Guy made his way to work the same way he always had headphones on bearing a music and text while walking,(this is I'll advised unless you want a branch in your face).
He didn't notice the divert path sign again telling him to cross onto the other side of the road as he stared at his phone reading the latest chapter of his favourite book.
There were a few men up ahead with high some high visibility jackets but guy though nothing of it till one turned towards him, catching the movement of guy out the corner of his eye " WATCH OIT KID."
Unfortunately he's had already taken a full stride into the hole, like a screen straight out of crazy toons on second he was there the next, whosssh' he was gone.
The whole was only a few meter deep, so the men ran over to help the young man but when they looked he waw no where to be seen" wtf.".
Back to guy's poverty
He streamed bloody murder sounding closer to a little girl then a young man. As he continued to fall he closed his eye waiting for the pain of impact.
Yet the pain never came he opened his eye only to see darkness all around him as he continued his free fall, hurling to a destination unknown.
He had lost track of time very quickly with nothing to make a bering no land marks nothing. Only complete emptiness
Whi knew how long it had been minutes, seconds, days, weeks even months yet he felt nothing not hunger nor thirsty yet he could still feel something the warmth in his chest.
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Finally after an unknown period of time he saw something it started out as a small grey blot in the darkness and it was very rapidly approaching from underneath his growing in size.
Reading that he was on a direct impact course with this object he began to panic once again the fear if going splat he did his best frog paddle trying to go forward.
"I I THINK ITS WORKING HAHAHA." He laughed to him self thinking of his genius only to go splat no soon after.
Darkness once again surrounded only this time it was different it was warmer.
Guy opened his eyes and what greeted him was a black sky as he layed on a small grey platform that was made of an unknown material looking like a slightly more solid fog yet it was hard to the touch yet still slightly translucent.
[ beginning intergration]