Chapter 2: Learning the truth

Guy was very confused buy thhe current events however he knew that he couldnt dwell on those thought, surviival was the most important.

And right now he had nothing no food, no water and no shelter, the fact that he could breath was amazing as it honestly looked like he was in the void.

He took and deep breath and thought '' id better explore that menu and see what options are availabiy and see if maybe this is like on of those novels where the system can talk, i really hope it that one cause i need any help i can get right now.``. there infront of him hover the clear blue crystaline screen it was honestly rather beautiful, he selected the menu and soon many different options appeared how some were greyed out?






okay there was alot to take in well firstly there was terraform and as the name suggest it probably allowed him to change the grey ground into something else so he quickly selected it.


> Forest cost 300

> Hills cost 300

> Plains cost 300

"hmmm wtf is this cost" guy thought, however he was soon answers in his mind.

this is a mana cost to terraform the land from, the hosts mana it shell shape the landscape as that is on of the duties of a plane holder.

Guy's POV

"huh are you the menu, or system how are you talking in my head and what is going on, what is a plane holder, how did i get here" guy unloaded the quastions he had beening holding back as he nnow had someone to answer him.

System's POV

" I am the system but also not the system as i am only here tempory to assist you after which you are on your own, but to anser your questions, firstly you have been seleted as a plane holder also known as a creator, and i am talking in your mind as the plane is bonded with the host creating a feedback loop, as such they can be regard as both One and seperete..

You are reading story Creator at

Guy's POV

"okay so im boonded to this plane then, I guest that what happened earlier after i landed" guy was quick to put the peaces togethes, guest the stress and gravity of the sutation force him to think rathional no time or orbertaty distactions.

System's POV

" secondly a plane holder or creator as lesser lord of creation in the inbetween, where you are no a realm out side of time and space and the lesser universes, it it your role to help your plane grow, evole, and support life and to protect it. however this come with many benifits to the host such as a stronger body, mind and spirit and loner life span and as your plane get strong so to does the host. and lastly well the host ended up here via well an unforatuant acciedent from the celesttial ones as it there job to scout new creaters and one had been selected from your home world, however the host fell down the hole ment for him........ as such the host has recieved a free bloodline crystal token as apology.

Guy's pov


guy began stopping angrally across his small plane he couldnt belive it that it was an acciedent like how does suck a powerful being just mess up like that, how lazy do they have to be why could thhey just take then or summons the rather then make some stupid trap hole.

"ahhhhh i need to calm down whats done is done no like my life was that great anyway" guys thought atleast he could make the best of it as it still seemed like a descent opertunity though he had to see to what extent hes these abilites works.

" alright i understand so how do i activate the teramorph ability and how do i redeem this bloodline crystal thing and how does it work what i am gonna become like a vampire or god or something."

System's POV

"well in regard to the host queastions the number attacted the abiliy it a mana value and the host has to provide that much for it to activate, hoever the host doesnt have that level of mana yet however there is a technique that can be used to currcemvent that problem know as the saturation technique...generating ....."

a small book appeared in from of guy

" this book will explain how it works however there is a danger to it so it best the user be prepaerd for it an understadn the technique properally before using it and with bloodline crystals is a sealed from of evolution material allowing the host or those selected by the host to recieve a advanced bloodline however the host can only have one however the hosts while evolve continuasly, and to redeem the host merlly has to to think about using thee token and a random bloodline with be redeemed, it is very advisable to use this asap as humans have very limited portenial and there are many dangers lurking in the dark"

Guy's POV

" hmm okay i get it" guy took a while to process alll the information however didnt ingore that  part at the end about dangers, 

"Guess the place isnt that empty i guess i just cant see what is lurking out there."

Guy turned to the book on the floor and read though the technique was rather simple the host had to circualte there mana and slowly exhale it into the air and due to the properity of the plane the mana was just stay in the are and so doing so the host could act as a generator and build up the required mana, however there were some dangers highlighted as more mana goes into the are the air gets thicker and harder to breath mean as he does ativated the techique and begins to satuate the air it will slowly suffacate him.

while it wasnt ideal its all he could do.