth, as if to bite it in anxiety.
"Gwen…?" I say, trying to catch her attention and save her immaculate nails.
Waking from her pondering, she replies back to me, "My parents want you to come over for dinner."
"Ok. When?"
"Tonight at seven. Be there." She commands, before strolling off.
I sigh a little at her attitude, but I honestly wasn't expecting her to stick with me after my incident with Nia, so I suppose I'm still doing better than predicted.
"Ok, Peter. I'll try to get a new phone for you as soon as I can. For now, maybe you can use that old Nokia phone we used for our dumb science fair project in 10th grade. I remember that it still worked after we tried using it to open coconuts. Just call me at 5:30 so I can save the number. I have to put this octopus back in the tank at home." I jest, rubbing Nia's head.
"Alright, see you around."
Gwen's House
6:45 p.m.
I'm standing on the front porch to Gwen's house. It's actually pretty dark out thanks to all the clouds and the time, so I was able to fly over in two minutes without arousing much curiosity from others. Her house is actually pretty close to Cindy's, in one of the nicer neighborhoods. I can hear the noises of three people bustling around with the clanking of plates and the sizzling of a grill. Probably steak. And from the smell, asparagus?
I'm dressed in a light grey suit because I find it more appealing than normal clothes and it will create a good pression. Finally working up the courage, I knock on the door three times and wait. A few moments later, a dainty middle aged woman opens the door. She looks quite similar to Gwen, but her hair is much longer, reaching her waist.
"Hello, you must be Tyler. You're a little early. Come in, come in. We just finished setting up for dinner." She says, as she welcomes me inside and guides me over to a rectangular table plated for four.
A decent-looking middle-aged man sits at the table across from Gwen.
"Hello, my name's Tyler, you must be Mr. Stacy." I give a genuine smile, reaching out for a handshake. He may have a feminine last name, but joking with your girlfriend's father isn't something you do when you first meet.
"Hello Tyler, Gwen talks about you all the time." He returns the handshake, but he squeezes his hand harder than one normally would. I keep my hand firm, but I make noove to try to increase my strength or display any discomfort.
"I would hope so." I say to him, then turning to Gwen, I ask, "How are you Gwen?"
"I'm fine." She replies in a cheerful tone. It doesn't seem to be faked either.
"All right, all right. Let's sit down and start eating before the food gets cold." Ms. Stacy says to everyone.
Gwen's mother sits next to her husband, leaving me to sit next to Gwen…...