Chapter 11: Harsh Training


An hour had passed and still no response from her. Didn’t help that I was hogging the phone like it was glued to my chest. I took my clothes out from the dryer and got dressed before heading back into my bedroom. My legs were jittery as they jumped up and down that desk chair ring, my mind passing the time by being unbearably restless. Shit, why had Tegan gone ahead and dropped all that bad news on me? I wasn’t as worried about my omega using me than her life being in danger. I had already convinced myself those words from Tegan came from a place of jealousy, because what I’d felt back there was genuine. There was no way she’d faked that. That kiss she’d given me was tender and warm… and nurturing. It felt like she’d promised to be with me, and that feeling was more than mutual.

Should I text her again?

I didn’t want to come off as someone clingy. It’d only been an hour, right? She could be busy.

I jumped, two sharp knocks suddenly falling on my door. I got up off my desk chair and opened the door, half expecting Tegan, but when I looked, it was Bann with a jolly smile on his face.

“You dog, you!” he said devilishly. “Hasn’t even been twenty-four hours and you gone bang an omega! Your fatha’ would have been proud,” he congratulated, strutting into my bedroom with an energy that looked like he was the one who had gotten some.

“Wait, Tegan told you?” I asked, letting the door behind us hang open.

“Aye,” he started, “didn’t give me the details, though,” he said, sitting on the edge of my bed, with his arms crossed and his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

I snickered. “Well, I sure as hell am not going to give ‘em to ya.”

“Wanker,” he grunted playfully. “You could at least tell me if that pot was fire?”

“It was… something different. I’ve had sex before. But nothing like that. Felt like my body was trying to fuse with her.”

He chuckled. “I hear that!”

“But when I finished, I noticed I was locked inside.”

“Shit, silly me, I hadn’t given you the run down. I couldn’t expect the orphanage to tell you about the birds and the bees—”

“No, I know how that works,” I interjected him, leaning my back against the wall. “Something grew down there when I’d transformed, because it wasn’t there before.”

“Ah, you mean the bulbus?”

“What the hell is that?”

“It’s a male canine erectile gland. Younger folks call it a knot, and when you blow a load, it swells up, and ensures the penis stays there. It’s called knotting, and the reason that happens is to make sure you impregnate that omega the first time, if she’s fertile, of course.”

“Well, shit…”

“Bet you noticed your equipment got a wee bit bigger, too, huh?”

“A wee bit bigger is an understatement,” I confessed, not to brag, but it was the truth.

“Part of the alpha gene,” he snickered. “I’m sure you’ll get used to it. Very desirable in the omega scene.”

“Heh, more like the porn scene.”

He laughed. “Come off it, mate. I know you’re enjoying it. I’m sure that omega did. Now come on, I want to get a few rounds in before dinner.”

“A few rounds of what?”

He got up, heading for the door. “While the sun’s still out, in the backyard. We can do some basic combat lessons. Tegan mentioned you nearly had a run in with Blake, the new head of the Lotus pack. And while you’re not as strong as he is, you can at least hold your own for a bit with defense strats. Don’t be shy, mate. I won’t bite your head off. Come on.”

I had a funny feeling he would.

Bann was experienced with this kind of stuff, protecting and defending turf, and being part of a pack. Sure, that session with my omega gave me a power boost, but I doubt it was anything close to what I’d be going up against with Bann, let alone Blake.

Bann didn’t look like the gentle teacher type either, so while I was following him down the backyard, I was racking up my nerves trying to figure out how he was going to teach me these basics.

“This here, is our playpen,” he said, stretching his arms out to his sides when he introduced me to his huge backyard. He continued pacing backwards while my eyes adjusted to the unusual modifications—the high metal fences, the abundance of trees, and the very forest-like representation of it all. It looked natural, minus the flower garden tracing along the kitchen windows. “It’s the quickest access to a realistic environment between two rival packs. We love to fight in our natural habitat. It gives us confidence, power, a sense of stamina, and a hint of challenge. And if there’s one thing an alpha loves, it’s a bloody fucking challenge, mate.”

Did I?

“The trees act like obstacles for the two parties, as well as a cover. And in your case, you’ll have to learn to facilitate them as both. While in beast form, and outside your beast form. Rememba’, an alpha’s best friends are super speed, super strength, and heightened senses. And when you toss longevity into the mix, you gain a sense of urgency to survive each and every battle. Not only for yourself, but for your pack as well. They depend on you, Tyler. I hope by now, you’re well aware that this isn’t a game.”

I narrowed my eyes on him, giving him a sharp and serious nod.

“Alphas, depending on the number of women they seed and the number of offspring they have, unlock a special trait called Hengi. As you already know, the more children you have, or the more women you impregnate, the stronger you become. And that is, Tyler, the only way an alpha gets stronga,’ which in turn, helps their Hengi form along the way. You, on the other hand, are a special case. Because you don’t have a pack, and still managed to regenerate the wounds inflicted on you last night. For a hybrid, that is pretty fucking OP, which means you may advance strength wise at a much faster rate.”

“Why is that?”

He shrugged. “Who knows. Maybe the wolf gods smiled down on you last night, had pity on your half canine soul. Heh, I really wouldn’t question it, mate. Just consider yourself lucky.”

Lucky—well, that’s one way to describe my last twenty-four hours. Part of it, anyways. While it was hard not to feel entitled by being able to regenerate, I felt like that was a compensation well deserved for being hunted down like a dog by four elite pricks with a vendetta.

I thought about everything Bann had said to me thus far and wondered if I was missing out on a better perk. So I asked him, “What types of Hengi are out there?”

“A wide variety, mate. Almost limitless. I’ve seen some alphas out there doing some wild shit, I mean downright diabolical.  There’s infectious bite, where a werewolf can bite a human, and turn that poor sap into a werewolf. Quickest way to grow a pack if you ask me. Those alphas are dangerous and need to be gunned down immediately. Then you have resilience, the closest thing to immortality among the werewolves. That’s where they can push through in a fight, despite severed limbs or parts. Meaning, you can chop that pup’s head off and it’ll still come at ya, claws bearing. You got healing, regeneration, telepathy, mind manipulation—Jesus Christ, the list goes on.”

“And Blake?”

He cocked his eye at me. “What about him, mate?”

“What’s his Hengi?”

“God honest truth, I have no idea. Can’t be anything worse than his father’s I’d imagine.”

“Did the previous king of the Lotus Wolves have infectious bite?”

He chuckled, circling me as I stood in the middle of our playpen. “Yeah, you can say that…”

Why didn’t he confirm it? Was that question hitting too close to home? If I had to guess, it might have something to do with his biological daughter, or his mate, not sure which. So I wouldn’t press on, leaving the question open for a number of possibilities. One thing for sure, though, I was glad I had one up on those freaks, something I could use to my advantage.

“Us werewolves are supranational, a special kind of breed beside human who would rather keep a certain light in secrecy. Even between ourselves, we packs tend to hide what makes us tick, what makes us function. If Blake had a Hengi, it’s in his best interest not to flaunt it, unless it’s absolutely vital to his survival. We wolves don’t like to show others what makes us vulnerable, and, what makes us powerful. Exploitation is a big facta’ among packs. And even to the outside world, we want to keep ourselves hidden. Because, as you can imagine, humans will start fearing what they don’t understand. And you know how that goes, right, mate?”

Hmm, that would explain some things, like why there hadn’t been any reported wolf attacks made public…

“We’ve been around for centuries, but when these hunters and their high dosages of silver make quick work out of our kind, we are forced to stay in our lane. Because once an alpha is made, the pack goes down rather quickly. Luckily for us, we’ve been doing a splendid job with keeping our heads low. And we’d like to keep it that way.”

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“Hmm, so that’s why you weren’t worried about bringing the both of us back on campus? You knew they wouldn’t act out of line.”

“The worst they could do is chase ya, mate. And I know my Beau knows her way around the area. She could easily shake them off. But as for you, you need a little more than just dodging tactics. And this is why we are here.”

“Tegan…” I paused, thinking hard about what he just said. “Did you train her to fight like an alpha?”

He grinned, a wide one too, stretching from ear to ear. “She’s all I have left, Tyler. If I’m going to bring her up in this world of predators, I oughtta’ give her the proper tools to survive. And it’s my job to give you those same tools.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Outside of your transformation, evasion is one thing, and defense is anotha’. And since we already know what triggers your beast form, we need to ground you before you expose yourself to the wrong type of people.”

“But I thought you said hunters believe that werewolves have long gone extinct?”

He chuckled. “Gullible little fella, aren’t cha? Just because the rest of the world thinks we don’t exist, doesn’t mean the hunters think we’d magically disappeared off the face of the Earth. A hunter’s job is never done. There’s a long lineage of pricks with pup toys out there just waiting for us to slip up. And seeing as you’d just been introduced to the blood moon, it is my job to make sure you don’t get snipped.”

Shit, not only did I have to worry about rival packs, I had to worry about hunters in disguise, too?

“Let’s get to it, then,” Bann said, positioning himself to defend. He grounded his feet and brought his fists over his face. “Come at me. Show me what ya got.”

He wanted to gauge where I was right now and work his way up from there. Too bad I had terrible news for him, I wasn’t a fighter. I landed a few lucky punches as a kid, when I’d been bullied at the orphanage. It wasn’t my place to start fights, I actively avoided them. So if Bann was looking for something extravagant, he’d be awfully disappointed. My pose mirrored his, but I hesitated. I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of my trained-to-kill uncle, but if an approach was what he wanted, I was planning on putting my best foot forward.

“What are you waiting for, lassie? Make like a frog,” he taunted, with a big smile on his face. He was giving me kill vibes, the way he was looking up his eyebrows at me. I could tell this veteran did this type of shit for fun, the look in his eyes making it harder for me to approach him. And after circling him for a few seconds, I lunged.

I didn’t have a clean angle of striking him down—Bann covered all access points. But he wasn’t trying to attack me, and I noticed that when I tossed him wave after wave of punches into his barricading arms. He played the part of defense and only that; the problem was I couldn’t get through to his face. Bann had a stamina on him, making me look lower than a beta. And while I was pouring hard breaths of exhaustion with every hook shot, he kept looking at me with that intimidating confidence on his face.

The moment I took two seconds to rest, he came at me hard. I wasn’t expecting it—I got too comfortable with the idea of him not hitting me back. He gave me a sharp punch along my jaw, then sweep kicked me into the ground. Motherfucker had a punch that stung harder than those pricks who had chased me. I thought I might have blacked out for a second, my head ricocheting off the ground before I felt the numbness inside my mouth.

“Always keep your guard up, mate. Hands over your face. Don’t let them get too close.”

Damn Aussie was a hard ass sparring teacher…

He had my adrenaline pumping alright, with my arm hanging over my knee as I knelt on the grass trying to recompose myself. He wasn’t holding back any shots at my expense, so I needed to treat this like a real dog fight.

I came at him again, this time anticipating him hitting me back. Though that might have put a dent on my offensive angle, because now I was applying less pressure, inviting him to attack me more often.

“Exploit those weak points, mate! Find your angle! Below the sternum, above the pubic bone along the gut, the side of the knees. This isn’t a dance—you need to fight to subdue and kill!” He barked at me, triggering me to move. But when I did, he punished me for it again.

I was going for a wide approach with that sidestep. I might have overcompensated, leaning the most of my weight into that kidney shot. He capitalized on my misstep, grabbing my wrist and using the momentum against me to swing me on the ground. Another punch, but this one had me bleeding. He broke my nose, that straight jab followed by another. Dead center into my face. I now understood why Bann hadn’t been holding back—he figured I could regenerate, which meant he was able to properly train me for an actual fight.

“If it hurts, it’ll rattle you up a bit, sending impulses through your brain, telling you to fucking hop off this pacifist bullshit!”

I grunted, Bann starting to tick me off.

“Get off your ass and defend your turf!”

I glared at him and that annoying toothy grin he was wearing. My chest heaved in and out, my heart beating out of my chest. I wiped the blood dripping down my upper lip before holding my fists over my face again. If he wanted me to beat the living shit out of him, so be it.

I charged again, this time, Bann introducing me to an offensive approach. He didn’t give me a half second to defend, bringing his entire body into the mix. He had me weaving and ducking, dodging and crossing him over. The pressure was almost too heavy to answer to, and the more he moved, the more I felt myself backing into a corner. This asshole was huge, even bigger than me, stripped with muscle I couldn’t even compare to. And he’d use every last one to try and subdue me.

While I learned I wasn’t the best at my offense, I was holding my own preventing him from hitting me again. That was until I felt the heel of my foot strike something behind me. An uproot—shit. What a terrible way to fail in a fist fight, the branch sticking up from the ground taking my back into the ground.

“Be aware of your surroundings! That’s fighting basics 101,” he retorted, then he showed me just how exposed I was from that more than minor fuck up. I took four shots into my ribs, Bann’s speed numbing me. Before I could even lower my guard to my chest, he took the opportunity to cave my face open, too. This time, my consciousness left me for a few seconds—I didn’t think he realized his fists hit harder than a truck.

I was leaking blood all over, this regeneration trait leaving me cold in the dust. When bully Bann finally had off me, he offered me his hand, my bloody vision noticing that satisfied smirk on his face.

“Come on, boy. Not the proper time to be proud about it,” he chuckled. “Honestly, after a beat down like that, there’s really nothing to be proud about.”

I clenched up my fist, spitting the blood that’s been lodged in my throat. My face, I couldn’t feel it, but I knew it was swollen, and I knew I was ready to make this Australian bastard pay for it!

I staggered onto my feet, the scene around me clouded and hazy. I feed Bann the deepest glower, that fire inside my chest igniting.

“Did you beat on Tegan like that, too?” I said, my voice sloshed and mudded. “When you were training her to fend for herself?”

He snickered. “I don’t offend that easily, mate. You, on the other hand, I could tell that you’re seething right now. You might want to tone it down a notch, ‘less you want to transform.”

I approached him slowly, Bann taking a few backward steps to widen the gap between us.

“Are you not listening, lassie? Clean your ears out and listen. This is an experiment. Your trigger word is red, and you need to calm down before you turn into a beast in my backyard.”

“Fuck your backyard…” I growled, seeing my blood putting me on rage mode. I might not have been as strong as Bann, but I had gotten a power boost from my omega. Even then, I couldn’t even keep up with him during a fight. Though in my wolf form, I may have an edge. I had handled myself with it before; I could do it again here.

In no time, I noticed my jaws opening up, making room for my canines to elongate. Bann noticed it too, that smile on his face finally cowering away.

“Tyler, calm down,” he ordered me, but I didn’t want to hear any of it! “I know you can’t avoid rage in a fight, but you have to. If you don’t, you’ll lead the enemy right at your doorstep. I’m serious, lad. You need to learn how to control your anger. Don’t let it overpower you,” he said, trying to calm me down. Right before I unleashed all hell into his sorry bones!

I could feel my face deflating, my regeneration finally taking its course. And just in time too. Somehow, I’d learned to compensate with my body, exerting a minimal transformation, one that left me with just the claws and the teeth for show. But inside, I had the power boost at my disposal, the fast reflexes, the strength, and the mobile speed. I was happy to use it against my fist-happy uncle, pushing him against the ropes when I charged at him. Now he was the one being cornered, Bann trying to discipline me while he played a thinning defense game.

Finally, I landed a slash on him, right into his chest. I gave that poor button holding his shirt together a break, ripping through his skin. But Bann took that attack personally, transforming at the same plateau I did.

He matched me, which gave me the confidence I needed to take him down. The impression of strike to kill continued to whisper in my head, and I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t stop until I killed him. Bann’s face looked like a halfway point between mutt and sapien, that anger breaking through him as well.

“Tyler, stop!” he growled, but I wouldn’t listen, this pin down he had me in making me take it a step further. I went full blown werewolf, crying out in pain as my body took the transformation. The second time was just as bad, a bone-shattering experience to give light to a new form—a stronger, primal form, with sharper senses, and a boost in speed. It felt like I was being eaten from the inside out, convincing my mind that my human form didn’t belong here. It made Bann jump back from me in fear, my uncle having a hard time comprehending how quick I had unleashed the beast.

On all fours, I brought my stance under the moonlight, my thick black fur springing into place. With my snout rolled back, I gave Bann the business, looking at him like a tasty snack.

“You’ve gotta’ be shitting me,” he cursed under his breath, his pose cautious, while mine was threatening.

That low emitting grunt from me made him take a few steps back, Bann now trying to reason with me. “Tyler, this is not the time,” he started. “We aren’t back in the woods with little red riding hood and his friends. We can get caught.”

Hell, if anything, his neighbors would just think that Bann got himself a dog, a big bad one.

I let that weak warning roll off of me. He was just afraid, and he had every right to be. If he were smart, he’d transform too, so he could have a chance to save his sorry skin. I wasn’t backing down, no fucking chance, lunging at him with my claws extracted, only to feel this sudden weakness overcoming me...

It was Bann, taking me out just as the real match started. Don’t ask me how, but I went down, falling flat on my face once he swept to my side with his arm at my neck. It didn’t take five seconds after for me to feel light headed, enough to pass out without a fight.