Chapter 7: Chapter 6

The day was finally dying and the shadows where growing everywhere when all the combats were completed, and the number of the candidates reduced enormously, but the ones that were strong enough to be there, waiting to receive the title of trainee Templar were smiling with pride.

“Congratulations to all of you, that were able to complete the tests, and welcome to our academy.” The teacher with the spiral horns, symbol of her being from the sheep tribe, said with the same smile she showed. “My name is Rei’Zary, teacher of Arcane defense, Staff user Arcanists and an S rank Templar, and I, along with the other teachers and students, will be working with you, so you can become something you will be proud of.”

“Thanks to all of you, who decided to take the test and show us that you are what this world needs.” The man with the dragon horns said after his colleague moved. “I am Ther’Dah, principal of this academy, an SSS rank Templar and the strongest Heavy-Sword Vanguard the Templar has within the institution. It is a pleasure for me to be here, and now…” He moved and pointed to the main building of the academy, where an old dwarf wearing an armor the same color of the other Templars came, walking slowly to the same spot the principal was.

“Receive!” The dwarf lifted his hand to the air and closed it on a strong fist. In front of every candidate appeared, after a green flash and sparkles, white jewels, plain as they could be, and as big as a palm of a hand. “These are the symbol of the trainee Templars. It will tell us what we need to know, and you will use it to store your weapons, armors or items, in case you don’t have an item box, so take it… and become a Templar!”

Every candidate, with some hesitation, started to grab the jewels, immediately, it changed shape and color, depending on the candidate that took it. Sharynn got a blue hexagon, Emlya got a green diamond, while Sar’Kah’s was a red one. Rannor got a blue circle, like a giant pearl. Sivir was holding an undefined golden jewel, like it was confused on what to be, but, finally, it stopped on a green square. Every student was happily holding their jewel, the symbol they long trained for.

“This, as you can see, is what identify us as Templars.” The principal pointed to the jewel on his chest, a white diamond. “You can use it wherever you want, but use it, and the world will know who you are!”

“For now, please, go back to your families, they watched all of your effort and are waiting for you, to congratulate and celebrate with you, and tomorrow, the training… the hell, will start.” Cario told them with a plain face, and the candidates, now, first year students, ran towards the exit with excitement on their future first day of classes.


“Are they coming yet!” Sharynn’s mother asked her husband impatiently, they, as well the fathers from the other students were waiting outside the academy, the same place where their sons, friends or relatives waited to start the test that same morning.

“They will get here eventually.” The blacksmith was standing there, waiting for his daughters, on his hand, an enormous spiral spear was disappearing in a cloud of sparkles.

“A grandson or granddaughter?” Asked a voice behind them, an old man with a very elegant suit walked to be next to them, all waiting to see them return from their first big success.

“Daughters… kind of…” The old blacksmith said.

“You took care of ‘em since they were little rascals…” The most powerful person in the underground was there also waiting for them, he was a close friend, so Emlya and Sar’Kah, although not knowing who he was, were familiar with him. “They are yar’ daughters.

“They are our precious daughter.” Sharynn’s mother said.

All the families started to cherish when the new students finally showed from within the academy’s woods, full with smiles and running to hug the people waiting for them. Sharynn didn’t wait and ran towards her parents, with joyful tears, tackling them to the floor, but still not letting his family go. Sar’Kah pulled some of the food she got from the table at the fountain and giving it to Sarion, that paid with three copper coin, Emlya was blushed and refusing to look at the old man, but he hugged her. Lastly, Rannor was walking away with his grandfather, who was proud to see how his grandson used the wolf technique he taught him himself.

Sivir, walked pass everyone one, no one was waiting for him, still, he never felt alone, not from a long time ago, he was just happy to see how everyone was so happy to have their loved ones back, so he decided to walk back to the inn, but a hand stopped him, Sharynn was holding him tightly, with a blushed face she pulled him back to the crowd.


“Shut it! I-I cannot… won’t let you go!” She interrupted him. “Let’s celebrate!”

“Okay!” Sivir ran and pulled her to where her family was.

“Dear… I think…” Sharynn’s mother attempted to say something but was interrupted.

“Please don’t… not yet.” He knew what his daughter wanted, but was rejecting to accept it.

“I think this is for us to celebrate!” Sivir said. “But I need some space.”

“You got it!” Emlya said. “Everybody… move!” She pulled her chain from her newly acquired jewel, the impression made the crowd move, and then, a chest floated above the circle, and a fresh body fell from it.

“What is that?” Sharynn asked.

“Food, let’s eat!” After seeing the giant and headless creature, some of the cooks from various inns decided to create a bonfire to cook it. No one complained, after all, the food was enough for everyone and it was high quality meat.

Later that same night, when everyone was asleep, Emlya was sitting on the inn’s rooftop, asking if it was fair for her to pass the test, when most of the people she stole from probably didn’t. With a bitter smile, she released her hair, letting her ears free, but, when she felt someone approaching, she attempted to cover them once again, but it was too late, when Sharynn, along with Sivir were there, greeting her.

“We should go there…” Sar’Kah was next to her, and until that moment, Emlya didn’t realized. “I’ve been here since you started smirking.”

“Shut it…” They both jumped down. “What?”

“We are also nervous for the first day.” Sharynn told them.

“I am not.” Emlya answered. “I just like to look at the moon with my… ears… free.”

“Oh! You are an… elf?” Sar’Kah said. “I always thought you were just a thief.”

“Have you considered to let them lose all the time?” Sivir asked while attempting to touch her ears, and then, Sharynn also wanted to do it.

“Nah… I don’t like how the people in this city see the elves.”

“You are indeed a rare one, I haven’t seen an elf with a silver and beautiful hair like yours…” Sharynn said while still touching her ears. “The ones our village trade with, usually they are blue haired or green haired.”

“It does not matter, since I got here by myself when I was a kid…”

You are reading story Templars – School of Knights at

“This is not the time for sad stories, you will be a Templar, then you will be famous.” Sivir said with a smile, trying to avoid the bad mood.

“Yes, you will have money.” Sar’Kah added, but Emlya was used to her way of always thinking in money.

“I guess you are right, I am still not convinced on being one, tho…”

“You will never know until you try.” Sharynn told her in the middle of a hug. “We will go together and help you find out!

“I know! I got it! I can’t breathe…!”


A dark inn was located in a perfectly hidden corner of the city, where no alley or street that a normal person would walk on could ever know, only a few guards knew about this location, or better said, they may have seen it by chance on their normal rounds, but this place was perfectly known by the underground agents and people that work out of the public eyes. In that place, at hat specific time, when the moon was completely over their heads, five people, hidden in a dark corner and covered with long coats, were having an almost silent conversation.

“With this, we now can overcome the problem of the access to the library.” Said one with a very rough voice.

“It was easier than we thought.” Another one said.

“You were competing with kids… This is not a feat to be proud of.” Said a third one, who seemed to be a dwarf and the leader. “It is better to not let our guard now, we need to find the location of the…”

“Oi… ‘boss’, shut it.” A fourth one said, her bust was showing from the coat. “You don’t know who may be listening.”

“Hmmm… true, let’s split from here.” Without any other word, four of them left as shadows, the leader looked around him, searching for someone who may have been eavesdropping, but no one aside from them was there, so he left walking normally while his appearance changed slowly, when he finally reached the entrance to the academy, he was the height of a teenager, something he had not been for a long time.

“Hey! Kid!” A guard saw him looking at the entrance. “Nervous for your first day?”

“Something like that.” He answered, removing the cover from his face, but it was different from his adult form.

“No worries, go back to sleep, a great year for you starts tomorrow.” The guard said with a big smile.

“You have no idea.” He whispered to himself. “Thank you, will do.”


Most of the students were really excited for the first day, and, more than half of them were still with bags under their eyes or with the fuzzy hair, but the gate finally opened to them, almost immediately, the gems in their chests shined, putting them a suit similar for everyone, black pants that were really comfortable, a white gown with blue details and an inner shirt the same color as the pants. The shoes were different for everyone, adapting to every species of the students, as some of the tribes didn’t have human feet.

“Your first class is, again, in front of the fountain… see you all there in ten minutes.” A familiar voice sounded from a floating cube that went back to the academy after the announcement. “Don’t be late.” Whit this part, as the test the previous day, they started to run, but this time, there were no traps.

“Are we going to do this race every day?” One of the students asked.

“No, but you need to be on time every day.” The cube was floating over them, until they finally reached the fountain and saw the owner of the voice they heard. “I am Gredo, the academy’s blacksmith, I was the one who forged the gems you are using now.

“Pffft… a blacksmith.” Prince Ronyr attempted to make fun of him, but the blacksmith looked at him with severe eyes, making the boy shut up.

“I thought so.” The dwarf said with a rough smile. “Listen up, before you get to your dorms, your first class will be a practical one, as you already know, almost all the Academy City is filled with a dense forest, which provides an excellent way to obtain resources, and that is what are you will look for in this practice.” The man walked from left to right while talking. “You will go to the forest and get the materials you want to get your Academy weapons and armors. The only rule, don’t go pass the warning signals, there are rumors of a bug plague… and some Templars are still investigating.

“Bugs?” An elf said, mocking about the notice. “Who would send Templars to do so?”

“Soon you will know that, if a Templar is involved, is not just a waste of resources.

“Is there a reward for the ones finishing first?” Asked one of the first prince’s companions.

“You get to take a break before the others… but it will be your fault if your equipment is low level or weak.” Answered the dwarf.

“Any kind of material?” One of the tiger tribe asked.

“Yes, but think of your role, and decide if it suits you.”

“Can we go anywhere on the academy?” Sivir asked.

“Anywhere in the city.” He remained in silence for a couple of minutes, waiting for more questions, but no one said or asked anything. “Good, no more questions.” He pulled a crystal with a little storm of green sparkles, and a map appeared above him, showing rough drawings of materials and some monsters. “These are the locations with the best materials and locations of beasts, in case you want hides or bones, you better get there fast and collect what you need.”

“Can we sell them?” Sar’Kah asked.

“That is a weird question, but I suppose you can, still the quality would be low.” He answered, but the girl who asked did not changed her neutral expression. “Without any other word, prepare your collecting tools, and let the hunt begin!”