The sun was above them, making the shadows disappear under the candidates, the students and the proud teachers in front of all of the ones that would be future students that were strong enough to pass the test, most of them were still exhausted, but the happiness was reflecting on their looks, some hugging the people from their own towns or standing next to the friends they made on the town, or, in some cases from the same test. The man with the dragon horns was standing proudly with his shiny armor, as well, other two teachers, one of them, the one that was at the end of the first part of the test.
“Congratulations to all those who proved themselves as worthy to be called a Templar.” A short woman with a strong looking armor told them. “But this is just the beginning of the path before you can show the emblem of the six temples in your back, and we will be glad to accompany you.”
“Be prepared, as the next test will be in a few minutes.” The woman they already knew told them, her hair was white and curly, the horns were growing out of it, and she was smiling with a kind face. “We can only accept the best, that is why, the next test is a battle with an experienced student, so pick your battle partner correctly.”
“Those whom will fight with you were not during the previous test, so they don’t have a clue about your abilities, take it as an advantage.” The man with the dragon horns told them. “Be prepared, and choose wisely, find that person that can take you one step forward to the glory.” He told and then turned away from the crowd.
“Eh… do you… mind… going… out with me?” Sharynn asked Sivir with a red face.
“Of course I will, you don’t need to ask.” He answered with a smile that enlighten Sharynn’s face.
“I suppose we will go together.” Emlya looked at Sar’Kah that was stuffing food from the table on her store box. “What…?”
“I don’t know if we will make it, so I will save them for later… to sell them.” She answered with a neutral face. “And yes, I will fight along you.”
“Whatever… Now, should we go to the blonde guy? He seems a little lonely.” The boy was standing next to a tree, he seemed to be looking for someone, but no one was getting close to him.
“Is everything okay?” Sivir asked, the boy got a little flustered. “Do you have someone to fight along with?”
“Yes! Well… no, I don’t know.”
“I can fight with you… for a price.” Sar’Kah told him.
“Are you going to ditch me? Just like that?” Emlya wasn’t offended as it was a normal conduct with her companion.
“You don’t need to fight, I know I can find someone-“
“Your highness.” A girl with a long black hair, long pointy ears that came out of her hair and golden eyes was in front of them, the expression in her face was almost null, but there was a very little smile on her mouth while talking to the boy with the blond hair. “I assume that you don’t have a partner for the fight, so I will help you.” She made a salute pulling slightly her dress, but everyone was shocked for the notice of the royal blood of the boy.
“Highness!?” Sharynn said, as shocked as the others.
“Mister highness, I am single and a virgin, so I can fight alongside with you and slice anything in your path, and if you want to marry me, we can arrange a price.” Sar’Kah was the first one to react and was offering herself.
“Stop trying to buy your freedom in an easy way.” Emlya told her.
“It is not of your business.”
“Please, refrain from be so close from the prince… or talk to him… please go somewhere else.” The elf was wary of Sar’Kah, they were able to see that she was jealous, and knew there was something between both of them.
“Are you two engaged?” Sharyn asked, and everyone were shocked a second time.
“Dammit! I was late.” Sar’Kah mumbled.
“I- I- We…- no, don’t-“ The girl was very nervous, showing an expression of embarrassment.
“No, she is a very old friend of mine, and my… brother’s assistant.” The prince told them.
“A pleasure to meet… almost… all of you.” The elf girl said. “My name is Erulyse.”
“Like the hero?” Sharynn asked.
“Yes, my father gave her that name. I am Rannor, second prince of the kingdom of Raynar.” The boy told them. “We-“
The fountain started to descend, leaving a circular platform where it was, and the students were now standing in front it, watching the candidates with smiles, and all knew what that meant, the next test was about to begin, and the man with the dragon horns appered once again, this time, holding three orbs with him.
“Listen carefully, as I will explain the rules.” The orbs started to float around him. “Some of you may have seen this kind of orbs, as some Arcanists use them as weapons, but, here, in the academy, we use a special type. These will show your hit points, or the amount of damage you can handle before losing a match. First team, please, come forth.”
“We will do this!” Two short boys stood in front of the principal with proud smiles.
“Who will we beat to a pulp!?” A student with long ears step up to the platform with a serious face. “Along eared!?”
“This will be easy!” The brother said.
“The old rivalry between two proud races, I would like to see how this develops, so… let’s finish the explanation of the rules. Each one of you will have these crystals floating above the platform, the liquid inside of it will descend with every successful hit, but don’t get so confident, as you still will feel the pain of the attacks. Candidates, drain half of the orb to win. For the students, drain entirely the orbs to win and reject the entrance of the candidate you defeat.”
“I will be the referee for the matches.” A human with a strong face announced himself. “I am the Templar Cario, teacher of tactics and advanced combat, so, please Principal…”
“Sure thing, Cario, take care of them.” The Principal jumped from the platform back to the place where the other teachers were, and the combatants were staring at each other on their positions, the platform was marked on the places they were supposed to stand for the battle.
“All the combatants ready?” No answer from the dwarf’s side.
“Yes.” The elf pulled his weapon, a spiral spear as tall as him appeared after a red flash and sparkles. His opponents showed their weapons too, one had two daggers, while his brother pulled a big sword, both showed a green flash.
“Start!” The elf jumped directly at the dwarf with the sword with an incredible speed, but he stopped the thrust at the last moment with his blade. “A counter measure for the lack of speed, I can say that you are indeed prepared for this kind of opponents.” The teacher showed how the orb of the student moved a little after the attack.
“I don’t get it.” Sharynn said with confusion looking at the orbs.
“The dwarf with the sword may have a thorn effect on his weapon.” Erulyse answered without taking her eyes off the match.
“Thorns…? I still don’t get it.”
“They will teach us eventually, so, no worries.” Sivir said with a smile.
“This is getting interesting.” Sarion said with a big smile on his face.
“No worries, you will have the spear back, with some modifications.” The proud blacksmith added to the conversation.
“Shut it, Grob! The test is not over yet! They both have to pass, remember?” Said the commander of the city guards. “Hey! Where the hell is the meat I ordered!?” The trio started to laugh, it wasn’t that much in the afternoon, but most of them were already drunk.
“Who would have known that the underworld boss of the academic city was so close with the commander of the guards.” One of the thugs said to the one next to him, both had the face covered, disguising perfectly.
“Yeah… You were on the cave before coming here… How is the girl?”
“The girl… she is a complete jewel, have the headquarters with a continuous headache, running everywhere n’ asking anything.” They both laughed, it was a relief that they had to investigate Axsvir Academy City instead of babysitting a bratty little girl the higher ups found a year ago.
“Anyways… clues on our…?”
You are reading story Templars – School of Knights at
“None… I assume we will need to go to the library to… Hey, can I get some of that meat too? You can charge it to the commander.” The man casually told the boy serving the food.
“It is easier to say…”
“We have no other choice.”
“I know… I know…” The two men finished eat and left before the fourth battle started, and no one ever saw them leave the place.
A candidate with the lines of a tiger was tied to the floor while her teammate was still fighting a dwarf student wielding a big shield, the entangler tramp was used to restrain them and the poison used on the battle was defeating them second by second, and soon enough, they were also defeated. The second team in a row losing to second year students, since the beginning, only the dwarf brothers, one of the harpy tribe and an elf were able to pass the test, and now, it was time for Sivir and Sharynn to stand in front of their opponent.
“This year, the candidates seem to be promising, it is the first time in a long time I don’t see a streak of defeats.” The teacher from the Sheeps tribe told the principal.
“Perhaps the gods have something prepared for these times?”
“I don’t like the philosophic you…”
“Let’s see how the boy from the southern lands goes… his partner is… unique, don’t you think?”
“I don’t see an issue.” The signal to initiate the combat was given and sharynn’s heavy charge did not wait, crashing with the heavy blade of their opponent, a student with long horns, from the ox tribe. Sivir went behind him with the blue lines on his arms, the student turned to defend from the attack, Sharynn’s spear, coated in a red glow attacked him and crushing his focus, moment that was used to finish the battle with a hit directly to his face.
“Stop! Magnificent tactic and use of buffs.” Cario stopped the battle as the orb reached it’s half point. “A perfect combination of a Vanguard and a Defender, you two make a good pair.”
“I am not a Vanguard.” Sivir said.
“You are… not? What is your role?”
“Forger.” He answered stepping down from the platform and letting everyone speechless, none of the candidates or the actual students have seen a Forger defeating a Vanguard with such ease.
“That is… interesting, but it is a proof that no role is inferior to another… Next team!” And so, two other teams fought, an both passed the test, but most of the people present were focused whispering about the forger fighting and defeating a Vanguard, a class that is not supposed to have combat skills fighting on equal terms with a role focused on damage. “Next team!”
“Yes… Yes… Let’s end this quickly.” Emlya answered.
“I agree.” An elf student pulled a Rapier within a red flash.
“I like the enthusiasm… Start!” As usual, the student attacked first avoiding the dagger threw by Emlya, but she was not able to see the chain that wrapped on her feet, by the time she realized, she couldn’t run, but the sword was at reaching point, and was engulfed in flames.
“Say goodbye…” The elf said.
“Goodbye.” A voice behind her made her turn, just to see a dagger attacking her throat, and then another attack on her back.
“Stop!” Cario stopped the battle, Sar’Kah was in front of the student that was stunned and with an angry face looking at the slave collar on the person that acted as if that battle was nothing, she was humiliated by a mere slave, so she left without saying a word. “Wonderful tactic, a distraction is always a good way to handle a stronger enemy. So, shall we proceed with the next pair?
“Yes… we… will go next.” Rannor told the teacher, next to him, Erulyse was looking at their opponent, a very strong looking human student.
“The second prince of Raynar Kingdom, let’s see how you battle.”
“Erulyse! Who gave you permission to play with a bastard!” A voice sounded from the candidates’ crowd. “Get back here!”
“Please prince… I”
“Silence! Obey me!”
“Prince Ronyr, they have already formed a pair for the battle, refrain from interfering-“
“Who do you think you are talking to!?” The prince interrupted the teacher in the heat of the moment.
“I am a teacher, a Templar, and the referee of this test, if you don’t like how I am following our procedures, please, leave the academy and lose your right to fight to be the heir of your kingdom, as you will no longer be welcomed here… I can assure that.” The teacher looked with furious eyes to the prince, even when he was expressionless.
“Y-you can’t talk to me like that!”
“Brother…” Rannor attempted to talk, but a pressure coming from the other teachers made every student froze.
“Prince, stand back, this is your last warning.” The principal said, but the anger was not from him, but from the woman with a soft smile and spiral horns next to him. “Once you crossed the gates and entered the academy lands, you leave your title behind, you are a candidate or a student, not a baron, duke or commoner. Do you understand?”
“I-“ The prince stopped and walked away.
“Good. Begin!” Without a second thought, a white wolf appeared next to Erulyse that ulled dher weapon, a long spear formed from a black aura, and charged to the student, mounting the wolf, the elf attempted to defend, but the black haired girl jumped at the last moment, the wolf exploded and a spear appeared to stab the student from behind.
“Not that simple.” The elf said with a lot of damage on her body, moving aside to avoid the attack, but the spear changed direction, the black aura bent and tabbed her, removing entirely the content of the student’s orb.
“Impressive, is the first time a student loses this way… my congratulations, you two have a future here.” The pair got off the platform, Erulyse went directly to the prince Ronyr, but he did not say a thing to her, and she just stood next to him. “Dear first prince, would you honor us with a show of your strength.”
“As you say…” The prince stood next to an orb user Support Arcanist. “You… buff me up.”
“Yes! Your majesty!” He answered immediately.
“I like that! Bring it! Little prince!” The second year student was a muscle mass from the ox tribe, he pulled a big club that was swinging with ease.
“Are you okay?” Sivir asked Rannor, but he answered with a smile.
“Yes, you now know my brother, he is a little…”
“...of a dimwit, I can tell.” Emlya interrupted. “How can you live with him?”
“I don’t, I-“
“Begin!” The battle started, but they did not have time to look at the battle, the sound of an explosion and a massive crystallization occurred in a matter of seconds, the platform was almost covered in a gigantic crystalline mass, and the students orb was completely empty.
“…Fuck…” Emlya said, was the only sound heard on the place.
“Indeed… The combination of the buff and your charged attack was impressive.” The teacher said, he had to use his own weapon to defend from the growing mass, a dagger that melted the crystal near him.
“I- I didn’t complete my buffing…” The Arcanist candidate was a stunned as everyone else. Ronyr was holding a long piece of crystal with the shape of a sword, the crystal started to crack and disappear, but his owner was just looking with despise to his younger brother.